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Western Australia

Coordinates:26°S121°E/ 26°S 121°E/-26; 121
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Western Australia
  • The Wildflower State
  • The Golden State
Location of Western Australia in Australia
26°S121°E/ 26°S 121°E/-26; 121
Before federationColony of Western Australia
Established as theSwan River Colony2 May 1829
Responsible government21 October 1890
Federation1 January 1901
and largest city
Administration139 local government areas
  • Western/West Australian
  • West Aussie
  • Sandgroper(colloquial)
Charles III
Chris Dawson
Roger Cook(Labor)
LegislatureParliament of Western Australia
Legislative Council
Legislative Assembly
JudiciarySupreme Court of Western Australia
Parliament of Australia
12 senators(of 76)
15 seats (of 151)
• Total
2,527,013[1]km2(975,685 sq mi) (1st)
Highest elevation1,249 m (4,098 ft)
• June 2023 estimate
• Density
1.11/km2(2.9/sq mi) (7th)
GSP2022 estimate
• Total
AU$377.257 billion[3](4th)
• Per capita
AU$135,320 (1st)
very high·2nd
Time zone
Postal abbreviation
ISO 3166 codeAU–WA
BirdBlack swan
(Cygnus atratus)
FishWhale shark
(Rhincodon typus)
FlowerRed and green kangaroo paw
(Anigozanthos manglesii)
(Myrmecobius fasciatus)
Colour(s)Black and gold
FossilGogo fish
(Mcnamaraspis kaprios)

Western Australia(WA) is astate of Australiaoccupying the western third of the land area of theAustralian continent.[5][text–source integrity?][citation needed]It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, theSouthern Oceanto the south, theNorthern Territoryto the north-east, andSouth Australiato the south-east. With a total land area of 2,527,013 square kilometres (975,685 sq mi),[5]Western Australia is Australia's largest state as well as thesecond-largest subdivisionof any country on Earth, surpassed only by theSakha Republicin eastern Russia.

Western Australia has a diverse range of climates, including tropical conditions in theKimberley,deserts in the interior (including theGreat Sandy Desert,Little Sandy Desert,Gibson Desert,andGreat Victoria Desert) and aMediterranean climateon the south-west and southern coastal areas. As of 2021,the state has 2.91 million inhabitants—11 percent of the national total.[6]Over 90 percent of the state's population live in thesouth-west cornerand around 80 percent live in the state capitalPerth,[7]leaving the remainder of the state sparsely populated. TheTrans-Australian Railwayand theEyre Highwaytraverse theNullarbor Plainin the state's south-east, providing the principal connection between Western Australia and the population centres in theeastern states.

Western Australia'sIndigenous peopleshave been present for tens of thousands of years. Dutch explorers visited Western Australia from the 17th century, withDirk Hartog's 1616 expedition the first Europeans to make landfall. The British claimed Western Australia in 1827 and established theSwan River Colonywith Perth as its capital in 1829. TheWestern Australian gold rushesof the late 19th century resulted in a significant population influx. The colony was grantedresponsible governmentin 1890, the last of the Australian colonies to become self-governing, andfederatedwith the other colonies in 1901.

Western Australia'smining sectoris a key driver of thestate economy.The late 20th century saw the development of the state's significantiron ore mining industry– the world's largest – as well as primarily offshorepetroleum and natural gas resources.Gold miningretains a significant presence and many other mineral commodities are mined, with Perth being a major centre for associated services. Outside of mining, primary industry is the other significant contributor to the state's economy, including agriculture in theWheatbeltand temperate southern coastal regions,pastoralismin marginal grassland areas,forestryin the south-west and fishing (includingpearlingand, historically,whaling).


Western Australia has a geological history dating back to 4.4 billion years ago whenHadean zirconswere formed. The earliest direct known life on land, known asstromatolites,started to be created by microbes at around 3.48 billion years ago.

The first human inhabitants of Australia arrived from the north "over 50,000 years ago and possibly as much as 70,000 years ago".[8]: 5 Over thousands of years they eventually spread across the whole landmass.[citation needed]TheseIndigenous Australianswere long established throughout Western Australia by the time European explorers began to arrive in the early 17th century.

