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Time travel in fiction

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Poster for the1960 film adaptationof H. G. Wells' 1895 novellaThe Time Machine

Time travelis a common theme infiction,mainly since the late 19th century, and has beendepicted in a variety of media,such as literature, television, film, and advertisements.[1][2]

Theconcept of time travel by mechanical meanswas popularized inH. G. Wells' 1895 story,The Time Machine.[3][4]In general, time travel stories focus on the consequences of traveling into the past or the future.[3][5][6]The premise for these stories often involves changing history, either intentionally or by accident, and the ways by which altering the past changes the future and creates an altered present or future for the time traveler upon their return.[3][6]In other instances, the premise is that the past cannot be changed or that the future is determined, and the protagonist's actions turn out to be inconsequential or intrinsic to events as they originally unfolded.[7]Some stories focus solely on the paradoxes and alternate timelines that come with time travel, rather than time traveling.[5]They often provide some sort of social commentary, as time travel provides a "necessary distancing effect" that allows science fiction to address contemporary issues in metaphorical ways.[8]



Time travelin modern fiction is sometimes achieved byspace and time warps,stemming from the scientific theory ofgeneral relativity.[9]Stories from antiquityoften featured time travel into the future through a time slip brought on by traveling or sleeping, in other cases, time travel into the past through supernatural means, for example brought on byangelsor spirits.[10][4][11]

Time slip


A time slip is aplot deviceinfantasyandscience fictionin which a person, or group of people, seem totravel through timeby unknown means.[12][13]The idea of a time slip has been used in 19th century fantasy, an early example beingWashington Irving's 1819Rip Van Winkle,where the mechanism of time travel is an extraordinarily long sleep.[14]Mark Twain's 1889A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Courthad considerable influence on later writers.[15]The first novel to include both travel to the past and travel to the future and return to the present is theCharles Dickens1843 novelA Christmas Carol.[citation needed]

Time slip is one of the main plot devices of time travel stories, another being atime machine.The difference is that in time slip stories, the protagonist typically has no control and no understanding of the process (which is often never explained at all) and is either left marooned in a past or future time and must make the best of it, or is eventually returned by a process as unpredictable and uncontrolled as the journey out.[16]The plot device is also popular in children's literature.[17][18]The 2011 film,Midnight in Parissimilarly presents time travel as occurring without explanation, as the director "eschews a 'realist' internal logic that might explain the time travel, while also foregoing experimental time Distortion techniques, in favor of straightforward editing and a fantastical narrative set-up".[19]

Communication from the future


In literature,communicationfrom the future is aplot devicein somescience fictionandfantasystories.Forrest J. Ackermannoted in his 1973 anthology of the best fiction of the year that "the theme of getting hold of tomorrow's newspaper is a recurrent one".[20]An early example of this device can be found inH. G. Wells's 1932short story"The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper",which tells the tale of a man who receives such a paper from 40 years in the future.[20][21]The 1944 filmIt Happened Tomorrowalso employs this device, with the protagonist receiving the next day's newspaper from an elderly colleague (who is possibly a ghost).[20]Ackerman's anthology also highlights a 1972 short story byRobert Silverberg,"What We Learned From This Morning's Newspaper".[20]In that story, a block of homeowners wake to discover that on November 22, they have receivedThe New York Timesfor the coming December 1.[1]: 38 As characters learn of future events affecting them through a newspaper delivered a week early, the ultimate effect is that this "so upsets the future that spacetime is destroyed".[1]: 165 The television seriesEarly Edition,similar to the filmIt Happened Tomorrow,also revolved around a character who daily received the next day's newspaper, and sought to change some event therein forecast to happen.[22][1]: 235 

A newspaper from the future can be a fictional edition of a real newspaper, or an entirely fictional newspaper.John Buchan's 1932 novelThe Gap in the Curtain,is similarly premised on a group of people being enabled to see, for a moment, an item inThe Timesnewspaper from one year in the future. During theSwedish general election of 2006,theSwedish liberal partyused election posters which looked like news items, calledFramtidens nyheter( "News of the future" ), featuring a future Sweden that had become what the party wanted.[23]

A communication from the future raises questions about the ability of humans to control their destiny.[1]: 165 Thevisual novelSteins;Gatefeatures characters sending short text messages backwards in time to avert disaster, only to find their problems are exacerbated due to not knowing how individuals in the past will actually utilize the information.[24][25][26]



Precognitionhas been explored as a form of time travel in fiction. AuthorJ. B. Priestleywrote of it both in fiction and non-fiction, analysing testimonials of precognition and other "temporal anomalies" in his bookMan and Time.His books include time travel to the future through dreaming, which upon waking up results in memories from the future. Such memories, he writes, may also lead to the feeling ofdéjà vu,that the present events have already been experienced, and are now being re-experienced.[27]Infallible precognition, which describes the future as it truly is, may lead tocausal loops,one form of which is explored inNewcomb's paradox.[28][29]The film12 Monkeysheavily deals with themes of predestination and theCassandra complex,where the protagonist who travels back in time explains that he can't change the past.[30]

