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Tamiel(orTumiel;Imperial Aramaic:תומיאל,Ancient Greek:Ταμιήλ), also spelledTâmîêl,is afallen angel,the fifth mentioned of the 20watcherleaders of the 200 fallen angels in theBook of Enoch.Tamiel is also called eitherKasdaye[citation needed](alsoKasdeja,fromAramaicכַּשְׂדָּיkaśdāy— "Chaldean","inhabitant of Chaldea "," astrologer ")[1]orKasyade(prob. compd. of כָּסָהkasah— "to conceal" + יָדyad— "hand", "power"; lit. "covered hand", "hidden power" )[2]in the Book of Enoch, Chapter 69.

Michael Knibb lists the translation of Tamiel as "God is Perfect" or "Perfection of God" (the combination oftamiymandEl-God). Tamiel was attributed as a teacher of astronomy (Enoch 8:7). He also taught "the children of men all of the wicked strikes of spirits, [the strikes of] demons, and the strikes of the embryo in the womb so that it may pass away (abortion), and [the strikes of the soul], the bites of the serpent, and the strikes which befall through the noontide heat, [which is called] the son of the serpent named Taba'et (meaning male)" during the days ofNoah,not the days ofJared(Enoch 69:12).

Popular culture[edit]

  • Tamiel appears as the enemy in theSupernaturalseason 10episode "Angel Heart" where he is killed with his own angel sword by Claire Novak.
  • Tamiel is the name of one of the Scavengers inThe Walking Dead,first appearing in Episode 10 of Season 7.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Strong's Hebrew: 3779
  2. ^Sola, Rev. David Aaron. Frost, Isaac. (publ.)Signification of the Proper Names, Etc., Occurring in the Book of Enoch: From the Hebrew and Chaldee Languages.London, 1852.