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Unreliable narrator

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Illustration byGustave DoréofBaron Munchausen's tale of being swallowed by a whale.Tall tales,such as those of the Baron, often feature unreliable narrators.

Inliterature,film,and other sucharts,anunreliable narratoris anarratorwho cannot be trusted, one whose credibility is compromised.[1]They can be found in fiction and film, and range from children to mature characters.[2]While unreliable narrators are almost by definitionfirst-person narrators,arguments have been made for the existence of unreliablesecond-andthird-person narrators,especially within the context of film and television, but sometimes also in literature.[3]

The term “unreliable narrator” was coined byWayne C. Boothin his 1961 bookThe Rhetoric of Fiction.[4]James Phelan expands on Booth’s concept by offering the term “bonding unreliability” to describe situations in which the unreliable narration ultimately serves to approach the narrator to the work’s envisioned audience, creating a bonding communication between theimplied authorand this “authorial audience.”[5]

Sometimes the narrator's unreliability is made immediately evident. For instance, a story may open with the narrator making a plainly false or delusional claim or admitting to being severely mentally ill, or the story itself may have aframein which the narrator appears as a character, with clues to the character's unreliability. A more dramatic use of the device delays the revelation until near the story's end. In some cases, the reader discovers that in the foregoing narrative, the narrator had concealed or greatly misrepresented vital pieces of information. Such atwist endingforces readers to reconsider theirpoint of viewand experience of the story. In some cases the narrator's unreliability is never fully revealed but only hinted at, leaving readers to wonder how much the narrator should be trusted and how the story should be interpreted.





Attempts have been made at a classification of unreliable narrators. William Riggan analysed in a 1981 study four discernible types of unreliable narrators, focusing on the first-person narrator as this is the most common kind of unreliable narration.[6]Riggan provides the following definitions and examples to illustrate his classifications:

The Pícaro
The first-person narrator of apicaresque novel;anantiheroserving as "an embodiment of the obstinacy of sin", whose "behavior is marked by rebelliousness", resentment, and aggression, and whose "world view is characterized by resignation and pessimism".[6]: 40-41 A gap exists between the pícaro's "whimsical and entertaining account and his self-indulgent explanations and morality on the one hand, and the perceptions of the more sensitive author and reader on the other". The pícaro is the "unwitting butt" of this narrative irony.[6]: 42-43 
Riggan gives the following examples of pícaro narrators:ApuleiusinThe Golden Ass;[6]: 45 Lázaro inLazarillo de Tormes;[6]: 48 Guzmán inGuzmán de Alfarache;[6]: 51 Don Pablos inEl Buscón;[6]: 54 Simplicius inSimplicius Simplicissimus;[6]: 57 Moll inMoll Flanders;[6]: 61 Augie March inThe Adventures of Augie March;[6]: 64 Felix Krull inConfessions of Felix Krull[6]: 70 
The Clown
A narrator in the tradition of thefool,thecourt jesterand thesotie,whose unreliable narration includes "irony, variations of meaning, ambiguities of definition, and possibilities for reversal and counter-reversal".[6]: 79-83 
Riggan gives the following examples of clown narrators: Folly inIn Praise of Folly[6]: 82 ;Tristram Shandy inThe Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman;[6]: 84 Humbert Humbert inLolita;[6]: 89 Oskar Matzerath inThe Tin Drum[6]: 98 
The Madman
A narrator who is untrustworthy due to an "unbalanced mind" whose narration serves as a case study in the pathology of insanity. The literary madman frequently exhibits traits such as being "insignificant, petty, withdrawn, defensive, dreaming, spiteful, perversely logical, self-deluding, ultimately more of a type than a genuine individual, and a speaker who is soon if not immediately perceived as possessing all these traits and therefore of questionable trustworthiness in the presentation of his own account".[6]: 110 
Riggan gives the following examples of madman narrators: Poprishchin inDiary of a Madman;[6]: 111 the narrator ofNotes from Underground;[6]: 118 the first person narratives ofEdgar Allan Poe's short stories;[6]: 129 the narrator ofThe Blind Owl[6]: 135 
The Naïf
A narrator whose nature is revealed through their own narration and without their conscious awareness.[6]: 158 The naïf narrator lacks the experience "to deal in any far-reaching manner with the moral, ethical, emotional, and intellectual questions which arise from his first ventures into the world and from his account of those ventures."[6]: 169 
Riggan gives the following examples of naïf narrators:Huckleberry FinninAdventures of Huckleberry Finn;[6]: 144 Holden CaulfieldinThe Catcher in the Rye[6]: 159 

