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Timeline of Wyoming history

Coordinates:42°59′45″N107°33′04″W/ 42.9957°N 107.5512°W/42.9957; -107.5512(Geometric center of the State of Wyoming)
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This timeline is achronology of significant events in the history of theU.S.State of Wyomingand the historical area now occupied by the state.


Year Date Event
2022 November 8 In the2022 General Election,Wyoming voters electHarriet HagemanasU.S. Representativeand re-electMark GordonasGovernor.Republicansretain control of theWyoming Legislature.[1]
2021 September 2 Wyoming U.S. RepresentativeLiz Cheneyis named Vice Chair of theUnited States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack.[2]
May 12 Wyoming U.S. RepresentativeLiz Cheneyis removed as Chair of theHouse Republican Conference.[3]
January 13 Wyoming U.S. RepresentativeLiz Cheneyvotes to impeachPresidentDonald Trump.[4]
2020 November 3 In the2020 General Election,Wyoming voters elect threeU.S. Presidential ElectorsforPresidentDonald Trump,electCynthia Lummisas thejuniorU.S. Senator,and re-electLiz CheneyasU.S. Representative.Republicansretain control of theWyoming Legislature.[5]
September 17 TheMullen Fireignites 7 miles (11 km) west ofCentennial.As many as 1,254 firefighters battle the wildfire as it spreads throughCarbon County,Albany County,andJackson County, Colorado,and consumes 176,878 acres (716 km2) of forest.[6]
April 1 The2020 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 576,851, a 2.35% increase since the2010 United States Census.Wyoming remains the least populous of the50 United States.[7]


