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This user is a WikiGnome.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is there yet a general realization that Wikipedia is a proud shining obelisk inscribed with much knowledge in all the scripts of the world, but made of chalk and drenched in a corrosive continual acid rain?

Thismakes me rather happy. You can call me 'hey', or you can call me 'Ray', or you can call me 'Fay', but I'll call you 'they' until I know you better.

There is the story of a Chinese poet who became engrossed in weighing which word they should use in a poem, whether it should be "knock at" or "push at" the door. Re-told with various elaborations, they usually do not denigrate the questioning - which is the better expression? Phản phục thôi xao

My favoritequote,that correlates what I hear and read, with what I feel, and what I hope:

I'm a pessimist about probabilities; I'm an optimist about possibilities.
Lewis Mumford(1895-1990)

Sigh... "full-proofed"

I'm afraidthis editbest describes my attention to detail, which is mostly involuntary. It just leapt out at me!

Is there *any* logic tothis?

Interesting, and a Wiki!AllSetLearning Grammar Wiki

The results of IP edits are 'sometimes' less than ideal, but then one comes along thatfixessomething broken for over two years. "But the article's name is just 'Beetle', not Beetles" says the one with new eyes. Err, umm, thanks. Really!!

Lately I've been on a run of correcting spelling mistakes. Lest anyone think that I think English spelling is 'rational', I'll point to myPage at Simple English Wikipedia

Lists of Common Misspellings My best so far: "abd nabaged"

Ahh, found it again. Don't know where to put this, but sometimes I need to be reminded that even people who actvery crosslymay havereasonable pointsthat I can agree with.

I can't decide what picture to use
for my current problem...

This user scored340on theWikipediholic test(revision 752838306).

Simply precious, seen on Slashdot:

> > "I'll never be able to prove it, but I know I'm right".
> There is no reasonable defense against an idiot with an agenda
It would seem you have backed yourself into a corner here.