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Hi! Dont all the animals within Monotremata actually lay eggs? If so, then why are they classified as Theria if all Theria "...give birth to live young without using a shelled egg?" Email me at [email protected] with the answer...I am studying this for a paleontology class.—Precedingunsignedcomment added by152.23.209.219(talk)19:47, 14 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Are these not theEutheria?User:Wetman

Eutheria are the placental mammals. Theria includes the marsupials but not the monotremes.

that seems like over-categorization to me. --Philo17:35, 15 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you, I got it now. Erase this at your pleasure ````

Added the stub flag and some context.

Please see mypointbelow if you are still confused.Shanoman(talk)17:32, 28 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Note the word is also used as abbervation for Therianthrope. --DustWolf12:04, 10 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Accuracy tag


An accuracy tag was placed on the page. What is the disputed content? --Aranae08:20, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Apparently the dispute was as to the use of the classification "Theria". This is now cited, but it's a book so I can't verify. We probably need additional refs or a verification to remove the tag., 9 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

It is referencedhere,is that enough to remove the tag? --DeadWisdom23:11, 5 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I have added that reference to the article and removed the tag. If people still have issues with the page, they'll have to come here to the talk page and be more specific about what the problem is.Kingdon21:30, 29 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Classification and logic


Theriaare indeed theeutheria;theria arealsothemetatheria;thus theria includeboth[all of] the eutheria in addition to [all of] the metatheria.

OR, if you prefer: Alleutherians(placentals) aretherians; Allmetatherians(marsupials) are alsotherians; Therefore, Therians = all eutherians + all metatherians

The designation or grouping "Theria" describes what placentals and marsupials have in common with each other (namely, giving live birth to their young), and what distinguishes them both from the more primitive, egg-layingprotherians.This may seem like "overclassification" to some of my fellowlaypeople,but it seems to me like it is quite standard procedure among those professionals and other experts dealing withtaxonomy(classification).Shanoman(talk)17:32, 28 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Taxonomic rank - what's going on?


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia

So far so good. But then:

Subclass: Theriiformes
Superorder: Theria

and then it lists "infraclasses". Surely infraclass is a higher taxonomic rank than superorder?

Eutheriagives Theria as being a subclass, which makes more sense, but then what is Theriiformes? --Smjg(talk)20:50, 27 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Someone just had to put it as superorder since the infobox doesn't support supercohort (and {{Taxobox entry}} works poorly with authority)Narayanese(talk)21:23, 27 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I had a go at fixing this conflict and explaining a bit in the text. The confusion seems to be from two differentmammal classificationsystems, one that has a subclass named Theria, and another that has a subclass named Theriiformes and in which Theria appears lower down in the hierarchy. The whole idea of these rankings is kind of problematic inphylogeneticsanyway, since new taxa keep being interpolated between the old ranked ones. --Gblandst(talk)20:29, 3 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]



In the taxobox, the links from infraclasses and below don't work. Dab14763(talk)21:16, 1 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Dominant terrestrial amniotes


I removed this claim as the term is poorly defined and not to my knowledge really favoured in modern ecology. While the Cenozoic is often called the age of mammals, number of mammal species is vastly outnumbered by bird species, and estimates on absolute global numbers of wild mammals vs. wild birds could go either way. Either way, it didn't seem a particularly useful addition as it stood nor was it sourced or defined.Hedge89(talk)13:53, 20 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]