Year Date Event
2019 January 7 Mark Gordontakes office as the thirty-thirdGovernor of State of Wyoming.
January 3 Liz Cheneytakes office as theWyoming U.S. Representativeand is named Chair of theHouse Republican Conference.
2017 August 21 Thesolar eclipse of August 21, 2017sweeps across Wyoming. Huge crowds gather inCasperandGlendoto witness thetotal solar eclipse.
2011 January 3 Matt Meadtakes office as the thirty-secondGovernor of State of Wyoming.
2010 April 1 The2010 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 563,626, an increase of 14.1% since the2000 United States Census.Wyoming remains theleast populous of the 50 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
2007 January 3 John Barrassotakes office as the junior WyomingU.S. Senator.
2003 January 6 Dave Freudenthaltakes office as the thirty-firstGovernor of State of Wyoming.
2001 January 20 Dick Cheneytakes office as the forty-sixthVice President of the United States.
2000 April 1 The2000 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 493,782, an increase of 8.9% since the1990 United States Census.Wyoming remains theleast populous of the 50 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1997 January 3 Mike Enzitakes office as the junior WyomingU.S. Senator.
1995 January 2 Jim Geringertakes office as the thirtiethGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1992 August 3 U.S. PresidentGeorge H. W. Bushsigns into law an amendment to theNational Trails System Actto designate theCalifornia National Historic TrailandPony Express National Historic Trailas components of the National Trails System.
1990 April 1 The1990 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 453,588, a decrease of -3.4% since the1980 United States Census.As its population decreases, Wyoming becomes theleast populous of the 50 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1989 March 22 U.S. PresidentGeorge H. W. BushappointsDick Cheneythe seventeenthUnited States Secretary of Defense.
1988 November 8 TheTown of Alpineis incorporated.[8]
June 14 The first of over200 wildfiresbegin burning inYellowstone National Parkand adjacentnational forests.More than 9,000 firefighters battle the wildfires as they consume 793,880 acres (3,213 km2) of forest.
1987 January 5 Mike Sullivantakes office as the twenty-ninthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1984 November 27 TheTown of Wrightis incorporated.[8]
March 8 TheTown of Rolling Hillsis incorporated.[8]
1982 November 8 TheTown of Bar Nunnis incorporated.[8]
1980 April 1 The1980 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 469,557, an increase of 41.3% since the1970 United States Census.Wyoming remains the49th most populous of the 50 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1979 December 18 TheTown of Hannaannexes the adjacentTown of Elmo.
July 16 An F3 tornado makes landfall inCheyenne,killing 1 and injuring 40. It remains the most destructive tornado in the state's history.[9]
1978 November 10 U.S. PresidentJimmy Cartersigns theNational Parks and Recreation Act of 1978authorizing theContinental Divide National Scenic Trail,theMormon Pioneer National Historic Trail,and theOregon National Historic Trail.
October 9 TheUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)designatesYellowstone National Parkas one of the first 12World Heritage Sites.
1977 September TheCity of CodytransfersShoshone Cavernto theBureau of Land Management.
1976 July 4 The State of Wyoming celebrates theBicentennial of the United States of America.
1975 January 6 Edgar J. Herschlertakes office as the twenty-eighthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1973 April 26 TheTown of Midwestis incorporated.[8]
February 13 TheTown of La Bargeis incorporated.[8]
1972 October 23 U.S. PresidentRichard Nixonissues a proclamation creatingFossil Butte National Monument.[10][11]
1970 April 1 The1970 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 332,416, an increase of 0.7% since the1960 United States Census.Wyoming becomes the49th most populous of the 50 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1968 December 2 U.S. PresidentLyndon B. JohnsonsignsAn Act to establish a national trails system, and for other purposes,creating theNational Trails System.
1967 January 2 Stanley K. Hathawaytakes office as the twenty-seventhGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1966 October 15 U.S. PresidentLyndon B. JohnsonsignsAn Act to provide for the establishment of the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, and for other purposes.
1963 January 7 Clifford P. Hansentakes office as the twenty-sixthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1961 January 2 Jack R. Gagetakes office as the twenty-fifthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1960 April 29 U.S. PresidentDwight D. EisenhowersignsAn Act to revise the boundaries and change the name of the Fort Laramie National Monument, Wyoming, and for other purposes,expandingFort Laramie National Monumentand changing the name toFort Laramie National Historic Site.[10][11]
April 1 The1960 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 330,066, an increase of 13.6% since the1950 United States Census.Wyoming becomes the48th most populous of the 50 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1959 January 3 John J. Hickeytakes office as the twenty-fourthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1957 spring Buffalo Bill State Park,Wyoming's first state park, opens.
1955 January 3 Milward Simpsontakes office as the twenty-thirdGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1954 June 29 TheTown of Frannieis incorporated.[8]
June 17 U.S. PresidentDwight D. EisenhowersignsAn Act to authorize the abolishment of the Shoshone Cavern National Monument and the transfer of the land therein to the city of Cody, Wyoming, for public recreational use, and for other purposes.[10]
1953 January 3 Clifford J. Rogerstakes office as the twenty-secondGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1951 May 1 TheTown of Hulettis incorporated.[8]
January 1 Frank A. Barretttakes office as the twenty-firstGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1950 September 14 U.S. PresidentHarry TrumansignsAn Act to establish a new Grand Teton National Park in the State of Wyoming, and for other purposes,mergingJackson Hole National MonumentintoGrand Teton National Park.[10][11]
April 1 The1950 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 290,529, an increase of 15.9% since the1940 United States Census.Wyoming remains the47th most populous of the 48 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1949 January 3 Arthur G. Cranetakes office as the twentiethGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1945 September 2 World War IIends as theEmpire of Japanformally surrenders.
May 8 Thewar in Europeends as theGreater German Empireformally surrenders.
1944 December 29 U.S. PresidentFranklin D. Rooseveltvetoes House Resolution 2241, "To abolish the Jackson Hole National Monument as created by Presidential Proclamation Numbered 2578, dated March 15, 1943."
1943 March 15 U.S. PresidentFranklin D. Rooseveltissues Executive Proclamation Number 2578, creatingJackson Hole National Monument.[10][11]
January 4 Lester C. Hunttakes office as the nineteenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1942 November 3 TheTown of Parcochanges its name to theTown of Sinclairat theGeneral Election of 1942.[12]
1941 December 11 The United States declares war on theGerman Reichand theItalian Empire.
December 8 The United States declares war on theEmpire of Japanand entersWorld War II.
March 10 U.S. PresidentFranklin D. Rooseveltissues an executive order renamingWyoming National Forestas the re-establishedBridger National Forest.[13]
1940 April 1 The1940 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 250,742, an increase of 11.2% since the1930 United States Census.Wyoming remains the47th most populous of the 48 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1939 January 2 Nels H. Smithtakes office as the eighteenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1938 July 16 U.S. PresidentFranklin D. Rooseveltissues a proclamation creatingFort Laramie National Monument.[10][11]
April 18 TheTown of La Grangeis incorporated.[8]
1937 July 22 U.S. PresidentFranklin D. RooseveltsignsAn Act to create the Farmers' Home Corporation, to promote more secure occupancy of farms and farm homes, to correct the economic instability resulting from some present forms of farm tenancy, and for other purposes,also known as theBankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act.
1935 August 6 TheTown of Hannais incorporated.[8]
1933 May 3 U.S. PresidentFranklin D. RooseveltappointsNellie Tayloe Rossas the 28thDirector of the United States Mint,the first woman to hold the post. She will hold the office for twenty years.
January 2 Leslie A. Millertakes office as the seventeenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1932 January 1 TheTown of Ten Sleepis incorporated.[8]
1931 November 16 TheTown of Green Riverpasses theGreen River Ordinancethat prohibits door-to-door selling. Other towns across the country will adopt the ordinance.
February 18 Alonzo M. Clarktakes office as the sixteenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1930 September 13 TheTown of Albinis incorporated.[8]
April 1 The1930 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 225,565, an increase of 16.0% since the1920 United States Census.Wyoming remains the47th most populous of the 48 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1929 July 10 U.S. PresidentCalvin CoolidgesignsAn Act to establish the Grand Teton National Park in the State of Wyoming, and for other purposes.[11]
1927 January 3 Frank C. Emersontakes office as the fifteenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1925 November 3 TheTown of Edgertonis incorporated.[8]
April 1 TheTown of Parcois incorporated.[8](Changed name to theTown of Sinclairon November 3, 1942.)
January 5 Nellie Tayloe Rosstakes office as the fourteenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.She becomes thefirst woman to be sworn in as governorof aU.S. state.
1924 October 2 Frank Lucastakes office as the thirteenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
June 2 U.S. PresidentCalvin CoolidgesignsAn Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue certificates of citizenship to Indians,also known as theIndian Citizenship Act of 1924,finally granting fullUnited States Citizenshipto allNative Americans born in the United States.[14]
1923 May 14 U.S. PresidentWarren G. Hardingissues an executive order abolishingBridger National Forestand transferring its land toWyoming National Forest.[13](Wyoming National Forest will be renamed Bridger National Forest on March 10, 1941.)
January 1 William B. Rosstakes office as the twelfthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1922 May 1 TheTown of Glendois incorporated.[8]
April 15 WyomingU.S. SenatorJohn B. Kendrickintroduces a resolution calling for an investigation into theTeapot Dome scandal.
1921 February 15 The State of Wyoming creates two new counties:
Sublette Countyfrom portions ofFremont CountyandLincoln County;and
Teton Countyfrom a portion ofLincoln County.[15]
1920 April 1 The1920 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 194,402, an increase of 33.2% since the1910 United States Census.Wyoming becomes the47th most populous of the 48 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1919 September 28 TheTown of Ranchesteris incorporated.[8]
January 6 Robert D. Careytakes office as the eleventhGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1918 November 11 Anarmisticehalts theGreat War.
1917 April 6 The United States declares war on theGerman Empireand enters theGreat War.
February 26 Frank L. Houxtakes office as the tenthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
January 29 TheTown of Elmois incorporated.[8](Annexed by the adjacentTown of Hannaon December 18, 1979.)
1916 August 25 U.S. PresidentWoodrow WilsonsignsAn Act To establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes.[16]
March 8 TheTown of Van Tassellis incorporated.[8]
1915 January 4 John B. Kendricktakes office as the ninthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1914 August 7 TheTown of Jacksonis incorporated.[8]
August 4 TheTown of Marbletonis incorporated.[8]
August 3 TheTown of Opalis incorporated.[8]
May 14 TheTown of Duboisis incorporated.[8]
April 21 TheTown of Wamsutteris incorporated.[8]
1913 July 1 TheTown of Kayceeis incorporated.[8]
April 1 TheTown of Big Pineyis incorporated.[8]
1912 February 12 TheTown of Pinedaleis incorporated.[8]
1911 June 30 U.S. PresidentWilliam Howard Taftissues proclamations creatingWashakie National ForestandBridger National Forest.[13](Bridger National Forest will be abolished May 14, 1923, but re-established March 10, 1941.)
February 21 The State of Wyoming creates seven new counties:
Campbell Countyfrom portions ofCrook CountyandWeston County;
Goshen Countyfrom a portion ofLaramie County;
Hot Springs Countyfrom portions ofBig Horn County,Fremont County,andHot Springs County;
Lincoln Countyfrom a portion ofUinta County;
Niobrara Countyfrom a portion ofConverse County;
Platte Countyfrom a portion ofLaramie County;and
Washakie Countyfrom a portion ofBig Horn County.[15]
January 2 Joseph M. Careytakes office as the eighthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1910 July 1 U.S. PresidentWilliam Howard Taftissues a proclamation re-establishingMedicine Bow National Forest.[13]
June 28 U.S. PresidentWilliam Howard Taftissues a proclamation creatingPalisade National Forest.[13]
May 31 TheTown of Cokevilleis incorporated.[8]
May 10 TheTown of Powellis incorporated.[8]
April 1 The1910 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 145,965, an increase of 57.7% since the1900 United States Census.Wyoming becomes the45th most populous of the 46 U.S. states.


