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Hello, i'm Resnjari. If you have any enquiries feel free to place a comment on my talkpage.
In the fields ofArvatilooking out toward MtPelister

Aj të dalim nga Prespa jonë...

Aj të dalim nga Prespa jonë
moj Prespë e bukur je.
Të shikojmë liqenin tonë
si shkëlqen o përgjithmonë.
Dhe fabrika ti ndërtove
moj Prespë e bukur je.
Pemtarinë e zhvillove
moj Prespë e bukur je.
Dhe fshatrat me rrymë i ndriçove
moj Prespë e bukur je.

Folk song from the Prespa region.[1]

Of bygone eras, the old stone houses of Arvati
The Šara river at Arvati
In the forest ofGrnčarion theBaba mountainrange
The tilled fields of Grnčari
Woodpile inDolna Bela Crkva
The poplar trees and apple orchards ofGorna Bela Crkva
Looking out toward theGaličicamountains on the shore ofLake PrespaatAsamati
From the heights ofKranilooking out toward Lake Prespa
On Mt Rogojca looking out toward Mt Marlit (centre) and the Vigla mountain range (left) atSopotsko
In the fields ofKišava
The heights of Kišava looking out toward the village fields and the Baba mountains


  1. ^Sherifi, Beadin (1996).Lirika Popullore Prespare.Logos-A. p. 133.ISBN9789989601361.
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