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The Washington Times

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The Washington Times
America's Newspaper
Front page for August 22, 2016
TypeDaily newspaper
Owner(s)Operations Holdings (via The Washington Times, LLC)
Founder(s)Sun Myung Moon
PublisherLarry Beasley
Editor-in-chiefChristopher Dolan
General managerDavid Dadisman[1]
News editorVictor Morton
Managing editor, designCathy Gainor
Opinion editorCharles Hurt
Sports editorDavid Eldridge
FoundedMay 17, 1982;42 years ago(1982-05-17)
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters3600New York AvenueNE
Washington, D.C.,U.S.
CityWashington, D.C.,U.S.
CountryUnited States
Circulation52,059 daily (as of 2019)[2]
Websitewww.washingtontimes.comEdit this at Wikidata

The Washington Timesis an Americanconservativedaily newspaper published inWashington, D.C.It covers general interest topics with an emphasis onnational politics.Itsbroadsheetdaily edition is distributed throughout Washington, D.C. and the greaterWashington metropolitan area,including suburbanMarylandandNorthern Virginia.It also publishes a subscription-based weeklytabloidedition aimed at a national audience.[3]

The first edition ofThe Washington Timeswas published on May 17, 1982. The newspaper was founded byUnification ChurchleaderSun Myung Moon,and it was owned until 2010 byNews World Communications,an international mediaconglomeratefounded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is a part of the Unification Church movement.[4]

The Washington Timeshas been known for its conservative political stance, supporting the policies ofRepublicanpresidentsRonald Reagan,George H. W. Bush,George W. Bush,andDonald Trump.[5][6]Reagan was a daily reader ofThe Washington Times.[7]

The newspaper has published columns contradictingscientific consensuson multiple environmental and health issues. It has drawn controversy by publishingconspiracy theoriesabout U.S. presidentBarack Obamaand supportingneo-confederatehistorical revisionism.[8]




The headquarters ofThe Washington TimesonNew York AvenueNE inWashington, D.C.

The Washington Timeswas founded May 17, 1982, byNews World Communications,aNew York City-based international mediaconglomerateassociated with theUnification Church,which also ownsUnited Press International(UPI) and newspapers inJapan,South America,andSouth Korea.[9]Bo Hi Pak,chief aide to Unification Church founder and leaderSun Myung Moon,was the founding president and founding chairman of the board.[10]

Moon askedRichard L. Rubenstein,arabbiand college professor who had written on theHolocaust,to serve on the board of directors.[11]The newspaper's first editor and publisher wasJames R. Whelan.[12]

The Washington Timeswas founded one year afterThe Washington Star,aWashington, D.C.daily newspaper, went out of business, leaving the city withThe Washington Postas its only daily newspaper. A large percentage of the newspaper's news staff came from theStar.

Unusual among daily newspapers whenThe Washington Timeswas founded, the newspaper published full color front pages in all its sections and color elements throughout. It also used ink that it advertised as being less likely to come off on the reader's hands than the type used byThe Washington Post.[13]At its start, it had 125 reporters, 25 percent of whom were members of theUnification Church of the United States.[14]

U.S. presidentRonald ReaganreadThe Washington Timesevery day during his presidency.[7]In 1997, he said: "The American people know the truth. You, my friends atThe Washington Times,have told it to them. It wasn't always the popular thing to do. But you were a loud and powerful voice. Like me, you arrived in Washington at the beginning of the most momentous decade of the century. Together, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. And—oh, yes—we won theCold War."[15]

After a brief editorship underSmith Hempstone,Arnaud de Borchgrave,a former UPI andNewsweekreporter, became executive editor, serving from 1985 to 1991.[16]Borchgrave was credited with encouraging energetic reporting by staff but was known to make unorthodox journalistic decisions. During his tenure,The Washington Timesmounted a fundraising drive forContrarebels inNicaraguaand offered rewards for information leading to the arrest ofNazi war criminals.[17][18]

From 1985 to 2008, News World published a weeklynews magazinecalledInsight on the News,also called justInsight,as a companion toThe Washington Times.Insight's reporting sometimes resulted in journalistic controversy.[19][20][21][22]


AWashington Timesdispenser

In 1991, Moon said he had spent between $900 million and $1 billion onThe Washington Times.[23]By 2002, Moon had spent between $1.7 billion and $2 billion, according to different estimates.[24][25]