Year Date Event
1909 September 24 The State of Wyoming createsPark Countyfrom a portion ofBig Horn County.[15]
September 21 U.S. PresidentWilliam Howard Taftissues an executive order creatingShoshone Cavern National Monument.[10]
June 6 TheTown of Medicine Bowis incorporated.[8]
June 1 TheTown of Lost Cabinis incorporated.[8]
May 14 TheTown of Pine Bluffsis incorporated.[8]
May 12 TheTown of Rock Riveris incorporated.[8]
February 4 TheTown of Hudsonis incorporated.[8]
1908 October 18 TheTown of Uptonis incorporated.[8]
July 2 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues an executive order creatingBighorn National Forest.[13]
July 1 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues executive orders creatingTarghee National Forest,Teton National Forest,Wyoming National Forest,Bonneville National Forest,Ashley National Forest,andShoshone National Forest.[13]
June 30 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues an executive order creatingCheyenne National Forest.[13]
June 26 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues an executive order creatingSundance National Forest.[13]
June 25 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues an executive order creatingHayden National Forest.[13]
May 11 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues an executive order creatingLewis and Clark Cavern National Monument.[10]
March 28 Two coal gas explosions in theUnion Pacific Coal Company'sHanna Mine No. 1kill 59 miners.
1907 July 8 TheTown of Sheridanis incorporated.[8]
March 1 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues a proclamation creating theBear Lodge Forest Reserve.[13]
January 15 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues a proclamation creating theCaribou Forest Reserve.[13]
January 4 TheTown of Torringtonis incorporated.[8]
1906 November 5 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues a proclamation creating theSierra Madre Forest Reserve.[13]
October 2 TheTown of Moorcroftis incorporated.[8]
TheTown of Rivertonis incorporated.[8]
September 24 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues a proclamation creatingDevils Tower National Monument,the firstUnited States National Monumentcreated under theAntiquities Act.[10][11]
July 2 TheTown of Daytonis incorporated.[8]
June 8 U.S. PresidentTheodore RooseveltsignsAn Act For the preservation of American antiquities,also known as theAntiquities Act of 1906,giving the President of the United States the authority to createnational monumentsonfederal landsto protect significant natural, cultural, or scientific features.[17]
April 2 TheTown of Shoshoniis incorporated.[8]
March 30 TheTown of Worlandis incorporated.[8]
January 16 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues a proclamation creating theUinta Forest Reserve.[13]
1905 November 18 TheTown of Wheatlandis incorporated.[8]
January 2 Bryant B. Brookstakes office as the seventhGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1903 June 30 A coal gas explosion in theUnion Pacific Coal Company'sHanna Mine No. 1kills 169 miners.
April 28 Fenimore Chattertontakes office as the sixthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1902 July 7 TheTown of Basinis incorporated.[8]
May 22 U.S. PresidentTheodore Rooseveltissues a proclamation creating theYellowstone Forest Reserveand theMedicine Bow Forest Reserve.[13]
April 24 TheTown of Aftonis incorporated.[8]
April 4 TheTown of Guernseyis incorporated.[8]
1901 October 1 TheTown of Codyis incorporated.[8]
August 7 TheTown of Meeteetseis incorporated.[8]
April 2 TheTown of Encampmentis incorporated.[8]
March 2 TheTown of Diamondvilleis incorporated.[8]
1900 October 10 U.S. PresidentWilliam McKinleyissues a proclamation creating theCrow Creek Forest Reserve.[13]
July 1 TheTown of Saratogais incorporated.[8]
April 28 A coal gas explosion in theUnion Pacific Coal Company'sHanna Mine No. 1kills miner Henry Ward.
April 1 The1900 United States Censusenumerates the population of the State of Wyoming, later determined to be 92,531, an increase of 47.9% since the1890 United States Census.Wyoming becomes the44th most populous of the 45 U.S. states.
February 17 TheTown of Hartvilleis incorporated.[8]


