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Tractive effort

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In railway engineering, the termtractive effortdescribes the pulling or pushing capability of alocomotive.The published tractive force value for any vehicle may be theoretical—that is, calculated from known or implied mechanical properties—or obtained via testing under controlled conditions. The discussion herein covers the term's usage in mechanical applications in which the final stage of the power transmission system is one or morewheelsinfrictionalcontact with arailroad track.

Defining tractive effort[edit]

The termtractive effortis often qualified asstarting tractive effort,continuous tractive effortandmaximum tractive effort.These terms apply to different operating conditions, but are related by common mechanical factors:input torqueto the driving wheels, the wheel diameter,coefficient of friction(μ) between the driving wheels and supporting surface, and the weight applied to the driving wheels (mg). Theproductofμandmgis thefactor of adhesion,which determines the maximum torque that can be applied before the onset ofwheelspinorwheelslip.

Starting tractive effort
Starting tractive effort is the tractive force that can be generated at a standstill. This figure is important on railways because it determines the maximum train weight that a locomotive can set into motion.
Maximum tractive effort
Maximum tractive effort is defined as the highest tractive force that can be generated under any condition that is not injurious to the vehicle or machine. In most cases, maximum tractive effort is developed at low speed and may be the same as the starting tractive effort.
Continuous tractive effort
Continuous tractive effort is the tractive force that can be maintained indefinitely, as distinct from the higher tractive effort that can be maintained for a limited period of time before the power transmission system overheats. Due to the relationship betweenpower(P), velocity (v) and force (F), described as:

Tractive effort inversely varies with speed at any given level of available power. Continuous tractive effort is often shown in graph form at a range of speeds as part of atractive effort curve.[1]

Vehicles having ahydrodynamic coupling,hydrodynamic torque multiplierorelectric motoras part of the power transmission system may also have amaximum continuous tractive effortrating, which is the highest tractive force that can be produced for a short period of time without causing component harm. The period of time for which the maximum continuous tractive effort may be safely generated is usually limited by thermal considerations. such as temperature rise in atraction motor.

Tractive effort curves[edit]

Specifications of locomotives often include tractive effort curves,[2][3][4][5]showing the relationship between tractive effort and velocity.

Diagram of tractive effort versus speed for a hypothetical locomotive with power at rail of ~7000 kW

The shape of the graph is shown at right. The line AB shows operation at the maximum tractive effort, the line BC shows continuous tractive effort that is inversely proportional to speed (constant power).[6]

Tractive effort curves often have graphs ofrolling resistancesuperimposed on them—the intersection of the rolling resistance graph[note 1]and tractive effort graph gives the maximum velocity at zero grade (when net tractive effort is zero).

Rail vehicles[edit]

In order to start a train and accelerate it to a given speed, the locomotive(s) must develop sufficient tractive force to overcome the train'sresistance,which is a combination of axlebearingfriction, the friction of the wheels on the rails (which is substantially greater on curved track than on tangent track), and the force ofgravityif on agrade.Once in motion, the train will develop additional drag as it accelerates due toaerodynamic forces,which increase with the square of the speed. Drag may also be produced at speed due totruck (bogie) hunting,which will increase the rolling friction between wheels and rails. If acceleration continues, the train will eventually attain a speed at which the available tractive force of the locomotive(s) will exactly offset the total drag, causing acceleration to cease. This top speed will be increased on a downgrade due to gravity assisting the motive power, and will be decreased on an upgrade due to gravity opposing the motive power.

Tractive effort can be theoretically calculated from a locomotive's mechanical characteristics (e.g., steam pressure, weight, etc.), or by actual testing withstrain sensorson thedrawbarand adynamometer car.Power at rail is a railway term for the available power for traction, that is, the power that is available to propel the train.

Steam locomotives[edit]

An estimate for the tractive effort of a single cylinder steam locomotive can be obtained from the cylinder pressure, cylinder bore,strokeof the piston[note 2]and the diameter of the wheel. The torque developed by the linear motion of the piston depends on the angle that the driving rod makes with the tangent of the radius on the driving wheel.[note 3]For a more useful value an average value over the rotation of the wheel is used. The driving force is the torque divided by the wheel radius.

As an approximation, the following formula can be used (for a two-cylinder locomotive):[note 4]



  • tis tractive effort in pounds-force
  • dis thepistondiameter in inches (bore)
  • sis the piston stroke in inches
  • pis the working pressure inpounds per square inch
  • wis the diameter of the driving wheels in inches

The constant 0.85 was theAssociation of American Railroads(AAR) standard for such calculations, and overestimated the efficiency of some locomotives and underestimated that of others. Modern locomotives withroller bearingswere probably underestimated.

European designers used a constant of 0.6 instead of 0.85, so the two cannot be compared without a conversion factor. In Britain main-line railways generally used a constant of 0.85 but builders of industrial locomotives often used a lower figure, typically 0.75.

The constantcalso depends on the cylinder dimensions and the time at which the steam inlet valves are open; if the steam inlet valves are closed immediately after obtaining full cylinder pressure the piston force can be expected to have dropped to less than half the initial force.[note 5]giving a lowcvalue. If the cylinder valves are left open for longer the value ofcwill rise nearer to one.

