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West Riding Artillery

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West Riding Artillery
Non Commissioned Officers and men of the 1st West Riding Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers), 1902
CountryUnited Kingdom
BranchTerritorial Army
TypeArtillery Regiment
RoleGarrison Artillery
Coastal Artillery
Field Artillery
EngagementsWorld War I
World War II

The West Riding Artillerywas formed as a group of volunteer units of theBritish Armyin 1860. Its units later formed the divisional artillery of theWest Riding Divisionof theTerritorial ForceinWorld War IandWorld War II.The West Riding Artillery's lineage is continued in a battery of today'sArmy Reserve

Volunteer Force


In 1859, as theUnited Kingdomfeared invasion from thecontinent,the government reluctantly accepted the creation of many Rifle, Artillery and Engineer Volunteer Corps composed of part-time soldiers eager to supplement the RegularBritish Armyin time of need.[1][2]TheSecretary of State for Warallowed the Artillery Volunteer Corps (AVCs) free access to guns and ammunition for practice.[3]Most of the AVCs were formed in the coastal counties to man fixed coast defence guns but the following corps were raised in the inlandWest Riding of Yorkshire:[4][5][6]

  • 1st (Leeds) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCraised atLeedson 2 August 1860; additional batteries were formed on 6 August and 1 November, and on 4 January 10 and 17 February 1862; there were eight batteries by the beginning of 1866[7][8]
  • 2nd (Bradford) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCformed atBradfordon 10 October 1860; included batteries atBowlingandHeckmondwike[8][9]
  • 3rd (York) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCformed atYorkon 9 February 1861[10]
  • 4th (Sheffield) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCformed with two batteries atSheffieldon 6 February 1861; additional batteries formed on 2 May 1861 (one) and 17 October 1862 (two); there were eight batteries by the beginning of 1866; its subtitle 'The Sheffield Artillery' was authorised in 1864[11]
  • 5th (Bowling) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCformed from two batteries of the 2nd Corps (including one atBatley) on 1 March 1864; absorbed back into 2nd Corps in November 1874[9]
  • 6th (Heckmondwike) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCformed from part of the 2nd Corps on 24 May1867 absorbed back into 2nd Corps by April 1875[9]
  • 7th (Batley) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCformed from part of the 5th Corps on 24 May 1867; disbanded in August 1877[9]
  • 8th (Halifax) Yorkshire (West Riding) AVCformed on 19 May 1871[9]

The 1st Administrative Brigade of Yorkshire (West Riding) Artillery Volunteers was formed at Bradford on 21 March 1864 and eventually included the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th AVCs.[9]The 3rd West Riding AVC at York joined the1st Administrative Brigade of Yorkshire (East Riding) Artillery Volunteers.[10][12]The larger 1st and 4th West Riding AVCs remained independent.[5][6][13]

The West Riding AVCs began as coastal artillery armed with32-pounder smoothbore muzzleloading guns.[8]In 1868 the 5th West Riding AVC won the Queen's Prize at the annual National Artillery Association competition held atShoeburyness.The following year the 7th West Riding AVC won the competition, with the 4th West Riding AVC winning it in 1872.[14]

When the Volunteers were consolidated into larger units in 1880, the 1st Admin Brigade became the 2nd Yorkshire (West Riding) Artillery Volunteers on 16 March with the batteries distributed as follows:[5][6][13][9]

  • Numbers 1 to 4 at Bradford
  • Numbers 5 and 6 at Heckmondwike
  • Numbers 7 and 8 at Halifax

The 3rd West Riding AVC was absorbed into the 1st Yorkshire (East Riding) AV.[10]

On 1 April 1882, the West Riding AVs became part of theNorthern Division, Royal Artillery,changing to theWestern Divisionon 1 July 1889, and were titled1st,2ndand4th West Riding of Yorkshire Artillery Volunteers,with headquarters at Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield respectively.[5][6][13][7][9][11]

1st West Yorkshire Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) with newly issued 4.7-inch QF guns, 1902.