Map first drawn in 1618 byHessel Gerritsz,12 years after Europeans first encountered the Australian mainland,[9]showing the charted coast of Australia. Chartings after 1618, for example byFrançois Thijssenin 1627, were added to the engraved plate between 1628 and 1632.[10]

The first Europeans to visit Western Australia were those of the DutchDirk Hartogexpedition, who on 25 October 1616 landed at what is now known as Cape Inscription,Dirk Hartog Island.For the rest of the 17th century,other Dutch and British navigatorsencountered the coast of whatAbel TasmannamedNew Hollandin 1644, usually unintentionally as demonstrated by the many shipwrecks along the coast of ships that deviated from theBrouwer Route(because of poor navigation and storms).[11]By the late 18th century, British and French sailors had begun to explore the Western Australian coast. TheBaudin expeditionof 1800–03 included the coast of Western Australia and resulted in theFreycinet Map of 1811,the first published map featuring the full outline of Australia. The name New Holland remained in popular and semi-official use until at least the mid-1850s; that is, it was in use for about 206 years in comparison to the name Australia which to date has been in use for about 195 years.[12]: 11 

Melchisédech Thévenot'sHollandia Nova—Terre Australein his travel anthology (French:Relations de divers voyages curieux) published in 1664,[13]and which seems to be a copy ofArchipelagus Orientalis sive AsiaticusbyJoan Blaeuin theAtlas of the Great Elector(German:Atlas des Großen Kurfürsten) from 1659.[14]The latitude staff depicted by Thévenot falls along theZaragoza antimeridianfrom theTreaty of Zaragozaof 1529 betweenCastileandPortugal,and which complemented theTordesillas meridianfrom theTreaty of Tordesillasof 1494.

The origins of the present state began with the establishment by Lockyer[15]of a convict-supported settlement fromNew South WalesatKing George III Sound.The settlement was formally annexed on 21 January 1827 by Lockyer when he commanded theUnion Jackbe raised and afeu de joiefired by the troops. The settlement was founded in response to British concerns about the possibility of a French colony being established on the coast of Western Australia.[15]On 7 March 1831 it was transferred to the control of the Swan River Colony,[16]and namedAlbanyin 1832.

In 1829 theSwan River Colonywas established on the Swan River by CaptainJames Stirling.By 1832, the British settler population of the colony had reached around 1,500, and the official name of the colony was changed to Western Australia on 6 February that year.[17][18]The two separate townsites of the colony developed slowly into the port city ofFremantleand the state's capital,Perth.Yorkwas the first inland settlement in Western Australia, situated 97 kilometres (60 mi) east of Perth and settled on 16 September 1831. York was the staging point for early explorers who discovered the rich gold reserves of Kalgoorlie.

Population growth was very slow until significant discoveries of gold were made in the 1890s aroundKalgoorlie.

John Forrestwas the first Premier of Western Australia.

In 1887, a new constitution was drafted, providing for the right of self-governance of European Australians, and in 1890, the act grantingself-governmentto the colony was passed by theBritish Parliament.John Forrestbecame the firstPremier of Western Australia.

In 1896, after discoveries of gold atCoolgardieandKalgoorlie,theWestern Australian Parliamentauthorised the raising of a loan to construct apipelineto transport 23 megalitres (5 million imperial gallons) of water per day to the burgeoning population on the goldfields. The pipeline, known as theGoldfields Water Supply Scheme,was completed in 1903. C. Y. O'Connor,Western Australia's first engineer-in-chief, designed and oversaw the construction of the pipeline. It carries water 530 km (330 mi) from Perth toKalgoorlie,and is attributed by historians as an important factor driving the state's population and economic growth.[19]

Following a campaign led by Forrest, electors of the colony of Western Australia voted in favour offederationwith the five other Australian colonies, resulting in Western Australia officially becoming a state on 1 January 1901.[20]


Western Australia is bounded to the east by longitude 129°E, the meridian 129 degrees east of Greenwich, which defines the border with South Australia and theNorthern Territory,and bounded by the Indian Ocean to the west and north. TheInternational Hydrographic Organization(IHO) designates thebody of water south of the continentas part of the Indian Ocean; in Australia it is officially gazetted as theSouthern Ocean.[b][21][22]

The total length of thestate's eastern borderis 1,862 km (1,157 mi).[23]There are 20,781 km (12,913 mi) of coastline, including 7,892 km (4,904 mi) of island coastline.[24]The total land area occupied by the state is 2.5 million km2(970 thousand sq mi).[25]