Wesley Pruden,previously a correspondent and then amanaging editorofThe Washington Times,was named executive editor in 1991.[26]During his editorship, the paper took a stronglyconservativeandnativisteditorial stance.[27]

In 1992,North KoreanleaderKim Il Sunggave his first and only interview with the Western news media toThe Washington TimesreporterJosette Sheeran,who later became executive director of theUnited Nations World Food Programme.[28]At the time,The Washington Timeshad one-eighth the circulation ofThe Washington Post(100,000 compared to 800,000) and two-thirds of its subscribers subscribed to both papers.[29]In 1994, it introduced a weekly national edition, which was published in atabloidformat and distributed nationally.[30]

U.S. PresidentGeorge H. W. Bushencouraged the political influence ofThe Washington Timesand other Unification Church movement activism in support ofAmerican foreign policy.[5]In 1997, theWashington Report on Middle East Affairs,which is critical of U.S. andIsraelipolicies, praisedThe Washington Timesand its sister publication,The Middle East Times,for what it called their objective and informative coverage ofIslamand theMiddle East,while criticizingThe Washington Timesfor its generally pro-Israel editorial positions. TheReportsuggested that these newspapers andThe Christian Science Monitor,each owned by religious institutions, were less influenced by pro-Israel pressure groups than corporate-owned newspapers.[31]


The printing and distribution center ofThe Washington Times

In 2002, at an event held to celebrate theTimes'20th anniversary, Moon said, "The Washington Timesis responsible to let the American people know about God "and"The Washington Timeswill become the instrument in spreading the truth about God to the world. "[24]

In 2004,David Ignatius,a correspondent forThe Washington Post,reported thatChung Hwan Kwak,a leader in the Unification Church, wantedThe Washington Timesto "support international organizations such as theUnited Nationsand to campaign for world peace and interfaith understanding. "This, Ignatius wrote, created difficulties for Pruden and some of theTimes'columnists. Ignatius also mentioned the Unification Church movement's reconciliatory attitude towardsNorth Korea,which at the time included joint business ventures, and Kwak's advocacy for greater understanding between the U.S. and theIslamic worldas issues of contention. Ignatius predicted that conservatives in Congress and theGeorge W. Bush administrationwould support Pruden's position over Kwak's.[32]

In 2006, Moon's son,Hyun Jin Moon,president and CEO of News World Communications, dismissed managing editor Francis "Fran" Coombs following accusations of racist editorializing. Coombs had made some racist andsexistcomments, for which he was sued by other employees atThe Washington Times.[33][34]

In January 2008, Pruden retired, andJohn F. Solomon,who worked with theAssociated Pressand had most recently been head ofinvestigative reportingand mixed media development atThe Washington Post,was appointed executive editor.[35][36][37]

A month later,The Washington Timeschanged some of itsstyle guideto conform more to what was becoming mainstream media usage. It announced that it would no longer use words like "illegal aliens"and"homosexual"and, in most cases, opt for" more neutral terminology "like" illegal immigrants "and" gay ", respectively. It also decided to stop using" Hillary "when referring to then U.S. SenatorHillary Clinton,and the word "marriage" in the expression "gay marriage"would no longer appear inquotesin the newspaper. These policy changes drew criticism from some conservatives.[38]Prospectmagazine attributed theTimes'apparent political moderation to differences of opinion over the United Nations and North Korea, and wrote, "TheRepublicanright may be losing its most devoted media ally. "[39]

In November 2009,The New York Timesreported thatThe Washington Timeswould no longer be receiving funds from the Unification Church movement and might have to cease publication or become anonline publicationonly.[40]Later that year, it dismissed 40 percent of its 370 employees and stopped its subscription service, instead distributing the paper free in some areas of theWashington metropolitan area,includingfederal governmentdepartments and agencies. However, a subscription website owned by the paper, theconservatives.com, and theTimes'three-hourradio program,America's Morning News,both continued.[41]The paper also announced that it would cease publication of its Sunday edition, along with other changes, partly in order to end its reliance on subsidies from the Unification Church.[42]

On December 31, 2009,The Washington Timesannounced that it would no longer be a full-service newspaper, eliminating its metropolitan news and sports sections.[43][44]


