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Cincinnati RedsoutfielderAdam Dunnstrikes out swinging.

Inbaseballorsoftball,astrikeout(orstrike-out) occurs when a batter accumulates threestrikesduring a timeat bat.It means the batter isout,unless thethird strike is not caughtby the catcher and the batter reaches first base safely as a result. A strikeout is a statistic recorded for bothpitchersandbatters,and is usually denoted by the letterK,or sometimes by the initialismSO.A "strikeout looking" —in which the batter does not swing and the third strike is called by the umpire—may be denoted by an inverted K (i.e.).[1]

Although a strikeout suggests that the pitcher dominated the batter, the free-swinging style that generateshome runsalso leaves batters susceptible to striking out. Some of the most prolific home run hitters of all time (such asMickey Mantle,Reggie Jackson,andJim Thome) were notorious for striking out often. Notably, Jackson and Thome respectively hold the major league records for most and second most times struck out in a career.

Rules and jargon


A pitched ball is ruled aballby theumpireif the batter did not swing at it and, in that umpire's judgement, it does not pass through thestrike zone.Any pitch at which the batter swings unsuccessfully or, that in that umpire's judgement passes through the strike zone, is ruled astrike.Each ball and strike affects thecount,which is incremented for each pitched ball with the exception of afoul ballon any count with two strikes. That is, a third strike may only occur by the batter swinging and missing at a pitched ball, or the pitched ball being ruled a strike by the umpire with no swing by the batter. A pitched ball that is struck by the batter with thebaton any count, and is not a foul ball orfoul tip,isin play.A batter may also strike out by bunting, even if the ball is hit into foul territory.

A pitcher receives credit for (and a batter is charged with) a strikeout on any third strike, but a batter isoutonly if one of the following is true:

  1. The third strike is pitched and caught in flight by the catcher (including foul tips);
  2. On any third strike, if abaserunneris onfirstand there are at most 1 out;
  3. The third strike isbuntedfoul and is not caught by a fielder.

Thus, it is possible for a batter to strike out, but still become a runner and reach base safely if thecatcheris unable to catch the third strike cleanly, and he then does not either tag out the batter orforcehim out at first base. In Japan, this is calledfurinige(Chấn り đào げ),or "swing and escape". In Major League Baseball, it is known as anuncaught third strike.When this happens, a strikeout is recorded for both the pitcher and the batter, but no out is recorded. Because of this, a pitcher may occasionally be able to record more than three strikeouts in oneinning.

It is also possible for a strikeout to result in afielder's choice.With the bases loaded and two strikes with two outs, the catcher drops the ball or catches it on the bounce. The batter-runner is obliged to run for first base and other base-runners are obliged to attempt to advance one base. Should the catcher field the ball and step on home plate before the runner from third base can score, then the runner from third base is forced out.

Inbaseball scorekeeping,a swinging strikeout is recorded as a K or aK-S.A strikeout looking (where the batter does not swing at a pitch that the umpire then calls strike three) is often scored with a backwards K (), and sometimes as aK-L,CK,orKc(the 'c' for 'called' strike). In terms of gameplay, swinging and looking strikeouts are exactly equivalent; the difference in notation is simply to record this aspect of the time at bat. Despite the scorekeeping custom of using "K" for strikeout, "SO" is the official abbreviation used by Major League Baseball.[2]

"K" is still commonly used by fans and enthusiasts for purposes other than official record-keeping. One baseball ritual involves fans attaching a succession of small "K" signs to the nearest railing, one added for every strikeout notched by the home team's pitcher, following a tradition started byNew York Metsfans in honor of "Dr. K",Dwight Gooden.The "K" may be placed upside down () in cases where the batter strikes out looking, just as it would appear on a scorecard. Virtually every televised display of a high-strikeout major league game will include a shot of a fan's strikeout display, and if the pitcher continues to strike out batters, the display may be shown following every strikeout.

