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Trapezoid (AmE)
Trapezium (BrE)
Trapezoid or trapezium

Ingeometry,atrapezoid(/ˈtræpəzɔɪd/) inNorth American English,ortrapezium(/trəˈpziəm/) inBritish English,[1][2]is aquadrilateralthat has one pair ofparallelsides.

The parallel sides are called thebasesof the trapezoid. The other two sides are called thelegs(or thelateral sides) if they are not parallel; otherwise, the trapezoid is a parallelogram, and there are two pairs of bases. Ascalene trapezoidis a trapezoid with no sides ofequalmeasure,[3]in contrast with thespecial casesbelow.

A trapezoid is usually considered to be aconvexquadrilateral inEuclidean geometry,but there are alsocrossedcases. IfABCDis a convex trapezoid, thenABDCis a crossed trapezoid. The metric formulas in this article apply in convex trapezoids.

Etymology andtrapeziumversustrapezoid

Hutton's definitions in 1795[4]

The ancient Greek mathematicianEucliddefined five types of quadrilateral, of which four had two sets of parallel sides (known in English as square, rectangle, rhombus and rhomboid) and the last did not have two sets of parallel sides – a τραπέζια (trapezia[5]literally 'table', itself from τετράς (tetrás) 'four' + πέζα (péza) 'foot; end, border, edge').[6]

Two types oftrapeziawere introduced byProclus(AD 412 to 485) in his commentary on the first book ofEuclid's Elements:[4][7]

  • one pair of parallel sides – atrapezium(τραπέζιον), divided into isosceles (equal legs) and scalene (unequal) trapezia
  • no parallel sides –trapezoid(τραπεζοειδή,trapezoeidé,literally 'trapezium-like' (εἶδοςmeans 'resembles'), in the same way ascuboidmeans 'cube-like' andrhomboidmeans 'rhombus-like')

All European languages follow Proclus's structure[7][8]as did English until the late 18th century, until an influential mathematical dictionary published byCharles Huttonin 1795 supported without explanation a transposition of the terms. This was reversed in British English in about 1875, but it has been retained in American English to the present.[4]

The following table compares usages, with the most specific definitions at the top to the most general at the bottom.

Type Sets of parallel sides Image Original terminology Modern terminology
Euclid(Definition 22) Proclus(Definitions 30-34, quoting Posidonius) Euclid / Proclus definition British English American English
Parallelogram 2 ῥόμβος (rhombos) equilateral but not right-angled Rhombus/Parallelogram
ῥομβοειδὲς (rhomboides) opposite sides and angles equal to one another but not equilateral nor right-angled Rhomboid/Parallelogram
Non-parallelogram 1 τραπέζια (trapezia) τραπέζιον ἰσοσκελὲς (trapezionisoskelés) Two parallel sides, and a line of symmetry Isosceles Trapezium Isosceles Trapezoid
τραπέζιον σκαληνὸν (trapezionskalinón) Two parallel sides, and no line of symmetry Trapezium Trapezoid
0 τραπέζοειδὲς (trapezoides) No parallel sides Irregular quadrilateral/Trapezoid[9][10] Trapezium

Inclusive versus exclusive definition


There is some disagreement whetherparallelograms,which have two pairs of parallel sides, should be regarded as trapezoids.

Some define a trapezoid as a quadrilateral havingonlyone pair of parallel sides (the exclusive definition), thereby excluding parallelograms.[11]Some sources use the termproper trapezoidto describe trapezoids under the exclusive definition, analogous to uses of the wordproperin some other mathematical objects.[12]

Others[13][failed verification]define a trapezoid as a quadrilateral withat leastone pair of parallel sides (the inclusive definition[14]), making the parallelogram a special type of trapezoid. The latter definition is consistent with its uses in higher mathematics such ascalculus.This article uses the inclusive definition and considers parallelograms as special cases of a trapezoid. This is also advocated in thetaxonomy of quadrilaterals.

Under the inclusive definition, all parallelograms (includingrhombuses,squaresand non-squarerectangles) are trapezoids. Rectangles have mirror symmetry on mid-edges; rhombuses have mirror symmetry on vertices, while squares have mirror symmetry on both mid-edges and vertices.

