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Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus

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Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus
The VLPO is located at the anterior of the hypothalamus. It is also called the intermediate nucleus of the preoptic area
Part ofPreoptic nucleus
Acronym(s)VLPO or IPA
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

Theventrolateral preoptic nucleus(VLPO), also known as theintermediate nucleus of the preoptic area(IPA), is a small cluster ofneuronssituated in the anteriorhypothalamus,sitting just above and to the side of theoptic chiasmin the brain of humans and other animals.[1][2]The brain's sleep-promoting nuclei (e.g., the VLPO,parafacial zone,nucleus accumbens core,andlateral hypothalamicMCHneurons),[3][4][5][6]together with theascending arousal systemwhich includes components in the brainstem, hypothalamus and basal forebrain, are the interconnected neural systems which control states of arousal, sleep, and transitions between these two states.[1][4][5]The VLPO is active duringsleep,particularly duringnon-rapid eye movement sleep(NREM sleep),[7]and releases inhibitoryneurotransmitters,mainlyGABAandgalanin,which inhibit neurons of theascending arousal systemthat are involved inwakefulnessand arousal.[1][8]The VLPO is in turn innervated by neurons from several components of the ascending arousal system.[9][10]The VLPO is activated by the endogenous sleep-promoting substancesadenosine[11][12]andprostaglandin D2.[13][14]The VLPO is inhibited during wakefulness by the arousal-inducing neurotransmittersnorepinephrineandacetylcholine.[9][15]The role of the VLPO in sleep and wakefulness, and its association withsleep disorders– particularlyinsomniaandnarcolepsy– is a growing area of neuroscience research.



At least 80% of neurons in the VLPO that project to the ascending arousal system are GABAergic (neurons that produce GABA).[16] In vitrostudies in rats have shown that many neurons in the VLPO that are inhibited by norepinephrine or acetylcholine are multipolar triangular shaped cells with low threshold spikes.[9]These triangular multipolar neurons exist in two sub-populations in the VLPO:

  • Type 1 – inhibited by serotonin.
  • Type 2 – excited by serotonin and adenosine.

As adenosine accumulates during wakefulness[12][17]it is likely that type 2 cells play a role in sleep induction.

The remaining third of neurons in the VLPO are excited by norepinephrine. Their role is unclear.

In mice, all galaninergic neurons of the VLPO are inhibited by norepinephrine and excited by adenosine, although serotonin still differentiates Type 1 and Type 2 neurons.[18][19]




Schematic representation of the Flip-Flop Switch Hypothesis

In the early 20th century,Constantin von Economonoted that humans who had encephalitis with lesions in the anterior hypothalamus had insomnia, and proposed a sleep-promoting influence from that area.[2]Animal studies in the mid-20th century in rats and cats confirmed that very large lesions in the preoptic area and basal forebrain resulted in insomnia[20][21]but did not identify the cell group that was responsible. In 1996, Sherin and colleagues reported the presence of a cell group in the VLPO that expresses cFos (a protein often found in neurons that have recently been active) during sleep, and that these neurons contain the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and galanin.[16][7]These same neurons receive inputs from the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO)[22]and were found to innervate components of the ascending arousal system, including thetuberomammillary nucleus(TMN) and other components of the lateral hypothalamus; theraphe nuclei;thelocus coeruleus(LC); thepedunculopontine(PPT) andlaterodorsal tegmental nuclei(LDT); and the parabrachial nucleus (PB). More recent studies using opto- or chemogenetic activation of VLPO neurons have confirmed that they promote sleep.[23]

The sleep-promoting effects of the VLPO neurons is thought to be due to release of GABA and possibly galanin that suppresses firing of arousal system neurons. As the VLPO is also inhibited by neurotransmitters released by components of the arousal systems, such as acetylcholine and norepinephrine,[9]a current theory has proposed that the VLPO and the arousal system form a "flip-flop" circuit.[1][2]This term from electrical engineering denotes a circuit in which mutual inhibition means that each component of the circuit, as it turns on, turns the other off, resulting in rapid transitions from one state (wake or sleep) to the other, with minimal time in transition states. This theory has been used to create mathematical models that explain much of the wake-sleep behavior in animals, including in pathological states and responses to drugs.[1][24][25]Orexinneurons in the posterior lateral hypothalamus potentiate neurons in the ascending arousal system and help stabilize the brain in the waking state (and consolidated wakefulness, which builds up homeostatic sleep drive, helps stabilize the brain during later sleep). The loss of orexin neurons in the disorder narcolepsy destabilizes the wake-sleep switch, resulting in overwhelming sleep episodes during the waking day, as well as more frequent awakenings from sleep at night.[1]

