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Thesyntrophinsare a family of five 60-kiloDaltonproteinsthat are associated withdystrophin,the protein associated withDuchenne muscular dystrophyandBecker muscular dystrophy.The name comes from the Greek wordsyntrophos,meaning "companion." The five syntrophins are encoded by separategenesand are termedα,β1,β2,γ1,andγ2.Syntrophin was first identified as a dystrophin-associated protein present in theTorpedoelectric organ(originally called "58K protein" ). Subsequently, α-syntrophin was shown to be the predominantisoforminskeletal musclewhere it is localized on thesarcolemmaand enriched at theneuromuscular junction.The β-syntrophins and γ2-syntrophin are also present in skeletal muscle but also are in most other tissues. The expression of γ1-syntrophin is mostly confined to brain. The syntrophins areadaptor proteinsthat use their multiple protein interactiondomains(twopleckstrin homology domainsand aPDZ domain) to localize a variety ofsignaling proteins(kinases,ion channels,water channels,nitric oxide synthase) to specific intracellular locations. α-Syntrophin binds tonNOSin thedystrophin-associated glycoprotein complexin skeletal muscle cells. There it producesNOupon muscle contraction leading to dilation of the arteries in the local area.[1]

