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Trisomy 9

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Trisomy 9
Chromosome 9
SpecialtyMedical geneticsEdit this on Wikidata
Causesthree copies ofChromosome 9
PrognosisInvariably fatal none treatment

Fulltrisomy 9is a rare and fatalchromosomal disordercaused by having three copies (trisomy) ofchromosome number 9.It can be a viable condition if trisomy affects only part of the cells of the body (mosaicism) or in cases of partial trisomy (trisomy 9p) in which cells have a normal set of two entire chromosomes 9 plus part of a third copy, usually of the short arm of the chromosome (arm p).



Symptoms vary, but usually result indysmorphismsin theskull,nervous systemproblems, and developmental delay. Dysmorphisms in theheart,kidneys,andmusculoskeletalsystem may also occur. An infant with complete trisomy 9 surviving 20 days after birth showed clinical features including a small face, widefontanelle,prominentocciput,micrognathia,low set ears, upslantingpalpebral fissures,high-arched palate,shortsternum,overlapping fingers, limited hip abduction,rocker bottom feet,heart murmursand a webbed neck.[1]

Trisomy 9p is one of the most frequent autosomal anomalies compatible with long survival rate. A study of five cases showed an association withCoffin–Siris syndrome,as well as a wide gap between the first and second toes in all five, while three had brain malformations including dilatedventricleswith hypogenesis of thecorpus callosumandDandy–Walker malformation.[2]



Trisomy 9 can bedetected prenatallywithchorionic villus samplingandcordocentesis,and can be suggested byobstetric ultrasonography.[citation needed]

Because trisomy 9 may appear withmosaicism,it is suggested that doctors take samples from multiple tissues whenkaryotypingfor diagnosis.[3]


  1. ^Kannan, T. P.; Hemlatha, S.; Ankathil, R.; Zilfalil, B. A. (2009). "Clinical manifestations in trisomy 9".The Indian Journal of Pediatrics.76(7): 745–6.doi:10.1007/s12098-009-0158-2.PMID19475342.S2CID207385217.
  2. ^Temtamy, SA; Kamel, AK; Ismail, S; Helmy, NA; Aglan, MS; El Gammal, M; El Ruby, M; Mohamed, AM (2007). "Phenotypic and cytogenetic spectrum of 9p trisomy".Genetic Counseling.18(1): 29–48.PMID17515299.
  3. ^Stipoljev, F.; Kos, M.; Kos, M.; Miskovi, B.; Matijevic, R.; Hafner, T.; Kurjak, A. (2003). "Antenatal detection of mosaic trisomy 9 by ultrasound: A case report and literature review".The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine.14(1): 65–9.doi:10.1080/jmf.