As well as manning fixed coast defence artillery, some of the early Artillery Volunteers manned semi-mobile 'position batteries' of smooth-bore field guns pulled by agricultural horses. But theWar Officerefused to pay for the upkeep of field guns for Volunteers and they had largely died out in the 1870s. In 1888 the 'position artillery' concept was revived and some Volunteer companies (particularly in inland counties) were reorganised as position batteries to work alongside the Volunteer infantry brigades. By 1894 all three West Riding units had been classified as position artillery, each organised in four batteries and equipped with40 pounder rifled breechloading guns.[5][6][8][15][16]

On 1 June 1899 all the Volunteer artillery units became part of theRoyal Garrison Artillery(RGA) and with the abolition of the RA's divisional organisation on 1 January 1902, the West Riding units became the1st,2ndand4th West Riding of Yorkshire RGA (Volunteers).[5][6][16]'Position artillery' was reclassified as 'heavy artillery' in May 1902, and the batteries were re-equipped with4.7-inch quick-firing gunsdrawn by steam tractors.[8][17]

Territorial Force


Haldane Reforms


After the end of theBoer Warin 1902, a review of the Army took place and a Royal Commission reported on theMilitiaandVolunteers.TheWar Officewas concerned over the different standards of efficiency, but had to concede that this was in the hands of individualcommanding officers.Lieutenant-ColonelAllen of the 4th West Riding RGA (V) was one of five Volunteer officers invited to sit on a committee underLord Raglanto consider the difficulties of the new efficiency regulations.[18]Eventually, the Secretary for War in the Liberal Government of 1905,Richard Haldane,was given the task of preparing legislation for reform. HisTerritorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907brought together the Volunteer andYeomanryunits to form theTerritorial Force(TF), with the same home defence role as before, but, in addition, giving them the capability of acting as backup to theRegular Armyif the need arose, with a full organisation of infantry divisions and mounted brigades, with supporting arms. In addition, the Act set up County Associations to help co-ordinate the work of the War Office and the new TF, and to recruit, house and administer the units.[8][19][20][21]

West Yorkshire Divisional Artillery


The West Riding Territorial Association was responsible for the whole of the TF'sWest RidingDivision, including its Divisional Artillery.[a]The majority of TF artillery units transferred to theRoyal Field Artillery(RFA), with a smaller number remaining as heavy artillery under the RGA. The heavy RGA battery at York was brought back from the East Riding Association, but the West Riding Association still needed to form some new units and subunits to complete the force, which was organised as follows:[8][13][22][23][24][25][26]

15-pounder field gun issued to TF units.
Territorial gunners training with a 5-inch howitzer before World War I.
  • Divisional Artillery HQ: Red House, Marygate, York
  • I West Riding Brigade, RFAfrom 1st West Riding RGA (V)
    • Brigade HQ: Fenton Street, Leeds[27]
    • 1st West Riding Battery, Fenton Street
    • 2nd West Riding Battery,Bramley
    • 3rd West Riding Battery, Fenton Street
    • 1st West Riding Brigade Ammunition Column, Fenton Street
  • II West Riding Brigade, RFAfrom 2nd West Riding RGA (V)
    • Brigade HQ:Valley Parade, Bradford[28]
    • 4th West Riding Battery, Valley Parade
    • 5th West Riding Battery, Skircoat Road, Halifax[29]
    • 6th West Riding Battery, Artillery Street, Heckmondwike[30]
    • 2nd West Riding Brigade Ammunition Column, Valley Parade
  • III West Riding Brigade, RFAfrom 4th West Riding RGA (V)
    • Brigade HQ: Norfolk Barracks, Sheffield
    • 7th–9th West Riding Batteries, Norfolk Barracks
    • 3rd West Riding Brigade Ammunition Column, Norfolk Barracks
  • IV West Riding (Howitzer) Brigade, RFAnew unit formed from part of2nd Yorkshire (West Riding) Royal Engineers (V)and C Company, 3rd Volunteer Battalion,Duke of Wellington's Regiment[31]
    • Brigade HQ: Nelson Street,Otley[32]
    • 10th West Riding Battery, Otley
    • 11th West Riding Battery, East Parade,Ilkley[33]
    • 4th West Riding Brigade Ammunition Column, Peel Place,Burley[34]
  • West Riding Heavy Battery, RGAfrom part of1st East Riding RGA (V),originally 3rd West Riding AVC
    • Battery HQ: Lumley Barracks, Burton Stone Lane, York[35]
    • Battery Ammunition Column, York

