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Treaty of Vienna (1606)

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First sentences of the Treaty of Vienna at theReformation Wallin Geneva.

TheTreaty of Vienna(also known as thePeace of Vienna) was signed on 23 June 1606 betweenStephen Bocskay,Prince of Transylvania,andRudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor.Based on the terms of the treaty, all constitutional and religious rights and privileges were granted to the Hungarians in bothTransylvaniaandRoyal Hungary.InSopron,for instance, the agreement recognized the autocracy of HungarianLutherans;in Transylvania, theCalvinistsgained religious tolerance. The accord also recognized Bocskay as thePrince of Transylvaniaand guaranteed the right of Transylvanians to elect their own independent princes in the future.

Due to its importance for the Calvinists in Hungary and Transylvania, the first sentences of the treaty and its signing are depicted on theReformation WallinGeneva,a monument that honours important figures of theProtestant Reformation,next to the statue of Stephen Bocskay.

SinceStephen Bocskayhad sought the support of theOttoman Empire,the Treaty of Vienna was followed by thePeace of Zsitvatorokbetween SultanAhmed Iand ArchdukeMatthias of Austria(11 November 1606).

See also[edit]


  • Nemes Elek: Az 1606-ki bécsi békekötés létrejöttének története.Erdélyi Múzeum,VI. évf. 1. sz. (1879. jan. 1.)[History of making the Treaty of Vienna in 1606].
  • Az 1606. évi bécsi és zsitvatoroki béke. Bocskay halála[Treaty of Vienna and Zitvatorok in 1606, Death of [Istvan] Bocskay]. In Bánlaky József:A magyar nemzet hadtörténelme.[Military history of Hungarian nation].Budapest: Arcanum. 2001.ISBN963-86118-7-1
  • A bécsi és zsitvatoroki béke[History of Treaty of Vienna and Treaty of Zitvatorok]. InA magyar nemzet története[History of the Hungarian nation].Szerk. Szilágyi Sándor. Budapest: Arcanum. 2002.ISBN963-9374-26-1

External links[edit]