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Tuvans in Russia
Total population
Russia[1]295,384 (2021)
Krasnoyarsk Krai2,719[1]
Novosibirsk Oblast1,308[1]
China14,456 (2021est.)
Mongolia2,354 (2020est.)[2]
PredominantlyTibetan Buddhism(Lamaism),Tengrism
Related ethnic groups
Altaians,Chulyms,Kumandins,Shors,Teleuts,Tofalar,Dukha,Soyot,Kyrgyz,and otherTurkic peoples
PeopleTuvan / Tyvans
LanguageTuvan / Tyvan
Тыва дыл
CountryTuva / Tyva

TheTuvans(fromRussianтувинцыtuvincy) orTyvans(fromTuvanтываларtyvalar) are aTurkicethnic groupindigenous to Siberia[4]that live inTuva,Mongolia,andChina.They speak theTuvan language,aSiberian Turkic language.[5]In Mongolia, they are regarded as one of theUriankhaipeoples.[6]

Tuvans have historically beenlivestock-herding nomads,tending to herds of goats, sheep,camels,reindeer,cattle, and yaks for the past thousands of years. (This is, in fact, evident in the Tuvan folk song "Tooruktug Dolgai Tangdym".) They have traditionally lived inyurtscovered by felt orchums,layered with birch bark orhidethat they relocate seasonally as they move to newer pastures. Traditionally, the Tuvans were divided into nine regions calledkhoshuun,namely theTozhu,Salchak, Oyunnar, Khemchik, Khaasuut, Shalyk, Nibazy, Daavan and Choodu, and Beezi. The first four were ruled by Uriankhai Mongol princes, while the rest were administered byBorjiginMongol princes.[7]



Besides prehistoric rock-carvings to be found especially along theYeniseibanks, the first internationally important archaeological findings have been nearArzhan,in the north central Tuva. Here,Scythiankurganburials are being researched, revealing the earliest (7th, 6th century BC) and easternmost remains of these people who spread from Central Asia and predate Turcomongol tribes.[citation needed]Their story and artifacts can be viewed in the National Museum inKyzyl.

TheXiongnuruled over the area of Tuva prior to 200 AD. At this time, a people known to the Chinese asDinglingĐinh linh inhabited the region. Chinese chroniclers further associated the Dingling with the Tiele, one of whose tribes was named Dubo ( đô ba ) and was located in the eastern Sayans.[8][9][10][11][12]The wordtuwaalso occurs three times in theInscription of Hüis Tolgoi.While it is not clear what it means, Dieter Maue suggested that it could be related to the tribal name "Dubo".[13]This name is recognized as being associated with the Tuvan people and is the earliest written record of them. TheXianbeiTiên ti (descendants of the Donghu đông hồ, once conquered by the Xiongnu) attacked and defeated the Xiongnu and they, in turn, were defeated by theRouranNhu nhiên. From around the end of the 6th century, theGöktürksheld dominion over Tuvans (DouboĐô bá ), who constituted one of the three Wooden-Horse Turkic tribes,[14]up until the 8th century when theUyghurstook over.

Map showing extent of Uyghur Khanate and placement of Kyrgyz in 820 AD.

Tuvans were subjects of the Uyghur Khanate during the 8th and 9th centuries. The Uyghurs established several fortifications within Tuva as a means of subduing the population. There are plans being discussed to restore the remains of one of these fortresses,Por-Bazhynin lake Tere-Khol in the southeast of the country.[15]The memory of Uyghur occupation could still be seen up until the end of the 19th century due to the application of the nameOndar Uyghurfor the Ondar Tuvans living near the Khemchik river in the southwest.[16]Uyghur dominance was broken by theYeniseian Kyrgyzin 840 AD, who came from the upper reaches of the Yenisei.

In 1207, theOiratprince Quduqa-Beki ledMongoldetachments underJochito a tributary of the Kaa-Khem river. They encountered the Tuvan Keshdims, Baits, and Teleks. This was the beginning of Mongol suzerainty over the Tuvans. After the collapse of theNaiman Khanate,Tuvans moved to modernMongoliaand some Naimans moved to modernKazakhstanterritory.

