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This user has been editing Wikipedia for at least fifteen years.
This user has administrator privileges on the English Wikipedia.
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Personal Information

A«nightstallion»is the male equivalent of anightmare.Istolethispunfrom thefantasyauthorPiers Anthony,well-known for hisXanthnovels.(Wow,Signpost,thisis the fact youtook from this page?^_^) Ichoseto use this name in myinternetactivities around the turn of the newmillenium,as I had grown discontent with my prioralter ego,«Baldur»or«Balduran»,which in turn had been inspired by the well-knownCRPG seriesBaldur's Gate.(Almost as great asPlanescape: Torment,which is, of course,thebestcomputer gameever to have beenprogrammed.)

For a variety of reasons, I prefer to remain mostlyanonymouson Wikipedia for now; since I also consider it important to know whom one is working with, I will, however, divulge information about myself to a certain degree.

I'm amaleadultspecimen of the specieshomo sapiens wikipædiacusand live in a rather small town close tomy country'scapital,Wien.I'm currently studyingTechnomathematicsat theTechnical University of Vienna,and will probably studyLinguisticsorEuropean Studiesat theUniversity of Viennaafterwards.

I am one of those people who suffer greatly from the fact that there are only twenty-fourhoursto adayand only seven days to aweek;notwithstanding this, I collect hobbies the same way other people collect stamps; see the next section for more on that. I also love to chat about virtually every subject you could think of (I've been accused of being morecommunicativethan the average girl), so feel free tostart a conversationwith me about any topic you want.


I like to watchanimeand go to thecinemaregularly, strongly preferring original versions overdubbedones. I also like toread,especiallyalternative history,crime fiction,fantasyandscience-fiction.While I greatly enjoyrole-playing games(in particularDas Schwarze Auge,GURPS,Paranoia XP,ShadowrunandVampire: The Masquerade), I haven't been able to play for a few years now, first due to the lack of time and more recently due to the lack of a group to play with.

I enjoy listening tomusic,with my preferences ranging fromclassical musicandjazztopunk rockand certain kinds ofhip hop;the only styles I can't stand aretechnoandrap.Furthermore, I like tosing,mostly inchoir,although I've also started working on mysolovoice in the autumn of 2005.

Two of my hobbies were probably stronglyinfluencedby my oldersiblings:I took upequestrianismin my mid-teens (after having observed my sister partake in uncountableeventingtournaments), and I've always taken great interest incomputersandcomputer games(having looked over the shoulder of my brother playing computer games since I can think).

Last, but certainly not least, I've beendancingat theTanzschule Rueffsince 2003. I also became acquainted with mygirlfriendthere, whom I've been together with since21 May2004.(You're welcome to offer your good wishes on ouranniversary.) Toget rid ofmy chronic tensions, I will take upAshtanga Vinyasa Yogain the near future.

Wikipedia Naming Conventions

I'm rather unhappy with the wikipedia policies of "use common name" and "use English" (WP:NC(CN)andWP:NC(UE)). In my humble opinion, its principle amounts tode factodisinformation of the reader, who is lead to believe that thecommonname is also thecorrectname. Examples of this would be:

  • Czech RepublicCzechia(Official short name which has not yet caught on in general usage – in part owing to the reluctance of newspapers and official publications to use something not yet widely known, which results in not too many people knowing about the short name, due to which newspapers and official publications... you get the idea.)
  • East TimorTimor-Leste(Case is similar toCôte d'Ivoire.)

(Note: Maybe theCentral African Republicand theDominican Republicshould think about adopting short form names at some point, as well...?)

Naturally, I also support the use of ß, Þ, ó, ä and similar characters of the extended Latin alphabet in article titles, as well as the use of diacritics, especially if the only difference between the correct name and the "English" name is the lack of diacritics in the latter.

Wikimedia Projects

There are a number of interesting issues going on atmeta:of which the casual user may not be aware; this section is meant to draw your attention towards a few of them which I consider the most important and the ones most worthy of support.

Among theproposals for new projectsanddevelopment tasksare two which enjoy my highest support. The first isWikidata,which is meant to store data in a format which can be easily edited and retrieved for use in all other Wikimedia projects; for instance, we would finally have a single authoritative source for data about a country's area and population. The second isWikiMusic/WikiScores/Wikimusic II,a project meant to store data about works of music in the same way that theWikimedia Commonshouse images, audio and video files andWikisourcehouses textual works.

There are plans to move from various language-specific editions ofWiktionarytowards a single one, calledOmegaWiki(omegawiki.org); in my opinion, this would be a great step towards making Wiktionary an authoritative source for checking translations of words into various languages.