The bulk of Western Australia consists of the extremely oldYilgarn cratonandPilbara cratonwhich merged with theDeccan Plateauof India,Madagascarand theKaapvaalandZimbabwecratons of Southern Africa, in theArcheanEon to formUr,one of the oldestsupercontinentson Earth (3 – 3.2 billion years ago). In May 2017, evidence of theearliest known lifeon landmay have been found in 3.48-billion-year-oldgeyseriteand other related mineral deposits (often found aroundhot springsandgeysers) uncovered in the Pilbara craton.[26][27]

Because the onlymountain-buildingsince then has been of theStirling Rangewith the rifting fromAntarctica,the land is extremely eroded and ancient, with no part of the state above 1,249 metres (4,098 ft)AHD(atMount Meharryin theHamersley Rangeof thePilbararegion). Most of the state is a low plateau with an average elevation of about 400 metres (1,200 ft), very low relief, and nosurface runoff.This descends relatively sharply to the coastal plains, in some cases forming a sharp escarpment (as with the Darling Range/Darling Scarpnear Perth).

Western Australian cities, towns, settlements androad network.

The extreme age of the landscape has meant that the soils are remarkably infertile and frequentlylaterised.Even soils derived fromgraniticbedrockcontain an order of magnitude less availablephosphorusand only half as muchnitrogenas soils in comparable climates in other continents. Soils derived from extensive sandplains orironstoneare even less fertile, nearly devoid of soluble phosphate and deficient inzinc,copper,molybdenumand sometimespotassiumandcalcium.

The infertility of most of the soils has required heavy application by farmers of fertilisers. These have resulted in damage toinvertebrateand bacterial populations.[citation needed]The grazing and use of hoofed mammals and, later, heavy machinery through the years have resulted incompaction of soilsand great damage to the fragile soils.

Large-scale land clearing for agriculture has damaged habitats for native flora and fauna. As a result, theSouth West regionof the state has a higher concentration of rare, threatened or endangered flora and fauna than many areas of Australia, making it one of the world's biodiversity "hot spots". Large areas of the state's wheatbelt region have problems withdryland salinityand the loss of fresh water.


Köppen climate typesin Western Australia

Thesouthwest coastal areahas aMediterranean climate.It was originally heavily forested, including large stands ofkarri,one of thetallest treesin the world.[28]This agricultural region is one of the nine most bio-diverse terrestrial habitats, with a higher proportion ofendemic speciesthan most other equivalent regions. Thanks to the offshoreLeeuwin Current,the area is one of the top six regions for marine biodiversity and contains the most southerlycoral reefsin the world.

Average annual rainfall varies from 300 millimetres (12 in) at the edge of theWheatbeltregion to 1,400 millimetres (55 in) in the wettest areas nearNorthcliffe,but from November to March, evaporation exceeds rainfall, and it is generally very dry. Plants are adapted to this as well as the extreme poverty of all soils.

The central two-thirds of the state isaridand sparsely inhabited. The only significant economic activity is mining. Annual rainfall averages less than 300 millimetres (8–10 in), most of which occurs in sporadic torrential falls related to cyclone events in summer.[29]

An exception to this is the northern tropical regions. TheKimberleyhas an extremely hotmonsoonal climatewith average annual rainfall ranging from 500 to 1,500 millimetres (20–60 in), but there is a very long almost rainless season from April to November. Eighty-five percent of the state'srunoffoccurs in the Kimberley, but because it occurs in violent floods and because of the insurmountable poverty of the generally shallow soils, the only development has taken place along theOrd River.

Snow is rare in the state and typically occurs only in theStirling RangenearAlbany,as it is the only mountain range far enough south and sufficiently elevated. More rarely, snow can fall on the nearbyPorongurup Range.Snow outside these areas is a major event; it usually occurs in hilly areas of southwestern Australia. The most widespread low-level snow occurred on 26 June 1956 when snow was reported in thePerth Hills,as far north asWongan Hillsand as far east asSalmon Gums.However, even in the Stirling Range, snowfalls rarely exceed 5 cm (2 in) and rarely settle for more than one day.[30]

The highest observed temperature of 50.7 °C (123.3 °F) was recorded inOnslowon 13 January 2022.[31]The lowest temperature recorded was −7.2 °C (19.0 °F) atEyre Bird Observatoryon 17 August 2008.[32]

Thesouth geomagnetic poleis currently tilted 10 degrees away from theSouth Poletowards Western Australia, allowing foraurora australisdisplays as far north asGeraldton.[33]

Climate data for Western Australia
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 50.7
Record low °C (°F) 0.9
Source 1:Bureau of Meteorology[34]
Source 2:[31]

Flora and fauna[edit]

AquokkaonRottnest Island
Theblack swanis the state bird of Western Australia

Western Australia is home to around630 species of birds(depending on the taxonomy used). Of these around 15 areendemicto the state. The best areas for birds are the southwestern corner of the state and the area around Broome and the Kimberley.

