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AMoogEtherwave,assembled from a thereminkit:the loop antenna on the left controls the volume while the upright antenna controls the pitch.
Electronic instrument
Hornbostel–Sachs classification531.1[1]
Inventor(s)Leon Theremin
Developed1920; patented in 1928

Thetheremin(/ˈθɛrəmɪn/;originally known as theætherphone,etherphone,thereminophone[2]ortermenvox/thereminvox) is anelectronic musical instrumentcontrolled without physical contact by the performer (who is known as a thereminist). It is named after its inventor,Leon Theremin,who patented the device in 1928.

The instrument's controlling section usually consists of two metal antennas which function not asradio antennasbut rather asposition sensors.Each antenna forms one half of acapacitorwith each of the thereminist's hands as the other half of the capacitor. These antennascapacitively sensethe relative position of the hands and controloscillatorsforfrequencywith one hand, andamplitude(volume) with the other. The electricsignalsfrom the theremin areamplifiedand sent to aloudspeaker.

The sound of the instrument is often associated witheeriesituations. The theremin has been used in moviesoundtrackssuch asMiklós Rózsa'sSpellboundandThe Lost Weekend,Bernard Herrmann'sThe Day the Earth Stood Still,andJustin Hurwitz'sFirst Man,as well as intheme songsfortelevision showssuch as the ITV dramaMidsomer Murdersand theDisney+seriesLoki,the latter composed byNatalie Holt.The theremin is also used in concert music (especiallyavant-gardeand 20th- and 21st-centurynew music); for example, Mano Divina Giannone is a popular American thereminist[3]who along with his orchestra, The Divine Hand Ensemble, regularly holds said concerts. It is also used in popular music genres, such asrock.

Leon Theremin demonstrating and playing the theremin, 1920
Alexandra Stepanoff playing the theremin onNBC Radio,1930



The theremin was the product of Soviet government-sponsored research intoproximity sensors.The instrument was invented in October 1920 by the Russian physicist Lev Sergeyevich Termen, known in the West asLeon Theremin.[4][5]After a lengthy tour of Europe, during which time he demonstrated his invention to packed houses, Theremin moved to the United States, where he patented his invention in 1928.[6]Subsequently, Theremin granted commercial production rights toRCA.

Although the RCA Thereminvox (released immediately following theStock Market Crash of 1929) was not a commercial success, it fascinated audiences in America and abroad.Clara Rockmore,a well-known thereminist, toured to wide acclaim, performing a classical repertoire in concert halls around the United States, often sharing the bill withPaul Robeson.Joseph Whiteley (1894-1984) performed under the stage name Musaire and his 1930 RCA Theremin can be seen, played and heard at theMusical Museum,Brentford, England.[7]

During the 1930s,Lucie Bigelow Rosenwas also taken with the theremin and together with her husband Walter Bigelow Rosen provided both financial and artistic support to the development and popularisation of the instrument.[8][9]

In 1938, Theremin left the United States, though the circumstances related to his departure are in dispute. Many accounts claim he was taken from hisNew York Cityapartment byNKVDagents (preceding theKGB),[10]taken back to theSoviet Unionand made to work in asharashkalaboratory prison camp at Magadan, Siberia. He reappeared 30 years later. In his 2000 biography of the inventor,Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage,Albert Glinskysuggested he had fled to escape crushing personal debts, and was then caught up in Stalin's political purges. In any case, Theremin did not return to the United States until 1991.[11]

The components of a modernMoogtheremin, in kit form

After a flurry of interest in America following the end of theSecond World War,the theremin soon fell into disuse with serious musicians, mainly because newer electronic instruments were introduced that were easier to play. However, a niche interest in the theremin persisted, mostly among electronics enthusiasts and kit-building hobbyists. One of these electronics enthusiasts,Robert Moog,began building theremins in the 1950s, while he was a high-school student. Moog subsequently published a number of articles about building theremins, and sold theremin kits that were intended to be assembled by the customer. Moog credited what he learned from the experience as leading directly to his groundbreakingsynthesizer,theMoog.(Around 1955, a colleague of Moog's, electronic music pioneerRaymond Scott,purchased one of Moog's theremin subassemblies to incorporate into a new invention, theClavivox,which was intended to be an easy-to-use keyboard theremin.)[12][13]

