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Strymon (theme)

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Theme of Strymon
Στρυμών, θέμα Στρυμόνος
Themeof theByzantine Empire

Map ofByzantine Greececa. 900 AD, with the themes and major settlements.
Historical eraMiddle Ages
• Established
probably 840s
• Conquered byLatins
• Serres conquered bySerbs.
Today part ofGreece

TheTheme of Strymon(Greek:θέμα Στρυμόνος) was aByzantinemilitary-civilian province (theme) located in modernGreek Macedonia,with the city ofSerresas its capital. Founded probably by the mid-to-late 9th century, its history as an administrative history was chequered, being variously split up and/or united with neighbouring themes.



The theme covered the region between theStrymonandNestosrivers, between theRhodopemountains and theAegean Sea.The area was strategically important. Not only did the theme control the exits to the mountain passes from theSlav-dominated interior of theBalkansinto the coastal plains of Macedonia, but it was transversed by the greatVia Egnatiahighway, which linked Byzantine-controlledThracewithThessalonica,the Empire's second-largest city.[1][2]The region was peopled predominantly with Slavs from the late 7th century on, and retained a significant Slavic population at least until the 11th century.[3]Its main cities were Serres,Philippi,ChristoupolisandChrysopolis,while it may also initially have included the cities ofXanthiandMosynopoliseast of the Strymon.[3][4]



In the 8th century, Strymon was akleisouraofMacedonia.[5]The exact date of its establishment as an independent theme is unknown, but it probably dates to the first half of the 9th century.[6]A passage inTheophanes the Confessordated to 809 may imply its existence already at that date, but its governor is not included in the list of offices known as theTaktikon Uspenskyof c. 842. Thestrategosof Strymon first appears in the 899Kletorologion,although a series of seals naming botharchontesandstrategoiof Strymon are known from the second quarter of the 9th century.[1][3][6]In addition, the bishop of Serres was elevated to an archbishop at about the same time, a possible indication of the establishment of a thematic capital there.[6]Several authors like the French ByzantinistPaul Lemerlesupport its creation in the late 840s, duringTheoktistos's anti-Slavic campaigns,[7]but historianWarren Treadgoldconsiders it to have become a full theme in c. 896, to counter the threat of theBulgariantsarSymeon I(r. 893–927).[8]

Seal of Andronikos,protospathariosandkritesofBoleron,Strymon, andThessalonica

In the late 10th century, the theme was divided in two parts: Strymon proper, also known asChryseubaorChrysaba(Χρυσεύβα/Χρυσάβα, according to the Greek scholarNikolaos OikonomidesaHellenizedform of "Krushevo", modernAchladochori), and the theme ofNew Strymon(Νέος Στρυμών). The latter is known only through theEscorial Taktikonof c. 975. Oikonomides identifies it either with the portion of the old theme east of the Nestos, which was later raised to a separate theme asBoleron(Greek: Βολερόν), or with a northern portion along the upper Strymon, possibly acquired after EmperorJohn I Tzimiskes's (r. 969–976)conquest of Bulgariain 971.[3][9]Towards the end of the 10th century, the theme of Strymon appears to have been united with that of Thessalonica and perhaps alsoDrougoubiteia,while in the 11th century it appears united with Boleron.[3]

The theme continued in existence until the dissolution of the Byzantine Empire by theFourth Crusade(1204), when it became part of the short-livedLatinKingdom of Thessalonica.In 1246, after theNicaean emperorJohn III Vatatzes(r. 1221–1254) conquered Macedonia, the theme was re-established as a separate province. In the 14th century, however, it again appears as combined with other provinces such as the themes of Boleron and Thessalonica or as the theme of "Serres and Strymon".[3][10]It was permanently dissolved after the region's conquest by theSerbian Empirein the 1340s, during a Byzantinecivil war.


  1. ^abFine 1991,p. 83.
  2. ^Obolensky 1974,pp. 77–78.
  3. ^abcdefODB,"Theme of Strymon" (T. E. Gregory), p. 1968.
  4. ^Obolensky 1974,p. 78.
  5. ^Pertusi 1952,pp. 166–167;Treadgold 1995,pp. 33, 76.
  6. ^abcNesbitt & Oikonomides 1991,p. 104.
  7. ^Pertusi 1952,p. 166.
  8. ^Treadgold 1995,pp. 33, 36, 67.
  9. ^Oikonomides 1972,p. 357.
  10. ^Bartusis 1997,p. 68.