The use of "K" for a strikeout was invented byHenry Chadwick,a newspaper journalist who is widely credited as the originator of thebox scoreand thebaseball scorecard.As is true in much of baseball, both the box score and scorecard remain largely unchanged to this day. Chadwick decided to use "K", the last letter in "struck", since the letter "S" was used for "sacrifice". Chadwick was responsible for several other scorekeeping conventions, including the use of numbers to designate player positions.[3]

Those unaware of Chadwick's contributions have speculated that "K" was derived from the last name of 19th-century pitcherMatt Kilroy.If not for the evidence supporting Chadwick's earlier use of "K", this explanation would be reasonable. Kilroy raised the prominence of the strikeout, setting an all-time single-season record of 513 strikeouts in 1886, only two years after overhand pitching was permitted. His record, however, is limited to its era since the pitcher's mound was only 50 feet (15 m) from the batter during that season. It was moved to its current distance of 60'6 "in 1893. The modern record (1901–present) is 383 strikeouts, held byNolan Ryan,one better thanSandy Koufax's 382.

For 55 years,Walter Johnsonheld the career strikeout record, at 3,508. That record fell in 1982 to Nolan Ryan, who was then passed bySteve Carlton,before Ryan took the career strikeout record for good at 5,714.



Early rules stated that "three balls being struck at and missed and the last one caught, is a hand-out; if not caught is considered fair, and the striker bound to run." The modern rule has changed very little. The addition of the called strike came in 1858.

In 1880, the rules were changed to specify that a third strike had to be caught on the fly. A later adjustment to the dropped third strike rule specified that a batter is automatically out when there are fewer than two out and a runner on first base. In 1887, the number of strikes for an out was changed to four, but it was promptly changed back to three the next season.

The rule that a third strike (only) must be caught originates in the concept that a third strike is not an automatic out, but rather puts the ball in play. The rule was described at least as early asJohann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths' 1793 bookGymnastik für die Jugend(Gymnastics for Youth) and has remained in effect since. After the third strike, the ball being in play, the batter (now a runner) must be put out. This is almost always done immediately after the strike is made, by the catcher (putouts on strikeouts are still credited to the catcher),[4]but if the ball is not caught on the fly by the catcher, the batter/runner must be put out by the same means as any other runner who puts a ball in play which is not caught on the fly—by soaking (hitting the runner with a ball thrown by a fielder, now long obsolete), or by being tagged out, or by leaving the baseline, or byforce outat first base.[5]


Hall of FamerSandy Koufaxwas the first notable strikeout pitcher and the first to average more than a strikeout per inning pitched.

A swinging strikeout is often called awhiff,while a batter who is struck out by afastballis often said to have beenblown away.A batter who strikes out on a swung third strike is said to havefanned(as in a fanning motion), whereas if he takes a called third strike it is called apunch out(describing the plate umpire's dramatic punching motion on a called third strike). However, sometimes these words are used as general synonyms for a strikeout, irrespective of whether it was swinging or looking. The announcerErnie Harwellcalled a batter who took a called third strike, usually on the other team, "out for excessive window-shopping" or having "stood like the house by the side of the road".

On a called third strike, it is said that the batter wascaught looking,or that he looked at a strike. Typically, a called third strike can be somewhat more embarrassing for a batter, as it shows that he was either fooled by the pitcher or, even worse, had a moment of hesitation.

For example,Carlos Beltránwas caught looking at strike 3 to end the2006 NLCS,and the season, for theNew York Mets.Sports commentators have also been known to refer to it asbrowsingif the batter did not move his bat at all.

A pitcher is said tostriking out the sidewhen he retires all three batters in a half-inning by striking them out. This term is also used when all three outs were caused by strikeouts, regardless of how other batters in the inning fared. If a pitcher strikes out three batters on nine pitches, he is said to have pitched animmaculate inning.A batter that takes the third strike looking, especially on a breaking pitch like a slider or a curveball that appears to be out of the strike zone but drops in before he can get the bat off his shoulders, can be said to have beenfrozen.

In slang, when a batter strikes out three times in a game, he is said to have completed ahat trick.If he strikes out four times, it is called agolden sombrero.He receives aplatinum sombreroif he strikes out five times, and this dishonor is also known as theOlympic rings.

Striking out six times is a rare occurrence, which in the history of major league play has only occurred in games that went toextra innings,withSam Hornof theBaltimore Oriolesbeing one of the few to do this. The slugger's then-teammate, pitcherMike Flanagan,told reporters after that 1991 event that six strikeouts would thereafter be known as aHorn.He added that if anyone ever strikes out seven times in one game, it will be aHorn of Plenty.