Since the release of the filmTheremin: An Electronic Odysseyin 1993, the instrument has enjoyed a resurgence in interest and has become more widely used by contemporary musicians. Even though many theremin sounds can be approximated on many modern synthesizers, some musicians continue to appreciate the expressiveness, novelty, and uniqueness of using an actual theremin. The film itself has received positive reviews.[14]

Both theremin instruments and kits are available. The Open Theremin, anopen hardwareandopen softwareproject, was developed by Swiss microengineer Urz Gaudenz, using the originalheterodyneoscillator architecture for a good playing experience,[15]combined withArduino.Using a few extra components, aMIDIinterface can be added to the Open Theremin, enabling a player to use their theremin to control different instrument sounds.[16]

The theremin's singular operation method has been praised for providing an accessible route to music-making for people with disabilities.[17]

Operating principles

Block diagram of a theremin. Volume control in blue, pitch control in yellow and audio output in red.

The theremin is distinguished among musical instruments in that it is played without physical contact. The thereminist stands in front of the instrument and moves their hands in the proximity of two metal antennas. While commonly called antennas, they are not used asradio antennaefor receiving or broadcasting radio waves, but rather act as plates ofcapacitors.The distance from one antenna determines frequency (pitch), and the distance from the other controls amplitude (volume). Higher notes are played by moving the hand closer to the pitch antenna. Louder notes are played by moving the hand away from the volume antenna.

Most frequently, the right hand controls the pitch and the left controls the volume, although some performers reverse this arrangement. Some low-cost theremins use a conventional, knob-operated volume control and have only the pitch antenna.

The theremin uses theheterodyneprinciple to generate an audio signal. The instrument's pitch circuitry includes tworadio frequencyoscillatorsset below 500kHzto minimize radio interference. One oscillator operates at a fixed frequency. The frequency of the other oscillator is almost identical, and is controlled by the performer's distance from the pitch control antenna.

The performer's hand has significantbody capacitance,and thus can be treated as thegroundedplate of avariable capacitorin anL-C (inductance-capacitance) circuit,which is part of the oscillator and determines its frequency. In the simplest designs, the antenna is directly coupled to the tuned circuit of the oscillator and the 'pitch field', that is the change of note with distance, is highly nonlinear, as the capacitance change with distance is far greater near the antenna. In such systems, when the antenna is removed, the oscillator moves up in frequency.

To partly linearise the pitch field, the antenna may be wired in series with an inductor to form a seriestuned circuit,resonating with the parallel combination of the antenna's intrinsic capacitance and the capacitance of the player's hand in proximity to the antenna. This series tuned circuit is then connected in parallel with the parallel tuned circuit of the variable pitch oscillator. With the antenna circuit disconnected, the oscillator is tuned to a frequency slightly higher than the stand alone resonant frequency of the antenna circuit. At that frequency, the antenna and its linearisation coil present an inductive impedance; and when connected, behaves as an inductor in parallel with the oscillator. Thus, connecting the antenna and linearising coil raises the oscillation frequency. Close to the resonant frequency of the antenna circuit, the effective inductance is small, and the effect on the oscillator is greatest; farther from it, the effective inductance is larger, and fractional change on the oscillator is reduced.

