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Third Way (France)

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Third Way(French:Troisième voie) is a FrenchThird Positionorganization founded in 1985 by a merger of the smallneo-fascistgroupMouvement Nationaliste Révolutionnaire[fr](English: National Revolutionary Movement), which gathered former members ofFrançois Duprat'sRevolutionary Nationalist Groups,with dissidents from theParty of New Forces.[1]

Led byJean-Gilles Malliarakis,the party adopted the slogan of "neithertrustsnorsoviets"("ni trusts, ni soviets") and stood againstcommunism,capitalism,andZionism.It used atridentas its emblem. For a time the party was associated with theGroupe Union Défensebut maintained a generally poor relationship with theFront National(FN). This was the case until 1991 when Malliarakis decided to approach the FN, leading to a schism within the party from those who felt the FN did not conform to their way of thinking.[2]As a result,Christian Bouchetand his followers split off to formNouvelle Résistance,a group that was to be moreNational Bolshevikin tone. The Third Way itself remained in the hands of Malliarakis but was dissolved soon after the split.

Troisième voiealso maintained links with thewhite power musicscene as Gaël Bodilis, who set up theRebelles Européensrecord labelinBrest,was for a time a member of the group.[3]


  1. ^Annuaire de l'extrême-droite en France: Troisième Voie
  2. ^Antisemitism World Report, 1992.Institute of Jewish Affairs. 1992. p. 11.
  3. ^Blamires, Cyprian P., ed. (2006).World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia.Vol. 2. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. p. 604.