Circadian rhythm


There is a strongcircadian rhythm of sleep inmammals. The “master clock” for circadian rhythms in mammals is thesuprachiasmatic nucleus(SCN). The SCN has little if any projection directly to the VLPO neurons. Instead, they project strongly to the adjacent subparaventricular zone, which in turn contains inhibitory GABAergic neurons that innervate the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.[26][27]Lesions of the dorsomedial nucleus almost completely eliminate the circadian rhythm of sleep. GABAergic neurons in the dorsomedial nucleus innervate the VLPO, and glutamatergic neurons innervate the lateral hypothalamus, suggesting that the dorsomedial nucleus mainly promotes wakefulness during the active period (daytime for humans).[26]

Clinical significance




Elderly human patients with more galanin neurons in theirintermediate nucleus(the human equivalent of the VLPO galanin neurons in rodents) have better, more continuous sleep. A reduced number of VLPO neurons is associated with more fragmented sleep (more awakenings throughout the night).[28]

Lesions in the VLPO in rats results in 50-60% decrease in NREM sleep time and prolongedinsomnia.[29]More recent research suggests that stress-induced insomnia could be due to an imbalance of input to arousal system and VLPO neurons.[30]

Sedative/hypnotic drugs


Manysedative/hypnotic drugs act by binding to and potentiating GABA-A receptors. These include older drugs such as ethanol, chloral hydrate and barbiturates, as well as newer benzodiazepines and "non-benzodiazepine" drugs (such as zolpidem, which bind to the same receptor but have a different chemical configuration), and even anesthetics such as propofol and isoflurane. As the VLPO inputs to the arousal system use this same receptor, these drugs at low doses essentially act by potentiating the VLPO, producing a sleepy state. Animal studies show that VLPO neurons show cFos activation after sedative doses of these drugs,[31]and that VLPO lesions produce resistance to their sedative effects.[32]However, at high doses that produce a surgical plane of anesthesia, these drugs have much more widespread inhibitory effects, that do not depend upon the VLPO.[33]Studies have shown that multiple sedative/hypnotic drugs that act by potentiating GABA-A receptors, including ethanol, chloral hydrate, propofol and gas anesthetics such asisoflurane,at sedative doses increase the activity of the VLPO neurons in mice.[34]This finding suggests that at relatively low sedative doses, these medications may have a common mechanism of action, which includes potentiating the firing of VLPO neurons. High doses used in surgical anesthesia, however, reduce activity of neurons throughout the nervous system.