Year Date Event
1899 January 23 TheTown of Kemmereris incorporated.[8]
January 21 TheTown of Thermopolisis incorporated.[8]
January 2 DeForest Richardstakes office as the fifthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1898 December 10 TheUnited States of Americaand theKingdom of Spainsign theTreaty of Paris of 1898to end theSpanish–American War.
September 19 U.S. PresidentWilliam McKinleyissues a proclamation creating theBlack Hills Forest Reserve.[13]
August 12 TheUnited States of Americaand theKingdom of Spainsign aProtocol of Peace.
June 17 TheTown of Luskis incorporated.[8]
April 23 TheKingdom of Spaindeclareswaron theUnited States of America.The United States declares war on Spain two days later.
1897 September 23 Cheyennehosts the firstCheyenne Frontier Days.
February 22 U.S. PresidentGrover Clevelandissues proclamations creating theTeton Forest Reserveand theBig Horn Forest Reserve.[13]
1895 January 7 William A. Richardstakes office as the fourthGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1893 January 2 John E. Osbornetakes office as the thirdGovernor of State of Wyoming.
1892 January 7 TheTown of Gilletteis incorporated.[8]
1891 November 24 Amos W. Barbertakes office as the secondGovernor of State of Wyoming.
June 10 TheTown of Green Riveris re-incorporated under the laws of the State of Wyoming.[8]
March 30 U.S. PresidentBenjamin Harrisonissues a proclamation creating theYellowstone Park Timber Land Reserve,the firstUnited States National Forest.[13]
March 3 U.S. PresidentBenjamin HarrisonsignsAn act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes,also known as theForest Reserve Act of 1891,giving the President of the United States the authority to create protectednational forestsonfederal lands.[18]
1890 October 11 Territorial GovernorFrancis E. Warrentakes office as the firstGovernor of State of Wyoming.
July 17 TheTown of Landeris incorporated.[8]
July 10 U.S. PresidentBenjamin HarrisonsignsAn Act to provide for the admission of the State of Wyoming into the Union, and for other purposes.[19]TheTerritory of Wyomingbecomes theState of Wyoming,the44th U.S. stateand the first U.S. state togrant women the right to vote.Wyoming later becomes known as theEquality State.
April 1 The1890 United States Censusenumerates the population of the Territory of Wyoming, later determined to be 62,555, an increase of 200.9% since the1880 United States Census.Wyoming becomes thefifth most populous of the six U.S. territories.
March 12 The Territory of Wyoming creates two new counties:
Big Horn Countyfrom portions ofFremont County,Johnson County,andSheridan County;and
Weston Countyfrom a portion ofCrook County.[15]


Year Date Event
1889 October 25 TheTown of Newcastleis incorporated.[8]
July 8 TheTown of Casperis incorporated.[8]
April 9 U.S. PresidentBenjamin HarrisonappointsFrancis E. Warrenthe tenth (and last)Governor of Territory of Wyoming.
1888 June 1 TheTown of Evanstonis incorporated.[8]
March 9 The Territory of Wyoming creates three new counties:
Converse Countyfrom portions ofAlbany CountyandLaramie County;
Natrona Countyfrom a portion ofCarbon County;and
Sheridan Countyfrom a portion ofJohnson County.[15]
1887 October 5 TheTown of Sundanceis incorporated.[8]
June 8 TheTown of Douglasis incorporated.[8]
January 24 U.S. PresidentGrover ClevelandappointsThomas Moonlightthe ninthGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
1886 December 20 U.S. PresidentGrover ClevelandappointsElliot S.N. Morganthe eighthGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
November 11 U.S. PresidentGrover ClevelandappointsGeorge W. Baxterthe seventhGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
March 12 TheTown of Rawlinsis incorporated.[8]
March 4 The Territory of Wyoming establishes theUniversity of Wyoming.
1885 September 2 White immigrantminersriot and kill 28Chinese immigrant minersand burn 78 homes in theRock Springs massacre.
February 28 U.S. PresidentChester A. ArthurappointsFrancis E. Warrenthe sixthGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
January 13 U.S. PresidentChester A. ArthurappointsElliot S.N. Morganthe fifthGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
1884 April 4 TheTown of Buffalois incorporated.[8]
April 1 The Territory of Wyoming createsFremont Countyfrom a portion ofSweetwater County.[15]
1882 July 18 U.S. PresidentChester A. ArthurappointsWilliam Halethe fourthGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
1880 April 1 The1880 United States Censusenumerates the population of the Territory of Wyoming, later determined to be 20,789, an increase of 128.0% since the1880 United States Census.Wyoming becomes theleast populous of the eight U.S. territories.


Year Date Event
1879 December 13 The Territory of Wyoming changes the name ofPease CountytoJohnson County.[15]
1878 April 10 U.S. PresidentRutherford B. HayesappointsJohn Wesley Hoytthe thirdGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
1876 July 4 The Territory of Wyoming celebrates theCentennialof theUnited States of Americawhile still reeling from the defeat ofLieutenant ColonelGeorge Armstrong Custerand the7th Cavalry Regimentat theBattle of the Little Bighornon June 26.
1875 December 8 The Territory of Wyoming creates two new counties:
Crook Countyfrom portions ofAlbany CountyandLaramie County;and
Pease Countyfrom portions ofAlbany County,Carbon CountyandSweetwater County.[15]
March 1 U.S. PresidentUlysses S. GrantappointsJohn Milton Thayerthe secondGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
1874 January 13 TheTown of Laramieis incorporated.[8]
1872 March 1 U.S. PresidentUlysses S. GrantsignsAn Act to set apart a certain tract of land lying near the headwaters of the Yellowstone River as a public park,creatingYellowstone National Park,the world's first national park.[11]
1870 April 1 The1870 United States Censusenumerates the population of the Territory of Wyoming, later determined to be 9,118. Wyoming becomes theleast populous of the nine U.S. territories.