The protagonist of the short storyStory of Your Lifeexperiences life as a superimposition of thepresentand the totality of her life, future included, as a consequence of learning analien language.The mental faculty is speculation based on theSapir–Whorf hypothesis.[citation needed]

Time loop


A "time loop" or "temporal loop" is aplot devicein which periods of time are repeated and re-experienced by the characters, and there is often some hope of breaking out of the cycle of repetition.[31]Time loops are sometimes referred to ascausal loops,[30][31]but these two concepts are distinct. Although similar, causal loops are unchanging and self-originating, whereas time loops are constantly resetting. In a time loop when a certain condition is met, such as a death of a character or a clock reaching a certain time, the loop starts again, with one or more characters retaining the memories from the previous loop.[32]Stories with time loops commonly center on the character learning from each successive loop through time.[31]

Experiencing time in reverse


In some media, certain characters are presented as moving through time backwards. This is a very old concept, with some accounts asserting that English mythological figureMerlinlived backwards, and appeared to be able to prophesy the future because for him it was a memory. This tradition has been reflected in certain modern fictional accounts of the character.[33]In thePiers AnthonybookBearing an Hourglass,the second of eight books in theIncarnations of Immortalityseries, the character ofNortonbecomes the incarnation of Time and continues his life living backwards in time.[34]The 2016 filmDoctor Strangehas the character use the Time Stone, one of theInfinity Stonesin theMarvel Cinematic Universe,to reverse time, experiencing time backwards while so doing.[35][page needed]

In the filmTenet,characters time travel without jumping back, but by experiencing past reality in reverse, and at the same speed, after going through a 'turnstile' device and until they revert to normal time flow by going through such a device again.[36]In the meantime, two versions of the time traveller coexist (and must not meet, lest they mutually destruct): the one that had been 'traveling forward' (existing normally) until entering a turnstile and the one traveling backward from the turnstile.[citation needed]Thelaws of thermodynamicsare reversed for time traveling people and objects, so that for example backward travel requires the use of arespirator.Objects left behind by time travellers obey 'reverse thermodynamics;' for example, bullets shot or even simply deposited while traveling backward fly back into (forward traveling) guns.[citation needed]



Protagonists do not travel in time but perceive other times through arecord.Depending on the technology, they can minimally consult the record or maximally interact with it as asimulated realitythat can deviate causally from the original timeline from the point of interaction. A record can be consulted multiple times, thus providing atime loopmechanism.[citation needed]

Philip K. Dick's novelThe Man in the High Castlefeatures books reporting on an alternate timeline. TheTV seriestransposes the mechanism of the books tonewsreels.Incidentally, the alternate timeline is thehistoric timeline,as opposed to the alternate history of the works, so that the records also function asmeta-referencesto the timeline experienced by the authors and the consumers of the works.[citation needed]

The plot of the filmSource Codefeatures a simulated and time-looped reality based on the memories of a dead man.[citation needed]



Time paradox


The idea of changing the past is logicallycontradictory,creating situations like thegrandfather paradox,where time travellers go back in time and change the past in a way that affects their own future, such as by killing their own grandparents.[37][38]The engineerPaul J. Nahinstates that "even though the consensus today is that the past cannot be changed, science fiction writers have used the idea of changing the past for good story effect".[1]: 267 Time travel to the past and precognition without the ability to change events may result incausal loops.[30]

The possibility of characters inadvertently or intentionally changing the past gave rise to the idea of "time police", people tasked with preventing such changes from occurring by themselves engaging in time travel to rectify such changes.[39]

Alternative future, history, timelines, and dimensions


An alternative future or alternate future is a possiblefuturethat never comes to pass, typically when someone travels back into thepastand alters it so that the events of the alternative future cannot occur,[40]or when a communication from the future to the past effected a change that alters the future.[1]: 165 Alternative histories may exist "side by side", with the time traveller actually arriving at different dimensions as he changes time.[41]

Butterfly effect


Thebutterfly effectis the notion that small events can have large, widespread consequences. The term describes events observed inchaos theorywhere a very small change in initial conditions results in vastly different outcomes. The term was coined by mathematicianEdward Lorenzyears after the phenomenon was first described.[42]

The butterfly effect has found its way into popular imagination. For example, in Ray Bradbury's 1952 short storyA Sound of Thunder,the killing of a single insect millions of years in the past drastically changes the world, and in the 2004 filmThe Butterfly Effect,the protagonist's small changes to his past results in extreme changes.[43]