Each RFA battery was equipped with four15 pounder gunsor four5-inch howitzersas appropriate; the RGA heavy battery retained its 4.7-inch guns. With the change to the smaller guns, steam tractors were no longer required and the drill halls had to be adapted to accommodate horses.[8][23]

In addition, the 4th West Riding RGA (V) provided the personnel for a newWest Riding Royal Horse ArtilleryatWentworth Woodhouse,Rotherham,for theYorkshire Mounted Brigade.[25][36][37]

World War I

18-pounder field gun preserved at theImperial War Museum.
4.5-inch howitzer at theRoyal Artillery Museum.



During theGreat War(1914–18) the West Riding brigades formed the divisional artillery for the49th (West Riding) Division,going toFrancein 1915. Each formed a second line brigade (designated with a '2/' prefix) in the autumn of 1914, which then supported62nd Division.In May 1916, all the TF RFA brigades were renumbered.[24][26]

49th (West Riding) Divisional Artillery


49th (West Riding) Divisional Artillery was organised as follows:[23][26]

  • 1/I West Riding Bde – became CCXLV (245) Bde
  • 1/II West Riding Bde – became CCXLVI (246) Bde
  • 1/III West Riding Bde – became CCXLVII (247) Bde; broken up February 1917
  • 1/IV West Riding (H) Bdebecame CCXLVIII (248) Bde; broken up among 49th Divisional Artillery October 1916
  • 49th (West Riding) Divisional Ammunition Column – formed after mobilisation; absorbed the brigade ammunition columns (BACs) May 1916
  • 49th (West Riding) Trench Mortar Brigade
    • X/49, Y/49, Z/49 Medium TMBs – formed by 4 April 1916
    • V/49 Heavy TMB – formed 18 April 1916
    • W/49 Heavy TMB – formed 17 May 1916, absorbed by W/49 by 7 June 1917

Heavy artillery batteries did not serve with their original divisions. As the war progressed sections and batteries were exchanged between field brigades to bring them up to a final establishment of three 6-gun18-pounderfield gun batteries and one4.5-inch howitzerbattery; this resulted in some brigades being broken up. Divisional artillery then consisted of two of these larger brigades, and the remaining brigades became Army Field Artillery (AFA) brigades.[23][26][38][39]

The onset ofTrench warfarerevealed an urgent need for high anglemortars.During 1915 the BEF began formingad hoctrench mortar batteries (TMBs) manned by a mixture of infantry and RFA gunners. At the end of the year TMBs were defined as light, medium or heavy, with the light batteries (LTMBs) formed in infantry brigades and the medium and heavy forming part of the divisional artillery. 49th (WR) Divisional Artillery was assigned 34, 37 and 48 TMBs from December 1915 until it formed its own batteries. In February 1918 the mortars were reorganised into larger batteries: Z MTMB in each division was split between X and Y and the HTMBs became corps-level units, with W/49 joiningX Corps.From July 1918 the divisional TMBs became wholly RFA units, the heavies becoming RGA units.[23][40][41][42]