The Washington Timesnewsroom

In July 2010, the Unification Church issued a letter protesting the directionThe Washington Timeswas taking and urging closer ties with it.[45]

In August 2010, a deal was made to sell it to a group more closely related to the movement. Editor-in-chiefSam Dealeysaid that this was a welcome development among theTimes'staff.[46]

In November 2010, Moon and a group of former editors purchasedThe Washington Timesfrom News World Communications for $1. This ended a conflict within the Moon family that had been threatening to shut down the paper completely.[47]In June 2011, Ed Kelley, formerly ofThe Oklahoman,was hired as editor overseeing both news and opinion content.[48][49]

In March 2011,The Washington Timesannounced that some former staffers would be rehired and that the paper would bring back its sports, metro, and life sections.[50]

In 2012, Douglas D. M. Joo stepped down as senior executive, president, and chairman.[51]TimespresidentTom McDevitttook his place as chairman, and Larry Beasley was hired as the company's new president andchief executive officer.[52]

In March 2013,The Washington Timespartnered withHerring Networksto create a new conservative cable news channel,One America News Network(OAN), which began broadcasting in mid‑2013.[53]

In July 2013,The Washington TimeshiredDavid Keene,former president of theNational Rifle Associationand chairman of theAmerican Conservative Union,to serve as its opinion editor.[54]

In September 2013, Solomon returned as editor and vice president of content and business development.[55][56]Solomon's tenure was marked by a focus on profitability.[57]

In September 2015, the newspaper had its first profitable month, ending a streak of monthly financial losses over the paper's first 33 years.[58][59]In December 2015, Solomon left forCirca News.

The Washington Timesopinion editorCharles Hurtwas one of Trump's earliest supporters in Washington, D.C.[60] During the2016 presidential election,The Washington Timesdid not endorse a presidential candidate, but it endorsed Trump for reelection in the2020 presidential election.[61]



In 2020, during theCOVID-19 pandemic,The Washington Timesreceived between $1 million and $2 million infederal-backed small business loans fromCitibankas related of thePaycheck Protection Program.The Washington Times which it said helped retain of its 91 employees.[62][63]During the2024 presidential election,The Washington Timesendorsed Trump for election.[64]



In the 1980s, reporters forThe Washington Timesvisited imprisoned thenSouth AfricanactivistNelson Mandela,who wrote about the newspaper in his autobiography,Long Walk to Freedom.He said, "They seemed less intent on finding out my views than on proving that I was a Communist and a terrorist. All of their questions were slanted in that direction, and when I reiterated that I was neither a Communist nor a terrorist, they attempted to show that I was not a Christian either by asserting that the ReverendMartin Luther Kingnever resorted to violence. "[65][66]

The Washington Timesholds aconservativepolitical stance.[67][68][69][70]In 1995, theColumbia Journalism Reviewwrote thatThe Washington Times"is like no major city daily in America in the way that it wears its political heart on its sleeve. No major paper in America would dare be so partisan."[26]In 2002,The Washington Postreported that the newspaper "was established by Moon tocombat communismand be a conservative alternative to what Moon perceived as theliberalleanings ofThe Washington Post.Since then, the paper has fought to prove its editorial independence, trying to demonstrate that it is neither a "Moonie paper" nor a booster of the political right but rather a fair and balanced reporter of the news. "[24]

In October 2002, veteranWashington PosteditorBen BradleecomplimentedThe Washington Times,saying, "I see them get some local stories that I think thePostdoesn't have and should have had. "[71]In 2007,Mother Jonesreported thatThe Washington Timeshad become "essential reading for political news junkies" soon after its founding, and described it as a "conservative newspaper with close ties to every Republican administration since Reagan."[72]

In August 2008, in aHarper'sessay, American historian[73]Thomas FranklinkedThe Washington Timesto the modern American conservative movement, saying: "There is even a daily newspaper—The Washington Times—published strictly for the movement's benefit, apropagandasheet whose distortions are so obvious and so alien that it puts one in mind of those official party organs one encounters when traveling inauthoritariancountries. "[74]