When the hand is distant from the antenna, the resonant frequency of the antenna series circuit is at its highest; i.e., it is closest to the free running frequency of the oscillator, and small changes in antenna capacitance have greatest effect. Under this condition, the effective inductance in the tank circuit is at its minimum and the oscillation frequency is at its maximum. The steepening rate of change of shunt impedance with hand position compensates for the reduced influence of the hand being further away. With careful tuning, a near linear region of pitch field can be created over the central two or three octaves of operation. Using optimized pitch field linearisation, circuits can be made where a change incapacitancebetween the performer and the instrument in the order of 0.01picofaradsproduces a full octave of frequency shift.[18]

The mixer produces the audio-range difference between the frequencies of the two oscillators at each moment, which is the tone that is then wave shaped and amplified and sent to a loudspeaker.

To control volume, the performer's other hand acts as the grounded plate of another variable capacitor. As in the tone circuit, the distance between the performer's hand and the volume control antenna determines the capacitance and hence natural resonant frequency of an LC circuit inductively coupled to another fixed LC oscillator circuit operating at a slightly higher resonant frequency. When a hand approaches the antenna, the natural frequency of that circuit is lowered by the extra capacitance, which detunes the oscillator and lowers its resonant plate current.

In the earliest theremins, theradio frequencyplate current of the oscillator is picked up by another winding and used to power the filament of another diode-connectedtriode,which thus acts as a variable conductance element changing the output amplitude.[19]The harmonictimbreof the output, not being a pure tone, was an important feature of the theremin.[20]Theremin's original design included audio frequency series/parallel LC formant filters as well as a 3-winding variable-saturation transformer to control or induce harmonics in the audio output.[6]

Modern circuit designs often simplify this circuit and avoid the complexity of two heterodyne oscillators by having a single pitch oscillator, akin to the original theremin's volume circuit. This approach is usually less stable and cannot generate the low frequencies that a heterodyne oscillator can. Better designs (e.g., Moog, Theremax) may use two pairs of heterodyne oscillators, for both pitch and volume.[21]

Performance technique

A robot playing the theremin

Important in theremin articulation is the use of the volume control antenna. Unlike touched instruments, where simply halting play or damping a resonator in the traditional sense silences the instrument, the thereminist must "play the rests, as well as the notes", asClara Rockmoreobserved.[22]

If the pitch hand is moved between notes, without first lowering the volume hand, the result is a "swooping" sound akin to aswanee whistleor aglissandoplayed on theviolin.Small flutters of the pitch hand can be used to produce avibratoeffect. To produce distinct notes requires a pecking action with the volume hand to mute the volume while the pitch hand moves between positions.

Thereminists such asCarolina Eyckuse a fixed arm position per octave, and use fixed positions of the fingers to create the notes within the octave, allowing very fast transitions between adjacent notes.[23]

Although volume technique is less developed than pitch technique, some thereminists have worked to extend it, especiallyPamelia Kurstinwith her "walking bass"technique[24]and Rupert Chappelle.

The criticHarold C. Schonbergdescribed the sound of the theremin as "[a] cello lost in a dense fog, crying because it does not know how to get home."[25]


RCAAR-1264 Theremin inMusical Instrument Museum,Phoenix, Arizona

Concert music


The first orchestral composition written for theremin was Andrei Pashchenko'sSymphonic Mystery,which premiered in 1924.[26]However, most of the sheet music was lost after its second performance.[27]

Other concert composers who have written for theremin includeBohuslav Martinů,[28]Percy Grainger,[28]Christian Wolff,[28]Joseph Schillinger,[28]Moritz Eggert,[29]Iraida Yusupova,[29]Jorge Antunes,[28]Vladimir Komarov,[28]Anis Fuleihan,[30][31]andFazıl Say.[32]Another large-scale theremin concerto isKalevi Aho's Concerto for Theremin and Chamber Orchestra "Eight Seasons" (2011), written forCarolina Eyck.

Edgard Varèsecompleted the composition "Equatorial" for two theremin cellos and percussion in 1934. His work was a stated influence throughout the career ofFrank Zappa,[33]who also composed for theremin.[34]

Maverick composer Percy Grainger chose to use ensembles of four or six theremins (in preference to a string quartet) for his two earliest experimentalFree Musiccompositions (1935–1937) because of the instrument's complete 'gliding' freedom of pitch.[35][36]

MusicianJean-Michel Jarreused the instrument in his concertsOxygène In Moscowin 1997 andSpace of Freedom[37]inGdańskin 2005, providing also a short history of Leon Theremin's life.