It remains a matter of debate whether and how a non-first-person narrator can be unreliable, though the deliberate restriction of information to the audience can provide instances of unreliablenarrative,even if not necessarily of an unreliablenarrator.For example, in the three interweaving plays ofAlan Ayckbourn'sThe Norman Conquests,each confines the action to one of three locations during the course of a weekend.[citation needed]

Kathleen Wall argues that inThe Remains of the Day,for the "unreliability" of the main character (Mr Stevens) as a narrator to work, we need to believe that he describes events reliably, while interpreting them in an unreliable way.[7]

Definitions and theoretical approaches


Wayne C. Boothwas among the first critics to formulate a reader-centered approach to unreliable narration and to distinguish between a reliable and unreliable narrator on the grounds of whether the narrator's speech violates or conforms with general norms and values. He writes, "I have called a narratorreliablewhen he speaks for or acts in accordance with the norms of the work (which is to say theimplied author's norms),unreliablewhen he does not. "[4]Peter J. Rabinowitz criticized Booth's definition for relying too much on facts external to the narrative, such as norms and ethics, which must necessarily be tainted by personal opinion. He consequently modified the approach to unreliable narration.

There are unreliable narrators (cf. Booth). An unreliable narrator however, is not simply a narrator who 'does not tell the truth' – what fictional narrator ever tells the literal truth? Rather an unreliable narrator is one who tells lies, conceals information, misjudges with respect to the narrative audience – that is, one whose statements are untrue not by the standards of the real world or of the authorial audience but by the standards of his own narrative audience.... In other words, all fictional narrators are false in that they are imitations. But some are imitations who tell the truth, some of people who lie.[8]

Rabinowitz's main focus is the status of fictional discourse in opposition to factuality. He debates the issues of truth in fiction, bringing forward four types of audience who serve as receptors of any given literary work:

  1. "Actual audience" (= the flesh-and-blood people who read the book)
  2. "Authorial audience" (= hypothetical audience to whom the author addresses his text)
  3. "Narrative audience" (= imitation audience which also possesses particular knowledge)
  4. "Ideal narrative audience" (= uncritical audience who accepts what the narrator is saying)

Rabinowitz suggests that "In the proper reading of a novel, then, events which are portrayed must be treated as both 'true' and 'untrue' at the same time. Although there are many ways to understand this duality, I propose to analyze the four audiences which it generates."[8]Similarly, Tamar Yacobi has proposed a model of five criteria ('integrating mechanisms') which determine if a narrator is unreliable.[9]Instead of relying on the device of the implied author and a text-centered analysis of unreliable narration, Ansgar Nünning gives evidence that narrative unreliability can be reconceptualized in the context of frame theory and of readers' cognitive strategies.

... to determine a narrator's unreliability one need not rely merely on intuitive judgments. It is neither the reader's intuitions nor the implied author's norms and values that provide the clue to a narrator's unreliability, but a broad range of definable signals. These include both textual data and the reader's preexisting conceptual knowledge of the world. In sum whether a narrator is called unreliable or not does not depend on the distance between the norms and values of the narrator and those of the implied author but between the distance that separates the narrator's view of the world from the reader's world-model and standards of normality.[10]

Unreliable Narration in this view becomes purely a reader's strategy of making sense of a text, i.e. of reconciling discrepancies in the narrator's account (cf.signals of unreliable narration). Nünning thus effectively eliminates the reliance on value judgments and moral codes which are always tainted by personal outlook and taste. Greta Olson recently debated both Nünning's and Booth's models, revealing discrepancies in their respective views.