In January 2011, conservative commentatorPaul Weyrichsaid, "The Washington Postbecame very arrogant and they just decided that they would determine what was news and what wasn't news and they wouldn't cover a lot of things that went on. AndThe Washington Timeshas forced thePostto cover a lot of things that they wouldn't cover if theTimeswasn't in existence. "[75]

In December 2012,The New York Timeswrote thatThe Washington Timeshad become "a crucial training ground for many rising conservative journalists and a must-read for those in the movement. A veritable who's who of conservatives—Tony Blankley,Frank J. Gaffney Jr.,Larry Kudlow,John PodhoretzandTony Snow—has churned out copy for its pages. "[40]TheColumbia Journalism Reviewnoted that reporters forThe Washington Timeshad used it as a springboard to other mainstream news outlets.[25]


  • In 2013,The Washington Timeswon two Sigma Delta Chi Awards from theSociety of Professional Journalistsfor excellence in journalism, including "Professional Journalists for Deadline Reporting (Daily Circulation of 1–50,000)" and "Investigative Reporting (Daily Circulation 1–50,000)".
  • In 2014, Thom Loverro, lead sports columnist forThe Washington Times,won a Sigma Delta Chi Award for Sports Column Writing.
  • In 2018, Guy Taylor and Dan Boylan, reporters forThe Washington Times,won Honorable Mentions for the 31st annual Gerald R. Ford Journalism Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency.[76][77]
  • In 2019,The Washington Timesadvertising department won first and third place in the VPA News and Advertising contest in the Special Sections (standalone section non-slick cover) category. Outstanding design and creative artwork for the Qatar and Rolling Thunder Special Section covers landed the department the award.[78]
  • In 2020, Alexander Hunter, designer and editorial illustrator forThe Washington Times,won the Sigma Delta Chi Award for excellence in journalism.[79]



General controversies


Some former employees, including Whelan, have insisted thatThe Washington Timeswas always under Moon's control. Whelan, whose contract guaranteed editorial autonomy, left the paper in 1984 when the owners refused to renew his contract.[80]Three years later, editorial page editor William P. Cheshire and four of his staff resigned, charging that, at the explicit direction of Sang Kook Han, a top official of the Unification Church, executive editorArnaud de Borchgravehad stifled editorial criticism of political repression in South Korea under PresidentChun Doo-hwan.[81]In 1982,The Washington Timesrefused to publish film critic Scott Sublett's negative review of the movieInchon,which was also sponsored by the Unification Church.[82]

In 1988,The Washington Timespublished a misleading story suggesting that Democratic presidential candidateMichael Dukakishad sought psychiatric help, and included a quote from Dukakis' sister-in-law saying "it is possible" he visited a psychiatrist. However,The Washington Timesmisleadingly clipped the full quote by the sister-in-law, which was: "It's possible, but I doubt it."[26][83]Reporter Peggy Weyrich quit in 1991 after one of her articles aboutAnita Hill's testimony in theClarence Thomas Supreme Court nominee hearingswas rewritten to depict Hill as a "fantasizer".[65]

During the presidency ofBill ClintonThe Washington Timesreporting on his alleged sex scandals was often picked up by other, more respected, news media which contributed to enhanced public awareness of the topic, and eventually toClinton's impeachment.In 1999 the Senate voted to acquit Clinton, allowing him to complete his second term as president.[84][85]

In a 1997 column inThe Washington Times,Frank Gaffney falsely alleged that aseismicincident inRussiawas a nuclear detonation at that nation'sNovaya Zemlyatest site, which would have meant that Russia had violated theComprehensive Test Ban Treaty(CTB).[86]Subsequent scientific analysis of the Novaya Zemlya event showed that it was a routineearthquake.[87]Reporting on the allegation, theBulletin of the Atomic Scientistsobserved that following its publication: "fax machinesaround Washington, D.C. and across the country poured out pages detailing Russian duplicity. They came from Frank Gaffney. "[86]

In 2002,The Washington Timespublished a story accusing theNational Educational Association(NEA), the largest teachers'unionin the United States, of teaching students that the policies of the U.S. government were partly responsible for the2001 terrorist attackson theWorld Trade Center.[88]The NEA responded to the story by denying all of its accusations.[89][90]Brendan Nyhan,later a political science professor at theUniversity of Michigan,wrote thatThe Washington Timesstory was a "lie" and a "myth".[88]

