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Modern rendering of Sugaar as serpent in thelauburuby Josu Goñi

InBasque mythology,Sugaar(alsoSugar,Sugoi,Suarra,Maju) is the male half of a pre-ChristianBasquedeityassociated with storms and thunder. He is normally imagined as adragonorserpent.Unlike his female consort,Mari,there are very few remaining legends about Sugaar. The basic purpose of his existence is to periodically join with Mari in the mountains to generate the storms.

In one myth Sugaar seduces aScottishprincess in the village ofMundakato father the mythical firstLord of Biscay,Jaun Zuria.This legend is believed to be a fabrication made to legitimize the Lordship ofBiscayas a separate state fromNavarre,because there is no historical account of such a lord. Only the fact that the delegates of Mundaka were attributed with the formal privilege of being the first to vote in theBiltzar(Parliament) of the province may look as unlikely indication of the partial veracity of this legend.


The nameSuga(a)ris derived fromsuge(serpent) and-ar(male), thus "male serpent".[1]The suggestions of a formation based onsu(fire) andgar(flame), thus yielding "flame of fire" are consideredfolk etymology.[1]

Sugoi,another name of the same deity, has two possible interpretations, either asuge+o[h]i(former, "old serpent" ) orsu+goi( "high fire" ).[citation needed]There is no likely etymology for the third name of this god,Maju.

Local legends on Sugaar[edit]

  • InAtaunhe is said to have two homes: in the caves ofAmundaand Atarreta. He is said to have been witnessed crossing the sky in form of fire-sickle, what is considered presage of storms. In this area is also said that Sugaar punishes the children that disobey their parents.
  • InAzkoitiaSugaar is clearly identified with Maju. He meets Mari on Fridays (the day of theakelarreorsabbat), conceiving then the storms.
  • InBeteluSugaar is known asSuarraand considered ademon.There they say that he travels through the sky in the shape of afireball,between the mountainsBalerdiand Elortalde.

See also[edit]


  1. ^abTrask, L.(1997).The History of Basque.Routledge.ISBN0-415-13116-2.
  • Dueso, José (1996).La primitiva religión de los vascos[The primitive religion of the Basques] (in Spanish). Orain S.A.ISBN84-89077-56-8.