Special cases

Trapezoid special cases. The orange figures also qualify as parallelograms.

Aright trapezoid(also calledright-angled trapezoid) has two adjacentright angles.[13]Right trapezoids are used in thetrapezoidal rulefor estimating areas under a curve.

Anacute trapezoidhas two adjacent acute angles on its longerbaseedge.

Anobtuse trapezoidon the other hand has one acute and one obtuse angle on eachbase.

Anisosceles trapezoidis a trapezoid where the base angles have the same measure. As a consequence the two legs are also of equal length and it hasreflection symmetry.This is possible for acute trapezoids or right trapezoids (as rectangles).

Aparallelogramis (under the inclusive definition) a trapezoid with two pairs of parallel sides. A parallelogram has central 2-foldrotational symmetry(orpoint reflectionsymmetry). It is possible for obtuse trapezoids or right trapezoids (rectangles).

Atangential trapezoidis a trapezoid that has anincircle.

ASaccheri quadrilateralis similar to a trapezoid in thehyperbolicplane, with two adjacent right angles, while it is a rectangle in theEuclidean plane.ALambert quadrilateralin the hyperbolic plane has 3 right angles.

Condition of existence


Four lengthsa,c,b,dcan constitute the consecutive sides of a non-parallelogram trapezoid withaandbparallel only when[15]

The quadrilateral is a parallelogram when,but it is anex-tangential quadrilateral(which is not a trapezoid) when.[16]: p. 35 


general trapezoid/trapezium:
parallel sides:with
trapezoid/trapezium with opposing trianglesformed by the diagonals

Given a convex quadrilateral, the following properties are equivalent, and each implies that the quadrilateral is a trapezoid:

  • It has two adjacentanglesthat aresupplementary,that is, they add up to 180degrees.
  • The angle between a side and adiagonalis equal to the angle between the opposite side and the same diagonal.
  • The diagonals cut each other in mutually the sameratio(this ratio is the same as that between the lengths of the parallel sides).
  • The diagonals cut the quadrilateral into fourtrianglesof which one opposite pair have equal areas.[16]: Prop.5 
  • The product of the areas of the two triangles formed by one diagonal equals the product of the areas of the two triangles formed by the other diagonal.[16]: Thm.6 
  • The areasSandTof some two opposite triangles of the four triangles formed by the diagonals satisfy the equation
whereKis the area of the quadrilateral.[16]: Thm.8 
  • The midpoints of two opposite sides of the trapezoid and the intersection of the diagonals arecollinear.[16]: Thm.15 
  • The angles in the quadrilateralABCDsatisfy[16]: p. 25 
  • The cosines of two adjacent anglessumto 0, as do the cosines of the other two angles.[16]: p. 25 
  • The cotangents of two adjacent angles sum to 0, as do the cotangents of the other two adjacent angles.[16]: p. 26 
  • One bimedian divides the quadrilateral into two quadrilaterals of equal areas.[16]: p. 26 
  • Twice the length of the bimedian connecting the midpoints of two opposite sides equals the sum of the lengths of the other sides.[16]: p. 31 

Additionally, the following properties are equivalent, and each implies that opposite sidesaandbare parallel:

  • The consecutive sidesa,c,b,dand the diagonalsp,qsatisfy the equation[16]: Cor.11 
  • The distancevbetween the midpoints of the diagonals satisfies the equation[16]: Thm.12 

Midsegment and height


Themidsegment(also called the median or midline) of a trapezoid is the segment that joins themidpointsof the legs. It is parallel to the bases. Its lengthmis equal to the average of the lengths of the basesaandbof the trapezoid,[13]

The midsegment of a trapezoid is one of the twobimedians(the other bimedian divides the trapezoid into equal areas).

Theheight(or altitude) is theperpendiculardistance between the bases. In the case that the two bases have different lengths (ab), the height of a trapezoidhcan be determined by the length of its four sides using the formula[13]

wherecanddare the lengths of the legs and.



