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Thomas Leopold

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Outer court atBohus Fortress
The window opening to Thomas Leopolds' cell in the corner of the outer court

Thomas Leopold(born 1693 nearKristianstad,Scania,died 1771 inKungälv) was one of the prophets and martyrs of the SwedishPietistmovement during the 18th century.

Leopold's father Sigfrid had immigrated from Germany, and his mother was the daughter of an immigrant Scotsman.

At 35 years of age, during his studies inLund,Sweden, Leopold was imprisoned for his radicalprofession of faithand remained a prisoner for 42 years, 32 years of which were spent inBohus Fortress,where he died, aged 77.

Sometimes he was visited at the castle byLutheranpriests, who told him he could be freed immediately, if only he denounced hisRadical-Pietisticbeliefs. He always answered calmly that he had promised Jesus to be faithful until the end.

Leopold's prison cell is still preserved and can be visited at the fortress during summer.

See also