Three or four cylinders (simple)

The result should be multiplied by 1.5 for a three-cylinder locomotive and by two for a four-cylinder locomotive.[8]

Alternatively, tractive effort of all "simple" (i.e. non-compound) locomotives can be calculated thus:



  • tis tractive effort in pounds-force
  • nis the number of cylinders
  • dis the piston diameter in inches
  • sis the piston stroke in inches
  • pis the maximum rated boiler pressure in psi
  • wis the diameter of the driving wheels in inches

Multiple cylinders (compound)

For other numbers and combinations of cylinders, including double and triple expansion engines the tractive effort can be estimated by adding the tractive efforts due to the individual cylinders at their respective pressures and cylinder strokes.[note 6]

Values and comparisons for steam locomotives[edit]

Tractive effort is the figure often quoted when comparing the powers of steam locomotives, but is misleading because tractive effort shows the ability to start a train, not the ability to haul it. Possibly the highest tractive effort ever claimed was for theVirginian Railway's2-8-8-8-4triplex locomotive, which insimple expansionmode had a calculated starting T.E. of 199,560 lbf (887.7 kN)—but the boiler could not produce enough steam to haul at speeds over 5 mph (8 km/h).

Of more successful steam locomotives, those with the highest rated starting tractive effort were the Virginian Railway AE-class2-10-10-2s,at 176,000 lbf (783 kN) in simple-expansion mode (or 162,200 lb if calculated by the usual formula). TheUnion PacificBig Boyshad a starting T.E. of 135,375 lbf (602 kN); theNorfolk & Western's Y5, Y6, Y6a, and Y6b class2-8-8-2shad a starting T.E. of 152,206 lbf (677 kN) in simple expansion mode (later modified to 170,000 lbf (756 kN), claim some enthusiasts); and thePennsylvania Railroad's freightduplexQ2attained 114,860 lbf (510.9 kN, including booster)—the highest for a rigid-framed locomotive. Later two-cylinder passenger locomotives were generally 40,000 to 80,000 lbf (170 to 350 kN) of T.E.

Diesel and electric locomotives[edit]

For anelectric locomotiveor adiesel-electric locomotive,starting tractive effort can be calculated from the amount of weight on the driving wheels (which may be less than the total locomotive weight in some cases), combinedstall torqueof thetraction motors,thegear ratiobetween the traction motors and axles, and driving wheeldiameter.For adiesel-hydraulic locomotive,the starting tractive effort is affected by the stall torque of thetorque converter,as well as gearing, wheel diameter and locomotive weight.

The relationship between power and tractive effort was expressed by Hay (1978) as



  • tis tractive effort, innewtons(N)
  • Pis the power inwatts(W)
  • Eis the efficiency, with a suggested value of 0.82 to account for losses between the motor and the rail, as well as power diverted to auxiliary systems such as lighting
  • vis the speed inmetres per second(m/s)

Freight locomotives are designed to produce higher maximum tractive effort than passenger units of equivalent power, necessitated by the much higher weight that is typical of a freight train. In modern locomotives, the gearing between the traction motors and axles is selected to suit the type of service in which the unit will be operated. As traction motors have a maximum speed at which they can rotate without incurring damage, gearing for higher tractive effort is at the expense of top speed. Conversely, the gearing used with passenger locomotives favors speed over maximum tractive effort.

Electric locomotives withmonomotorbogies are sometimes fitted with two-speed gearing. This allows higher tractive effort for hauling freight trains but at reduced speed. Examples include the SNCF classesBB 8500andBB 25500.

See also[edit]


  1. ^The graphs typically show rolling resistance for standard train lengths or weights, on the level or on an uphill gradient
  2. ^Half the stroke distance is about the same as the radial distance from the coupling of the driving rod to the centre of the driven wheel
  3. ^The relationship is: Torque = ForcepistonxR(the radial distance to the point of connection of the driving rod) x cos(A), whereAis the angle the driving rod makes with the tangent to the radius from wheel centre to driving rod attachment
  4. ^As with any physical formula,units of measurementmust be consistent: pressure in psi and lengths in inches give tractive effort in lbf, while pressure in Pa and lengths in metres give tractive effort in N.
  5. ^SeeGas lawsfor an explanation.
  6. ^The value of the constantcfor a low-pressure cylinder is taken to be 0.80 when the value for a high-pressure cylinder is taken to be 0.85


  1. ^Simon Iwnicki, ed. (2006).Handbook of railway vehicle dynamics.Boca Raton: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis. p. 256.ISBN978-0-8493-3321-7.
  2. ^XPT: Delivery, test runs and demonstration runs railpage.au.orgsee graph
  3. ^The Gravita Locomotive Family voithturbo.de (page 2)Archived2009-03-18 at theWayback Machine
  4. ^EURO 4000 Freight Diesel-Electric Locomotives vossloh-espana.com (page 2)
  5. ^Eurorunner ER20 BF and ER20 BU, Diesel electric platform locomotives for Europe siemens.dk (page 3)
  6. ^Eugene A. Avallone; Theodore Baumeister; Ali Sadegh, eds. (2006).Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers(11th ed.). McGraw-Hill. p. 166.ISBN978-0-07-142867-5.
  7. ^Allan, Ian (1957).British Railways Locomotives Combined Volume.Ian Allan Ltd.
  8. ^Ian Allan ABC of British Railways Locomotives,winter 1960/61 edition, part 1, p. 3
  9. ^Phillipson, E.A. (1936).Steam Locomotive Design: Data and Formulae.The Locomotive Publishing Company.
  10. ^Hay, William (1978).Railroad Engineering.Wiley, New York. p. 100.

Further reading[edit]