Year Date Event
1869 December 16 TheUnion Pacific Railroadarrives inEvanston.
December 10 The first session of theWyoming Territorial Legislaturemeets inCheyenne.The legislature passes andTerritorial GovernorCampbellsigns an act to re-incorporate theTown of Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory,and an act grantingwhitewomen the right to vote,the firstU.S. stateorterritoryto grantsuffrageto women.
December 1 Wyoming Territorial GovernorJohn Allen Campbellcreates a fifth original county:Uinta County.[15]
May 24 John Wesley Powelllaunches thePowell Geographic ExpeditionfromGreen River.
April 5 U.S. PresidentUlysses S. GrantappointsJohn Allen Campbellthe firstGovernor of Territory of Wyoming.
1868 December 16 The provisional legislature of Wyoming creates four original counties:
Albany County,
Carbon County,
Laramie County(previouslyLaramie County, Dakota Territory), and
Sweetwater County(previouslyCarter County, Dakota Territory).[15]
October 1 TheUnion Pacific Railroadarrives inGreen River.
August 21 TheTown of Green River, Wyoming Territoryis incorporated under the laws of the previousTerritory of Dakota.(Re-incorporated under the laws of theState of Wyomingon June 10, 1891.)
August 8 TheUnion Pacific Railroadarrives inRawlins Springs.
July 25 U.S. PresidentAndrew JohnsonsignsAn Act to provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Wyoming[20]which creates theTerritory of Wyomingfrom the portion of theTerritory of Dakotawest of the27th meridian west from Washington,and the portions ofTerritory of Idahoand theTerritory of Utaheast of the34th meridian west from Washington.The boundaries of the Territory of Wyoming remain unchanged to the present-dayState of Wyoming.
May 4 TheUnion Pacific Railroadarrives inLaramie.
1867 December 27 TheTerritory of DakotacreatesCarter County, Dakota Territoryfrom a portion ofLaramie County, Dakota Territory.[15]
November 13 TheUnion Pacific Railroadarrives inCheyenne.
September 8 TheUnited States ArmyestablishesFort D.A. Russellthree miles (5 km) west ofCheyenneto protect the railroad.
August 8 TheTown of Cheyenne, Dakota Territory(formerlyCrow Creek Crossing) is incorporated.[8](Re-incorporated under the laws of theTerritory of Wyomingon December 10, 1869.)
July 5 TheUnion Pacific Railroadplats the townsite ofCrow Creek Crossing, Dakota Territory.
January 9 TheTerritory of DakotacreatesLaramie County, Dakota Territory.[15]
1865 May 9 U.S. PresidentAndrew Johnsonproclaims the end of theAmerican Civil War.
1864 summer Civil engineerJames A. Evansof theUnion Pacific Railroadlocates apassin theBlack Hills(later theLaramie Mountains) of theTerritory of Dakotathrough which theTranscontinental Railroadcould pass.
May 26 U.S. PresidentAbraham LincolnsignsAn Act to provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Montana.In addition to creating the freeTerritory of Montana,the act transfers the portion of theTerritory of Idaho"included within the following boundaries, to wit: commencing at a point formed by the intersection of thethirty-third degree of longitude west from Washingtonwith theforty-first degree of north latitude;thence along said thirty-third degree of longitude to thecrest of the Rocky Mountains;thence northward along the said crest of the Rocky Mountains to its intersection with theforty-fourth degree and thirty minutes of north latitude;thence eastward along said forty-fourth degree thirty minutes north latitude to thethirty-fourth degree of longitude west from Washington;thence northward along said thirty-fourth degree of longitude to its intersection with theforty-fifth degree north latitude;thence eastward along said forty-fifth degree of north latitude to its intersection with thetwenty-seventh degree of longitude west from Washington;thence south along said twenty-seventh degree of longitude west from Washington to the forty-first degree north latitude; thence west along said forty-first degree of latitude to the place of beginning, "back to theTerritory of Dakota.
1863 March 3 U.S. PresidentAbraham LincolnsignsAn Act to provide a Temporary Government for the Territory of Idaho.The freeTerritory of Idahoencompasses all of the future State of Wyoming except the southwest corner lying south of the43rd parallel northand west of the27th meridian west from Washingtonwhich remains in theTerritory of Utah.
1861 June 6 Jefferson Territorial GovernorRobert Williamson Steeleproclaims theTerritory of Jeffersonofficially disbanded.
April 12 TheAmerican Civil Warbegins with theBattle of Fort Sumter.
March 4 Abraham Lincolnassumes office as the 16thPresident of the United States.
March 2 OutgoingU.S. PresidentJames BuchanansignsAn Act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Dakota, and to create the office of surveyor general therein.The freeTerritory of Dakotaencompasses the northeast portion of the future State of Wyoming lying north of the43rd parallel northand east of theContinental Divide of the Americas.South of the43rd parallel north,theTerritory of Nebraskais extended westward from theContinental Divide of the Americasto the27th meridian west from Washington,annexing the eastern portions of theTerritory of Utahand theTerritory of Washington.
February 8 The sevensecessionistslave statescreate theConfederate States of America.
1860 November 6 Abraham Lincolnis electedPresident of the United States.Sevenslave stateswillsecedefrom theUnited States of Americabefore February 8, 1861.