Time tourism


A "distinct subgenre" of stories explore time travel as a means of tourism,[4]with travelers curious to visit periods or events such as theVictorian Eraor theCrucifixion of Christ,or to meet historical figures such asAbraham LincolnorLudwig van Beethoven.[39]This theme can be addressed from two or three directions. An early example of present-day tourists travelling back to the past isRay Bradbury's 1952A Sound of Thunder,in which the protagonists arebig game hunterswho travel to the distant past to huntdinosaurs.[4]An early example of another type, in which tourists from the future visit the present, isCatherine L. MooreandHenry Kuttner's 1946Vintage Season.[44]The final type in which there are people time-traveling to the future is experienced in the second book ofDouglas Adams'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxyseries,The Restaurant at the End of the Universe,which, as the title indicates, includes a restaurant that exists at the end of the universe. In the restaurant, people time-traveling from all over the space-time continuum (especially the rich) came to the restaurant to view the explosion of the universe put on repeat.[citation needed]

Time war


The Encyclopedia of Science Fictiondescribes a time war as a fictional war that is "fought across time, usually with each side knowingly using time travel... in an attempt to establish the ascendancy of one or another version of history". Time wars are also known as "change wars" and "temporal wars".[45]Examples includeClifford D. Simak's 1951Time and Again,Russell T Davies'2005 revival ofDoctor Who,[46]Barrington J. Bayley's 1974The Fall of Chronopolis,andMatthew Costello's 1990Time of the Fox.[1]: 267 

Ghost story


Researcher Barbara Bronlow wrote that traditionalghost storiesare in effect an early form of time travel, since they depict living people of the present interacting with (dead) people of the past. She noted as an instance thatChristopher Marlow'sDoctor Faustuscalled upHelen of Troyand met her arising from her grave.[47]