TheFlora of Western Australiacomprises 10,162 published nativevascular plantspecies, along with a further 1,196 species currently recognised but unpublished. They occur within 1,543generafrom 211families;there are also 1,276 naturalised alien orinvasive plantspecies, more commonly known as weeds.[35][36]In the southwest region are some of the largest numbers of plant species for its area in the world.

Western Australia'secoregionsinclude the sandstone gorges ofthe Kimberleyon the northern coast, and below that the drierVictoria Plains tropical savannainland, and the semi-desertPilbara shrublands,Carnarvon xeric shrublands,andWestern Australian mulga shrublandsto the southwest. Southwards along the coast are theSouthwest Australia savannaand theSwan Coastal Plainaround Perth, with thejarrah-karri forest and shrublandson the southwest corner of the coast around theMargaret Riverwine-growing area. Going east along the Southern Ocean coast is theGoldfields-Esperanceregion, including theEsperance malleeand theCoolgardie woodlandsinland around town ofCoolgardie.Deserts occupy the interior, including theGreat Sandy-Tanami desert,Gibson Desert,Great Victoria Desert,andNullarbor Plain.

In 1831 Scottish botanistRobert Brownproduced a scientific paper,General view of the botany of the vicinity of Swan River.It discusses the vegetation of theSwan River Colony.[37]


Western Australia's capital and largest city,Perth.Its metropolitan area is home to 75% of the state's population.
WA population growth 1829–2010

Europeans began to settle permanently in 1826 whenAlbanywas claimed by Britain to forestall French claims to the western third of the continent. Perth was founded as theSwan River Colonyin 1829 by British and Irish settlers, though the outpost languished. Its officials eventually requestedconvictlabour to augment its population. In the 1890s, interstate immigration, resulting from a mining boom in theGoldfields region,resulted in a sharp population increase.

Western Australia did not receive significant flows ofimmigrantsfrom Britain, Ireland or elsewhere in theBritish Empireuntil the early 20th century. At that time, its local projects—such as theGroup Settlement Schemeof the 1920s, which encouraged farmers to settle the southwest—increased awareness of Australia's western third as a destination for colonists.

Led by immigrants from the British Isles, Western Australia's population developed at a faster rate during the twentieth century than it had previously. AfterWorld War II,both the eastern states and Western Australia received large numbers ofItalians,CroatiansandMacedonians.Despite this, Britain has contributed the greatest number of immigrants to this day. Western Australia—particularly Perth—has the highest proportion of British-born of any state: 10.3% in 2011, compared to a national average of 5.1%. This group is heavily concentrated in certain parts, where they account for a quarter of the population.[38]

Perth's metropolitan area (includingMandurah) had an estimated population of 2,043,138[7]in June 2017 (79% of the state). Other significant population centres includeBunbury(73,989),[39]Geraldton(37,961),[39]Kalgoorlie-Boulder(30,420),[39]Albany(33,998),[39]Karratha(16,446),[39]Broome(14,501)[39]andPort Hedland(14,285).[39]

Ancestry and immigration[edit]

Country of birth (2016)[40][41]
Birthplace[N 1] Population
Australia 1,492,842
England 194,163
New Zealand 79,221
India 49,385
South Africa 41,008
Philippines 30,835
Malaysia 29,126
Mainland China 27,126
Scotland 26,063
Italy 19,210

At the 2016 census, the most commonly nominated ancestries were:[N 2][40][41]

3.1% of the population, or 75,978 people, identified asIndigenous Australians(Aboriginal AustraliansandTorres Strait Islanders) in 2016.[N 5][40][41]


At the 2016 census, 75.2% of inhabitants spoke only English at home, with the next most common languages beingMandarin(1.9%), Italian (1.2%),Vietnamese(0.8%),Cantonese(0.8%) andTagalog(0.6%).[40][41]


According to the 2021 census,Christianityis the major religious affiliation in WA, followed by 41.1% of its population. In 1971, Christianity was followed by 85.5% of the population and it has been declining since, while the percentage of people who identified as having no religious affiliation has increased from 8.7% in 1971 to 42.9% in 2021. A small minority of the population areMuslims(2.5%),Buddhists(2.2%) andHindus(2.0%).[43][44][41]


