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Talk:List of pacifist organisations

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A pacifist organisation, surely, is one which is opposed toallwar andallaggression, as a matter of policy.

I've already removed CND from the list of orgs given as examples, since it's not pacifist. I'm flagging both Pugwash and Greenpeace as dubious since

a) Pugwash's founder worked on the Manhattan Project and states his reason for leaving was that it became apparent [to him] that Germany would not, after all, develop atomic weapons and therefore the projectbecameunnecessary. Evidently he didn't oppose WW2 so much that he refused to work on it upto that point

b) Similarly, I doubt Greenpeace has a blanket opposition to the use of military force either.

--Handelaar05:13, Aug 2, 2004 (UTC)

I put them back and differentiated or it will end up being just the quakersMeltBanana17:14, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)