The areaKof a trapezoid is given by[13]

whereaandbare the lengths of the parallel sides,his the height (the perpendicular distance between these sides), andmis thearithmetic meanof the lengths of the two parallel sides. In 499 ADAryabhata,a greatmathematician-astronomerfrom the classical age ofIndian mathematicsandIndian astronomy,used this method in theAryabhatiya(section 2.8). This yields as aspecial casethe well-known formula for the area of atriangle,by considering a triangle as a degenerate trapezoid in which one of the parallel sides has shrunk to a point.

The 7th-century Indian mathematicianBhāskara Iderived the following formula for the area of a trapezoid with consecutive sidesa,c,b,d:

whereaandbare parallel andb>a.[17]This formula can be factored into a more symmetric version[13]

When one of the parallel sides has shrunk to a point (saya= 0), this formula reduces toHeron's formulafor the area of a triangle.

Another equivalent formula for the area, which more closely resembles Heron's formula, is[13]

whereis thesemiperimeterof the trapezoid. (This formula is similar toBrahmagupta's formula,but it differs from it, in that a trapezoid might not becyclic(inscribed in a circle). The formula is also a special case ofBretschneider's formulafor a generalquadrilateral).

From Bretschneider's formula, it follows that

Thebimedianconnecting the parallel sides bisects the area.



The lengths of the diagonals are[13]

whereais the short base,bis the long base, andcanddare the trapezoid legs.

If the trapezoid is divided into four triangles by its diagonalsACandBD(as shown on the right), intersecting atO,then the area ofAODis equal to that ofBOC,and the product of the areas ofAODandBOCis equal to that ofAOBandCOD.The ratio of the areas of each pair of adjacent triangles is the same as that between the lengths of the parallel sides.[13]

Let the trapezoid have verticesA,B,C,andDin sequence and have parallel sidesABandDC.LetEbe the intersection of the diagonals, and letFbe on sideDAandGbe on sideBCsuch thatFEGis parallel toABandCD.ThenFGis theharmonic meanofABandDC:[18]

The line that goes through both the intersection point of the extended nonparallel sides and the intersection point of the diagonals, bisects each base.[19]

Other properties


The center of area (center of mass for a uniformlamina) lies along the line segment joining the midpoints of the parallel sides, at a perpendicular distancexfrom the longer sidebgiven by[20]

The center of area divides this segment in the ratio (when taken from the short to the long side)[21]: p. 862 

If the angle bisectors to anglesAandBintersect atP,and the angle bisectors to anglesCandDintersect atQ,then[19]


TheTemple of Dendurin theMetropolitan Museum of ArtinNew York City



In architecture the word is used to refer to symmetrical doors, windows, and buildings built wider at the base, tapering toward the top, in Egyptian style. If these have straight sides and sharp angular corners, their shapes are usuallyisosceles trapezoids.This was the standard style for the doors and windows of theInca.[22]



Thecrossed ladders problemis the problem of finding the distance between the parallel sides of a right trapezoid, given the diagonal lengths and the distance from the perpendicular leg to the diagonal intersection.


Example of a trapeziformpronotumoutlined on aspurge bug

Inmorphology,taxonomyand other descriptive disciplines in which a term for such shapes is necessary, terms such astrapezoidalortrapeziformcommonly are useful in descriptions of particular organs or forms.[23]

Computer engineering


In computer engineering, specifically digital logic and computer architecture, trapezoids are typically utilized to symbolizemultiplexors.Multiplexors are logic elements that select between multiple elements and produce a single output based on a select signal. Typical designs will employ trapezoids without specifically stating they are multiplexors as they are universally equivalent.

See also

  • Frustum,a solid having trapezoidal faces
  • Polite number,also known as a trapezoidal number
  • Wedge,a polyhedron defined by two triangles and three trapezoid faces.


