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Virgo (astrology)

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Zodiac symbolThe Virgin (Maiden)
Duration (tropical,western)August 22 – September 22 (2024,UT1)[1]
Zodiac elementEarth
Zodiac qualityMutable
Sign rulerMercury

Virgo(♍︎) (Ancient Greek:Παρθένος,romanized:Parthénos;Latin for "virgin" or "maiden" ) is the sixthastrological signin thezodiac.It spans the 150–180th degree of the zodiac. Under the tropical zodiac, theSuntransits this area between August 23 and September 22 on average.[2]Depending on the system of astrology, individuals born during these dates may be calledVirgosorVirgoans.[3]

The sign is associated withAstraea,a figure fromGreek mythology.Astraea was the last immortal to abandon Earth at the end of theSilver Agewhen the gods fled toOlympus,which is why Virgo is associated with Earth.[4]Astraea later became theconstellationof Virgo.[5]Virgo is one of the threeEarth signs,alongsideCapricornandTaurus.[6]


The constellation Virgo has various origins in differentmythologies.In most myths, Virgo is depicted as a virgin maiden[7]associated with wheat.[8]InGreekandRoman mythology,Virgo is related toDemeter,the Greek goddess of the harvest, or her daughterPersephone,queen of theUnderworld.[9]

Another association is with the myth of Parthenos, which explains how the constellation Virgo came to be.[10]According to this legend, Parthenos is the daughter ofStaphylusandChrysothemis,and sister toRhoeoandMolpadia.Apolloimpregnated Rhoeo, and upon discovering her pregnancy, her father, assuming it was from an unknown suitor, locked her in a box and cast it into a river. Parthenos and Molpadia, fearing their father’s wrath, accidentally allowed a valuable bottle of wine to be broken by one of their swine. In terror, they fled and threw themselves off a nearby cliff. Apollo saved them, placing Molpadia inCastabus,where she became the local goddessHemithea,and Parthenos inBubastis,where she was worshipped as a local goddess. Another version of the story posits that Parthenos was Apollo’s daughter, and the constellation commemorates her early death.[10]

In another Greek myth, Virgo is associated withErigone,theAthenianmaiden and daughter ofIcarius.After Icarius was murdered by his shepherds in a drunken rage, Erigone hung herself in grief, and her dogMaeracommitted suicide.[11]ZeusorDionysusplaced them in the sky as constellations: Erigone as Virgo, Icarius asBootes,and Maera asCanis Minor.[12]

InEgyptian mythology,the Sun’s presence in Virgo marked the beginning of the wheat harvest, thus linking Virgo to the wheat grain. InChristianity,the birth ofJesusto avirgininBethlehemis symbolically connected to Virgo. The ancient Zodiac began with Virgo and ended with Leo.

InHindu astrology,the comparable sign to Virgo isKanya,which also means "maiden."

See also[edit]


  1. ^Astronomical Applications Department 2011.
  2. ^Britannica n.d.
  3. ^Virgoan n.d.
  4. ^Atsma c. 2015.
  5. ^"Giulio Campi | Jupiter and Astraea".The Met.RetrievedAugust 15,2022.
  6. ^David Groome, "Astrology", inParapsychology: The Science of Unusual Experiences,eds. David Groome and Ron Roberts, 113–27, 2nd ed. (London:Psychology Press,2016), 116.
  7. ^Ioan Petru Culianu,"Astrology", inEncyclopedia of Religion,ed. Lindsay Jones, 563–6, Vol. 1, 2nd ed. (Detroit:Macmillan Reference USA,2005), 565.
  8. ^"The Personality of a Virgo, Explained".Allure.February 2, 2018.RetrievedJuly 28,2022.
  9. ^Allen 1963.
  10. ^abRigoglioso 2009
  11. ^Hyginus,Fabulae243
  12. ^Hyginus,De Astronomica2.4.4;Fabulae130

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