The five-pieceSpaghetti Western Orchestrause a theremin as a replacement for Edda Dell'Orso's vocals in their interpretation ofEnnio Morricone's "Once Upon a Time in the West".[38]

Other notable contemporary theremin players includePamelia Kurstin,[39]Peter Theremin,Natasha Theremin,Katica Illényi.[40]andLydia Kavina,[41]Dutch classical musicianThorwald Jørgensenhas been described as "one of the most important exponents of classical music on the theremin".[42]

In 2019 in Kobu, Japan, the Matryomin ensemble, a group of 289 theremin players that included Natasha Theremin, Masha Theremin and Peter Theremin, the daughter, granddaughter and great-grandson of the inventor, achieved aGuinness world recordas the largest ensemble of the instrument. The nameMatryominis aportmanteauby its inventor of the wordsmatryoshkaandtheremin.[43]The theremin concerto "Dancefloor With Pulsing" by the French composerRegis Campowas written forCarolina Eyckand premiered with the Brussels Philharmonic in 2018.[44]


Theremins and theremin-like sounds started to be incorporated intopopular musicfrom the end of the 1940s (with a series ofSamuel Hoffman/Harry Revelcollaborations)[45]and has continued, with various degrees of popularity, to the present.

Lothar and the Hand Peoplewere the first rock band known to perform live with a theremin in November 1965. In fact, Lothar was the name they gave to theirMoogtheremin.[46]

The Beach Boys' 1966 single "Good Vibrations"—though it does not technically contain a theremin—is the most frequently cited example of the instrument in pop music. The song actually features a similar-sounding instrument invented byPaul Tannercalled anElectro-Theremin.[47]Upon release, the single prompted an unexpected revival in theremins and increased the awareness ofanalog synthesizers.[48]In response to requests by the band,Moog Musicbegan producing its own brand ofribbon-controlledinstruments which would mimic the sound of a theremin.[49]

Frank Zappaalso included the theremin on the albumsFreak Out!(1966) andWe're Only in It for the Money(1967).[34]

Jimmy PageofLed Zeppelinused a variation of the theremin (pitch antenna only) during performances of "Whole Lotta Love"and"No Quarter"throughout the performance history of Led Zeppelin, an extended multi-instrumental solo featuring theremin and bowed guitar in 1977, as well as the soundtrack forDeath Wish II,released in 1982.[50]

Brian Jonesofthe Rolling Stonesalso used the instrument on the group's 1967 albumsBetween the ButtonsandTheir Satanic Majesties Request.[51]

TeslaguitaristFrank Hannonused a theremin in the band's song "Edison's Medicine" from the 1991 albumPsychotic Supper.[52]Hannon is also seen using the instrument in the song's music video at the 2:40 mark.[53]

The Lothars are a Boston-area band formed in early 1997 whose CDs have featured as many as four theremins played at once – a first for pop music.[54][55]

Although credited with a "Thereman" [sic] on the track "Mysterons" from the albumDummy,Portisheadactually used amonophonic synthesizerto achieve theremin-like effects, as confirmed byAdrian Utley,who is credited as playing the instrument;[56]on the songs "Half Day Closing", "Humming", "The Rip", and "Machine Gun" he has actually used a custom-made theremin.[57]

Page McConnell,keyboardist of the American rock bandPhish,plays the theremin on rare occasions. His last notable performance was on 6 August 2017, the final evening of the band's 13-night residency atMadison Square Garden.[58]

WhenSimon and Garfunkelperformed their song "The Boxer"during a concert at Madison Square Garden in December, 2003, they utilized a theremin. The original recording of the song had featured a steel guitar and a piccolo trumpet in unison in the solo interlude, but for this performance, thereminist Rob Schwimmer played the solo.[59]