  1. ^"Trapezoid - math word definition - Math Open Reference".www.mathopenref.com.Retrieved2024-05-15.
  2. ^A. D. Gardiner & C. J. Bradley,Plane Euclidean Geometry: Theory and Problems,UKMT, 2005, p. 34.
  3. ^"Types of Quadrilaterals".Basic-mathematics.com.
  4. ^abcJames A. H. Murray (1926).A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles: Founded Mainly on the Materials Collected by the Philological Society.Vol. X. Clarendon Press at Oxford. p. 286 (Trapezium).With Euclid (c 300 B.C.) τραπέζιον included all quadrilateral figures except the square, rectangle, rhombus, and rhomboid; into the varieties of trapezia he did not enter. But Proclus, who wrote Commentaries on the First Book of Euclid's Elements A.D. 450, retained the name τραπέζιον only for quadrilaterals having two sides parallel, subdividing these into the τραπέζιον ἰσοσκελὲς, isosceles trapezium, having the two non-parallel sides (and the angles at their bases) equal, and σκαληνὸν τραπέζιον, scalene trapezium, in which these sides and angles are unequal. For quadrilaterals having no sides parallel, Proclus introduced the name τραπέζοειδὲς TRAPEZOID. This nomenclature is retained in all the continental languages, and was universal in England till late in the 18th century, when the application of the terms was transposed, so that the figure which Proclus and modern geometers of other nations call specifically a trapezium (F. trapèze, Ger. trapez, Du. trapezium, It. trapezio) became with most English writers a trapezoid, and the trapezoid of Proclus and other nations a trapezium. This changed sense of trapezoid is given in Hutton's Mathematical Dictionary, 1795, as 'sometimes' used -- he does not say by whom; but he himself unfortunately adopted and used it, and his Dictionary was doubtless the chief agent in its diffusion. Some geometers however continued to use the terms in their original senses, and since c 1875 this is the prevalent use.
  5. ^"Euclid, Elements, book 1, type Def, number 22".www.perseus.tufts.edu.
  6. ^πέζα is said to be the Doric and Arcadic form of πούς 'foot', but recorded only in the sense 'instep [of a human foot]', whence the meaning 'edge, border'. τράπεζα 'table' is Homeric. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones,A Greek-English Lexicon,Oxford, Clarendon Press (1940), s.v.πέζα, τράπεζα.
  7. ^abConway, John H.; Burgiel, Heidi; Goodman-Strauss, Chaim (5 April 2016).The Symmetries of Things.CRC Press. p. 286.ISBN978-1-4398-6489-0.
  8. ^For example: Frenchtrapèze,Italiantrapezio,Portuguesetrapézio,Spanishtrapecio,GermanTrapez,Ukrainian "трапеція", e.g."Larousse definition for trapézoïde".
  9. ^"chambersharrap.co.uk".www.chambersharrap.co.uk.
  10. ^"1913 American definition of trapezium".Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.Retrieved2007-12-10.
  11. ^"American School definition from" math.com "".Retrieved2008-04-14.
  12. ^Michon, Gérard P."History and Nomenclature".Retrieved2023-06-09.
  13. ^abcdefghiWeisstein, Eric W."Trapezoid".MathWorld.
  14. ^Trapezoids,[1].Retrieved 2012-02-24.
  15. ^Ask Dr. Math(2008),"Area of Trapezoid Given Only the Side Lengths".
  16. ^abcdefghijklMartin Josefsson,"Characterizations of trapezoids",Forum Geometricorum, 13 (2013) 23-35.
  17. ^T. K. Puttaswamy,Mathematical achievements of pre-modern Indian mathematicians,Elsevier, 2012, p. 156.
  18. ^"Math Education Geometry Problem 747: Trapezoid, Diagonals, Parallel, Bases, Midpoint, Similarity, Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning".gogeometry.com.Retrieved2024-05-15.
  19. ^abOwen Byer, Felix Lazebnik andDeirdre Smeltzer,Methods for Euclidean Geometry,Mathematical Association of America, 2010, p. 55.
  20. ^"Centroid, Area, Moments of Inertia, Polar Moments of Inertia, & Radius of Gyration of a General Trapezoid".www.efunda.com.Retrieved2024-05-15.
  21. ^Tom M. Apostol and Mamikon A. Mnatsakanian (December 2004)."Figures Circumscribing Circles"(PDF).American Mathematical Monthly.111(10): 853–863.doi:10.2307/4145094.JSTOR4145094.Retrieved2016-04-06.
  22. ^"Machu Picchu Lost City of the Incas - Inca Geometry".gogeometry.com.Retrieved2018-02-13.
  23. ^John L. Capinera (11 August 2008).Encyclopedia of Entomology.Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 386, 1062, 1247.ISBN978-1-4020-6242-1.

Further reading
