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Usk Valley Walk

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TheUsk Valley Walkis a waymarkedlong distance footpathin south eastWales,fromCaerleontoBrecon.


The route runs some 48 miles (77 km). The entire route can be walked in three to five days.

The route[edit]

The route follows some of the course of theRiver Uskand runs from a start point atCaerleon,not far upstream from the rivermouth atUskmouth,south ofNewport,up the river valley, with interesting detours, toBreconin the north.

It passes fromRomanCaerleonuphill, climbing theWentwoodridge, to descend into gentle dairy pastureland[1],visiting the riverside towns ofUskandAbergavenny,where it enters theBrecon Beacons National Park,follows the towpath of theMonmouthshire and Brecon Canal,bypassingCrickhowellwhere it climbs again providing views of theBlack Mountainsfalling back to the canal towpath again. Just afterLlangynidrit climbs again towardsTalybont Reservoirwith fine views of the highest part of theBrecon Beaconson the way. Passing below the reservoir the route climbs towardsTalybont Forestrejoining the canal atPencelli.The route ends atBrecon.

The route is waymarked using a symbol of anotter's head, an animal that any walker may well see on the river. A guidebook for the route is available from bookshops.

More adventurous walkers can follow further up theRiver Usktowards its source in theCarmarthenshireFans belowFan Brycheiniogin the far west of theNational Park.

External links[edit]