  1. ^abcdefSaper CB, Fuller PM, Pedersen NP, Lu J, Scammell TE (December 2010)."Sleep state switching".Neuron.68(6): 1023–1042.doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.11.032.PMC3026325.PMID21172606.
  2. ^abcSaper CB, Scammell TE, Lu J (October 2005). "Hypothalamic regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms".Nature.437(7063): 1257–1263.doi:10.1038/nature04284.PMID16251950.S2CID1793658.
  3. ^Anaclet C, Ferrari L, Arrigoni E, Bass CE, Saper CB, Lu J, et al. (September 2014)."The GABAergic parafacial zone is a medullary slow wave sleep-promoting center"(PDF).Nat. Neurosci.17(9): 1217–1224.doi:10.1038/nn.3789.PMC4214681.PMID25129078.In the present study we show, for the first time, that activation of a delimited node of GABAergic neurons located in the medullary PZ can potently initiate SWS and cortical SWA in behaving animals.... For now however it remains unclear if the PZ is interconnected with other sleep– and wake–promoting nodes beyond the wake–promoting PB.... The intensity of cortical slow–wave–activity (SWA: 0.5–4Hz) during SWS is also widely accepted as a reliable indicator of sleep need... In conclusion, in the present study we demonstrated that all polygraphic and neurobehavioral manifestation of SWS, including SWA, can be initiated in behaving animals by the selective activation of a delimited node of GABAergic medullary neurons.
  4. ^abSchwartz MD, Kilduff TS (December 2015)."The Neurobiology of Sleep and Wakefulness".The Psychiatric Clinics of North America.38(4): 615–644.doi:10.1016/j.psc.2015.07.002.PMC4660253.PMID26600100.More recently, the medullary parafacial zone (PZ) adjacent to the facial nerve was identified as a sleep-promoting center on the basis of anatomical, electrophysiological and chemo- and optogenetic studies.23, 24GABAergic PZ neurons inhibit glutamatergic parabrachial (PB) neurons that project to the BF,25thereby promoting NREM sleep at the expense of wakefulness and REM sleep.... Sleep is regulated by GABAergic populations in both the preoptic area and the brainstem; increasing evidence suggests a role for the melanin-concentrating hormone cells of the lateral hypothalamus and the parafacial zone of the brainstem
  5. ^abBrown RE, McKenna JT (June 2015)."Turning a Negative into a Positive: Ascending GABAergic Control of Cortical Activation and Arousal".Front. Neurol.6:135.doi:10.3389/fneur.2015.00135.PMC4463930.PMID26124745.The sleep-promoting action of GABAergic neurons located in the preoptic hypothalamus (6–8) is now well-known and accepted (9). More recently, other groups of sleep-promoting GABAergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (melanin-concentrating hormone neurons) and brainstem [parafacial zone; (10)] have been identified.
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  7. ^abSherin JE, Shiromani PJ, McCarley RW, Saper CB (January 1996). "Activation of ventrolateral preoptic neurons during sleep".Science.271(5246): 216–219.doi:10.1126/science.271.5246.216.PMID8539624.S2CID19804653.
  8. ^Brown RE, Basheer R, McKenna JT, Strecker RE, McCarley RW (July 2012)."Control of sleep and wakefulness".Physiological Reviews.92(3): 1087–1187.doi:10.1152/physrev.00032.2011.PMC3621793.PMID22811426.
  9. ^abcdGallopin T, Fort P, Eggermann E, Cauli B, Luppi PH, Rossier J, et al. (April 2000). "Identification of sleep-promoting neurons in vitro".Nature.404(6781): 992–995.doi:10.1038/35010109.PMID10801127.S2CID4364527.
  10. ^Walter A, van der Spek L, Hardy E, Bemelmans AP, Rouach N, Rancillac A (December 2019). "Structural and functional connections between the median and the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus".Brain Structure & Function.224(9): 3045–3057.doi:10.1007/s00429-019-01935-4.PMID31493023.
  11. ^Scammell TE, Gerashchenko DY, Mochizuki T, McCarthy MT, Estabrooke IV, Sears CA, et al. (2001). "An adenosine A2a agonist increases sleep and induces Fos in ventrolateral preoptic neurons".Neuroscience.107(4): 653–663.doi:10.1016/s0306-4522(01)00383-9.PMID11720788.S2CID45189308.
  12. ^abGallopin T, Luppi PH, Cauli B, Urade Y, Rossier J, Hayaishi O, et al. (2005). "The endogenous somnogen adenosine excites a subset of sleep-promoting neurons via A2A receptors in the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus".Neuroscience.134(4): 1377–1390.doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.05.045.PMID16039802.S2CID27732204.
  13. ^ Scammell T, Gerashchenko D, Urade Y, Onoe H, Saper C, Hayaishi O (June 1998)."Activation of ventrolateral preoptic neurons by the somnogen prostaglandin D2".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.95(13): 7754–7759.doi:10.1073/pnas.95.13.7754.PMC22747.PMID9636223.
  14. ^Scharbarg E, Walter A, Lecoin L, Gallopin T, Lemaître F, Guille-Collignon M, et al. (March 2023)."Prostaglandin D2Controls Local Blood Flow and Sleep-Promoting Neurons in the VLPO via Astrocyte-Derived Adenosine "(PDF).ACS Chemical Neuroscience.14(6): 1063–1070.doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.2c00660.PMID36847485.
  15. ^Sangare A, Dubourget R, Geoffroy H, Gallopin T, Rancillac A (October 2016)."Serotonin differentially modulates excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs to putative sleep-promoting neurons of the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus"(PDF).Neuropharmacology.109:29–40.doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2016.05.015.PMID27238836.
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