In 2018,The Washington Timespublished a commentary piece by retired U.S. Navy admiralJames A. Lyonswhich promoted conspiracy theories about themurder of Seth Rich.Lyon wrote that it was "well known in intelligence circles that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron Rich, downloaded theDNCemails and was paid byWikiLeaksfor that information. "[69][91]The piece cited no evidence for the assertion.[69][92]Aaron Rich filed a lawsuit againstThe Washington Times,saying that it acted with "reckless disregard for the truth" and that it did not retract or remove the piece after "receiving notice of the falsity of the statements about Aaron after the publication".[69][92][93][94]Rich andThe Washington Timessettled their lawsuit, and the paper issued an "unusually robust" retraction.[91][95]

On January 6, 2021, after violent pro-Trump riotersattacked the United States Capitol,The Washington Timespublished a false story quoting an unidentified retired military officer claiming that thefacial recognition systemcompany XRVision had used its technology and identified two members ofantifaamid the mob.[96]XRVision quickly denied this, sending acease and desisttoThe Washington Times,and issued a statement saying that its technology had actually identified twoNeo-Nazisand a believer in theQAnon conspiracy theoryand that it had not done any detection work for a retired military officer authorized to share that information. On January 7, the article was removed from the website and replaced with a corrected version.[97]Before the correction, RepresentativeMatt Gaetzcited the original story as proof that antifa were partially responsible for the attack in the floor debate of the2021 United States Electoral College vote count,and it was widely shared on social media.[97]

The Washington Timeshas at least twice published articles, one written by the ambassador ofTurkeyto the US and one by an attorney and lobbyist for the Turkish government, thatdeny the Armenian genocide.[98]

Science coverage


Climate change denial


The Washington Timeshas promotedclimate change denial.[99][100][101][102][103][104]Michael E. Mann,director of the Earth System Science Center atPennsylvania State University,characterizes theTimesas a prominent outlet that propagates "climate change disinformation".[100]Naomi Oreskes,Professor of the History of Science atHarvard University,andErik M. Conway,historian of science atNASA'sJet Propulsion Laboratoryat theCalifornia Institute of Technology,wrote in their 2010 bookMerchants of Doubtthat theTimeshas given the public a false sense that the science of anthropogenic climate change was in dispute by giving disproportionate coverage of fringe viewpoints and by preventing scientists from rebutting coverage in theTimes.[101]The Washington Timesreprinted a column bySteve Milloycriticizing research ofclimate change in the Arcticwithout disclosing Milloy's financial ties to thefossil fuelindustry.[105]

During theClimatic Research Unit email controversy(also known as "Climategate" ) in 2009 in the lead-up to theUN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen,theTimeswrote in an editorial: "these revelations of fudged science should have a cooling effect on global-warming hysteria and the panicked policies that are being pushed forward to address the unproven theory."[106]Eight committees investigated the controversy and found no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct. In 2010, theTimespublished an article claiming that February 2010 snow storms "Undermin[e] The Case For Global Warming One Flake At A Time".[107]A 2014Timeseditorial mocked the "global warming scam" and asserted: "The planetary thermometer hasn't budged in 15 years. Wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes and other 'extreme' weather events are at normal or below-normal levels. Pacific islands aren't submerged. There's so much ice the polar bears are celebrating."[108]TheTimescited a blog post in support of these claims;PolitiFactfact-checked the claims in the blog post and concluded it was "pants-on-fire" false.[108][109]TheTimeslater said that a NASA scientist claimed that global warming was on a "hiatus" and that NASA had found evidence ofglobal cooling;Rebecca Leber ofThe New Republicsaid that the NASA scientist in question said the opposite of what theTimesclaimed.[110]In 2015, it published a column by CongressmanLamar Smithin which he argued that the work of theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationwas "not good science, [but] science fiction." TheAmerican Association for the Advancement of Scienceand six other scientific organizations objected to Smith's politicalisation of scientific research saying: "Scientists should not be subjected to fraud investigations or harassment simply for providing scientific results that some may see as politically controversial. Science cannot thrive when policymakers—regardless of party affiliation—use policy disagreements as a pretext to attack scientific conclusions."[104]