Film music


Russian composerDmitri Shostakovichwas one of the first to incorporate parts for the theremin inorchestral pieces,including a use in hisscorefor the filmOdna(‹See Tfd›Russian:Одна,1931,Leonid TraubergandGrigori Kozintsev). While the theremin was not widely used inclassical musicperformances, the instrument found great success in many motion pictures, notably,Spellbound,The Red House,The Lost Weekend(all three of which were written byMiklós Rózsa,the composer who pioneered the use of the instrument in Hollywood scores),The Spiral Staircase,Rocketship X-M,The Day the Earth Stood Still,The Thing from Another World,Castle In the Air,andThe Ten Commandments.[60]The theremin is played and identified as such in theJerry LewismovieThe Delicate Delinquent.The theremin is prominent in the score for the 1956 short filmA Short Vision,[61]which was aired onThe Ed Sullivan Showthe same year that it was used by the Hungarian composerMátyás Seiber.More recent appearances in film scores includeMonster House,Ed Wood,The Machinist[62]andThe Electrical Life of Louis Wain[63](2021), (last three featuringLydia Kavina), as well asFirst Man(2018).

A theremin was not used for the soundtrack ofForbidden Planet,for whichBebe and Louis Barronbuilt disposable oscillator circuits and aring modulatorto create the electronic tonalities used in the film.[64][65]

Los Angeles–based thereminist Charles Richard Lester is featured on the soundtrack ofMonster House[66]and has performed the US premiere ofGavriil Popov's1932 score forKomsomol – Patron of Electrificationwith theLos Angeles PhilharmonicandEsa-Pekka Salonenin 2007.[67]

In Lenny Abrahamson's 2014 film,Frank,Clara, the character played byMaggie Gyllenhaal,plays the theremin in a band named Soronprfbs.[68]

Theatre and performing arts


Charlie Rosen,orchestrator of theBroadwaymusicalBe More Chill,credits the show as being the first on Broadway to have a theremin in its band.[69]


  • In May 2007, theWhite CastleAmerican hamburger restaurant chain introduced a television advertisement[70]centered around a live theremin performance by musician Jon Bernhardt of the bandThe Lothars.It is the only known example of a theremin performance being the focus of an advertisement.[71]
  • Celia Sheen plays the theremin in theMidsomer Murdersseries.[72]
  • In October 2008, comedian, musician, and theremin enthusiastBill Baileyplayed a theremin during his performance of Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall, which has subsequently been televised. He had previously also written an article,[73]presented a radio show[74]and incorporated the theremin in some of his televised comedy tours.
  • Charlie Draper plays the theremin in the soundtrack (written byNatalie Holt) for TV seriesLokionDisney+.[75][76][77]

Video games


The First Theremin Concert for Extraterrestrials

Theremin performer Anton Kershenko and his young pupil atEupatoria Deep Space Communication Center

The First Theremin Concert for Extraterrestrialswas the world's first musicalMETIbroadcast dispatched from the Evpatoria deep-space communications complex in Crimea,[80]and was sent seven years before NASA'sAcross the Universe message.Seven different melodies were transmitted from audio-cassette recordings of the theremin being played by Lydia Kavina, Yana Aksenova, and Anton Kerchenko, all from the Moscow Theremin Center. These seven melodies were:

  1. "Egress alone I to the Ride" by E. Shashina
  2. The finale of the9th Symphonyby Beethoven
  3. The Four Seasons: Spring,"Allegro" by Vivaldi
  4. "The Swan" by Saint-Saens
  5. "Vocalise" by Rachmaninoff
  6. "Summertime" by Gershwin
  7. Russian folk song "Kalinka-Malinka"

They were played in succession six times over the span of three days from August–September 2001 during the transmission ofTeen Age Message,an interstellar radio message.[80]

