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Uranium pentachloride

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Uranium pentachloride
IUPAC name
Uranium(V) chloride
Other names
Uranium pentachloride
Uranic chloride
3D model (JSmol)
  • InChI=1S/5ClH.U/h5*1H;/q;;;;;+5/p-5
  • [Cl-].[Cl-].[Cl-].[Cl-].[Cl-].[U+5]
Molar mass 415.29 g/mol
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in theirstandard state(at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).

Uranium pentachlorideis aninorganicchemical compoundcomposed ofuraniumin the +5oxidation stateand fivechlorineatoms.



Uranium pentachloride can be prepared from the reaction ofuranium trioxidewithcarbon tetrachloride,with a previously prepared amount of the compound serving as acatalyst.[1]

4 UO3+ 10 CCl4→ 4 UCl5+ 10 COCl2+ O2

It can also be prepared from the reaction betweenuranium tetrachlorideandchlorinein afluidized bed reactorat 550 °C.[1]



Uranium pentachloride is available as red-brown microcrystalline powders or black-red crystals with metallic sheen. Unlike the tetrachloride, it is soluble in liquid chlorine. It is very hygroscopic and decomposes into uranium hexachloride and uranium tetrachloride when in water or heated. Additionally, it reacts with some organic solvents such asalcohols,acetone,diethyl ether,ordioxane,but does form stable solutions in carbon tetrachloride,carbon disulfide,andthionyl chloride.

There are two crystalline forms, each of which has the uranium atom in anoctahedral geometryamong six chlorine atoms. Usually, it is in the α-form, which has a monoclinic crystal structure withspace groupP21/n.There is also a triclinic β-form, which has space groupP1[2]and consists ofU2Cl10dimers like inuranium pentabromide.[3]

The gaseous form has C4vsymmetrydue to strongf-orbital contribution, and has anelectron affinityof4.76±0.03 eV.[4]


  1. ^abBrauer, Georg (1975).Handbuch der präparativen anorganischen Chemie, vol. 1(3rd ed.). Stuttgart: Enke. p. 1208.ISBN3-432-02328-6.OCLC310719485.
  2. ^Lester R. Morss; Norman M. Edelstein; J. Fuger (eds.).The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements.pp. 522–523.
  3. ^Levy, J.H.; Taylor, J.C.; Wilson, P.W. (1978-01-01)."The crystal structure of uranium pentabromide by powder neutron diffraction".Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry.40(6): 1055–1057.doi:10.1016/0022-1902(78)80507-7.ISSN0022-1902.Retrieved29 May2021.
  4. ^Su, J; Dau, P. D.; Xu, C. F.; Huang, D. L.; Liu, H. T.; Wei, F; Wang, L. S.; Li, J (2013). "A joint photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical study on the electronic structure of UCl5- and UCl5".Chemistry: An Asian Journal.8(10): 2489–96.doi:10.1002/asia.201300627.PMID23853153.