Tuvans came to be ruled for most of the 17th century by Khalka Mongol leader Sholoi UbashiAltan-Khan.It was at this time in 1615 that the first Russians, Vasily Tyumenets and Ivan Petrov, visited Tuva as emissaries to the Altan-Khan.[17]Russian documents from this time record information about different groups that contributed to the composition of modern Tuvans. Tyumenets and Petrov describe the Maads, who became Russian subjects in 1609, living in the Bii-Khem basin, 14 days' ride fromTomsk.The Maads travelled to the area of the Khemchik and Ulug-Khem next to the lands of the Altan-Khan near the lakeUvs Nuur.The ambassadors also described the Sayan raising reindeer with the Tochi (Todzhi) from theSayanto theAltaimountain ranges. The descendants of the Ak-Sayan and Kara-Sayan live mostly aroundTere-Khol rayon.

Tuvan shaman, c. 1900

The Altan-Khan's control over the area lessened over time due to constant warring between the Oirat and the Khalka ofJasaghtu Khanaimag.The Tuvans then became part of theDzungarianEmpire ruled by the Oirats. The Dzungars ruled over all of the Sayano-Altay Plateau until 1755.[18]It was during this time of Dzungarian rule that many tribes and clans broke up, moved around, and intermingled. Groups of Altayan Telengits settled in western Tuva on the Khemchik and Barlyk rivers and in the region of Bai-Taiga. Some Todzhans, Sayans, andMingatsended up in the Altay. The Siberians (Xianbei) established Manchu-Qing Dynastymigrated other Tuvans north across the Sayan range and they became known asBeltirs(Dag-Kakpyn, Sug-Kakpyn, Ak-Chystar, Kara-Chystar). The languages of the Beltirs and Tuvans still contain common words not found in the language of the other Khakas (Kachins or Sagays).[19]Other Russian documents mention Yeniseian Kyrgyz (Saryglar and Kyrgyz), Orchaks (Oorzhaks) and Kuchugets (Kuzhugets) moving into Tuva from the north.

Genetic research revealed that Tuvans are most closely related to otherTurkic peoples,specifically theAltaiansand theKhakas.It was found that Tuvans display differences toMongolic peoplesand are closer related to Siberian Turkic groups. Tuvans seem to be the direct descendants of the Indigenous Southern Siberian peoples.[20]

According to Ilya Zakharov ofMoscow's Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, genetic evidence suggests that the Tuvan people are among the close genetic relatives to theindigenous peoples of the Americasin Eurasia.[21]

The nameUriankhai

Tuvan on a horse

There does not seem to exist a clear ethnic delineation for the application of the nameUriankhai.Mongols applied this name to all tribes ofForest People.This name has historically been applied to Tuvans. In Mongolia there are peoples also known by this name. A variation of the name,Uraŋxai,was an old name for theSakha.[22]Russian Pavel Nebol'sin documented theUrankhuclan of Volga Kalmyks in the 1850s.[23]Another variant of the name,Orangkae(오랑캐), was traditionally used by theKoreansto refer indiscriminately to "barbarians"that inhabited the lands to their north.

They are two groups under the name Uriankhai: MongolUriankhai,Uriankhai (Tuva) of mixed Turkic-Mongol origin. All clans of the Mongol Uriankhai are Mongol, and Tuva Uriankhais have both Turkic and Mongol clans.[24][25]In the beginning of theMongol Empire(1206–1368), the Mongol Uriankhai (Burkhan Khaldun Uriankhai) were located in central Mongolia[26]but in the mid 14th century they lived inLiaoyang provinceof modernChina.In 1375,Naghachu,Uriankhai leader of the Mongolia-based colonial dynasty inLiaoyangprovince invadedLiaodongwith aims of restoring the Mongols to power. Although he continued to hold southernManchuria,Naghachu finally surrendered to the ChineseMing dynastyin 1387–88 after successful diplomacy of the latter.[27]After the rebellion of the northern Uriankhai people, they were conquered byDayan Khanin 1538 and mostly annexed by the northern Khalkha. Batmunkh Dayan Khan dissolved Uriankhai tumen and moved them to Altai Mountains and Khalkha land.