In 1993,The Washington Timespublished articles purporting to debunk climate change.[111]It headlined its story about the1997 Kyoto Protocolon climate change: "Under the deal, the use of coal, oil and other fossil fuel in the United States would be cut by more than one-third by 2002, resulting in lower standards of living for consumers and a long-term reduction in economic growth."[65]

In November 2021, a study by theCenter for Countering Digital HatedescribedThe Washington Timesas being among "ten fringe publishers" that together were responsible for nearly 70 percent ofFacebookuser interactions with content that denied climate change. Facebook disputed the study's methodology.[112][113][114]

Ozone depletion denial


In the 1990s,The Washington Timespublished columns which cast doubt on the scientific consensus on the causes ofozone depletion(which had led to the "ozone hole" ). It published columns disputing the science as late as 2000.[115]In 1991, NASA scientists warned of the potential of a major Arctic ozone hole developing in the spring of 1992 due to elevated levels ofchlorine monoxidein the Arcticstratosphere.However, as the Arctic winter was unusually warm, the chemical reactions needed for ozone depletion did not occur. Even though the science was not incorrect, theTimes,along with other conservative media, subsequently created a "crying wolf"narrative, where scientists were portrayed as political activists who were following an environmental agenda rather than the science. In 1992, it published an editorial saying:" This is not the disinterested, objective, just-the-facts tone one ordinarily expects from scientists... This is the cry of the apocalyptic, laying the groundwork for a decidedly non-scientific end: public policy... it would be nice if the next time NASA cries 'wolf,' fewer journalists, politicians and citizens heed the warning like sheep. "[116]

Second-hand smoke denial


In 1995,The Washington Timespublished a column byFred Singer,who is known for promoting views contrary to mainstream science on a number of issues, where Singer referred to the science on the adverse health impact ofsecond-hand smokeas the "second-hand smoke scare" and accused theEnvironmental Protection Agencyof distorting data when it classified second-hand smoke as harmful. Singer's column also denied the scientific consensus on climate change and on the health risks of exposure to environmentalradiation.[117][118]In 1995,The Washington Timespublished an editorial titled "How not to spend science dollars" condemning a grant to the National Cancer Institute to study how political contributions from tobacco companies shape policy-making and the voting behavior of politicians.[119][120]

Controversial reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic


In January 2020,The Washington Timespublished two articles about theCOVID-19 pandemicthat suggested that the virus was created by the government of the People's Republic of China as abiological weapon.One article quoted a former Israeliintelligence officeras a source. The two articles were shared on hundreds ofsocial mediasites, potentially reaching an audience of millions.[121]

Allegations of racism


Under Pruden's editorship (1992–2008),The Washington Timesregularly printed excerpts from racist hard-right publications includingVDAREandAmerican Renaissance,and fromBill White,leader of the AmericanNational SocialistWorkers' Party, in its Culture Briefs section.[27]

In 2013,Columbia Journalism Reviewreported that under Pruden's editorshipThe Washington Timeswas: "a forum for the racialist hard right, includingwhite nationalists,neo-Confederates, and anti-immigrant scare mongers. "[27]Between 1998 and 2004, theTimescovered every biennialAmerican Renaissanceconference, hosted by the white supremacistNew Century Foundation.According to theColumbia Journalism Review,"the paper's coverage of these events—which are hotbeds forholocaust deniers,neo-Nazis,andeugenicists—was stunningly one sided ", and favorably depicted the conference and attendees.[27]In 2009, journalistDavid Neiwertwrote that it championed, "various white-nationalist causes emanating from the neo-Confederate movement (with which, until a recent housecleaning, two senior editors had long associations.)"[122]

A page inThe Washington Times'Sunday edition was devoted to theAmerican Civil War,on which theConfederacywas several times described with admiration.[27][33][123]In 1993, Pruden gave an interview to the neo-Confederate magazineSouthern Partisan,which has been called "arguably the most important neo-Confederate periodical" by theSouthern Poverty Law Center,[124]where he said: "Every year I make sure that we have a story in the paper about anyobservance of Robert E. Lee's birthday."[33]Pruden said, "And the fact that it falls around Martin Luther King's birthday," to which aSouthern Partisaninterviewer interjected, "Makes it all the better," with Pruden finishing, "I make sure we have a story. Oh, yes."[33]