Brockman 4,aniron ore minein thePilbara
Western Australia's resource commodity mix, 2007
Major commodity mix, 2008–2009

Western Australia's economy is largely driven by extraction and processing of a diverse range of mineral and petroleum commodities. The structure of the economy is closely linked to these natural resources, providing a comparative advantage in resource extraction and processing. As a consequence:

  • Western Australia contributes an estimated 58% of Australia's Mineral and Energy Exports,[45]potentially earning up to 4.64% of Australia's total GDP.[46]
  • Gross state productper person ($97,940 in 2017–18) is higher than any other state and well above the national average ($73,267).[47]
  • Diversification (i.e. a greaterrangeof commodities) over the past 15 years has provided a more balanced production base and less reliance on just a few major export markets, insulating the economy from fluctuations in world prices to some extent.[citation needed]
  • Finance, insurance and property services and construction have grown steadily and have increased their share of economic output.[48]
  • Recent growth in global demand for minerals and petroleum, especially in China (iron-ore) and Japan (for LNG), has ensured economic growth above the national average.

In 2019 Western Australia's overseas exports accounted for 46% of the nation's total.[49][50]The state's major export commodities included iron-ore, petroleum, gold,alumina,nickel, wheat, copper, lithium, chemicals and mineral sands.[51]

Western Australia is the world's largest iron-ore producer (34% of the world's total), and extracts 66% (6.9% of world production) of Australia's 306 tonnes (9.8 million troy ounces) of gold in 2022.[52]It is a major world producer of bauxite, which is processed into alumina at four refineries providing 11% of total world production. Until 2020 diamonds were extracted from the world's largestdiamond minein the far north Kimberley region. Coal mined atCollieis the main fuel for baseload electricity generation in the state's south-west.[51][53]

Agricultural production in WA is a major contributor to the state and national economy. In the period 2010–2019 wheat production in WA has averaged nearly 10 million tonnes (22 billion pounds), valued at $2.816billion in 2019, accounting for half the nation's total and providing $2–3billion in export income.[54][55]

Other significant farm output includes wool, beef, lamb, barley, canola, lupins, oats and pulses.[54]There is a high level of overseas demand for live animals from WA, driven mainly by southeast Asia's feedlots and Middle Eastern countries, whereIslamic dietary lawsand a lack of storage and refrigeration facilities favour live animals over imports of processed meat. About half of Australia's live cattle exports come from Western Australia.[56]

Resource sector growth in recent years has resulted in significant labour and skills shortages, leading to recent efforts by the state government to encourage interstate and overseas immigration.[57]According to the 2006 census,[needs update][58]the median individual income was A$500 per week in Western Australia (compared to A$466 in Australia as a whole). The median family income was A$1246 per week (compared to A$1171 for Australia). Recent growth has also contributed to significant rises in average property values in 2006, although values plateaued in 2007.

Located south of Perth, the heavy industrial area ofKwinanahad thenation's largest oil refinerywith a capacity of 23,200 cubic metres per day (146,000 barrels per day) until its closure in 2021, producing most of the state's petrol and diesel.[59][60][61]Kwinana also hosts alumina and nickel processing plants, port facilities for grain and other bulk exports, and support industries for mining and petroleum such as heavy and light engineering, and metal fabrication. Shipbuilding (e.g.Austal) and associated support industries are found at nearbyHenderson,just north of Kwinana. Significant secondary industries include cement and building product manufacturing, flour milling, food processing, animal feed production, automotive body building and printing.

Western Australia has a significant fishing industry. Products for local consumption and export includewestern rock lobsters,prawns, crabs, shark and tuna, as well as pearl fishing in theKimberleyregion of the state. Processing is conducted along the west coast.Whalingwas a key marine industry but ceased at Albany in 1978.

Western Australia has the world's biggest plantations of bothIndian sandalwood(northern WA)[62]andAustralian sandalwood(semi-arid regions), which are used to producesandalwood oilandincense.[63]The WAsandalwoodindustry provides about 40% of the international sandalwood oil market.[64]


Camel rides are a popular tourist activity atCable BeachinBroome

In recent years, tourism has grown in importance, with significant numbers of visitors to the state coming from the UK and Ireland (28%), other European countries (14%) Singapore (16%), Japan (10%) and Malaysia (8%).[55]Revenue from tourism is a strong economic driver in many of the smaller population centres outside of Perth, especially in coastal locations.

