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Western Libya campaign

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Western Libya campaign
Part of theSecond Libyan Civil War

Above:Map showing the Libyan National Army's offensive and Government of National Accord's counterattack within western Libya
Libyan National Army control
Government of National Accord control
Neutral area (Bani Walid)
(For a more detailed, up-to-date, interactive map, seehere).
DateFirst phase:4 April 2019 – 25 March 2020
(11 months and 3 weeks)
Second phase:26 March – 5 June 2020
(2 months, 1 week and 2 days)

GNA victory[35]


LibyaHouse of Representatives

Wagner Group[3][4][5]
Supported by:
United Arab Emirates[8][9][10][11]
Saudi Arabia[12]
Israel(allegedly, denied by LNA)[15][16][17][18]

LibyaGovernment of National Accord

Tripoli Protection Force[26]
Libya Shield Force(alleged)[7]
Syrian oppositionSNA(since Dec. 2019)[28]
Supported by:

Commanders and leaders
LibyaField MarshalKhalifa Haftar
(LNA supreme commander)
LibyaMaj. Gen.Abdulrazek al-Nadoori[39]
(Chief of staff)
LibyaMaj. Gen. Abdul Salam al-Hassi
(Senior commander)
LibyaBrig. Gen. Ahmed al-Mismari
(Senior commander)
LibyaPrime MinisterFayez al-Sarraj
(head ofPresidential Council)
LibyaMaj. Gen.Osama al-Juwaili
(joint operations room leader)
LibyaMaj. Gen. Abdul Basset Marwan[40]
(Tripoli Military Region commander)
LibyaEmad al-Tarabelsi[24]
(Capital security commander)
LibyaAtef Braqeek
(Tripoli Protection Force commander)
Syrian oppositionAbu Yaroub Al-Athari[41]
(al-Wefaq militia Commander)
Units involved
Seeorder of battle Seeorder of battle


United Arab Emiratesunknown

Libya5,000 total[42][47]

  • 3,000 (in Tripoli)
  • 2,000 (in Tripoli's surroundings)
Syrian opposition13,000 (June 2020)[41]
Turkey50 advisors[48]
Casualties and losses
Libya513 killed
Libya1 MiG-21MF[a][49]1AN-26lost[50]2Il-76destroyed 2Mi-35captured,[51][52]and 8 UAVs lost,[53]
5Pantsirdestroyed or captured[54]
6 soldiers killed(per GNA; disputed)[b]
Syria1 killed[57]

Libya940 killed(per LNA; 2019 only)[58]
Libya3Mirage F1,5L-39,1Il-78,1 helicopter & 21 UAVs lost[59]
Syrian opposition351[60]–500[61]killed, 27 captured[62]
Turkey2 killed[63]

Italy1ItalianMQ-9 Reaper UAVlost[64][65]
2,458+ killed overall (2,000+ combatants and 458 civilians)[66]
146,000 displaced[66]
United States1USMQ-9 Reaper UAVlost[65]
aIn May 2020, GNA capturedAl-Watiya Air Baseand seized the remains of 2 Mirage F1 and 1 Su-22, but none of them were operational and mostly were used to make spare parts.[67]
bUAE announced the death of six soldiers in a car collision in Yemen. However, the GNA stated that they were killed by GNA airstrikes in Libya.[68][69][70]

TheWestern Libya campaignwas amilitary campaigninitiated on 4 April 2019 by theOperation Flood of Dignity(Arabic:عملية طوفان الكرامة) of theLibyan National Army,which represents the LibyanHouse of Representatives,to capture the western region ofLibyaand eventually the capitalTripoliheld by theUnited Nations Security Council-recognisedGovernment of National Accord.The Government of National Accord regained control over all of Tripoli in June 2020 and the LNA forces withdrew from the capital, after fourteen months of fighting.[71]

The offensive resulted in over 2,468 dead.[66]It began on 4 April 2019,[72]10 days before theLibyan National Conferencefor organisingpresidential and parliamentary elections in Libyahad been planned to take place,[73]and five days after the first session of the2019 Libyan local electionswas held successfully.[74]As a result of the offensive,United Nations Support Mission in Libyapostponed the forthcoming Libyan National Conference.[73]