Detroit Tigers fan keep track of their starting pitcher's strikeouts during a game in 2010, with each 'K' representing one strikeout.

Some pitchers who specialize in strikeouts have acquired nicknames including the letter "K".Dwight Goodenwas known as "Doctor K" (alluding to basketball starJulius Ervinga.k.a. "Dr. J" ).Francisco Rodríguezis known as "K-Rod".[6]Roger Clemenshas taken the "K" name to an extreme by naming his four sonsKoby,Kory, Kacy, and Kody.Tim Lincecumis nicknamed "The Say 'K' Kid", alluding to formerGiantsplayerWillie Mayswho was called "The Say Hey Kid".Daisuke Matsuzakais known as "Dice-K", a term that was used as a pronunciation guide for his name when he first arrived in MLB.

Hall of Fame strikeout artistSandy Koufaxof theLos Angeles Dodgerscoincidentally has a last name starting with "K", and in his call of the pitcher'sperfect gamein 1965, Dodgers announcerVin Scullycommented that Koufax's name "will always remind you of strikeouts".[7]

More than three strikeouts in an inning

The batter attempting to advance to first base after an uncaught third strike, which the catcher has already retrieved and is about to throw to the first baseman to record the putout

If a third strike is not caught cleanly by the catcher, it is still recorded as a strikeout for both the pitcher and the batter, but the batter becomes a runner and the play is still alive. (This is not true when first base is occupied and there are fewer than two outs; seeUncaught third strike.)[8]The runner may take first base unless the defense tags or throws him out. Therefore, a pitcher can achieve more than three strikeouts in one standard half-inning.

Prior to 1960, the event occurred only seven times.[9]The first Major League player to be credited with the feat was Ed "Cannonball" Crane of theNew York Giantson October 4, 1888.[10]It has occurred in Major League Baseball 76 times.[11][12]Chuck Finleyaccomplished the feat on May 12 and August 15, 1999, with theAnaheim Angelsand again on April 16, 2000, with theCleveland Indians.Pete Richertof theLos Angeles Dodgersis the only pitcher to do it in his MLB debut (April 12, 1962, against theCincinnati Reds).[13]Steve Delabarstruck out four men in the 10th inning, and recorded the win in a 3–2 victory over theChicago White Soxon August 13, 2012, making him the first pitcher in major league history to record four strikeouts in anextra inning.[14]

For a list of pitchers who have achieved more than three strikeouts in an inning, including the most recent pitcher to do so, seeList of Major League Baseball single-inning strikeout leaders.

Five strikeouts in one inning have never occurred in a regulation Major League Baseball game. They have occurred at least six times at theminor leaguelevel. John Perkovitsh of Wisconsin Rapids did so against Oshkosh in a Wisconsin State League game on May 17, 1946, whileRon Necciaiof Bristol in the Appalachian League accomplished the feat against Johnson City on May 17, 1952.Kelly Wunschof theBeloit Brewersfanned five in the third inning on April 15, 1994.[15]Mike Schultzof theLancaster JetHawksstruck out five batters in one inning on July 16, 2004, and Garrett Bauer of theRockford RiverHawksstruck out five batters in one inning on July 1, 2008.[16]Most recently, Malcolm Van Buren of theBurlington Royalsstruck out five in the seventh inning of a game on July 31, 2019.[17]That this has never happened in Major League play reflects the rarity of a pitcher getting a strikeout with an uncaught third strike, but also that,

  1. A second uncaught third strike happens with two outs, whether or not a runner is on first base and that the batter safely reaches first base, or
  2. that with fewer than two outs, the first baserunner, who reached base on an uncaught third strike, must have scored or be on a base other than first before another strikeout with a dropped 3rd strike can occur. Alternately, one or two normal strikeouts must be recorded before the second runner can possibly reach first base on a dropped 3rd strike; only when the second batter-runner reaches base can the 5th strikeout be completed.

Houston AstrospitcherJoe Niekrostruck out five Minnesota Twins batters in the first inning of an exhibitionspring traininggame[18]on April 7, 1976, in New Orleans. Niekro's catcher,Cliff Johnson,was charged with five passed balls in the inning.[19]Exhibition games are not recorded in official statistics.