Year Date Event
1859 October 24 Voters of thePike's Peak goldfieldsapprove the establishment of theProvisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson.[21][22]The proposed territory includes the portion of the futureState of Wyomingsouth of the43rd parallel northand east of the110th meridian west.[a]
February 14 U.S. PresidentJames BuchanansignsAn Act for the Admission of Oregon into the Union.TheTerritory of Washingtonnow includes the western portion of the future State of Wyoming lying north of the42nd parallel northand southwest of theContinental Divide of the Americas.
1854 May 30 U.S. PresidentFranklin PiercesignsAn Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas.TheTerritory of Nebraskaincludes all of the future State of Wyoming northeast of theContinental Divide of the Americas.
1853 March 2 U.S. PresidentMillard FillmoresignsAn Act to establish the Territorial Government of Washington.
1851 April 5 TheState of Deseretdissolves and yields to theTerritory of Utah.
1850 September 9 TheTerritory of New Mexicoand theTerritory of Utahare established as part of theCompromise of 1850.U.S. PresidentMillard FillmoresignsAn Act to establish a Territorial Government for Utah.The Territory of Utah includes the southwestern portion of the future State of Wyoming lying south of the42nd parallel northand west of theContinental Divide of the Americas.
summer Jim Bridgerleads theStansbury Expeditionacross amountain passon theContinental Divide of the Americasnear the southGreat Divide Basinbifurcation point, later known asBridger Pass.Bridger Pass will become the crossing point for theOverland Trailand thePony Express.


Year Date Event
1849 June 26 TheU.S. ArmypurchasesFort Johnfrom theAmerican Fur Companyfor $4,000 and renames itFort Laramie.The fort becomes the headquarters for the Regiment of Mounted Rifles. With Army protection, Fort Laramie becomes a major stop on theEmigrant Trail,theBozeman Trail,Pony Express route,theDeadwood and Cheyenne Stage route,and the route of thefirst transcontinental telegraph.
March 10 TheMormon settlersof theGreat Salt Lake Valleyform theProvisional Government of the State of Deseret.[23]Brigham Youngis electedGovernor.Deseret encompasses almost all of the presentU.S. statesofUtahandNevada,and portions ofOregon,Idaho,Wyoming,Colorado,New Mexico,Arizona,andCalifornia,although only theWasatch Frontwas occupied.[b]Although the proposed State of Deseret includes the southwestern portion of the futureState of Wyoming,it has no actual presence in the region. Deseret served as thede factogovernment of the Wasatch Front until the Provisional State was dissolved on April 4, 1851.
1848 August 14 U.S. PresidentJames K. PolksignsAn Act to Establish the Territorial Government of Oregon.TheTerritory of Oregonincludes the western portion of the future State of Wyoming lying north of the42nd parallel northand southwest of theContinental Divide of the Americas.The rest of the future state remainsunorganized United States territory.
February 2 The United States andUnited Mexican Statessign theTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgoto end theMexican–American War.Mexico relinquishes all of itsnorthern territories.All land in the future State of Wyoming becomesunorganized United States territory.
1846 May 13 The United States declares war on theMexican Republic.
February 14 TheState of Texascedes the territorial claims of theRepublic of Texasto the United States. The boundaries of the State of Texas within those territorial claims remain undefined. The United States now claims theRio Grandeas its border withMexico.
1845 December 29 The United States admits theRepublic of Texasto theUnionas theslaveState of Texasbut declines to define its borders. TheMexican Republicmaintains that Texas is still its territory by theTreaty of Limitsof 1828 and states that it will fight to regain Texas.
1842 spring Jim BridgerandLouis VasquezestablishFort BridgeralongBlacks Fork of the Green Riverin theMexican territoryofAlta California.Fort Bridger will become an important stop on theEmigrant Trail.
1841 autumn TheAmerican Fur Companycompletes a $10,000 adobe replacement forFort Williamnow namedFort John.
1840 autumn Lancaster LuptonestablishesFort Platte1 mile (1.6 km) north ofFort Williamat the confluence of theLaramie Riverand theNorth Platte River.


Year Date Event
1836 May 14 Texiansforce captured GeneralSanta Annato sign the coercedTreaties of Velascorecognizing the independence of theRepublic of Texas.Mexiconeither acknowledges nor ratifies these treaties. Based upon these treaties, the Republic of Texas claims as its eastern and northern border theAdams–Onís borderwith theUnited Statesand as its western and southern border theRio Grandeto itsheadwaters,thence north along meridian 107°32′35″ west to the Adams–Onís border with the United States.[c]The disputed region will later become portions of the futureU.S. statesof Wyoming,Colorado,Kansas,Oklahoma,Texas,andNew Mexico.
1834 May 31 William SubletteandRobert CampbellestablishFort Williamat the confluence of theLaramie Riverand theNorth Platte River.Fort William is the first American settlement in the futureState of Wyomingand will become an important stop on theEmigrant Trail.


Year Date Event
1828 January 12 The United States and theUnited Mexican Statessign theTreaty of Limitsaffirming the boundaries set by theAdams–Onís Treatyof 1819.
1821 August 24 Ferdinand VII of Spainsigns theTreaty of Córdobarecognizing the independence of theMexican Empire.The southwestern portion of the future State of Wyoming lying south of the42nd parallel northand west of theContinental Divide of the Americasbecomes part of theMexican territoryofAlta California,although there is no Mexican presence in the region.
August 10 TheState of Missouriis admitted to theUnion.The rest of theTerritory of Missouribecomesunorganized United States territory.
March 2 U.S. PresidentJames MonroesignsAn Act to authorize the people of the Missouri territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states, and to prohibit slavery in certain territories.
February 22 TheAdams–Onís Treatyof 1819 takes effect. All land in the future State of Wyoming north of the42nd parallel northor east of themeridian 106°20'35 "westbecomes part of theTerritory of Missouri.Land south of the 42nd parallel north and west of the meridian 106°20'35 "west remains part of theNew Spain (Nueva España)province ofNew Mexico(Santa Fe de Nuevo México).


