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Su Hui (poet)

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Su Hui, from an 18th-century book,Wan hsiao tang,byKuan-Shou.

Su Hui(simplified Chinese:Tô huệ;traditional Chinese:Tô huệ;pinyin:Sū Huì,fourth century CE) was a Chinese poet of the MiddleSixteen Kingdomsperiod (304 to 439) during theSix Dynastiesperiod. Hercourtesy nameisRuolan(traditional Chinese:Nhược lan;simplified Chinese:Nhược lan;pinyin:Ruòlán). Su is famous for her extremely complexpalindrome poem(huiwenHồi văn ), apparently having innovated thisgenre,as well as producing the most complex example to date.[1]Su Hui is depicted in theWu Shuang Pu( vô song phổ, Table of Peerless Heroes) by Jin Guliang.


Su Hui with her greatpalindrome,theXuanji Tu.

TheJin dynasty (266–420)had briefly unified the Chinese empire, in 280, but from 291 to 306 a multi-sided civil war known as theWar of the Eight Princesraged through northern China, devastating that part of the country. For the first thirteen years this was an all-out struggle for power among princes and dukes. Then in 304 CE the leader of the formerly independent ethnic nation of the NorthernXiongnudeclared independence, under its newly declared GrandChanyu,Liu Yuan(later Prince Han Zhao). Various other non-Han Chinese groups became involved, in what is known as theWu Hu uprising.By 317 the last Jin prince left standing, now as emperor, ruled an empire reduced to its former southern area, and the former northern part of the Jin empire had been subdivided into a number of independent states. In 351, the state ofFormer Qinwas founded, and by 376 it had succeeded in unifying northern China. Su Hui was a poet of the kingdom of Former Qin (351-394). She was from a literate family, in what is nowFufeng County,inShaanxi Province.She was the third daughter of Su Daozhi. Su Hui married at sixteen (fifteen, by Western reckoning), and went to live with her husband, Dou Tao, to what is nowQinzhou District,Tianshui,Prefecture, inGansuProvince, where he was the governor.

Palindrome Poem: Xuanji Tu

Su Hui embroidering in circle from a Qing dynasty illustration

Su Hui was known for an important and unusual poem. This was described in contemporary sources as shuttle-woven onbrocade,meant to be read in a circle, and consisting of 112 or else 840 characters. By theTang period,the following story about the poem was current:[2]

Dou Tao of Qinzhou was exiled to the desert, away from his wife Lady Su. Upon departure from Su, Dou swore that he would not marry another person. However, as soon as he arrived in the desert region, he married someone. Lady Su composed a circular poem, wove it into a piece of brocade, and sent it to him.[3]

Another source, naming the poem asXuanji Tu(Picture of the Turning Sphere), claims that it was a palindromic poem comprehensible only to Dou (which would explain why none of the Tang sources reprinted it), and that when he read it, he left his desert wife and returned to Su Hui.[4]

The text of the poem was circulated continuously in medieval China and was never lost, but during theSong dynastyit became scarce. The 112 character version was included in early sources. The earliest excerpts of the 840 character version date from a 10th-century text byLi Fang.Several 13th century copies were attributed to famous women of the Song dynasty, but falsely so.[5]In theMing dynastythe poem became quite popular and scholars discovered 7,940 ways to read it. It was also mentioned in the storyFlowers in the Mirror.The poem is in the form of a twenty-nine by twenty-nine character grid, and can be read forward or backwards, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, as well as within its color-coded grids.[6]

Su Hui'sXuanji Tupalindromepoem insimplified characters(left) and in the originaltraditional characters(right)

During theQing dynastythe character tâm (heart) was added to the center of the poem, so that it now has 841 characters.

Other poems


Other poems attributed to Su Hui are extant, but seem to date from the Ming Period.

See also



  1. ^Hinton, 105
  2. ^Wang, 51
  3. ^Wang, 51
  4. ^Wang, 52
  5. ^Wang, 80-81
  6. ^Hinton, 108


  • Hinton, David (2008).Classical Chinese Poetry: An Anthology.New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.ISBN0-374-10536-7/ISBN978-0-374-10536-5.
  • Wang, Eugene. "Patterns Above and Within:Picture of the Turning Sphereand Medieval Chinese Astral Imagination. "In Wilt Idema, ed.,Book by Numbers,49–89. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2007.