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Map showing the barbarian peoples of Pannonia prior to the Roman conquest. The Taurisci are on the left

TheTaurisciwere a federation ofCeltictribes who dwelt in today'sCarinthiaand northernSlovenia(Carniola) before the coming of theRomans(c. 200 BC).[1]According toPliny the Elder,they are the same as the people known as theNorici.[2][3]



The etymology of the name is disputed.Tauriscimay stem from a root meaning 'mountain' or 'high rock', although it has been demonstrated that it is not related to the neighbouringTauernmountain. Another proposed etymology is the Celtic root*tarwo'bull' (seeGaulishtaruos).[4]



Affiliated with the Celto-LigurianTaurini,the Taurisci settled on the upperSavariver after their defeat at theBattle of Telamonin 225 BC. Following in the wake of theBoii,they migrated to northernItaliaand theAdriaticcoast. The Greek chroniclerPolybius(ca. 203–120 BC) mentioned Taurisciangold miningin the area ofAquileia.Along with the troops of theRoman Republic,they were defeated by invading GermanicCimbriandTeutonsat theBattle of Noreiain 112 BC.

The identity of Taurisci and Norici has not yet been conclusively established: According to historianGéza Alföldy,the Norici were one tribe of the larger highlandic Taurisci federation, while theReallexikon der germanischen Altertumskundedefines the Norici as Celts settling in theRegnum Noricumin present-dayCarinthia,with the Taurisci as their southeastern neighbours. Other people settling in the region were thePannoniansin the south-east of Carniola, theIapydes,anIllyriantribe, in the south-west, and theCarni,aVenetictribe.

Teurisci,attestedbyPtolemyinDacia,were originally a group of the Celtic Taurisci from the Austrian Alps established in North-Western Dacia at the end of Iron Age.[5]

Dacian Conquest


In the period spanning 60-50 BC, the formidable KingBurebistaofDaciainitiated a relentless campaign, launching an aggressive invasion against the Taurisci. This resulted in the decisive defeat of the Taurisci, leading to the annexation of their territory by theDacians.Strabovividly depicts the outcome, stating thatBurebista not only conquered the Taurisci, but utterly eradicated them from existence

See also



  1. ^Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913)."Krain".Catholic Encyclopedia.New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  2. ^Pliny the Elder,Naturalis Historia.
  3. ^James Cowles Prichard(1841).Researches Into the Physical History of Mankind.Houlston & Stoneman.p.92.
  4. ^Sergent, Bernard(1991)."Ethnozoonymes indo-européens".Dialogues d'histoire ancienne.17(2): 12.doi:10.3406/dha.1991.1932.
  5. ^Parvan V, Vulpe R, Vulpe A (2002)DaciaPublisher: Editura 100+1 Gramar, page 165 established