49th (WR) Division served on theWestern Frontfrom April 1915. It took part in the battles ofAubers Ridge(1915), theSomme(1916), theoperations on the Flanders coastand theBattle of Poelcappelle(1917). In 1918 it fought through theBattle of the Lysand the finalHundred Days Offensive.It was demobilised in 1919.[23][40]

62nd (2nd West Riding) Divisional Artillery


62nd (2nd West Riding) Divisional Artillery was organised as follows:[38][39]

  • 2/I West Riding Bde – became CCCX (310) Bde
  • 2/II West Riding Bde – became CCCXI (311) Bde; left division to become an AFA brigade January 1917
  • 2/III West Riding Bde – became CCCXII (312) Bde
  • 2/IV West Riding (H) Bde– broken up among 62nd Divisional Artillery May 1916
  • 62nd (2nd West Riding) Divisional Ammunition Column – absorbed the BACs before embarking for France
  • 62nd (2nd West Riding) Trench Mortar Brigade
    • X/62, Y/62 Medium TMBs
    • Z/62 Medium TMB – broken up between X and Y 13–18 February 1918
    • V/62 Heavy TMB – broken up 11 February 1918

After a long period of training hampered by lack of equipment, 62nd (2nd WR) Division served on the Western Front from January 1917. It followed the German retreat to theHindenburg Lineand took part in the subsequent actions. Later in the year it fought in theBattle of Cambrai.It was engaged in theGerman spring offensiveof March 1918, and then through the Hundred Days Offensive. It was disbanded in 1919.[38][39]

CCCXI Army Field Artillery Bde served with a wide variety of formations in 1917–18. It took part in the battles ofArras,Messines(with theAnzacs), andPasschendaele(with theCanadians). In 1918 it fought in the German spring offensive, and the final advance in Artois, ending the war under Canadian command.[43][44]

Interwar period


Following the War, the names of the Brigades reverted to their pre-war designations –1st, 2nd and 3rd West Riding Brigades RFAwhen they were reformed in the reconstituted TF on 7 February 1920. The 4th West Riding Bde was not reformed: its batteries remained as howitzer batteries with the 1st and 2nd Brigades, while the former West Riding Royal Horse Artillery provided the fourth battery of the 3rd Brigade (from which it had emerged in 1908). In 1921 the TF was reorganised as theTerritorial Army(TA) and the units were redesignated:[7][9][11][13][24][31][37][45]

  • 69th (West Riding) Brigade, RFA
    • HQ, Leeds
    • 273rd (1st West Riding) Battery, Leeds
    • 274th (2nd West Riding) Battery, Bramley
    • 275th (3rd West Riding) Battery, Leeds
    • 276th (11th West Riding) (Howitzer) Battery, Ilkley
  • 70th (West Riding) Brigade, RFA
    • HQ, Bradford
    • 277th (4th West Riding) Battery, Bradford
    • 278th (5th West Riding) Battery, Halifax
    • 279th (6th West Riding) Battery, Bradford
    • 280th (10th West Riding) (Howitzer) Battery, Otley
  • 71st (West Riding) Brigade, RFA
    • HQ, Sheffield
    • 281st (7th West Riding) Battery, Sheffield
    • 282nd (8th West Riding) Battery, Sheffield
    • 283rd (9th West Riding) Battery, Sheffield
    • 284th (12th West Riding) (Howitzer) Battery, Rotherham

The brigades once again provided the divisional artillery for 49th (WR) Division, which had also reformed in 1920. In 1924 the RFA and RGA were subsumed into the Royal Artillery (RA), and the word 'Field' was inserted into the titles of its brigades and batteries. In 1938 the RA modernised its nomenclature and a lieutenant-colonel's command was designated a 'regiment' rather than a 'brigade'; this applied to TA field brigades from 1 November 1938.[13][24][45][46]



The TA was doubled in size after theMunich Crisis,and regiments formed duplicates in 1939. Part of the reorganisation was that field regiments changed from four six-gun batteries to an establishment of two batteries, each of three four-guntroops.The West Riding Artillery reorganised as follows:[8][24][45]