An electronic banner announcing the milestone achievement ofJohn Smoltzrecording his 3000th strikeout during a game in April 2008

Career total


The top 20Major League Baseballcareer strikeout leaders (active players inbold) (since 1901):[20]

  1. Nolan Ryan– 5,714
  2. Randy Johnson– 4,875
  3. Roger Clemens– 4,672
  4. Steve Carlton– 4,136
  5. Bert Blyleven– 3,701
  6. Tom Seaver– 3,640
  7. Don Sutton– 3,574
  8. Gaylord Perry– 3,534
  9. Walter Johnson– 3,509
  10. Justin Verlander– 3,416
  11. Max Scherzer– 3,407
  12. Greg Maddux– 3,371
  13. Phil Niekro– 3,342
  14. Ferguson Jenkins– 3,192
  15. Pedro Martínez– 3,154
  16. Bob Gibson– 3,117
  17. Curt Schilling– 3,116
  18. CC Sabathia– 3,093
  19. John Smoltz– 3,084
  20. Zack Greinke– 2,979

Active pitchers with over 2,000 strikeouts (as of September 29, 2024):[21]

  1. Justin Verlander– 3,416
  2. Max Scherzer– 3,407
  3. Clayton Kershaw– 2,968
  4. Chris Sale– 2,414
  5. Gerrit Cole– 2,251
  6. Charlie Morton– 2,047
  7. Lance Lynn– 2,015
  8. Yu Darvish– 2,007

Strikeouts per 9 innings


The top 10Major League Baseballcareerstrikeout-per-nine inningsleaders (since 1900, minimum 1,000IP):[22]

  1. Blake Snell- 11.22
  2. Chris Sale– 11.09
  3. Robbie Ray– 11.06
  4. Jacob deGrom– 10.96
  5. Max Scherzer– 10.65
  6. Randy Johnson– 10.60
  7. Yu Darvish– 10.58
  8. Stephen Strasburg– 10.54
  9. Gerrit Cole– 10.36
  10. Kerry Wood– 10.31

The top 5Major League Baseballsingle-season strikeout-per-nine innings leaders (since 1900, minimum 1.0IPper team game):[23]

  1. Shane Bieber,2020 – 14.19
  2. Gerrit Cole,2019 – 13.81
  3. Jacob deGrom,2020 – 13.76
  4. Spencer Strider,2023 - 13.54
  5. Randy Johnson,2001 – 13.40



The top 10Major League Baseballsingle-season strikeout totals (since 1900):[24]

Pitcher Strikeouts Season Team League Overall Rank
Nolan Ryan 383 1973 California Angels AL 8
Sandy Koufax 382 1965 Los Angeles Dodgers NL 9
Randy Johnson 372 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks NL 11
Nolan Ryan 367 1974 California Angels AL 14
Randy Johnson 364 1999 Arizona Diamondbacks NL 15
Rube Waddell 349 1904 Philadelphia Athletics AL 18
Bob Feller 348 1946 Cleveland Indians AL 19
Randy Johnson 347 2000 Arizona Diamondbacks NL 20
Nolan Ryan 341 1977 California Angels AL 25
Randy Johnson 334 2002 Arizona Diamondbacks NL 30

The top 10Major League Baseballsingle-season strikeout totals (all time):[25]

Pitcher Strikeouts Season Team League Overall Rank
Matt Kilroy 513 1886 Baltimore Orioles AA 1
Toad Ramsey 499 1886 Louisville Colonels AA 2
Hugh Daily 483 1884 Chicago Browns/Pittsburgh Stogies/Washington Nationals UA 3
Dupee Shaw 451 1884 Detroit Wolverines/Boston Reds NL/UA 4
Old Hoss Radbourn 441 1884 Providence Grays NL 5
Charlie Buffington 417 1884 Boston Beaneaters Da 6
Guy Hecker 385 1884 Louisville Eclipse AA 7
Nolan Ryan 383 1973 California Angels AL 8
Sandy Koufax 382 1965 Los Angeles Dodgers NL 9
Bill Sweeney 374 1884 Baltimore Monumentals UA 10



Progression of major league strikeout record for one nine-inning game, regular season (partial listing):

Modern era:

Note:Tom Cheneystruck out 21 batters overall, in a 16-inning game, September 12, 1962.[28]He had 13 strikeouts through the first nine innings.