Sam Francis controversy


The Washington TimesemployedSam Francis,a white nationalist, as a columnist and editor, beginning in 1991 after he was chosen byPat Buchananto take over his column.[125][126][127][128][129]

In 1995, Francis resigned or was forced out afterDinesh D'Souzareported on racist comments that Francis made at a conference hosted byAmerican Renaissancethe previous year.[130][125][126][131][132]At the conference, Francis called on whites to: "reassert our identity and our solidarity, and we must do so in explicitly racial terms through the articulation of a racial consciousness as whites... The civilization that we as whites created in Europe and America could not have developed apart from the genetic endowments of the creating people."[131]

Francis was an aide to Republican senatorJohn EastofNorth Carolinabefore joining the editorial staff ofThe Washington Timesin 1986.[131]Five years later, he became a columnist for the newspaper, and his column became syndicated.[131]

In addition to his journalistic career, Francis was an adjunct scholar at theLudwig von Mises InstituteofAuburn, Alabama.[133]

In June 1995, editor-in-chiefWesley Pruden"had cut back on Francis' column" afterThe Washington Timesran his essay criticizing theSouthern Baptist Conventionfor its approval of a resolution which apologized forslavery.[134]In the piece, Francis asserted that "The contrition of the Southern Baptists for slavery and racism is a bit more than a politically fashionable gesture intended to massage race relations"[135]and that "Neither slavery' nor racism' as an institution is a sin."[131]

In September 1995, Pruden dismissed Francis fromThe Washington Timesafter conservative journalist Dinesh D'Souza, in a column inThe Washington Post,described Francis's appearance at the 1994American Renaissanceconference:

A lively controversialist, Francis began with some largely valid complaints about how the Southern heritage is demonized in mainstream culture. He went on, however, to attack the liberal principles of humanism and universalism for facilitating "the war against the white race". At one point he described country music megastarGarth Brooksas "repulsive" because "he has that stupid universalist song(We Shall Be Free),in which we all intermarry. "His fellow whites, he insisted, must" reassert our identity and our solidarity, and we must do so in explicitly racial terms through the articulation of a racial consciousness as whites... The civilization that we as whites created in Europe and America could not have developed apart from the genetic endowments of the creating people, nor is there any reason to believe that the civilization can be successfully transmitted to a different people. "[136]

After D'Souza's column was published, Pruden "decided he did not want theTimesassociated with such views after looking into other Francis writings, in which he advocated the possible deportation of legal immigrants and forced birth control for welfare mothers. "[131]

Following his firing, Francis said:

I believe there are racial differences, there are natural differences between the races. I don't believe that one race is better than another. There's reasonably solid evidence forIQ differences,personality and behavior differences. I understand those things have been taken to justify segregation and white supremacy. That is not my intent.[131]

When Francis died in 2005,The Washington Timeswrote a "glowing"obituarythat omitted his racist beliefs and his firing from the paper, and described him as a "scholarly, challenging and sometimes pungent writer"; in response, editor David Mastio of the conservativeWashington Examinerwrote in an obituary: "Sam Francis was merely a racist and doesn't deserve to be remembered as anything less."[137][138]Mastio added that Francis: "led a double life – by day he served up conservative, red meat that was strong but never quite out of bounds by mainstream standards; by night, unbeknownst to theTimesor his syndicate, he pushed white supremacist ideas. "[137][138]

Southern Poverty Law Center report


TheSouthern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) noted thatThe Washington Timeshad, by 2005, published at least 35 articles by Marian Kester Coombs, who was married to managing editor Francis Coombs. She had a record of racially incendiary rhetoric and had written for the white nationalist magazineThe Occidental Quarterly,[139]which has been described as a "stalwart" of thealt-rightmovement in the United States[140]and as a "far-right, racially obsessed US magazine".[141][142]The SPLC highlighted columns written by Marian Kester Coombs inThe Washington Times,in which she asserted that the whole of human history was "the struggle of... races"; that non-white immigration is the "importing [of] poverty and revolution" that will end in "the eventual loss of sovereign American territory"; and that Muslims in England "are turning life in this once pleasant land into a misery for its native inhabitants."[139]