(The duplicate regiments were authorised to adopt the '(West Riding)' subtitle on 17 February 1942.[24][45])

World War II


The 69th Field Regiment, as part of the49th (West Riding) Infantry Division,served inIcelandfor two years and later, after their return to the United Kingdom, took part in theinvasion of Normandyin June 1944, shortly after theD-Day landingsof 6 June.[8]The regiment served with the 49th Division in theNormandy Campaignduring theBattle for Caen,Operation Astonia,garrisoningThe Islandin the aftermath of the failure ofOperation Market Garden,and theLiberation of Arnhemin 1945.[47]

Originally with the 69th Field Regiment in the 49th (West Riding) Division, the 70th Field Regiment was sent to France in 1940 as part of the52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division.When theBritish Expeditionary Forcehad to withdraw, the 70th returned to the United Kingdom viaCherbourgwith all their guns, vehicles and equipment intact. They were later transferred to46th Infantry Divisionand fought with them in theTunisia Campaignand later in Italy and theGreek Civil War.[8]

5.5-inch gun and AEC Matador artillery tractor of 121st Medium Regiment during operations to cross the River Seine at Vernon, 25 August 1944

The 121st Field Regiment was sent toIraqin 1941, fought with theBritish Eighth Armyin theNorth African Campaignand theAmerican Fifth Armyin theItalian Campaignbefore returning to the United Kingdom to take part in the Normandy invasion as a Medium Regiment with5.5-inch Medium Guns.[8]

The 122nd Field Regiment, after training in the United Kingdom, was sent out to theFar Eastin late 1941. The 122nd suffered 13 war casualties during theMalayan Campaignup until the naval base atSingaporesurrendered in February 1942 after theBattle of Singapore.Thereafter, more than 200 died, mainly as a result of their treatment asprisonersof theImperial Japanese Army.[8]

A regimental history was assembled by Sergeant R.W. Morris and published in 1946; entitled '121 Field Medium Regiment Royal Artillery 1939–1946'. In 2023 it was established that no public library held a copy and a privately held copy was uplifted to a WWII history website, which is open to the public.[48]



Anhonour,unique at the time for a TA unit, was conferred upon the 70th on 5 September 1945. They were granted theFreedom of the Cityof Bradford.[49]

269th and 270th (West Riding) Field Regiment RA(TA) reconstituted in the TA in Leeds and Bradford respectively on New Year's Day 1947. Both units were equipped with the 25 pounderself propelled gun(theSexton), and both became part of49th (West Riding) Armoured Division.In 1956, they were re-equipped with 25 pounder (towed), familiar to so many. WhenAnti-Aircraft Commandwas abolished in the mid-fifties, 269th absorbed321 (West Riding) HAA Regimentand the 270th absorbed584 LAA Regiment RA (6th West Yorkshire)without changing their titles (although the 270th did move their HQ fromValley Paradeto 584's barracks atBelle Vue,Bradford).[8][24]

To mark the centenary of the formation of the 1st Yorkshire (West Riding) Artillery Volunteer Corps, the Freedom of the City of Leeds was granted to the 269th on 3 February 1960.[50]Shortly afterwards, the 269th and 270th amalgamated with each other to form the249th (The West Riding Artillery) Field Regiment RA(TA),with headquarters atCarlton Barracksin Leeds and batteries at Leeds, Bramley and Bradford.[8][24]



This reform saw the Regiment reorganised asThe West Riding Regiment RA (Territorials)on 1 April 1967: but, by 1969, the Regiment was reduced to acadreat Bradford (some of Q Battery was absorbed intoE Company, The Yorkshire Volunteers; 272 (West Riding Artillery) Field Support Squadron, 73 Engineer Regiment RE(V)also formed at Bradford). In 1971, this cadre was expanded to become"A" (West Riding Artillery) Battery, 3rd Battalion Yorkshire Volunteers.On 1 April 1975, an independentobservation postbattery,269 (West Riding) OP Battery RA(Volunteers), was formed at Leeds from the cadre (and the cadre disbanded), reviving theWest Riding Artillerylineage in the Royal Artillery.[24][51]


  1. ^The artillery component of a British infantry division during World War I was commanded by a brigadier-general and was effectively a brigade, but was never referred to as such because 'brigade' was the term used by the Royal Artillery to designate a regimental-sized unit.


