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UK parliamentary by-elections

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In the United Kingdom, a parliamentaryby-electionoccurs following a vacancy arising in theHouse of Commons.They are often seen as a test of the rival political parties' fortunes between general elections.



Members of the House of Commons are not technically permitted to resign. Thus, members wishing to resign or seek re-election are appointed on their own request to an "office of profit under the Crown", either theSteward of the Chiltern Hundredsor theSteward of the Manor of Northstead.Appointment to such an office automatically vacates the Member's seat. A member who resigns in this manner may stand for re-election without resigning from the office of profit.

Moving the writ for a by-election


An election to the House of Commons is formally begun by the issue of awritby theClerk of the Crown in Chancery.In the case of a by-election, theSpeakermust first issue a warrant to the Clerk of the Crown to allow the Clerk to issue a writ. The most common reason for the Speaker to issue a warrant is that he has been required to do so by a resolution of the House of Commons itself. This requires an MP to move a motion to command the Speaker to issue his warrant. Such motions are moved at the start of proceedings in the House of Commons.

Usual parliamentary convention, codified by the Speaker's Conference in 1973, is that such a motion is moved by theChief Whipof the party to which the former MP belonged. However, this convention is not always followed, and such a motion can be moved by an MP of another party. This can arise because the former MP did not belong to a party: the writ for theby-electionarising from the death ofIndependent RepublicanFrank Maguirewas moved byJim Molyneaux,leader of theUlster Unionist Party;[1]and afterBobby Sandsdied onhunger strikethe writ for asecond by-electionwas moved byDafydd Elis-Thomasof Plaid Cymru.[2]When all Unionist MPs from Northern Ireland resigned to forceby-electionson theAnglo-Irish Agreement,the writs were moved by seniorConservativebackbencherSirPeter Emery.[3]

Since the date on which the writ is issued also fixes the date of the by-election, it is possible (as was done in the Northern Ireland example) to pass a motion requiring the Speaker to issue his warrant on a set future date. This procedure was followed in 1983 when Conservative MPMichael Robertsdied on 10 February. On 19 April,Plaid CymruMPDafydd Wigleymoved that a writ be issued for a by-election inCardiff North West,explaining that the by-election was being unnecessarily delayed. TheLeader of the House of Commons,John Biffen,successfully moved an amendment to provide that the writ would only be issued on 10 May, three months after his death, in accordance with the recommendations of the Speaker's Conference of 1973.[4]In the event, on 9 May the Queen granted a dissolution of Parliament to take place on 13 May; Biffen therefore moved a motion on 10 May to discharge the previous motion.[5]Unnecessary delay was also the explanation given for the decision of theLiberal Democratsto move the writ for theOldham East and Saddleworth by-electionin December 2010,[6]despite the former MP having been from theLabour Party.

As moving a writ for a by-election takes priority over all other business, MPs sometimes use it as afilibusteringtactic. This has been done twice byDennis Skinner;in 1985 he scuppered aPrivate Member's Billbanningstem-cell researchfromEnoch Powellby talking extensively when moving the writ for theBrecon and Radnor by-election,[7]and, in January 1989 he moved the writ for theRichmond (Yorks) by-electionand spoke for over three hours so as to preventAnn Widdecombefrom moving a motion to grant extra time to her attempt to restrictabortionlaws.[8]

Writs in a recess


When Parliament is not sitting, the Speaker may be required to issue his writ during a recess. The first legal provision for a by-election writ to be moved in the recess was theRecess Elections Act 1784(24 Geo. 3. Sess. 2.c. 26), which remained in force until replaced by theRecess Elections Act 1975(1975 c. 66) on 12 December 1975. The procedure for issuing a writ involves two MPs presenting the Speaker with a certificate stating that there is a vacancy. The Speaker must then publish notice of his receiving the certificate in theLondon Gazette;six days after inserting the notice in theLondon Gazette,the Speaker will issue a warrant for the new writ. Recess writs cannot be issued where the vacancy has arisen as a result of an MP resigning. The Speaker is empowered to appoint between three and seven senior MPs to exercise his powers to issue recess writs when he is out of the country or there is no Speaker.



Under section 33 of theBankruptcy Act 1883(46 & 47 Vict.c. 52), where a Member of Parliament is declaredbankrupt,they are granted a period of six months to discharge themselves. At the end of that time the court which ordered the bankruptcy is required to notify the Speaker, and the seat is vacated. The Speaker is required to insert a notice in theLondon Gazetteof the fact and then to issue a warrant for a new writ after six days.



