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This user is aChristian.
For purely aesthetic reasons, this user would like his country to be aconstitutional monarchy.
This user supportsLa Roja.
FCBThis user supportsFC Barcelona.
DCThis user is a fan of
D.C. United
1138This user is being transferred to cell block1138...
This user is aJedi.
ID You don't needto see this user's identification.

This user admires the work of theSAS
This user is or was a United States ArmyROTCCadet.
ΦΑΘThis user is a member ofPhi Alpha Thetanational honor society.
This user deeply and utterly loathes people whodeny the Holocaust.
This user is interested in themilitary history of ancient Rome.
This user is interested in theancientCelts.
This user is interested in
Ancient Israel.
This user is interested inAncient Rome.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages.
This user is interested in theVictorian period.
This user is interested in theNapoleonic era.
This user is interested in the
history of Europe.
This user is interested inSpanish history.
This user is interested in the
American Civil War.
This user is interested inclassical mythology.
G This user's favourite colour isGreen.
This user is ofGerman,FrenchandJewishdescent.