  1. ^Beckett.
  2. ^Spiers, pp. 163–8.
  3. ^Beckett, p. 23.
  4. ^Beckett, Appendix VIII.
  5. ^abcdefFrederick, p. 672.
  6. ^abcdefLitchfield & Westlake, pp. 183–6.
  7. ^abc"1st West Riding Artillery Volunteers [UK]".27 December 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 27 December 2005.
  8. ^abcdefghijklmno"Yorkshire Volunteers:: Regimental Family History".www.yorkshirevolunteers.org.uk.
  9. ^abcdefghi"2nd West Riding Artillery Volunteers [UK]".17 January 2006. Archived fromthe originalon 17 January 2006.
  10. ^abc"1st East Riding Artillery Volunteers [UK]".11 January 2006. Archived fromthe originalon 11 January 2006.
  11. ^abc"The Sheffield Artillery Volunteers, RA (T) [UK]".27 December 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 27 December 2005.
  12. ^Litchfield & Westlake, p. 176.
  13. ^abcdefArmy List,various dates.
  14. ^Litchfield & Westlake, p. 189.
  15. ^Beckett, pp. 135, 178.
  16. ^abLitchfield & Westlake, pp. 5–6.
  17. ^Beckett, p. 219.
  18. ^Beckett, p. 224.
  19. ^Beckett, pp. 247–53.
  20. ^Magnus, pp. 3–14.
  21. ^Spiers, Chapter 10.
  22. ^"Page 2149 | Supplement 28121, 20 March 1908 | London Gazette | The Gazette".www.thegazette.co.uk.
  23. ^abcdefBecke, Pt 2a, pp. 85–91.
  24. ^abcdefghiLitchfield, pp. 255–65.
  25. ^abMagnus, p. 28.
  26. ^abcd"245, 246, 247 and 248 (Howitzer) Brigades of the Royal Field Artillery (49th Divisional Artillery)".
  27. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire> Leeds".www.drillhalls.org.
  28. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire>".www.drillhalls.org.
  29. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire> Halifax".www.drillhalls.org.
  30. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire> Heckmondwike".www.drillhalls.org.
  31. ^ab"4th West Riding Brigade, RA [UK]".22 November 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 22 November 2005.
  32. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire> Otley".www.drillhalls.org.
  33. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire> Ilkley".www.drillhalls.org.
  34. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire> Burley in Wharfedale".www.drillhalls.org.
  35. ^"The Drill Hall Project> Database> Yorkshire> York".www.drillhalls.org.
  36. ^Frederick, p. 674.
  37. ^ab"West Riding RHA [UK]".27 December 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 27 December 2005.
  38. ^abcBecke, Pt 2b, pp. 41–8.
  39. ^abc"62nd (2nd West Riding) Division".
  40. ^ab"49th (West Riding) Division".
  41. ^Farndale,Western Front,Annex G.
  42. ^Baker, Chris (24 July 2015)."The British Trench Mortar Batteries in the First World War".
  43. ^'Allocations of Army Brigades, RH & RFA', The National Archives (TNA), Kew, file WO 95/5494/2.
  44. ^Becke, Pt 4, pp. 183, 236, 245.
  45. ^abcdFrederick, pp. 490, 493, 519, 529–30.
  46. ^WO,Titles & Designations,1927.
  47. ^Corry, p. 28
  48. ^"121 Field/Medium reg. 1939/46 history".WW2Talk.
  49. ^Freedoms.This freedom was transferred to 269 (WR) OP Bty R(V) on 31 March 1983Archived8 October 2007 at theWayback Machine
  50. ^"Welcome to the new British Army Website – British Army Website".Archived fromthe originalon 8 October 2007.
  51. ^"Royal Regiment of Artillery, Volunteer Regiments".Archived fromthe originalon 23 March 2005.Retrieved21 April2014.