If it comes to light that a vacancy has not properly been declared, a writ for a by-election can be cancelled by a furtherwrit ofsupersedeas.The last such occasion was in 1880 whenHenry Strutt(Member forBerwick-upon-Tweed) succeeded to the Peerage asBaron Belper;a writ was issued on 6 July,[9]before Strutt had received aWrit of Summonsto theHouse of Lords,and so the Liberal Chief Whip moved on 8 July for a writ ofsupersedeasto be issued.[10]

If the polling day for a by-election is overtaken by a dissolution of Parliament, the writ is automatically cancelled. The most recent cancellation of a planned by-election was inManchester Gortonwhich was due to take place on 4 May 2017, on the same day as the local elections, but was cancelled when Prime MinisterTheresa Maycalled a snap general election for 8 June 2017 and Parliament was dissolved before 4 May. The previous such occasion was in 1924 when a writ for a by-election inLondon Universitywas issued during the recess on 22 September 1924. Four candidates were nominated when nominations closed on 1 October, with polling scheduled for 13–17 October.[11]When the government fell over theCampbell Case,the Prime Minister obtained asnap dissolutionon 9 October, and the by-election did not take place.[12]



A Speaker's Conference on electoral law in 1973 proposed several changes to how by-elections are usually conducted:[13]

1. The Conference, conscious that the intervals before the issue of by-election writs have on occasion been unduly prolonged, put forward the following guidelines:

(a) The motion for a writ for a by-election should normally be moved within three months of a vacancy arising.

(b) It is inexpedient for by-elections to be held in August, or at the time of local elections in April/May, or in the period from mid-December to mid-February before (under present arrangements) a new Register is issued.

(c) Consequently, if this restriction should bring the date of the by-election into one of these periods, the by-election should if practicable be held earlier. If this is impractical the period should be lengthened by the shortest possible additional time. The total period (from vacancy to the moving of the writ) should not be more than four months.

(d) In the fifth year of a Parliament, some relaxation of these guidelines should be allowed, in order if possible to avoid by-elections being held immediately before a general election.

The Speaker's Conference recommended that these provisions should be embodied in a resolution of the House, but no such resolution has been proposed.[13]

Political significance


By-elections are often seen as tests of the popularity of the government of the day, and attract considerable media attention. Voters, knowing that the result will rarely overturn a government's majority in the Commons, may vote differently from their normal voting patterns at general elections. By-elections may reflect specific local issues, and often have lower turnout.[14]Thus large changes in vote share can happen, and the results of by-elections can affect or highlight political parties' fortunes, as with the sequence of by-election victories by theLiberal Partyin 1972–3, and theSNP's win in the1967 Hamilton by-election.[15]

In some cases, an MP or MPs may deliberately trigger a by-election to make a political point, as whenall the sitting Unionist MPs in Northern Ireland resigned together in 1986or as occurred in the2008 Haltemprice and Howden by-election.