I believe that Wikibooks and Wiktionary need new logos; this is currently under discussion on meta. Furthermore, discussion is ongoing on Wikispecies about a small change to the current logo, and the new Wikiversity project is also in need of a logo. I've put links to the respective debates near the top of this page, below the navigation bar.

I am against the concept behindsimple:.In my opinion, people whose English is rather bad should be integrated intoen:as well as possible; after all, there's a sufficient reservoir of people with very good English who can correct mistakes.

Other interesting links:

International Standards

I strongly endorse, regularily use, and am closely accustomed with the followingISOcodes, and would strongly suggest the same to you:

Things to Be Proud of

I've written onefeatured article,twofeatured listsand onegood article:

€2 commemorative coins

nominationon10 January2006
featured article status on19 January2006
today's featured articleon27 January2006

List of European Union member states by accession

Did you know?on19 January2006
nominationon19 January2006
featured list status on29 January2006

List of European Union member states by political system

Did you know?on27 June2006
nominationon28 June2006
featured list status on10 July2006

Monarchies in Europe

Did you know?on4 July2006
good article status on19 July2006

Opt-outs in the European Union

Did you know?on18 October2007

Furthermore, onmeta:I took care of the organisation and administration of the votes on thenameandlogoofWikimedia Incubator,thelogoof theTest Wikipedia,thelogoofWikiversity,thenew logoofWiktionaryand thenew logoofWikibooks.


n00b involved been around veteran seen it all older than the Cabal itself

There are no statements of belief or opinion on this page. This editor is here as an encyclopedist.
This user has been editing Wikipedia for more than15 years(since 2004).

Low to moderate level ofvandalism

2.63 RPM according toEnterpriseyBot—08:10, 6 October 2024 (UTC)
This user understands thatno useronWikipedia'owns' any of its pages and welcomes the assistance of others in making this page perfect.


Name: Nightstallion
Gender: male
Location: Austria,European Union
Occupation: student(TU Vienna)
Religion: strong atheism,IPUism
Politics: social liberalism,green politics,independentism,europhilia/pro-Europeanism


deDieser Benutzer sprichtDeutschalsMuttersprache.
en-4This user can contribute with anear-nativelevel ofEnglish.
es-3Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivelavanzadodeespañol.
la-3Hic usorcallidissimalatinitatecontribuere potest.
grc-2Ὅδε ὁ χρήστης δύναται συμβάλλεσθαιμετρίᾳγνώσει τῆςἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς.
it-2Quest'utente può contribuire con un livellointermediodiitaliano.
This user hasfullunderstanding of theGreek alphabet.
This user has anintermediateunderstanding of theCyrillic script.
This user has abasicunderstanding of theInternational Phonetic Alphabet.




Real LifeAcquaintances




awarded byCool Cat
17:09, 18 December 2005 (UTC)
16:07, 28 December 2005 (UTC)
21:59, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
awarded byRN
08:11, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
05:08, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
19:34, 10 March 2006 (UTC)
awarded byDragix
awarded bySearchme
06:54, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
06:23, 4 July 2006 (UTC)
18:17, 5 July 2006 (UTC)
awarded byPhaedriel
awarded byXoloz
12:44, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
21:00, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
16:55, 9 October 2006 (UTC)
awarded byPaxEquilibrium
awarded byWikihermit
awarded byDurova
00:05, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
17:33, 4 April 2007 (UTC)
00:13, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
awarded byHusond
awarded byLear 21
awarded byRrius
00:26, 5 November 2007 (UTC)
20:32, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
02:00, 1 October 2008(UTC)
This user is a member of the

Association of Wikipedians Who Dislike Making Broad Judgments About the Worthiness of a General Category of Article, and Who Are in Favor of the Deletion of Some Particularly Bad Articles, but That Doesn't Mean They Are Deletionists


Est omnino difficile iudicare inclusionis meritum cuiusdam rei in encyclopædia cum ratio sciendi quid populi referat incerta sit, sed nihilominus aliquid encyclopædiam dedecet

It is generally difficult to judge the worthiness of a particular topic for inclusion in an encyclopedia considering that there is no certain way to know what interests people, but some topics nevertheless are not fit for an encyclopedia.

This motto reflects the desire of these Wikipedians to be reluctant, but not entirely unwilling, to remove articles from Wikipedia.

Committed identity:5c577ee7698a5d648325a7858990deef92846c92c46cf53da8d778ded2460f2f0387e02fe0114431d4963c9a5bac3b8445282c0fb0a7e3a19d97bca020fb1490 is aSHA-512commitmentto this user's real-life identity.
The Barnstar of Diligence
For your constant contribution to the euro topics.Miguel.mateo(talk) 13:13, 21 April 2008 (UTC)