  • Maj A.F. Becke,History of the Great War: Order of Battle of Divisions, Part 2a: The Territorial Force Mounted Divisions and the 1st-Line Territorial Force Divisions (42–56),London: HM Stationery Office, 1935/Uckfield: Naval & Military Press, 2007, ISBN 1-847347-39-8.
  • Maj A.F. Becke,History of the Great War: Order of Battle of Divisions, Part 2b: The 2nd-Line Territorial Force Divisions (57th–69th), with the Home-Service Divisions (71st–73rd) and 74th and 75th Divisions,London: HM Stationery Office, 1937/Uckfield: Naval & Military Press, 2007, ISBN 1-847347-39-8
  • Maj A.F. Becke,History of the Great War: Order of Battle of Divisions, Part 4: The Army Council, GHQs, Armies, and Corps 1914–1918,London: HM Stationery Office, 1944/Uckfield: Naval & Military Press, 2007, ISBN 1-847347-43-6.
  • Ian F.W. Beckett,Riflemen Form: A Study of the Rifle Volunteer Movement 1859–1908,Aldershot, The Ogilby Trusts, 1982,ISBN0 85936-271 X.
  • Corry, Lieutenant G. D.; Oglesby, Major R. B. (17 October 1950)."Report No 39: Operations of 1 Canadian Corps in North-West Europe, 15 March – 5 May 1945"(PDF).National Defence and the Canadian Forces, Army Headquarters Reports 1948–1959.Retrieved4 July2009.
  • J.B.M. Frederick,Lineage Book of British Land Forces 1660–1978,Vol I, Wakefield: Microform Academic, 1984, ISBN 1-85117-007-3.
  • J.B.M. Frederick,Lineage Book of British Land Forces 1660–1978,Vol II, Wakefield: Microform Academic, 1984, ISBN 1-85117-009-X.
  • Norman E.H. Litchfield,The Territorial Artillery 1908–1988 (Their Lineage, Uniforms and Badges),Nottingham: Sherwood Press, 1992, ISBN 0-9508205-2-0.
  • Norman Litchfield & Ray Westlake,The Volunteer Artillery 1859–1908 (Their Lineage, Uniforms and Badges),Nottingham: Sherwood Press, 1982, ISBN 0-9508205-0-4.
  • Laurie Magnus,The West Riding Territorials in the Great War,London: Keegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1920//Uckfield: Naval & Military Press, 2004, ISBN 1-845740-77-7.
  • Edward M. Spiers,The Army and Society 1815–1914,London: Longmans, 1980,ISBN0-582-48565-7.
  • War Office,Titles and Designations of Formations and Units of the Territorial Army,London: War Office, 7 November 1927 (RA sections also summarised in Litchfield, Appendix IV).

Further reading

  • Ackroyd, E.The Bradford Volunteer Artillery – 122 (WR) Field Regiment RA TA 1939 – 1942 / A freedom dearly bought.
  • Douglas, J.The Bradford Volunteer Artillery – 70th (WR) Field Regiment RA TA 1939 – 1946.
  • Morris, R. W.121 Field/Medium Regiment 1939 – 46.
  • Peacock MBE, R. T. P.The Bradford Volunteer Artillery – a Mini Archive 1914 – 1938.
  • Seddon, W.The Leeds Volunteer Artillery.
  • Wyatt, J. T.The Leeds Volunteer Artillery 1947 – 1971.