Particularly notable by-elections

Seat Date Notes
Rochdale 29 February 2024 The result marked the first by-election in Great Britain since the1945 Combined Scottish Universities by-electionat which the two best-performing candidates were not from the Conservative, Labour, or Liberal Democrat parties. It was the first by-election in history where all major parties ran but came neither 1st or 2nd.
Mid Bedfordshire 19 October 2023 The largest-ever majority from a previous general election was overturned at this by-election.
North Shropshire 16 December 2021 Conservative incumbentOwen Patersonresigned from Parliament after being found by theParliamentary Commissioner for Standardsto have breached paid advocacy rules for making three approaches to theFood Standards Agencyand four approaches to theDepartment for International Developmentin relation to Randox and seven approaches to the Food Standards Agency relating to Lynn’s Country Foods. In the by-election the governing Conservative Party was defeated by the Liberal Democrats with a 34% swing. This by-election was significant because it was considered a safe seat for Conservatives that they had held for all but two of the last 189 years.
Hartlepool 6 May 2021 Labour incumbentMike Hillresigned from Parliament after being informed he would face an employment tribunal later in the year relating to allegations of sexual harassment and victimisation. The by-election was considered significant as the Labour Party had retained the seat in2019,despite many former so-calledred wallseats flipping to the Conservatives. In the by-election, the Conservative Party candidateJill Mortimerwon the seat on a 16% swing, becoming the first Conservative candidate to be elected to represent Hartlepool since1959,and the first woman to represent the seat.
Copeland 23 February 2017 Labour incumbentJamie Reedvacated his seat to take up a job in the nuclear industry. The Conservative Party gained the seat on a swing of 6%, despite it having been held by Labour since its creation. This was the first by-election gain for a government since 1982.[16]The Conservatives retained the seat at the2017 general election.
Richmond Park 1 December 2016 The incumbent Conservative MP,Zac Goldsmith,resigned his seat, and the Conservativewhip,in protest at the government's proposal tobuild a third runway at Heathrow airport.This was less than six months after thereferendum on the UK's membership of the European Union,in which Goldsmith had campaigned for a Leave vote, despite his constituents voting heavily in favour of Remain. In the election, his opponents were able to nullify the Heathrow issue and focus voters' attention on the government's handling ofBrexit.Despite both the Conservatives andUKIPchoosing not to nominate candidates and instead backing Goldsmith, the Liberal Democrat candidateSarah Olneywon the seat with a 21.7% swing. Goldsmith later won the seat back in the 2017 general election by a narrow margin, a majority of 45, before losing it to Olney once again in the 2019 election by 7,766 votes.
Glasgow East 24 July 2008 Labourlost its third safest Scottish seat to theSNPwith aswingof 22.5%, at a time when the Labour government's popularity was declining, at the time of thecredit crunchand with Britain on the verge of itsfirst recession since the early 1990s.
Haltemprice and Howden 10 June 2008 FormerShadow Home SecretaryDavid Davisresigned as an MP to trigger a by-election, in order to spark a wider debate on the issue ofcivil liberties.He was not opposed by Labour nor by the Liberal Democrats. The number of candidates was the greatest in a Westminster election.
Wirral South 27 February 1997 A by-election gain for Labour from the Conservatives which left the Conservative government without a majority, just over two months before the general election in which Labour won by a landslide to end 18 years of Conservative government.
Eastbourne 18 October 1990 The incumbent Conservative MP,Ian Gow,was killed by theIRA,and in the by-election the seat was lost to the Liberal Democrats. This by-election came in the final weeks ofMargaret Thatcher's eleven years as prime minister, when the Conservative government was trailing Labour in the opinion polls largely due to the recent introduction ofpoll tax.
1986 Northern Ireland by-elections 23 January 1986 Unionist MPs resigned over theAnglo-Irish Agreement.All but one of the incumbent MPs were re-elected.
Bermondsey 24 February 1983 The largest by-election swing in British history, whenLiberalcandidateSimon Hugheswon the seat with a 44.2% swing against the Labour candidatePeter Tatchell.[17]The extremely bitter campaign, described as the "dirtiest, most violent and homophobic by-election in modern British history" was marked byhomophobiaagainst Tatchell. Liberal campaigners published leaflets saying it was "a straight choice" between Liberal and Labour. The tabloid press also vilified Tatchell for both his left-wing and pro-LGBT views, and he was targeted by far-right groups.[18]Tatchell claims he was assaulted in the street over 100 times while canvassing, including two attempts to run him down by car drivers, and that he received 30 death threats, including a bullet posted through his letterbox at night. His phone number and address were published, allegedly by theNational Front.[19]Hughes later apologised to Tatchell, and came out as bisexual himself in 2006.[20]
Glasgow Hillhead 25 March 1982 Former Labour Home Secretary, and then leader of theSDP,Roy Jenkins,re-entered parliament, months after narrowly missing out on a seat atWarrington,Cheshire,which Labour narrowly retained.Tam Galbraith,who was the former MP, became the last Conservative MP to represent aGlasgowconstituency upon his death.
Liverpool Edge Hill 29 March 1979 This by-election was held a day after a no-confidence motion had been successfully passed against the Labour government led by Prime Minister James Callaghan by a margin of 1 vote (311-310). So, in essence, the by-election was held after the Parliament was set for dissolution (which formally occurred on April 7). This was the last by-election held under a Labour government until 1997.

The by-election saw the Liberal Party candidate, David Alton gain the seat from Labour (which it had been continuously winning since 1945) whose incumbent MP Arthur Irvine had passed away in December 1978.

Birmingham Stechford 31 March 1977 This by-election saw the formal loss of majority of the Labour government led by Prime Minister James Callaghan.