See also



  1. ^abcdefghNahin, Paul J. (1999).Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction(2nd ed.). New York: Springer.ISBN978-0-387985718.
  2. ^Nahin, Paul J. (2011).Time Travel: A Writer's Guide to the Real Science of Plausible Time Travel.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. ix.ISBN9781421401201.
  3. ^abcSterling, Bruce (3 May 2016)."Science fiction – Time travel".Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved28 December2017.
  4. ^abcdKuiper, Kathleen (2012).Prose: Literary Terms and Concepts(1st ed.). New York:Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.pp. 63–64.ISBN9781615304943.
  5. ^abSterling, Bruce (3 May 2016)."Science fiction – Time travel".Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved28 December2017.
  6. ^abFlood, Alison (23 September 2011)."Time travel in fiction: why authors return to it time and time again".The Guardian.Retrieved29 November2015.
  7. ^Charliejane (31 January 2008)."Can You Escape Your Fate? Science Fiction Has The Answer!".io9.Retrieved31 July2024.
  8. ^Redmond, Sean (2014).Liquid Metal: the Science Fiction Film Reader.New York: Columbia University Press. p. 114.ISBN978-0-231501842.Retrieved30 September2015.[...] the time travel motif also has an ideological function because it literally provides the necessary distancing effect that science fiction needs to be able to metaphorically address the most pressing issues and themes that concern people in the present.
  9. ^Stephen Hawking (1999)."Space and Time Warps".Retrieved20 February2016.
  10. ^Fitting, Peter (2010). "Utopia, Dystopia, and Science Fiction".The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.pp. 138–139.ISBN978-0-521-88665-9.
  11. ^Alkon, Paul K. (1987).Origins of Futuristic Fiction.Athens: University of Georgia Press. pp.95–96.ISBN978-0-820309323.
  12. ^Anders, Charlie Jane (12 June 2009)."Timeslip romance".io9.Retrieved27 August2015.
  13. ^Palmer, Christopher (2007).Philip K. Dick: Exhilaration and Terror of the Postmodern(Reprint ed.). Liverpool:Liverpool University Press.p. 146.ISBN978-0-853236184.Retrieved11 February2017.
  14. ^Lee, Maggie (12 April 2016)."Film Review: 'A Bride for Rip Van Winkle'".Variety.Retrieved30 April2021.
  15. ^James, Edward; Mendlesohn, Farah (2002).The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 106.ISBN9781107493735.Retrieved11 February2017.
  16. ^Schweitzer, Darrell (2009).The Fantastic Horizon: Essays and Reviews(1st ed.). Rockville, Maryland: Borgo Press. p. 112.ISBN9781434403209.Retrieved22 September2017.
  17. ^Lucas, Ann Lawson (2003).The Presence of the Past in Children's Literature.Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. p. 113.ISBN978-0-313324833.
  18. ^Cosslett, Tess (1 April 2002).""History from Below": Time-Slip Narratives and National Identity ".The Lion and the Unicorn.26(2): 243–253.doi:10.1353/uni.2002.0017.ISSN1080-6563.S2CID145407419.Retrieved22 September2017.
  19. ^Jones, Matthew; Ormrod, Joan (2015).Time Travel in Popular Media:Essays on Film, Television, Literature and Video Games.Jefferson, North Carolina:McFarland.p. 278.ISBN9781476620084.
  20. ^abcdAckerman, Forrest J.(1973).Best Science Fiction for 1973.Ace Books.p. 36.
  21. ^"The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper".10 November 1971.Retrieved24 December2015– via Project Gutenberg Australia.
  22. ^Young, R. G. (1997).The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Film: Ali Baba to Zombies.New York: Applause. p. 318.ISBN978-1-55783-269-6.
  23. ^Jonsson, Gunnar (29 June 2006)."Fp [Folkpartiet] satsar på löpsedlar som valaffischer"[FP [The People's Party] focuses on headlines as election posters].Dagens Nyheter(in Swedish).Retrieved9 September2015.
  24. ^Thu diệp nguyên に thời gian の phi が khai かれる “シュタインズ・ゲート”[The gate of time can be opened at Akihabara, "Steins;Gate"] (in Japanese). Famitsu. 13 June 2009.Archivedfrom the original on 21 October 2012.Retrieved1 November2009.
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  28. ^Craig, William Lane (October 1987)."Divine Foreknowledge and Newcomb's Paradox".Philosophia.17(3): 331–350.doi:10.1007/BF02455055.S2CID143485859.Retrieved11 February2017.
  29. ^Dummett, Michael (1993).The Seas of Language(1st ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 356, 370–375.ISBN978-0-198240112.
  30. ^abcKlosterman, Chuck (2009).Eating the Dinosaur(1st ed.). New York: Scribner. pp.60–62.ISBN9781439168486.
  31. ^abcChelsea Quinn Yarbro."Time Loop".The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.Retrieved2015-10-18.
  32. ^Jones, Matthew;Ormrod, Joan (2015).Time Travel in Popular Media: Essays on Film, Television, Literature and Video Games.McFarland & Company.p. 207.ISBN978-0-786478071.
  33. ^Goodrich, Peter H. (2003).Merlin: A Casebook.New York:Routledge.pp. 83, 247.ISBN1135583404.
  34. ^Amazing Science Fiction Stories.58:15. 1984.{{cite journal}}:Missing or empty|title=(help)[title missing]
  35. ^Johnston, Jacob (22 November 2016).Marvel's Doctor Strange: The Art of the Movie.New York.ISBN978-0785198208.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  36. ^Stolworthy, Jacob (27 August 2020)."The crucial Tenet scene that reveals true meaning of movie's title".The Independent.Archivedfrom the original on 2022-05-07.Retrieved26 August2021.
  37. ^Langford, David."Time Paradoxes".The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.Retrieved30 November2015.
  38. ^Swartz, Norman (October 31, 1993)."Time Travel: Visiting the Past".Norman Swartz – Biography.Simon Fraser University.RetrievedFebruary 20,2016.
  39. ^abStableford, Brian (2006).Science Fact and Science Fiction: An Encyclopedia.New York: Routledge. p.534.ISBN0415974607.
  40. ^Prucher, Jeffrey; Wolfe, Gene (2007)."alternate future".Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction.New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 4–5.ISBN978-0-195305678.Retrieved4 January2016.
  41. ^"Journeys in Space and Time".Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.Episode 8. November 16, 1980. Event occurs at 36 minute mark.PBS.
  42. ^Hilborn, Robert C. (April 2004). "Sea gulls, butterflies, and grasshoppers: A brief history of the butterfly effect in nonlinear dynamics".American Journal of Physics.72(4): 425–427.Bibcode:2004AmJPh..72..425H.doi:10.1119/1.1636492.
  43. ^Peter Dizikes (June 8, 2008)."The meaning of the butterfly".The Boston Globe.RetrievedMay 31,2016.
  44. ^Bova, Ben (2003). "Introduction".The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two(1st ed.). New York:Tor Books.pp.ix-xi.ISBN978-0-765305343.
  45. ^Langford, David."Changewar".The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.RetrievedNovember 17,2015.
  46. ^Martin, Dan (2013-11-25)."Doctor Who recap: The Day of the Doctor".The Guardian.ISSN0261-3077.Retrieved2024-04-15.
  47. ^Bronlow, Barbara H. Petrovna, Natalia; Cougland, George C.; Ramirez, Juan Mario (eds.).Workshop on the Ongoing Impact of Ancient Myth on Contemporary Culture:146–148.{{cite journal}}:Missing or empty|title=(help)

Further reading