Coverage of Barack Obama


In 2007The Washington Times'companion news magazineInsight on the News,also called justInsight,published a story which claimed that someone on the campaign staff of American presidential candidate SenatorHillary Clintonhad leaked a report to one ofInsight'sreporters which said that Obama had "spent at least four years in a so-called madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia".[143]Insight'seditor,Jeff Kuhner,also claimed that the source said that the Clinton campaign was "preparing an accusation that her rival Senator Barack Obama had covered up a brief period he had spent in an Islamic religious school in Indonesia when he was six." Clinton denied the allegations. When interviewed by theNew York Times,Kuhner refused to name the person said to be the reporter's source.[144]

Insight'sstory was reported on first by conservativetalk radioandFox News Channel,and then byThe New York Timesand other major newspapers.[144]CNNreporterJohn VausevisitedState Elementary School Menteng 01,a secularpublic schoolwhich Obama had attended for one year after attending aRoman Catholicschool for three, and found that each student received two hours of religious instruction per week in his or her own faith. He was told by Hardi Priyono, deputy headmaster of the school, "This is a public school. We don't focus on religion. In our daily lives, we try to respect religion, but we don't give preferential treatment."[145]Students at Besuki wore Western clothing, and theChicago Tribunedescribed the school as "so progressive that teachers wore miniskirts and all students were encouraged to celebrateChristmas".[146][147][148]Interviews byNedra Picklerof theAssociated Pressfound that students of all faiths have been welcome there since before Obama's attendance. Akmad Solichin, the vice principal of the school, told Pickler: "The allegations are completely baseless. Yes, most of our students are Muslim, but there are Christians as well. Everyone's welcome here... it's a public school."[149]

In 2008,The Washington Timespublished a column by Frank Gaffney that promoted the falseconspiracy theories which asserted that President Barack Obama was born in Kenyaand was courting the "jihadistvote ". Gaffney also published pieces in 2009 and 2010 promoting the false assertion thatObama is a Muslim.[150]

In a 2009 column entitled"'Inner Muslim' at work in Cairo ", Pruden wrote that President Obama was the:" first president without an instinctive appreciation of the culture, history, tradition, common law and literature whence America sprang. The genetic imprint writ large in his 43 predecessors is missing from the Obama DNA. "[27]In another 2009 column, Pruden wrote that Obama had "no natural instinct or blood impulse" for what America was about because he was "sired by aKenyanfather "and" born to a mother attracted to men of theThird World."[27]Pruden's columns stirred rudeness and controversy, leadingThe Washington Timesto assign David Mastio, its deputy editor, to edit his work.[27]

In 2016,The Washington Timesclaimed that $3.6 million in federal funds were spent on a 2013 golf outing for President Obama and pro-golferTiger Woodswhich was widely reported on by the American news media in 2013.[151][152][153][154]Snopesrated the article "mostly false", because the estimated cost included both official presidential travel and a brief vacation inFlorida.The online article contained hyperlinks to other, unrelated, stories fromThe Washington Times.These links' appearance were not readily distinguishable from the citation links sometimes used to support or substantiate reporting.[151]Not included in the article were any links to theGovernment Accountability Office(GAO) report of expenditure for the 2013 trip, which included a detailed overview of President Obama's activities of February 15 to 18, 2013.[155]

Islamophobia and anti-Muslim


Gaffney, known for his "long history of pushing extreme anti-Muslim views", wrote weekly columns forThe Washington Timesfrom the late 1990s to 2016.[156][157]According toJohn Esposito,a Professor of Religion and International Affairs and of Islamic Studies atGeorgetown University,Gaffney's "editorial track record in theWashington Timesis long on accusation and short on supportive evidence. "[158]In columns for theTimes,Gaffney helped to popularize conspiracy theories that Islamic terrorists were infiltrating the Bush administration, the conservative movement and the Obama administration.[159][160][161]In 2015, theTimespublished a column describing refugees fleeing theSyrian Civil Waras an "IslamicTrojan Horse"conducting a" 'jihad' by another name ".[162][163]

The Muslim advocacy groupCouncil on American–Islamic RelationslistedThe Washington Timesamong media outlets it said "regularly demonstrates or supports Islamophobic themes."[164]In 1998, the Egyptian newspaperAl-Ahramwrote that its editorial policy was "rabidly anti-Arab,anti-Muslim and pro-Israel. "[165]





Managing editors


Opinion editors


Current commentary contributors


Former contributors




See also



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