Progression of strikeout record,World Seriesgame:

Progression of major league strikeout record for a relief pitcher, regular season (partial listing):[30]





The top 15Major League Baseballcareer strikeout leaders (as of September 29, 2024):[32]

  1. Reggie Jackson– 2,597
  2. Jim Thome– 2,548
  3. Adam Dunn– 2,379
  4. Sammy Sosa– 2,306
  5. Alex Rodriguez– 2,287
  6. Miguel Cabrera– 2,105
  7. Andrés Galarraga– 2,003
  8. Justin Upton- 1,971
  9. Giancarlo Stanton– 1,963
  10. José Canseco– 1,942
  11. Willie Stargell– 1,937
  12. Mark Reynolds– 1,927
  13. Nelson Cruz– 1,916
  14. Curtis Granderson– 1,916
  15. Mike Cameron– 1,901

Active batters with over 1,300 K's (as of September 29, 2024):

  1. Giancarlo Stanton– 1,963
  2. Paul Goldschmidt– 1,879
  3. Andrew McCutchen– 1,775
  4. J.D. Martinez– 1,714
  5. Freddie Freeman– 1,635
  6. Eugenio Suárez– 1,618
  7. Bryce Harper– 1,533
  8. Mike Trout– 1,485
  9. Nick Castellanos– 1,484
  10. Carlos Santana– 1,449
  11. Christian Yelich– 1,381
  12. Marcell Ozuna– 1,343
  13. Kyle Schwarber– 1,330



Single-season strikeout records (batters):

Rank Player Team Strikeouts Year
Mark Reynolds Arizona Diamondbacks 223 2009
Adam Dunn Chicago White Sox 222 2012
Chris Davis Baltimore Orioles 219 2016
Yoan Moncada Chicago White Sox 217 2018
Chris Carter Houston Astros 212 2013
6 Mark Reynolds Arizona Diamondbacks 211 2010
Giancarlo Stanton New York Yankees 211 2018
8 Chris Davis Baltimore Orioles 208 2015
Aaron Judge New York Yankees 208 2017
Joey Gallo Texas Rangers 207 2018

Game (teams combined)


Progression of record for total strikeouts by both teams in one game (partial listing):

  • 33 – San Francisco Giants at Philadelphia Phillies (14 innings), June 22, 1958.[33][34]Matched by:
    • 33 – Washington Senators at Cleveland Indians (19 innings), June 14, 1963[35][34]
  • 36 – San Francisco Giants at New York Mets (23 innings), May 31, 1964[36][37][34]
  • 43 – California Angels at Oakland Athletics (20 innings), July 9, 1971[38][39][37]
  • 48 – New York Yankees at Chicago Cubs (18 innings), May 7, 2017[40][39]

