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Verse–chorus form

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Verse–chorus formis amusical formgoing back to the 1840s, in such songs as "Oh! Susanna","The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze",and many others.[1][2]It became passé in the early 1900s, with advent of theAABA(with verse) form in theTin Pan Alleydays.[3][4]It became commonly used inbluesandrock and rollin the 1950s,[5]and predominant inrock musicsince the 1960s. In contrast to32-bar form,which is focused on the refrain (contrasted and prepared by theB section), in verse–chorus form the chorus is highlighted (prepared and contrasted with the verse).[6]

The chorus often sharply contrasts the versemelodically,rhythmically,andharmonically,and assumes a higher level ofdynamicsand activity, often with added instrumentation. This is referred to as a "breakout chorus".[7]See:arrangement.

Contrasting verse–chorus form[edit]

Songs that use different music for the verse and chorus are incontrasting verse–chorus form.Examples include:

Simple verse–chorus form[edit]

Songs that use the same harmony (chords) for the verse and chorus, such as thetwelve bar blues,though the melody is different and the lyrics feature different verses and a repeated chorus, are insimple verse–chorus form.Examples include:

Simple verse form[edit]

Songs which feature only a repeated verse are insimple verse form(verse–chorus form without the chorus). Examples include:

and with a contrasting bridge:

Both simple verse–chorus form and simple verse form arestrophic forms.

See also[edit]


  1. ^RMS 1 Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music, 1400-1550, edited by Herbert Kellman and Charles Hamm in 5 Volumes. Vol. I A-J (Volume 1),American Institute of Musicology,Inc. (1 January 1979),ISBN1595513116
  2. ^Ralf von Appen; Markus Frei-Hauenschild."Aaba, Refrain, Chorus, Bridge, Prechorus — Song Forms and Their Historical Development"(PDF).www.gfpm-samples.de.Retrieved27 March2021.
  3. ^The Life and Death of Tin Pan Alley, David Ewen, Funk & Wagnalls; First Edition (1 January 1964)ASINB000B8LYVU
  4. ^"Tin Pan Alley | musical history | Britannica".www.britannica.com.Retrieved27 March2021.
  5. ^Michael Campbell & James Brody (2007),Rock and Roll: An Introduction,page 117
  6. ^Covach, John. "Form in Rock Music: A Primer", p.71, in Stein, Deborah (2005).Engaging Music: Essays in Music Analysis.New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-517010-5.
  7. ^Doll, Christopher. "Rockin' Out: Expressive Modulation in Verse–Chorus Form",Music Theory Online17/3 (2011), § 2.
  8. ^abcdefghijklmnoCovach (2005), p.71–72