Tourism forms a major part of the Western Australian economy with 833,100 international visitors making up 12.8% of the total international tourism to Australia in the year ending March 2015. The top three source markets include the United Kingdom (17%), Singapore (10%), and New Zealand (10%) with the majority of purpose for visitation being holiday/vacation reasons.[65]The tourism industry contributes $9.3 billion to the Western Australian economy and supports 94,000 jobs within the state. Both directly and indirectly, the industry makes up 3.2% of the state's economy whilst comparatively, WA's largest revenue source, the mining sector, brings in 31%.[66]

Tourism WA is the government agency responsible for promoting Western Australia as a holiday destination.[67]


Parliament House

Western Australia was granted self-government in 1890[68]with a bicameralParliamentlocated in Perth, consisting of theLegislative Assembly(orlower house), which has 59 members; and theLegislative Council(orupper house), which has 36 members. Suffrage is universal and compulsory for citizens over 18 years of age.

With the federation of the Australian colonies in 1901, Western Australia became a state within Australia'sfederalstructure; this involved ceding certain powers to the Commonwealth (or Federal) government in accordance with the Constitution; all powers not specifically granted to the Commonwealth remained solely with the State. However over time the Commonwealth has effectively expanded its powers through broad interpretation of its enumerated powers and increasing control of taxation and financial distribution (seeFederalism in Australia).

Whilst the sovereign of Western Australia isthe monarch of Australia(currentlyCharles III) and executive power is nominally vested in his or her state representative, theGovernor(currentlyChris Dawson), executive power rests with the premier and ministers drawn from the party or coalition of parties holding a majority of seats in the Legislative Assembly.Roger Cookis the premier, having succeededMark McGowanafter his resignation in June 2023.


A 1933 meeting of the Dominion League in support of secession.

Secessionism has been a recurring feature of Western Australia's political landscape since shortly after European settlement in 1826. Western Australia was the most reluctant participant in theCommonwealth of Australia.[69]Western Australia did not participate in the earliest federation conference. Longer-term residents of Western Australia were generally opposed to federation; however, the discovery of gold brought many immigrants from other parts of Australia. It was these residents, primarily in Kalgoorlie but also in Albany who voted to join the Commonwealth, and the proposal of these areas being admitted separately under the nameAuraliawas considered.[citation needed]

In areferendum in April 1933,68% of voters voted for the state to leave the Commonwealth of Australia with the aim of returning to the British Empire as an autonomous territory. The State Government sent a delegation toWestminster,but the British Government ruled that after theStatute of Westminster 1931,it no longer had the authority to amend the constitution of Australia without the consent of its federal government; the British Government took no action.[70]

Local government[edit]

Western Australia is divided into 139Local Government Areas,includingChristmas Islandand theCocos (Keeling) Islands.Their mandate and operations are governed by theLocal Government Act 1995.[71]


University of Western Australia

Education in Western Australia consists of one year of pre-school at age 4 or 5, followed by six years of primary education for all students as of 2015.[72]At age 12 or 13, students begin six years of secondary education. Students are required to attend school up until they are 16 years old. Sixteen and 17 year olds are required to be enrolled in school or a training organisation, be employed or be in a combination of school/training/employment.[73]Students have the option to study at aTAFEcollege after Year 10,[74]or continue through to Year 12 with vocational courses or a university entrance courses.[75]

There are five universities in Western Australia. They consist of fourPerth-basedpublic universities,being theUniversity of Western Australia,Curtin University,Edith Cowan UniversityandMurdoch University;and oneFremantle-basedprivate Roman Catholic university,theUniversity of Notre Dame Australia.TheUniversity of Notre Dameis also one of only twoprivate universitiesin Australia, along withBond University,a not-for-profit private education provider based inGold Coast, Queensland.



Seven West Media's Newspaper House, whereThe West Australiannewspaper is produced

Western Australia has two daily newspapers: theSeven West Media-owned tabloidThe West Australianand theKalgoorlie Miner.Also published is one weekend paper,The Weekend West,and one Sunday tabloid newspaper, which is also owned by Seven West Media after purchase fromNews Corporation'sThe Sunday Times.There are also 17 weeklycommunity newspaperswith distribution fromYanchepin the north toMandurahin the south. There are two major weekly rural papers in the state,Countrymanand theAustralian Community Media-ownedFarm Weekly.The national broadsheet publicationThe Australianis also available, although with sales per capita lagging far behind those in other states.WAtodayis an online newspaper owned byNine Entertainment,focusing its coverage on Perth and Western Australia.