Similar instruments

  • TheOndes Martenot,1928, also uses the principle of heterodyning oscillators, but has a keyboard as well as a slide controller and is touched while playing.[81]
  • The Electronde, invented in 1929 by Martin Taubman, has anantennaforpitchcontrol, a handheld switch forarticulationand a foot pedal for volume control.[82]
  • TheCroix Sonore(Sonorous Cross), is based on the theremin. It was developed by Russian composerNicolas Obouchovin France, after he saw Lev Theremin demonstrate the theremin in 1924.
  • Theterpsitone,also invented by Theremin, consisted of a platform fitted with space-controlling antennas, through and around which a dancer would control the musical performance. By most accounts, the instrument was nearly impossible to control. Of the three instruments built, only the last one, made in 1978 for Lydia Kavina, survives today.
  • TheZ.Vex EffectsFuzz Probe, Wah Probe and Tremolo Probe, using a theremin to control said effects. The Fuzz Probe can be used as a theremin, as it can through feedback oscillation create tones of any pitch.
  • TheMC-505by Roland by being able to use the integratedD-Beam-sensor like a theremin.
  • TheAudiocubesby Percussa are light emitting smart blocks that have four sensors on each side (optical theremin). The sensors measure the distance to your hands to control an effect or sound.[83]
  • Athree radio theremin(Super Theremin,スーパーテレミン) invented by Tomoya Yamamoto (Sơn bổn trí thỉ), composed of three independent radio sets. Radio set #1 is to listen and to record the signal at around 1600kHz.Radio set #2 is tuned at 1145kHz so that its local oscillator of around 1600kHz is to be received by radio set #1. Radio set #3 is also tuned at 1145kHz so that its local oscillator may produce the beat with radio set #2. The operator's hand movement around the bar antenna of radio set #3 may affect the local oscillator to produce tonal change.[84][non-primary source needed]
  • The Matryomin by Masami Takeuchi is a single-antenna theremin-type device mounted inside amatryoshka doll.[85]
  • TheChimaerais a digital offspring of theremin and touchless ribbon controller and based on distance sensing of permanent magnets. An array of linear Hall-effect sensors, each acting as an individual theremin in a changing magnetic field, responds to multiple moving neodymium magnets worn on fingers and forms a continuous interaction space in two dimensions.[86]

See also



  1. ^"Revision of the Hornbostel-Sachs Classification of Musical Instruments by the MIMO Consortium".
  2. ^The London Mercury Vol. XVII No. 99 1928
  3. ^"Theremin | Divine Hand Ensemble".Singing Electricity.Retrieved2024-06-01.
  4. ^Glinsky, Albert (2000).Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage.Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. p.26.ISBN978-0-252-02582-2.
  5. ^Leon Theremin playing his own instrumentonYouTube
  6. ^abUS1661058
  7. ^"MMCatalogue (All)".The Musical Museum.Retrieved2024-08-08.
  8. ^Glinskypp. 127–128
  9. ^"The Theremin".Thereminvox. May 9, 2007.Retrieved2010-07-13.financially supported Léon Theremin's work
  10. ^Tell Me More,BBC, h2g2 project, Undated.Accessed:05-20-2008.
  11. ^Glinskypp. 185–187, 329
  12. ^Glinsky, Albert (2022).Switched On: Bob Moog and the Synthesizer Revolution.New York City, New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 26–33.ISBN9780197642078.
  13. ^1993 interview with Robert Moog posted at RaymondScott.netArchived2016-03-11 at theWayback Machine
  14. ^MRQE – Movie Review Query Engine – ThereminArchived2009-09-18 at theWayback Machine,see also the rare 100% score atRotten TomatoesArchived2007-12-10 at theWayback Machine
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Film and video

  • Martin, Steven M. (Director) (1995).Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey(Film and DVD). Orion/MGM.
  • Lydia Kavina, Clara Rockmore (featuring), William Olsen (Director) (1995).Mastering the Theremin(Videotape (VHS) and DVD). Moog Music and Little Big Films.