See also



  1. ^Major League Baseball(2001–2009)."Baseball Basics: Abbreviations".RetrievedSeptember 2,2009.
  2. ^"The Official Site of Major League Baseball: Official info: Baseball Basics: Abbreviations".Mlb.mlb.com. May 24, 2013.RetrievedJune 6,2013.
  3. ^"In baseball scoring, why is a strikeout marked with a K?".Thestraightdope.com.RetrievedDecember 20,2005.
  4. ^"Putout (PO): Definition".Major League Baseball.RetrievedMarch 30,2021.
  5. ^Hershberger, Richard (Spring 2015)."The Dropped Third Strike: The Life and Times of a Rule".Baseball Research Journal.SABR (Society for American Baseball Research).RetrievedMarch 30,2021.
  6. ^"Truth&Rumors | K-Rod expects to leave Angels".FanNation. March 22, 2008.RetrievedJune 6,2013.
  7. ^Shaikin, Bill (September 25, 2016)."Three calls that are arguably Vin Scully's all-time best".Los Angeles Times.RetrievedDecember 26,2017.
  8. ^Official Rules of Major League Baseball6.09b
  9. ^"Four Strikeouts in One Inning".Baseball-almanac.com.2011.RetrievedMay 12,2011.
  10. ^"Fluke or Feat: Ranking the Toughest Single Game Accomplishments in MLB".Bleacherreport.com.2011.RetrievedMay 13,2011.
  11. ^"Rare Feats: Four K's in One Inning".mlb.mlb.com.RetrievedAugust 17,2012.
  12. ^Kercheval, Nancy (June 25, 2011)."Burnett Becomes First New York Yankee to Strike Out 4 in a Single Inning".Bloomberg.com.Bloomberg.RetrievedSeptember 28,2011.
  13. ^"Los Angeles Dodgers 11, Cincinnati Reds 7".Retrosheet.org. April 12, 1962.RetrievedOctober 17,2010.
  14. ^"Cooper drives in winning run as Jays beat White Sox in 11th".TSN.ca.August 13, 2012.RetrievedAugust 14,2012.
  15. ^"Brewer Farmhand Fans 5 - In One Inning".April 21, 1994.RetrievedJuly 31,2019.
  16. ^"Bauer K's 5 in first; James hits winner in 12th".Rockfordriverhawks.com.July 1, 2008.RetrievedOctober 17,2010.
  17. ^Burlington Baseball- 2021 Appy League [@BurlingtonBases] (July 31, 2019)."Mid 7: MALCOLM VAN BUREN STRIKES OUT FIVE BATTERS IN ONE INNING! Twins kept off the board as they still lead 6-5"(Tweet).RetrievedDecember 31,2020– viaTwitter.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  18. ^Schlossberg, Dan (2007).Baseball Gold: Mining Nuggets from Our National Pastime.Chicago: Triumph Books. pp.302–303.ISBN978-1-57243-958-0.
  19. ^The Chicago Tribune,April 8, 1976, p. C2
  20. ^"Career Leaders & Records for Strikeouts".Baseball-Reference.com.RetrievedOctober 14,2018.
  21. ^"Active Leaders & Records for Strikeouts".Baseball-Reference.com.RetrievedOctober 14,2018.
  22. ^"Career Leaders & Records for Strikeouts per 9 IP".Baseball-Reference.com.RetrievedOctober 14,2018.
  23. ^"Single-Season Leaders & Records for Strikeouts per 9 IP".Baseball-Reference.com.RetrievedOctober 14,2018.
  24. ^"Strikeouts Single Season Leaders by Baseball Almanac".Baseball-almanac.com.RetrievedJune 6,2013.
  25. ^"Single-Season Leaders & Records for Strikeouts".RetrievedMay 10,2011.
  26. ^ab"Baseball Recordbook 2007"(PDF).Sporting News.p. 63.
  27. ^Bevis, Charlie."George Bignell".SABR.RetrievedJune 6,2013.
  28. ^"Washington Senators 2, Baltimore Orioles 1".Retrosheet.September 12, 1962.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  29. ^"St. Louis Cardinals 4, Detroit Tigers 0".Retrosheet.October 2, 1968.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  30. ^"Strikeout Records".Baseball Almanac.
  31. ^"Arizona Diamondbacks 3, San Diego Padres 0".Retrosheet.July 18, 2001.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  32. ^"Career Leaders & Records for Strikeouts".
  33. ^"San Francisco Giants 5, Philadelphia Phillies 4 (1)".Retrosheet.June 22, 1958.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  34. ^abc"Major League Records Set in Marathon".Chicago Tribune.June 1, 1964.RetrievedMay 8,2017– via newspapers.com.
  35. ^"Cleveland Indians 3, Washington Senators 2 (2)".Retrosheet.June 14, 1963.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  36. ^"San Francisco Giants 8, New York Mets 6 (2)".Retrosheet.May 31, 1964.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  37. ^ab"Mangual Ends Angels' Night Life".St. Louis Post-Dispatch.July 10, 1971.RetrievedMay 8,2017– via newspapers.com.
  38. ^"Oakland Athletics 1, California Angels 0".Retrosheet.July 9, 1971.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  39. ^ab"Yankees-Cubs sets MLB record with 48 combined strikeouts".ESPN.com.May 8, 2017.RetrievedMay 8,2017.
  40. ^"New York Yankees vs. Chicago Cubs – Box Score".ESPN.com.May 7, 2017.RetrievedMay 8,2017.

Further reading