Year Date Event
1819 February 22 The United States and the restoredKingdom of Spainsign theAdams–Onís Treaty.The United States relinquinshes its claim to land west of the100th meridian west of Greenwichand southwest of theArkansas Riverand south of the42nd parallel north.Spain relinquishesFloridaand all claims to land north of the 42nd parallel in North America.
1814 William ClarkpublishesA Map of Lewis and Clark's Track Across the Western Portion of North America from the Mississippi to the Pacific Oceanwhich includes the route ofJohn Colter's explorations in 1807–1808.
1812 October 22 Robert Stuartand six companions from thePacific Fur CompanycrossSouth Pass,the lowest point on theContinental Divide of the Americasbetween theCentral Rocky Mountainsand theSouthern Rocky Mountains.South Pass will become the crossing point for theOregon Trail,theCalifornia Trail,and theMormon Trail.
June 4 U.S. PresidentJames MadisonsignsAn Act providing for the government of the territory of Missouri.TheTerritory of Louisianais renamed theTerritory of Missouri.The Territory of Missouri includes all land in the future State of Wyoming northeast of theContinental Divide of the Americas.
1810 August 1 Mexican priestMiguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo-Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseñor(Hidalgo)proclaims the independenceofMexicofrom theNapoleonic Kingdom of Spainin the village ofDolores.


Year Date Event
1807 autumn Mountain manJohn Colterbecomes the first person from theUnited Statesto enter the futureState of Wyoming.Colter's description ofgeysers,fumaroles,andmudpotsalong theShoshone Riverled to the area being known asColter's Hell.
1805 March 3 U.S. PresidentThomas JeffersonsignsAn Act further providing for the government of the district of Louisiana.TheDistrict of Louisianais reorganized as the self-governingTerritory of Louisiana.The Territory of Louisiana includes all land in the future State of Wyoming northeast of theContinental Divide of the Americas.
1804 October 1 TheDistrict of Louisianais organized under the jurisdiction of theTerritory of Indiana.
March 26 U.S. PresidentThomas JeffersonsignsAn Act erecting Louisiana into two territories, and providing for the temporary government thereof.The portion of theLouisiana Purchasenorth of the33rd parallel northis designated the militaryDistrict of Louisiana.
1803 December 20 TheFrench Republicturns its colony ofLa Louisianeover to the United States. All land in the future State of Wyoming northeast of theContinental Divide of the Americasbecomesunorganized United States territory.
April 30 The United States and theFrench Republicsign theLouisiana Purchase Treaty.
1800 October 1 Under pressure fromNapoléon Bonaparte,theKingdom of Spaintransfers the colony ofla Luisianaback to theFrench Republicwith the secretThird Treaty of San Ildefonso.


Year Date Event


Year Date Event
1783 September 3 TheTreaty of Parisis signed inParisby representatives of KingGeorge IIIofGreat Britainand representatives of theUnited States of America.The treaty affirms the independence of the United States and sets theMississippi Riveras its western boundary.


Year Date Event
1776 July 4 Representatives of the thirteenUnited States of Americasign theDeclaration of Independencefrom theKingdom of Great Britain.


Year Date Event
1762 November 13 Fearing the loss of its American territories in theSeven Years' War,theKingdom of Francetransfers its colony ofLa Louisianeto theKingdom of Spainwith the secretTreaty of Fontainebleau.


Year Date Event


Year Date Event
1682 April 9 René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle,claims theMississippi Riverand itswatershedfor theKingdom of Franceand names the regionLa Louisianein honor ofKing Louis XIV.The Mississippi Basin is later determined to be the fourth most extensive on Earth and includes lands inhabited by hundreds of thousands ofnative peoplesand lands previously claimed bySpain,France,andEngland.The Louisiane claim includes all land in the futureState of Wyomingnortheast of theContinental Divide of the Americas.This will set up a rivalry among native peoples, France, Spain, and eventually the United States in the area.


Year Date Event
1598 July 12 Don Juan de Oñate Salazarestablishes theNew Spain (Nueva España)colony ofSanta Fe de Nuevo Méjicoat the village ofSan Juan de los Caballerosadjacent to theOhkay Owingeh Puebloat the confluence of theRio Grande (río Bravo)and therío Chama.[24]At its greatest extent, the colony encompassed all of the presentU.S. stateofNew Mexicoand portions ofArizona,Utah,Colorado,Wyoming,Nebraska,Kansas,Oklahoma,Texas,and theMexican stateofChihuahua.[d]


Year Date Event
1541 June 28 ASpanishmilitary expedition led byHernando de Soto,Governor of Cuba,become the firstEuropeansto cross theMississippi River.


Year Date Event
1513 September 29 SpanishconquistadorVasco Núñez de Balboacrosses theIsthmus of Panamaand arrives on the shore of a sea that he namesMar del Sur(theSouth Sea,later named thePacific Ocean). He claims the sea and all adjacent lands for theQueen of Castile.This includes the portion of the future State of Wyoming southwest of theContinental Divide of the Americas.


Year Date Event
1493 May 5 Pope Alexander VI(bornRoderic de BorjainValencia) issues thepapal bullInter caeterawhich splits the non-Christian world into two halves. The eastern half goes to theKing of Portugalfor his exploration, conquest, conversion, and exploitation. The western half (including all ofNorth America) goes to theQueen of Castileand theKing of Aragonfor their exploration, conquest, conversion, and exploitation. Theindigenous peoples of the Americashave no idea that any of these people exist.
1492 October 12 GenoeseseamanCristòffa Cómbo(Christopher Columbus) leading an expedition forQueen Isabella I of Castilelands on theLucayan islandofGuanahanithat he renamesSan Salvador.This begins theSpanishconquest of theAmericas.

Before 1492

Era Event
c. 12,000 BCE During acenturies long period of warming,ice-agePaleoamericansfromBeringiabegin using the ice-free corridor east of theRocky Mountainstomigrate throughout the Americas.