Ethnic Tuvans in 2017

Currently, Tuvans form the majority of the population in Tuva Republic. According to the 2010 Russian census, there was a total of 249,299 Tuvans who resided within Tuva. This represented 82.0% of the total population of the republic. In addition, Tuvans have a much higher fertility rate than Russians and the other Slavic peoples, while the median age of the Tuvan population is much lower than Russians. This basically ensures that the Tuvan population would continue to grow during the foreseeable future.

In the context of theRussian invasion of Ukrainesince 2022,[28]the Tuvans have been reported as one of Russia's ethnic minority groups suffering from a disproportionally large casualty rate among Russian forces.[29]


Distribution of the Tuvans in Russia and the Dukha in neighbouring Mongolia.

There are two major groups of Tuvans in Tuva: Western or the Common Tuvans andTuvans-Todzhins(Тувинцы-тоджинцы). The latter ones live inTodzhinsky District,Tuva Republicand constitute about 5% of all Tuvans.

A people similar by language to Tuvans live inOkinsky DistrictofBuryatia(autonym:Soyots(сойоты), sometimes referred to as Oka Tuvans).



A noticeable proportion of Tuvans lives inMongolia.TheDukhalive inKhövsgöl Aimag.The largest population of Tuvans in Mongolia are theTsengel Tuvans.[30]Around 1,500 live in the Tsagaan Gol River Valley,Altai Tavan Bogd National Park,Tsengel SumofBayan-Ölgii Aimag.Other Tuvans live inKhovd Aimagand inUbsunur Hollow.



Tuvans inChina,who live mostly in theXinjiangAutonomous Region, are included under theMongolethnicity.[30]Some Tuvans reportedly live atLake Kanas[31][32]in the northwestern part ofXinjianginChinawhere they are not officially recognized, are counted as a part of the localOiratMongol community that is counted under the general label "Mongol". Oirat and Tuvan children attend schools in which they useChakhar Mongolian[33]andMandarin Chinese.


Shaman inKyzyl,2001. Tuvanshamanhoodis being preserved and revitalized.



The famousbogtagheaddress worn by women seems to have been restricted to married women of very high rank.[34]

Traditional life


The Tuvans were mainly semi-nomadic livestock herders. They raised sheep, goats,camels,horses,reindeer,cattle, and yaks. Today, some Tuvans still retain their semi-nomadic way of life. The mobile dwellings of the Tuvans were usually circular yurts used in the steppes or conical hide tents when they were near or inside a forest.[35]



The Tuvan language belongs to the Northern or Siberian branch of theTurkic languagefamily. Four dialects are recognized: Central, Western, Southeastern and Northeastern (Todzhinian). In writing, a variety of theCyrillic scriptis used. A talking dictionary is produced by Living Tongues Institute.[36]



The traditional religion of Tuvans is a type ofTengriism,orTurkicanimisticshamanism.During the 18th century, the Tuvans converted toTibetan Buddhismvia contact with the Mongols. However, many shamanistic elements continued to be widely practiced along with the new religion the Tuvans adopted.[37]



A unique form of music exists in Tuva – commonly known as throat singing or askhoomei.There are various techniques of khoomei, some giving the effect of multiple tones by emphasizingovertones.Some famous groups from Tuva who feature throat-singing areYat-Kha,Huun-Huur-Tu,Chirgilchinand theAlash Ensemble.

A documentary calledGenghis Blueswas made in 1999 about an American blues/jazz musician,Paul Pena,who taught himself overtone singing and traveled to Tuva to compete in a throat-singing competition. This is where he also met the famous KhoomeizhiKongar-ol Ondarone of the masters of Khoomei.[38]



The Tuvan people have been skiing for thousands of years, primarily for the purpose of hunting elk. Tuvan hunters would track anelkin a heavy snow region and once they spotted an elk, they would ski downhill fast and throw a lasso to catch their game.[39][40]Although the origin of skiing is hotly debated, some experts believe that the Tuvan people in the Altay mountains may have been the earliest humans to master skiing for the purpose of hunting, due to ancient cave paintings in the region depicting ancient skiers chasing big game. However, nowadays in the same region within Xinjiang, the hunting of animals has been banned by the Chinese government, who had made the entire mountain into aconservationarea.[41][42]But the Tuvan people still actively and legally engage in "catch-and-release" hunting of elk using their traditional methods.[43][44]