War crimesandcrimes against humanitythat take place during the conflict are covered by the mandate of theInternational Criminal Court investigation in LibyaunderUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 1970.[75][76]


Situation in western Libya before the April 2019 LNA offensive

Following the overthrow anddeathofMuammar Gaddafiand the fall of theGreat Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyain 2011, political and military control in Libya were in a state of flux. Fighting between different factions escalated in 2014, with theHouse of Representatives,based in the eastern city of Tobruk, being the main political force claiming to be the legitimate government of Libya. The House of Representatives was supported by Field MarshalKhalifa Haftar'sLibyan National Army.In early 2016 a rival government, theGovernment of National Accord(GNA), was established in Tripoli with the backing of theUNand several countries.[77]There were multiple attempts to negotiate between the two governments and organisenew electionsthroughout 2017 and 2018.[78][79][80]Haftar and GNA Prime MinisterFayez al-Sarrajmet and spoke with each other twice for negotiations, in November 2018 and February 2019.[81]TheSupreme Judicial Council of Libya,created in 2011,[82]retained its structure as a single national body despite the political split,[83]and in 2019 went through Libya-wide "transparent elections" and a "peaceful transfer of power".[84]

Face-to-face consultations with 7,000 Libyans and online consultations with 130,000 Libyans during 2018–2019, coordinated by theUnited Nations Support Mission in Libya(UNSMIL) and theCentre for Humanitarian Dialogue,led to a plan to hold theLibyan National ConferenceinGhadamesduring 14–16 April 2019 in order to recommend to the LibyanHouse of RepresentativesandHigh Council of Statemethods and dates for holding2019 presidential and parliamentary electionsin Libya.[73]The first batch of the2019 municipal elections in Libyatook place on 30 March 2019.[74]Other aims of the conference, to which representatives of all political factions were invited, included creating a unity government between Sarraj and Haftar and proposing a framework for creating a new constitution.[1]In March 2019, theadvance of Haftar's forces in southern Libyaduring the preceding few months started to cause concern for the organisers of the conference.[85]Ghassan Salamé,head of UNSMIL, stated on 4 April 2019 that the conference would be postponed because of the outburst of military events, but that it would be held

"as soon as possible because we do not have the right to allow this historic opportunity to be corrupted. At the same time, we cannot ask for the presence of the Conference, with the [cannons] firing and the raids ongoing, without making sure that all those who are willing to respond to this historic national duty from all regions of the country are able to ensure their safety and freedom by expressing their opinion."[73]

On 4 April 2019, an audio recording was published on Facebook by Marshal Haftar declaring war on the UN-recognised Government of National Accord and announcing that the LNA would militarily take over the capital city Tripoli.[86]In response, the government in Tripoli, led by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj and thePresidential Councilordered a general mobilisation of all of itssecurity forces.[87][88]On 6 April, Prime Minister Sarraj, as supreme commander of the Libyan Army, created a joint operations room under the western military region commander, Major GeneralOsama al-Juwaili,to coordinate their operations.[89]

International (non-UNSMIL)


From early 2015, during the years prior to the April 2019 attack on Tripoli, Haftar received long-term support from French authorities, including French "advisers, clandestine operatives, and special forces"[90]helping the LNA's military operations in the east and south of Libya.[91][92]Three of the French special-forces soldiers died in a helicopter accident near Benghazi in July 2016.[90]Bloomberg Newsstated that the al-Sarraj administration had long-term support from Italian authorities.[91]The Economistargued that a May 2018 meeting between al-Sarraj and Haftar, hosted by French presidentEmmanuel Macronin the context of French-Italian rivalry with regards to Libya, "undermined" the efforts of Ghassan Salamé in facilitating the organising of theLibyan National Conferenceby Libyans.The Economistpointed to theGreenstream pipelinenatural gas pipeline and French and Italiancrude oilinterests in Libya as significant factors in the two countries' relations with Libyan political forces in 2018.[93]

Bloomberg NewsdescribedRussia,Egyptand theUnited Arab Emiratesas "backers" of Haftar.[91]Prior to the LNA attack on Tripoli, theSaudi Arabiangovernment gave twenty million US dollars to the LNA in support of the attack, "to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders, recruit and pay fighters, and other military purposes."[94]