Metropolitan Perth has five broadcast television stations;

  • ABC TVWA. (Callsign:ABW– Channel 12 Digital)
  • SBSWA. (Callsign:SBS– was on Channel 29 Digital – now Channel 7 Digital since the 2013 retune)
  • Seven NetworkPerth. (Callsign:TVW– Channel 6 Digital)
  • Nine NetworkPerth. (Callsign:STW– Channel 8 Digital)
  • Network TenPerth. (Callsign:NEW– Channel 11 Digital)
  • Perth formerly hadWest TV,a free-to-air community television channel that began broadcasting in April 2010 and ceased broadcasting in February 2020. It replacedAccess 31,which ceased broadcasting in August 2008.

Regional WA has a similar availability of stations as Perth. Geographically, it is one of the largest television markets in the world, including almost one-third of the continent.

  • Golden West Network (GWN7).Owned bySeven West Media.(Callsigns: SSW South West, VEW Goldfields/Esperance, GTW Central West, WAW remote areas)
  • WIN Television WA.Affiliated with Nine (Callsign: WOW)
  • West Digital Television.Affiliated with Ten (Callsigns: SDW South West, VDW Goldfields/Esperance, GDW Central West, WDW remote areas)
  • Regional WA used to haveWestlink.An open-narrowcast community-based television channel that was only on satellite until Westlink's discontinuation in 2018. (Satellite only)
ABC studios inEast Perth

In addition, broadcasters operate digital multichannels:

Pay TV services are provided byFoxtel,which acquired many of the assets and all the remaining subscribers of the insolventGalaxy Televisionsatellite service in 1998. Some metropolitan suburbs are serviced by Pay TV via cable; however, most of the metropolitan and rural areas can only access Pay TV via satellite.


Perth has many radio stations on both AM and FM frequencies. ABC stations includeABC NewsRadio(6PB 585 AM),ABC Radio Perth(6WF 720 AM),Radio National(6RN 810 AM),ABC Classic FM(6ABC 97.7FM) andTriple J(6JJJ 99.3FM). The six commercial stations are:Triple M(6PPM),Nova 93.7(6PER),Mix 94.5(6MIX),96FM(6NOW) and AM 882 (6PR), AM 1080 (6iX) and AM 1116 (6MM)

The leadingcommunity radiostations areCurtin FM100.1,6RTRFM 92.1, Sonshine FM 98.5 (6SON) and91.3 SportFM(6WSM).


Arts and entertainment[edit]

WA Museum Boola Bardip

Western Australia is home to one of the country's leading performance training institutions, the acclaimedWestern Australian Academy of Performing Arts(WAAPA), as well as a burgeoning theatrical and musical scene. Notable musicians and bands to have been born in or lived in Western Australia includeAdam Brand,Ammonia,Karnivool,Birds of Tokyo,Bon Scott,Eskimo Joe,Johnny Young,Gyroscope,theJohn Butler Trio,Tame Impala,Kevin Mitchell,Tim Minchin,Troye Sivan,the Kill Devil Hills,Pendulum,the Pigram Brothers,Rolf Harris,Stella Donnellyandthe Triffids.TheWest Australian Music Industry Awards(WAMis) have been awarded every year to the leading musicians and performers in WA since 2001.

Notable actors and television personalities from Western Australia includeHeath Ledger,Sam Worthington,Ernie Dingo,Jessica Marais,Megan Gale,Rove McManus,Isla Fisher,andMelissa George.Films and television series filmed or partly filmed in Western Australia includeRabbit-Proof Fence,The Heights,Mystery Road,These Final Hours,Cloudstreet,Jasper Jones,Australia,Bran Nu Dae,Red Dog,ABBA: the MovieandLast Train to Freo.

Art Gallery of Western Australia

Noted Western Australian Indigenous painters and artisans includeJack Dale Mengenen,Paddy Bedford,Queenie McKenzie,and siblingsNyuju Stumpy BrownandRover Thomas.[76]

TheWest Australian Symphony Orchestra(WASO) is based at thePerth Concert Hall.Other concert, performance and indoor sporting venues in Western Australia includeHis Majesty's Theatre,theState Theatre Centre of Western Australia,theCrown TheatreandPerth Arena,which opened in 2012. Performing arts companies based in Perth include theWest Australian Ballet,theWest Australian Opera,theBlack Swan State Theatre Companyand thePerth Theatre Company.

