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Tithraustes(Old Persian:*Ciθrāvahištaʰ;Ancient Greek:ΤιθραύστηςTithraústēs) was thePersiansatrapofSardisfor several years in the early 4th century BC. Due to scanty historical records, little is known of the man or his activities. He was sent out fromSusato replaceTissaphernesin 395 BC, and, after arresting his predecessor, executed him.

To remove the threat to his satrapy posed by theSpartanarmy ofAgesilaus,Tithraustes persuaded Agesilaus to march north into the satrapy ofPharnabazus,and provided him with money for the march. After this event, no further actions of his can be traced.

Xenophonstates that it was Tithraustes who dispatchedTimocrates of Rhodesto Greece to stir up opposition to Sparta, but this seems unlikely for chronological reasons.[1]


  • Fine, John V. A.The Ancient Greeks: A Critical History(Harvard University Press, 1983)ISBN0-674-03314-0
  • Xenophon(1890s) [original 4th century BC].Hellenica.Translated byHenry Graham Dakyns– viaWikisource.


  1. ^Fine,The Ancient Greeks,548. See also the contradictory account in theHellenica Oxyrhynchia.