On 27 December 2019,Bloomberg Newsreported that Turkey intended to deploy its navy to protect Tripoli and send troops to help train GNA forces. Additionally Turkmen rebel groups fighting in northern Syria were expected to transfer to Tripoli.[95][96]By 29 December, 650Syrian National Armypersonnel (also called:Syrian National Army) had arrived in Libya and were stationed on the eastern frontline in Tripoli.[97]






4 April

On the first day of the offensive, 4 April 2019, the LNA capturedGharyan.[98]Haftar urged pro-GNA militias to surrender, saying "Those who lay down their weapons are safe, and those who raise the white banner are safe."[99]Interior minister Fathi Bashagha condemned the offensive, declaring that "We will not be subdued by any use of force by any side or any person. And if anyone is willing to use force against us we're ready for sacrifice but we will not give up on democracy which we've always wanted from the beginning."[99]

5 April

On 5 April, the Libyan National Army stated that they had capturedQasr bin Ghashir,Wadi al-Rabie and Suq al-Khamis.[100]LNA then marched towardTripolifrom several directions, reaching the city's outskirts after receiving orders to capture the city.[101][102]The LNA reported asserting control over the town of‘Aziziya.[72][103]The LNA briefly captured a key checkpoint, known as Gate 27, on the road between Tripoli andTunisia,but withdrew overnight.[104]The GNA interior ministry ordered all of its forces to be placed on maximum alert.[105]TheUnited Nations Security Councilscheduled an emergency meeting on the same day to discuss the recent developments in Libya.[106]Later in the day the LNA reported capturing the village of Suq al-Khamis, located 20 kilometres (20,000 m) south of Tripoli, after clashes with pro-GNA militias.[107]Meanwhile, the leader of the LNA, Field MarshalKhalifa Haftar,met with UN Secretary GeneralAntónio Guterresin the former's office inTobruk.[108]During the late hours of the day a battle broke out overTripoli International Airport,in which LNA forces were able to successfully capture the airfield and defend it from a GNA counter-attack.[109]

6 April

On 6 April, the LNA air force declared western Libya a no-fly zone[110][111]and began to engage GNA targets,[112]after GNA jets targeted LNA positions in Mizdah and Suq al-Khamis.[24]Haftar issued orders against using the LNA's aircraft in battle.[1]The LNA reported recapturing Gate 27,[113]as well as asserting control over Salah al-Din[114]and Ain Zara neighbourhood in southern Tripoli,[115]after pro-GNA militias surrendered to the LNA.[116]By nightfall forces loyal to the GNA launched a counterattack on the airport in southern Tripoli,[117]which was repelled by the advancing LNA, according to Haftar.[118]

7 April
Situation in western Libya before the GNA counteroffensive

A US military contingent and a contingent of Indian police peacekeepers were evacuated from Tripoli.[119]

Colonel Mohamed Gnounou, the GNA military spokesman, announced that they started a counteroffensive to reclaim the territories in Tripoli taken by the LNA, dubbed "Operation Volcano of Rage".The UN mission in Libya asked for a two-hour ceasefire in south Tripoli to evacuate civilians.[120][121]

In an official declaration, the Ministry of Health of the GNA declared their casualties at 21 dead and 27 wounded.[122]

The LNA conducted an airstrike against a GNA position in southern Tripoli, theBab al-Aziziamilitary compound,[123]the first LNA airstrike to target a part of the city.[2][124][125]It is thought that Haftar has a superior air force, supplied by the United Arab Emirates,[126]although theLibyan Air Forceis nominally loyal to the GNA.[25]

By the end of the day, an LNA spokesman, Major General al-Mesmari, reported that the LNA reached the Fernaj neighbourhood of Tripoli and are advancing through the eastern neighbourhoods of the city.[127][128]

8 April-9 April

As part of the operationVolcano of Angerlaunched byGNA,Misrata militiasmobilized on the frontlines ofTripolito prevent theLNAfrom capturing it.[129]