Booth's text-immanent model of narrator unreliability has been criticized by Ansgar Nünning for disregarding the reader's role in the perception of reliability and for relying on the insufficiently defined concept of the implied author. Nünning updates Booth's work with a cognitive theory of unreliability that rests on the reader's values and her sense that a discrepancy exists between the narrator's statements and perceptions and other information given by the text.

and offers "an update of Booth's model by making his implicit differentiation between fallible and untrustworthy narrators explicit". Olson then argues "that these two types of narrators elicit different responses in readers and are best described using scales for fallibility and untrustworthiness."[11]She proffers that all fictional texts that employ the device of unreliability can best be considered along a spectrum of fallibility that begins with trustworthiness and ends with unreliability. This model allows for all shades of grey in between the poles of trustworthiness and unreliability. It is consequently up to each individual reader to determine the credibility of a narrator in a fictional text.

Signals of unreliable narration


Whichever definition of unreliability one follows, there are a number of signs that constitute or at least hint at a narrator's unreliability. Nünning has suggested to divide these signals into three broad categories.[12]

  • Intratextual signs such as the narrator contradicting her or himself, having gaps in memory, or lying to other characters
  • Extratextual signs such as contradicting the reader's general world knowledge or impossibilities (within the parameters of logic)
  • Reader's literary competence. This includes the reader's knowledge about literary types (e.g. stock characters that reappear over centuries), knowledge about literary genres and its conventions or stylistic devices

See also



  1. ^Frey, James N.(1931).How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II: Advanced Techniques for Dramatic Storytelling(1st ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press. p. 107.ISBN978-0-312-10478-8.Retrieved20 April2013.
  2. ^ Nünning, Vera (2015).Unreliable Narration and Trustworthiness: Intermedial and Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Gruyter. p. 1.ISBN9783110408263.
  3. ^Unreliable Third Person Narration? The Case of Katherine Mansfield,Journal of Literary Semantics,Vol. 46, Issue 1, April 2017
  4. ^abBooth, Wayne C.(1961).The Rhetoric of Fiction.Univ. of Chicago Press. pp.158–159.
  5. ^Phelan, James (May 2007)."Estranging Unreliability, Bonding Unreliability, and the Ethics of Lolita".Narrative.15(2): 222–238.doi:10.1353/nar.2007.0012.ISSN1538-974X.
  6. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyRiggan, William (1981).Pícaros, Madmen, Naīfs, and Clowns: The Unreliable First-person Narrator.Univ. of Oklahoma Press: Norman.ISBN978-0806117140.
  7. ^Wall, Kathleen (1994). "The Remains of the Day and Its Challenges to Theories of Unreliable Narration". The Journal of Narrative Technique. 24 (1): 18–42. ISSN 0022-2925. JSTOR 30225397. ProQuest[1].
  8. ^abRabinowitz, Peter J.:Truth in Fiction: A Reexamination of Audiences.In:Critical Inquiry.Nr. 1, 1977, S. 121–141.
  9. ^"Living Handbook of Narratology".Archived fromthe originalon 16 January 2013.Retrieved1 December2016.
  10. ^Nünning, Ansgar:But why will you say that I am mad?: On the Theory, History, and Signals of Unreliable Narration in British Fiction.In:Arbeiten zu Anglistik und Amerikanistik.Nr. 22, 1997, S. 83–105.
  11. ^Olson, Greta:Reconsidering Unreliability: Fallible and Untrustworthy Narrators.In:Narrative.Nr. 11, 2003, S. 93–109.
  12. ^Nünning, Ansgar (ed.):Unreliable Narration:Studien zur Theorie und Praxis unglaubwürdigen Erzählens in der englischsprachigen Erzählliteratur, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Trier (1998).

Further reading