See also

History of Wyoming


  1. ^The Constitution of theProvisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson[21]states its boundaries as "Commencing at a point where the37th degree of north latitude,crosses the102nd degree of west longitude,and running north on said meridian to the43d degree of north latitude;thence west on said parallel to the110th degree of west longitude;thence south on said meridian to the 37th degree of north latitude; thence east on the said parallel to the place of beginning. "
  2. ^The Constitution of theState of Deseret[23]states its boundaries as "commencing at the33 degree of north latitudewhere it crosses the108 degree of longitude west of Greenwichthence running south and west to and down the main channel of theGila Riveron the northern line of Mexico and on the northern boundary ofLower Californiato thePacific Oceanthence along the coast north westerly to118 degrees 30 minutes of west longitudethence north to where said line intersects the dividing ridge of theSierra Nevadamountains thence north along the summit of the Sierra Nevada mountains to the dividing range of mountains that separates the waters flowing into theColumbia Riverfrom the waters running into theGreat Basinthence easterly along the dividing range of mountains that separates said waters flowing into the Columbia River on the north from the waters flowing into the Great Basin on the south to the summit of theWind Riverchain of mountains thence south east and south by thedividing range of mountainsthat separate the waters flowing into theGulf of Mexicofrom the waters flowing into theGulf of Californiato the place of beginning as set forth in a map drawn byCharles Preussand published by order of theSenate of the United Statesin 1848. "This ambitious claim included the future cities ofLas Vegas,Phoenix,San Diego,andLos Angeles.
  3. ^TheRepublic of Texasclaimed as its eastern and northern border theAdams–Onís borderwith theUnited Statesand as its western and southern border theRio Grandeto itsheadwaters,thence north along meridian 107°32′35″ west to the Adams–Onís border with the United States. The western extent of this claim was dubious since the Republic of Texas never occupied any territory west of the102nd meridian west.
  4. ^At its greatest territorial extent, theSpanish Empireclaimed that the border of its colony ofNew Mexico (Santa Fe de Nuevo México)began where the31st parallel northcrossed100th meridian west,thence north along the 100th meridian west to the42nd parallel north,thence west along the 42nd parallel north to theGreen River (río Español),thence down the Green River to itsconfluencewith theColorado River (río Colorado),thence down the Colorado River to its confluence with theGila River (río Gila),thence up the Gila River up to its confluence with its East Fork and West Fork, thence south along themeridian 108°12′22″ westto the31st parallel north,thence east along the 31st parallel north back to the 100th meridian west.



References are included in the linked articles.

  1. ^"Wyoming elections, 2022".Ballotpedia.RetrievedAugust 21,2024.
  2. ^Thompson, Bennie (September 2, 2021)."Chairman Thompson Announces Representative Cheney as Select Committee Vice Chair".Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.Archivedfrom the original on November 10, 2021.RetrievedSeptember 2,2021.
  3. ^King, Ledyard."Liz Cheney's future in Republican leadership decided by voice vote in closed-door meeting".USA Today.Archivedfrom the original on May 12, 2021.RetrievedMay 12,2021.
  4. ^"These 10 House Republicans voted to impeach Trump on Wednesday".CNN.January 13, 2021.Archivedfrom the original on January 13, 2021.RetrievedJanuary 13,2021.
  5. ^"Wyoming elections, 2020".Ballotpedia.RetrievedAugust 21,2024.
  6. ^"Mullen Fire Information - InciWeb the Incident Information System".inciweb.nwcg.gov.RetrievedAugust 21,2024.
  7. ^"2020 Census Apportionment Results".United States Census Bureau.April 26, 2021.RetrievedAugust 21,2024.
  8. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacadaeafagahaiajakalamanaoapaqarasatauavawaxayazbabbbcbdbebfbgbhbibjbkblbmbn"Incorporated Cities".Wyoming State Archives. 2020.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  9. ^US Department of Commerce, NOAA."July 16, 1979 Cheyenne, Wyoming Tornado".www.weather.gov.Retrieved2022-11-19.
  10. ^abcdefghi"Antiquities Act".National Park Service.November 3, 2020.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  11. ^abcdefgh"Park Anniversaries".National Park Service.October 30, 2020.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  12. ^Town of Parco(1942)."Amended Petition of the Town of Parco for submission of the proposition to change its name from" Town of Parco "to" Town of Sinclair "".Carbon County, Wyoming.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  13. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrs"Establishment and Modification of National Forest Boundaries and National Grasslands"(PDF).United States Forest Service.2012.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  14. ^Sixty-eighth United States Congress(June 2, 1924)."An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue certificates of citizenship to Indians"(PDF).Library of Congress.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  15. ^abcdefghijkl"Wyoming: Individual County Chronologies".Newberry Library.2004.RetrievedNovember 17,2020.
  16. ^Sixty-fourth United States Congress(August 25, 1916)."An Act To establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes"(PDF).Library of Congress.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  17. ^Fifty-ninth United States Congress(June 8, 1906)."An Act For the preservation of American antiquities"(PDF).Library of Congress.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  18. ^Fifty-first United States Congress(March 3, 1891)."An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes"(PDF).Library of Congress.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  19. ^Fifty-first United States Congress(July 10, 1890)."An act to provide for the admission of the State of Wyoming into the Union, and for other purposes"(PDF).Library of Congress.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  20. ^Fortieth United States Congress(July 25, 1868)."An Act to provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Wyoming"(PDF).Library of Congress.RetrievedNovember 16,2020.
  21. ^ab"The Constitution of Jefferson Territory"(PDF).Colorado Magazine.RetrievedMarch 10,2022.
  22. ^General Assembly of the Territory of Jefferson(November 28, 1859)."Provisional Laws and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of Jefferson Territory".RetrievedMarch 10,2022.
  23. ^abPeter Crawley (October 1, 1989)."The Constitution of the State of Deseret".BYU Scholars Archive.RetrievedMarch 5,2022.
  24. ^"Juan de Oñate".New Mexico History. January 10, 2013.RetrievedMarch 5,2022.

42°59′45″N107°33′04″W/ 42.9957°N 107.5512°W/42.9957; -107.5512(Geometric center of the State of Wyoming)