Notable people


See also





  1. ^abcdef"Национальный состав населения".Federal State Statistics Service.Retrieved30 December2022.
  2. ^Mongolian Census 2020 Main report(in Mongolian)
  3. ^The Tuvans of Mongolia: Peculiarities of Contemporary Ethnic Development
  4. ^"Y-DNA haplogroups of Tuvinian tribes show little effect of the Mongol expansion".Indo-European.eu.12 August 2018.Retrieved15 July2020.
  5. ^"CNBC Asia-Pacific: Network Schedule".Advameg, Inc.everyculture.com.
  6. ^"Uriyangqad, which is the plural form of Uriyangqan, itself originally a plural of Uriyangqai."
    KRUEGER, John (1977).Tuvan Manual.p. 10.Which quotes from Henry Serruy's "The Mongols in China during the Hung-wu Period", Melanges chinois et bouddhiques, vol 11. pp. 282–283, Brussels 1959.
  7. ^The Uralic and Altaic Series By Denis Sinor, John R. Krueger, Jüri Kurman, Larry Moses, Robert Arthur Rupen, Vasilij Vasilevič Radlov, Kaare Grłnbech, George Kurman, Joshua A. Fishman, Stephen A. Halkovic, Robert W. Olson, V Diószegi, American Council of Learned Societies, Melvin J. Luthy,Luc Kwanten,Karl Nickul, A. A. Popov, Susan Hesse, Routledge, 1996.
  8. ^Xin Tangshuvol. 217a"Hồi hột, kỳ tiên hung nô dã, tục đa thừa cao luân xa, nguyên ngụy thời diệc hào cao xa bộ, hoặc viết sắc lặc, ngoa vi thiết lặc." tr: "Uyghurs,their predecessors were the Xiongnu. Because, customarily, they rode high-wheeled carts. InYuan Weitime, they were also called Gaoju (i.e. High-Cart) tribe. Or called Chile, or mistakenly as Tiele. "
  9. ^WeishuVol 103 Gaoche"Cao xa, cái cổ xích địch chi dư chủng dã, [...] chư hạ dĩ vi cao xa đinh linh." tr. "Gaoche, probably the remnant stock of the ancient Red Di. [...] The various Xia (i.e. Chinese) considered them Gaoche Dingling (i.e. High-Cart Dingling)"
  10. ^Suishuvol. 84 Tiele
  11. ^BeishiVol. 99
  12. ^Cheng, Fanyi. "The Research on the Identification between the Tiele ( thiết lặc ) and the Oğuric tribes" inArchivum Eurasiae Medii Aevied. Th. T. Allsen, P. B. Golden, R. K. Kovalev, A. P. Martinez. 19 (2012). Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden. p. 87
  13. ^Alexander Vovin (2017)."Interpretation of the Hüis Tolgoi Inscription".Presented August 31, 2017 at 60th PIAC, Székesfehérvár, Hungary. p. 6.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: location (link)
  14. ^Xin Tangshuvol. 217btxt: "Mộc mã đột quyết tam bộ lạc, viếtĐô bá,Di liệt, ca ngạ chi, "tr." The three Wooden Horse Tujue tribes, calledDou-bo,Mi-lie, [and] Ge-e-zhi "
  15. ^"Tuva-Online: Ancient Uyghur Fortress on a Tuvan Lake to Turn into a R…".archive.is.18 September 2012. Archived fromthe originalon 18 September 2012.
  16. ^KRUEGER, John (1977).Tuvan Manual.p. 41.
    which cites fromPOTAPOV, L.P. (1964). "The Tuvans".The Peoples of Siberia.
  17. ^KRUEGER, John (1977).Tuvan Manual.p. 25.
    which cites from an English translation of Большая Советская Энциклопедия (The Great Soviet Encyclopedia), vol. 43, (1956), by William H. Dougherty.
  18. ^Haines, R Spencer (2016). "The Physical Remains of the Zunghar Legacy in Central Eurasia: Some Notes from the Field".Paper Presented at the Social and Environmental Changes on the Mongolian Plateau Workshop, Canberra, ACT, Australia.The Australian National University.
  19. ^KRUEGER, John (1977).Tuvan Manual.p. 42.
    which cites fromPOTAPOV, L.P. (1964). "The Tuvans".The Peoples of Siberia.