Western Australia has served as the setting for a number of works ofAustralian literature.Prominent authors includeKatharine Susannah Prichard,Randolph Stow,Tim Winton,Kim Scott,Sally Morgan,Joan London,Mary DurackandCraig Silvey.

The publicArt Gallery of Western Australiais part of thePerth Cultural Centre.Founded in 1895, it houses the State Art Collection, comprising works from local and international artists, dating back to the 1800s.[77]ThePerth Cultural Centreis also home to theWestern Australian Museum,State Library of Western Australia,State Records Office,andPerth Institute of Contemporary Arts(PICA). Western Australia has apublic library system,withlibraries in every local government area(although some public libraries are shared school libraries).


Matches between the two Western Australian teams, theWest Coast Eaglesand theFremantle Dockers,are known as theWestern Derby

A number of national or international sporting teams and events are based in the state, including:

International sporting events hosted in the past in Western Australia include theTom Hoad Cup(water polo), thePerth International(golf), the 2006Gravity Games(extreme sports), the 2002Women's Hockey World Cup,the 1991FINA World Aquatics Championships,theWorld Rally Championshipsand the1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games.

Western Australia's largest sports stadium isPerth Stadium,also known by naming rights sponsorship as Optus Stadium. It has a capacity of over 60,000 people and is primarily used for Australian rules football and cricket.


Winemaking regions are concentrated in the cooler climate of thesouth-western portionof the state. Western Australia produces less than 5% of the country's wine output, but in quality terms is considered to be very much near the top.[78][79][80][81]Major wine producing regions include:Margaret River,The Great Southern,Swan Valleyas well as smaller districts includingBlackwood Valley,Manjimup,Pemberton,Peel,Chittering Valley,Perth Hills,andGeographe.[82]

Sister states[edit]

Western Australia has five sister states:[83]

In 1981, asister stateagreement was drawn up between Western Australia andHyōgo Prefecturein Japan that was aimed at improving cultural ties between the two states.[84][85]To commemorate the 10th anniversary of this agreement, the Hyōgo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre was established in Perth in 1992.[86]Prior to that, the Western Australian government opened an office inKobe,the largest city in Hyōgo, to facilitate maintenance of the relationship in 1989.[85][87]

Following theGreat Hanshin earthquakethat devastated southern Hyōgo in January 1995, Western Australian groups and businesses raised funds and provided materials, whilst individuals travelled to Hyōgo to help with emergency relief and the subsequent reconstruction process.[88][89][90]The two governments signed amemorandum of understandingon the 20th anniversary in 2001 that aimed to improve the economic relationship between the two states.[85]

Further to the sister state relationship, theCity of Rockinghamin Western Australia and theCity of Akōin Hyōgo signed a sister city agreement in 1997. It is one of nine sister city relationships between Western Australian and Japanese cities.[91]

See also[edit]



  1. ^In accordance with the Australian Bureau of Statistics source, England,Scotland,Mainland Chinaand the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong andMacauare listed separately
  2. ^As a percentage of 2,286,107 persons who nominated their ancestry at the 2016 census.
  3. ^The Australian Bureau of Statistics has stated that most who nominate "Australian" as their ancestry are part of theAnglo-Celticgroup.[42]
  4. ^Of any ancestry. Includes those identifying asAboriginal AustraliansorTorres Strait Islanders.Indigenous identification is separate to the ancestry question on the Australian Census and persons identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander may identify any ancestry.
  5. ^Of any ancestry. Includes those identifying asAboriginal AustraliansorTorres Strait Islanders.Indigenous identification is separate to the ancestry question on the Australian Census and persons identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander may identify any ancestry.
"West Australia" on a 1902 stamp

a"West Australia" and its related demonym "West Australian" are occasionally used, including in the names of the main daily newspaper,The West Australian,and the state-basedWest Australian Football League,but are rarely used in an official sense. The terms "Westralia"and" Westralian "were regularly used in the 19th and 20th century.[92][93]The terms are still found in the names of certain companies and buildings, e.g. Westralia House in Perth, theskyscraperWestralia Square onSt Georges Terrace,and Westralia Airports Corporation, which operatesPerth Airport,as well as in the names of several ships.[94][95]
bIn Australia, thebody of water south of the continentis officially gazetted as theSouthern Ocean,whereas theInternational Hydrographic Organization(IHO) designates it as part of the Indian Ocean.[21][96]


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Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]