The by-election was scheduled following the resignation of incumbent MP and former Home Secretary Roy Jenkins who had been recently appointed asPresident of the European Commission.In a shock result, the Conservative candidateAndrew MacKaywrested the seat from Labour which had been continuously winning from there since 1950, achieving a swing of 15.6% and a majority of 1,949 votes.

As a result of the by-election, the Labour Party was forced to enter into a pact with the Liberal Party known as the Lib-Lab pact. The Lib-Lab pact would last until September 1978, saving the government from being defeated in no-confidence motions on multiple occasions.

In the 1979 general election,Terry Davis,the Labour candidate who had been defeated in the by-election emerged as victor by a margin of 1,649 votes and would serve as the MP of the constituency until it was abolished in 1983.

Labour would next lead a majority government only in 1997.

Leyton 21 January 1965 This is of the few by-elections when an incumbent Cabinet Minister was one of the candidates and subsequently went onto lost the election.

Despite the Labour party winning a narrow majority of 4 seats in the 1964 general election,Patrick Gordon Walker,the then Shadow Foreign Secretary was defeated from the constituency ofSmethwickwhich he had represented since a by-election in 1945. The campaign in Smethwick was notoriously racist, with the Conservative Party candidatePeter Griffithsusing slogans such as "If you want aniggerfor a neighbour, vote Liberal or Labour. "Griffiths managed to win the seat from Labour by a margin of 1,774, thus bucking the national trend which was in favour of the Labour party.

Despite the defeat, Gordon-Walker was appointed as Foreign Secretary by the newly elected Prime Minister Harold Wilson. A vacancy was created in the safe seat of Leyton represented byReginald Sorensensince 1935 (and previously from 1929 to 1931) by elevating him to the House of Lords in December 1964. Sorensen had won the seat by a margin of 7,926 votes in the 1964 general election.

In a shock result, the Conservative Party candidateRonald Buxtonwrested the seat by Labour by a margin of 205 votes, achieving a swing of 8.7%. Gordon-Walker was forced to step down as Foreign Secretary in favour ofMichael Stewart.The majority of the Labour government was also reduced to just 2.

In 1966, Prime Minister Wilson called a snap general election. Patrick Gordon-Walker who against contested against Ronald Buxton, now the incumbent MP successfully won the Leyton seat by a healthy margin of 8,646 votes. Gordon-Walker now assumed the office of Secretary of State for Education and Science. Gordon-Walker was again elected from Leyton in 1970 by a reduced majority of 5,480 votes and held the seat until he retired from the House of Commons in 1974.

Kinross and Western Perthshire 7 November 1963 This remains the only by-election in which an incumbent Prime Minister,Sir Alec Douglas-Homewas one of the candidates.

Douglas-Home succeededHarold Macmillanas Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party in October 1963 following the resignation of Macmillan on health grounds. Douglas-Home (then known as Lord Home) was a member of the House of Lords, the first to become Prime Minister since the 3rdMarquess of Salisburyin 1902. However, following the passage of the Parliament Act 1911, which established the precedence of the House of Commons over the House of Lords, convention dictated that the Prime Minister would be a member of the House of Commons. The passage of thePeerage Act 1963a few months before allowed Douglas-Home to disclaim his peerage and stand as the candidate of the Conservative and Unionist Party in the by-election.

The seat had become vacant following the death ofScottish OfficeMinisterGilmour Leburnin August 1963. The Conservative Party which had originally selectedGeorge Youngeras its candidate for the by-election, replaced him with Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home, following his sudden and unexpected ascension to the Premiership. Douglas-Home would go on to win the seat by a margin of 9,328 votes. Douglas-Home would serve as Prime Minister until the narrow defeat of the Conservative party to the opposition Labour Party led by Harold Wilson in October 1964. He would continue to serve as the Leader of the Conservative Party and the Leader of the Opposition till July 1965.

Douglas-Home would again contest and win from this seat in the 1964, 1966, 1970 and February 1974 general elections. He also served as Foreign Secretary from 1970 to 1974 in the cabinet of Edward Heath (who had succeeded him as Leader of the Conservative Party in 1965), thus being one of the two former Prime Ministers (in the post-war era) to have served as a Cabinet Minister under a successor Prime Minister. He declined to contest the October 1974 election and was soon afterwards elevated to the House of Lords as Lord Home of the Hirsel.

George Younger who had withdrawn his candidature in favour of Douglas-Home later went on to represent the constituency ofAyrfrom 1964 to 1992.