  20. ^Damba, L. D.; Balanovskaya, Е. V.; Zhabagin, M. K.; Yusupov, Y. М.; Bogunov, Y. V.; Sabitov, Z. M.; Agdzhoyan, A. T.; Korotkova, N. A.; Lavryashina, M. B.; Mongush, B. B.; Kavai-ool, U. N.; Balanovsky, O. P. (1 August 2018)."Estimating the impact of the Mongol expansion upon the gene pool of Tuvans".Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции.22(5): 611–619.doi:10.18699/VJ18.402.ISSN2500-0462.S2CID92784110.All the results derived – 'genetic portraits', the matrix of genetic distances, the dendrogram and the multidimensional scaling plot, which mirror the genetic connections between Tuvinian clans and populations of South Siberia and East Asia, demonstrated the prominent similarity of the Tuvinian gene pools with populations from and Khakassia and Altai. It could be therefore assumed that Tuvinian clans Mongush and Oorzhak originated from autochthonous people (supposedly, from the local Samoyed and Kets substrata). The minor component of Central Asian haplogroups in the gene pool of these clans allowed to suppose that Mongol expansion did not have a significant influence upon the Tuvinan gene pool at a whole.
  21. ^""Central Asian Origins of the Ancestor of First Americans", by I. Zakharov "(in Russian). Archived fromthe originalon 10 March 2007.
  22. ^POPPE, Nicholas (1969). "Review of Menges" The Turkic Languages and Peoples "".Central Asiatic Journal.12(4): 330.
  23. ^Mänchen-Helfen, Otto (1992) [1931].Journey to Tuva.Los Angeles: Ethnographic Press University of Southern California. p. 180.ISBN978-1-878986-04-7.
  24. ^Б.Цэрэл. Дөрвөн Ойрад ба Ойрадын холбоонд багтах үндэстэн ястнуудын угсаа түүхийн зарим асуудал. 1997
  25. ^B.Tserel. Tribes of the Oirat confederation. 1997
  26. ^Crossley, Pamela Kyle(December 1985). "An Introduction to the Qing Foundation Myth".Late Imperial China.6(2): 13–24.doi:10.1353/late.1985.0016.S2CID143797249.
  27. ^Willard J. Peterson, John King Fairbank, Denis Twitchett- The Cambridge History of China, vol7, p.158
  28. ^"Tuvans, trying to scramble out of poverty, are dying in a foreign war".Meduza.15 September 2022.
  29. ^"2 Years Into Ukraine War, Russia's Ethnic Minorities Disproportionately Killed in Battle".The Moscow Times.24 February 2024.
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  31. ^"Exploring the wind erosion landscapes of Xinjiang"– via www.youtube.com.
  32. ^"Live: Explore the mysterious Tuvans and their culture in Kanas tố khách khách nạp tư đồ ngõa nhân tiểu mộc ốc"– via www.youtube.com.
  33. ^"Öbür mongγul ayalγu bol dumdadu ulus-un mongγul kelen-ü saγuri ayalγu bolqu büged dumdadu ulus-un mongγul kelen-ü barimǰiy-a abiy-a ni čaqar aman ayalγun-du saγurilaγsan bayidaγ." (Sečenbaγaturet al.2005: 85).
  34. ^"Mongolian Dress".
  35. ^Winston, Robert, ed. (2004).Human: The Definitive Visual Guide.New York:Dorling Kindersley.p. 429.ISBN0-7566-0520-2.
  36. ^"Tuvan Talking Dictionary".tuvan.swarthmore.edu.Retrieved28 September2015.
  37. ^Minahan, James; Wendel, Peter T. (2002).Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: S-Z.Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 1937.ISBN978-0-313-32384-3.
  38. ^"Genghis Blues"– via www.imdb.com.
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  43. ^"Skiing's Central Asian Origins | International Skiing History Association".www.skiinghistory.org.Retrieved3 February2023.
  44. ^Bancroft, Christopher."Skunting: The Ancient Art of Hunting on Skis".www.themeateater.com.Retrieved3 February2023.

