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The termvon([fɔn]) is used inGerman surnameseither as anobiliary particleindicating a noblepatrilineality,or as a simpleprepositionused by commoners that means'of'or'from'.

Nobility directories like theAlmanach de Gothaoften abbreviate the noble termvontov.In medieval or early modern names, thevonparticle was at times added to commoners' names; thus,Hans von Duisburgmeant'Hans from [the city of]Duisburg'.This meaning is preserved in Swisstoponymic surnamesand in theDutchvan,which is acognateofvonbut also does not necessarily indicate nobility.



Germany and Austria


The abolition of themonarchiesinGermanyandAustriain 1919 meant that neither state has a privileged nobility, and both have exclusivelyrepublicangovernments.

In Germany, this means that legallyvonsimply became an ordinary part of the surnames of the people who used it. There are no longer any legal privileges or constraints associated with this naming convention. According to German alphabetical sorting, people withvonin their surnames – of noble or non-noble descent alike – are listed intelephone booksand other files under the rest of their names (e.g., the economistLudwig von Miseswould have been found underMin the phone book rather thanV).

In Austria, in contrast, not only were the privileges of the nobility abolished, theirtitlesand prepositions were abolished as well in 1919. Thus, for example,Friedrich von Hayekbecame simplyFriedrich Hayek.(See alsoAustrian nobilityon this issue.)

In contrast to the peerage of the United Kingdom, the aristocracies of the German-speaking countries were held to include untitled nobility, although the names of nearly all the families falling into this category did includevon,zu,von und zu,von der,von dem,zum,vom und zumorzur.

Non-noble use


The preposition originated among German speakers during theMiddle Agesand was commonly used to signify a person's origins, appending the name of the place they originated from (seetoponymic surname), or the name of their parents, as the concept of a surname did not start to come into common usage until later on.

Nevertheless, it was mostly aristocrats and other land owners who acquired a surname consisting ofvon,zuorzurand atoponym.When families were raised to nobility later on, the prefix was added in front of their existing name whatever its source, e.g.von Goethe.In some cases, even an existing non-noblevonbecame noble, or vice versa, therefore the same surname sometimes would be shared by noble and non-noble individuals.

Especially in the Northwest (Bremen, Hamburg, Holstein, Lower Saxony, Schleswig, Westphalia) and in German-speaking Switzerland,vonis a frequent element in non-noble surnames.[1]About 200 to 300 known non-noble surnames contain the elementvon.[1]On the other hand, especially in Lower Saxony, several prominent noble surnames do not contain the particlevon,e.g.Grote[de],Knigge[de]orVincke.[2]

In order to distinguish the noblevonfrom the non-noble one, the Prussian military abbreviated it tov.in noble names, often without a space following it, whereas the non-noblevonwas always spelled in full.[2]In the 19th century in Austria and Bavaria, non-noble surnames containingvonwere widely altered by compounding it with the main surname element, such asvon Werden → Vonwerden.[1]

"Untitled" and "non-noble" are not synonyms in the German-speaking world. However, most German nobles usedvonand most users ofvonwere noble. Nonetheless, desiring to add cachet to their perceived lineages in the era since titles of nobility were abolished, some individuals of no titled descent chose to add the particle to their name, such as movie directorsJosef von Sternberg,Erich von Stroheim,andLars von Trier.

Ancient nobility


Some very old noble families, usually members of theUradel,bear surnames without the rather young nobiliary particlevonbut are nevertheless still noble.

Also, a very few German families were elevated to the nobility without use of the prepositionvon.This was the case of theRiedeselFreiherren zu Eisenbachwho received baronial dignity in 1680.

In order to distinguish themselves from bearers of regionally frequent non-noble surnames containingvon,nobles in Northern Germany continue the royal Prussian military practice of abbreviating the noblevontov.but spelling the non-noblevonin full.[2]



Generally, the growth of theTsardom of Russiainto theRussian Empirewas accompanied by the inflow of German surnames. Two main channels of such migration were the absorption of territories where Germans constituted a part of local nobility, such asFinland,Poland,and theBaltic region,and the state-supported immigration of Germans into Russia, such as theVolga Germans.

As a rule, the members of the local nobility who found themselves in Russia as a result of geopolitical shifts preserved their privileges in the Empire. Their surnames were listed in the State Register of Noble Families as soon as the required documents were provided. The particlevonwas preserved as well; oncehyphenscame into common use in the 18th and 19th centuries, it was used to connect thevonwith the following part of the surname (e.g.Russian:Фон-Визин,von-Wiesen). However, since the twentieth century the particle has been written separately, as in the German origin. In the Baltic region, the German language continued to be used alongside Russian, so the language environment was friendly enough there to keep these surnames from localisation.

Meanwhile, some of those whose ancestors individually entered the Russian service from abroad, and who settled themselves in Moscow or the core Russian provinces, sooner or later found it easier to adjust their surnames to the local speaking mode. However, unlike immigrants to English-speaking countries during the 18th to 20th centuries, who usually lost their nobility particles and often simplified andanglicisedthe remaining parts of their surnames, immigrants to the Tsarist and Imperial Russia did not lose their noble particles, although some of their core surnames may have experienced some minor changes.

At the end of the 16th century, after theLivonian War,Ivan IV of Russiainvited Baron Berndt von Wiesen (German pronunciation:[fɔnviːzən]) from theLivonian Brothers of the Swordinto Russian service and granted him somelanded property.In the 17th century his descendants wrote their surnames as Russian:Фон Висин(which preserved the German spelling rather than theRussian pronunciation:[fɐnˈvʲisʲɪn]).c. 1660one of them added-ov(Russian:Фон Висинов,Russian pronunciation:[fɐnˈvʲisʲɪnəf]), yet in the 18th century this suffix was lost, and the middle consonant changed againsz(Russian:Фон-Визин,which preserves the German pronunciation rather than spelling:Russian pronunciation:[fɐnˈvʲizʲɪn]). Finally, in the 18th centuryIvan Fonvizindecided to merge the particlevonwith the core, thus giving a start to a new Russian family of German origin. His son,Denis Fonvizin(Russian:Фонви́зин,Russian pronunciation:[fɐnˈvʲizʲɪn]) became a playwright whose plays are staged today.

Nordic countries


In theNordic countries,vonis common but not universal in the surnames of noble families of German origin and has occasionally been used as a part of names of ennobled families of native or foreign (but non-German) extraction, as with the family of the philosopherGeorg Henrik von Wright,which is ofScottish origin,or as with the family of the painterCarl Frederik von Breda,who was ofDutch ancestry.



In German


The German dictionaryDudenrecommends capitalizing the prefixvonat the beginning of the sentence, but not in its abbreviated form, in order to avoid confusion with an abbreviated first name. However the SwissNeue Zürcher Zeitungstyle guiderecommends omitting thevoncompletely at the beginning of the sentence.[3]

Examples, meaning "Von Humboldt came later.":

  • Dudenstyles: "Von Humboldt kam später."and"v. Humboldt kam später."
  • Neue Zürcher Zeitungstyle: "Humboldt kam später."


  1. ^abc"Adelszeichen und Adel: Kennzeichnet das 'von' in jedem Fall eine Adelsfamilie?"[Nobiliary particle and nobility: Does the "von" indicate a noble family in every case?], Institut Deutsche Adelsforschung [Institute of German Nobility Research], retrieved on 8 January 2013.
  2. ^abc"Nichtadeliges 'von'"[Non-noble "von" ], adelsrecht.de, retrieved on 8 January 2013.
  3. ^"Die Rechtschreibung"(PDF),written.ch(in German), p. 13,retrieved2018-08-22