P.S.- Between 23rd October (the date he renounced his peerage) and 7th November 1963 (the date he was elected to the House of Commons), Sir Alec Douglas-Home set the record of having become the only Prime Minister to not serve as a member of either house of Parliament.

Bristol South East 20 August 1963 Following the passage of thePeerage Act 1963,Malcolm St Clair,the incumbent Conservative MP of the constituency agreed to resign to pave the way for a by-election to honour the decision of the electorate which had voted in favour ofTony Bennin the 1961 by-election despite the controversy over his peerage.

Benn renounced his peerage and contested as a Labour candidate. He would go on to win the constituency by a comfortable majority of 15,479 votes. Interestingly, the Conservatives did not field a candidate in the by-election, an occurrence that would be next seen only in 2016.

Bristol South East 4 May 1961 This by-election had been scheduled under very unusual circumstances.

Tony Benn,the incumbentLabourMP of constituency had lost his position as the Member of Parliament of the constituency following his inheritance of the hereditary peerage Viscount Stangate after the death of his father.

Nevertheless, Benn went on to contest the by-election from the constituency, winning by a margin of 13,044 votes. Despite the win, Benn was forbidden by the Parliament authorities to attend the Commons due to his ineligible status as a hereditary peer. TheConservative PartycandidateMalcolm St Clairfiled a petition against the result, and was declared the winner after acourt challenge.The court ruled the election to be invalid as the voters were aware that Benn was legally disqualified from sitting in the House of Commons and hence their votes would be counted as being "thrown away"; thus declaring Malcolm St Clair, the runner-up candidate as the new MP.

Middlesex February, March, April 1769 Following his expulsion fromParliament,Radical journalistJohn Wilkeswas repeatedly re-elected in a series of by-elections inMiddlesex,with Parliament voiding each result. After his third re-election, Parliament ordered the result overturned and the seat transferred to Wilkes'sToryopponent,Henry Luttrell.The events caused a national controversy, and played an important role in the development ofBritish radicalism.

See also


For a list of by-election results since 2010, see:List of United Kingdom by-elections (2010–present)

For a list of exceptional results and records in the history of by-elections in the United Kingdom, see:United Kingdom by-election records


  1. ^CJ[1980-81] 231;HansardHC 6ser vol 1 col 539.
  2. ^CJ[1980-81] 487-8;Hansard,HC 6ser vol 9 col 966.
  3. ^CJ[1985-86] 93-4;Hansard,HC 6ser vol 89 cols 139-40.
  4. ^CJ[1982-83] 311-3;HansardHC 6ser vol 41 cols 164-71.
  5. ^CJ[1982-83] 365;Hansard,HC 6ser vol 42 col 737.
  6. ^"Oldham East by-election to be held on 13 January",BBC News,15 December 2010
  7. ^White, Michael (22 May 2008)."Stem cells: When the Beast of Bolsover snookered Enoch Powell".The Guardian.ISSN0261-3077.Retrieved25 June2019.
  8. ^Martin Fletcher, "Blocking tactic thwarts change to abortion law",The Times,21 January 1989. See alsoHansard,HC 6ser vol 145 cols 591-664.
  9. ^CJ[1880] 280.
  10. ^CJ[1880] 286;Hansard,3ser vol 1918-9. There are seven other cases since 1702 of a supersedeas being issued.
  11. ^"London University By-Election",The Times,2 October 1924, p. 16.
  12. ^"An Immediate Election",The Times,10 October 1924, p. 12.
  13. ^abHouse of Commons Library Research Paper 09/44, 13 May 2009, "Election Timetables",[1]
  14. ^Government popularity, by-elections and cycles,by S Stray and M Silver
  15. ^10 Worst By-Elections,by Syed Hamad Ali,New Statesman,25 July 2008
  16. ^"Tories in historic by-election Copeland win".BBC. 24 February 2017.
  17. ^"Liberals romp home with a giant swing".The Guardian.25 February 1983.Retrieved24 May2022.
  18. ^"Bermondsey by-election 1983: homophobia, hatred, smears and xenophobia".The Independent.24 February 2013.Retrieved24 May2022.
  19. ^"Peter Tatchell recalls the dirtiest, most violent and anti-gay by-election in modern British history".PinkNews.24 February 2015.Retrieved24 May2022.
  20. ^"Simon Hughes:" I'm bisexual "".PinkNews.26 January 2006.Retrieved24 May2022.