LNA forces under Hifter conducted an airstrike against the GNA-heldMitiga International Airportin Tripoli, Libya's last functioning civilian airport, on 8 April.[27][130][131]The closure left Misrata Airport, located 200 km (125 miles) to the east down the coast, as the nearest airport for Tripoli residents.[27]UN special representative for LibyaGhassan Salamécondemned the attack as "a serious violation ofinternational humanitarian law."[130]Wolfram Lacher, a scholar of Libya at theGerman Institute for International and Security Affairs,said that the strike showed Hifter's willingness "to reduce Tripoli to rubble so that he can rule Libya, which is the only option he has left now anyway."[130]Flights were temporarily suspended; by 9 April, a coalition of local and regional militias[130]and GNA forces[27]had pushed Hifter's forces from the airport, and flights resumed, with clashes continuing in multiple locations on the southern fringes of Tripoli.[130]On 8 April, the LGA said 19 of its soldiers died in recent days in the fighting in and around Tripoli, while a spokesman for the GNA's said that "fighting in the south of the capital had killed at least 25 people, including fighters and civilians, and wounded 80."[27]

From the beginning of April 2019 to mid-May 2019, southern Tripoli's Yarmouk military camp/barracks had changed hands between the GNA and the LNA at least five times.[132]

The LNA usedBM-21 GradMRLsagainst GNA positions[133]in retaliation for GNA airstrikes.[134]

According toLibya al-Ahrar TVas cited byThe Libya Observer,a team of French "military experts" arrived inGharyanand created a "control room to monitor the attack on Tripoli".[135][136]

10 April

The GNA reported bombing LNA targets within the LNA-held town ofGharyan.[137]The LNA announced that they have captured the 4th Brigade Headquarters in the town of Azizya after fierce fighting with the GNA.[138]TheUNHCRattempted to evacuate detained refugees from the Qasir bin Gashir detention center, after it became stuck in crossfire between the two sides.[139]Reports suggest most detainees were transferred to Sekah Road detention center, but around 120 people were left behind and were still in the Qasir bin Gashir detention center by the morning.[140]During the afternoon, the LNA air force conducted an airstrike against GNA targets near Tripoli airport.[141]By sunset, LNA spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Mismari, stated that the LNA have secured al-Yarmouk camp and are advancing toward the Dabali military camp.[142]He also reported that the LNA have arrested pro-GNA "african mercenaries" at Tripoli Int'l Airport.[143]Shortly thereafter, al-Mismari stated that the LNA have shot down a GNAAero L-39 Albatrosthat attempted to relocate fromMisratatoTripoli.[144][145]

11 April

The Chief of the GNA Tripoli Military Zone, Maj. Gen. Abdul-Basit Marwan, stated that the LNA were shelling GNA positions in southern Tripoli withBM-21 GradMRLs.[146]The GNA claimed several airstrikes on LNA targets in Suq al-Khamis and Tarhuna city.[147]The LNA retaliated by launching an airstrike on GNA targets in the contested Ayn Zara region.[148]A GNA spokesman reported that the GNA have recaptured Wadie Alrabie, Bridge 27, Bridge of Souq Al-Ahad andTripoli International Airport.Brig. Gen. Al-Mismari, LNA spokesperson, reported that the "things on the ground are in favour of the [Libyan National]army,"adding that they have seized 14 GNA armoured vehicles and tanks, positioning themselves a mere 2 km from Tripoli's city centre after a GNA retreat. He stated that Tripoli Int'l Airport is" still a fire zone, "but did not comment on who controlled it at that time. He also promised to" surprise everyone "with a plan to seize all ofTripoli.[149]By nightfall, the GNA claimed that it negotiated the surrender of soldiers belonging to the LNA 8th brigade in Ayn Zara, after they were left without fuel or ammunition for more than a day.[150]The LNA shelled the contested town of Al Swatani.[151]An LNA spokesman stated that theLibyan National Armyhas issued an arrest warrant forFayez al-Sarraj,head of the GNA.[152]

12 April

The LNA conducted an airstrike against the GNA in Abdel Samad Camp, south ofZuwarah.[153]Heavy gunfire and explosions were reported from downtownTripoli.[154]The LNA stated that they have received major military reinforcements, that they have killed dozens of GNA fighters in the previous day's offensive, and that the LNA 9th brigade is advancing in the Al-Khalla region. It also reported that several young GNA fighters defected to the LNA.[155]The LNA air force conducted air raids against GNA targets in Wadi Al Rabie, south ofTripoli.[156]In the late afternoon, the LNA conducted airstrikes against a GNA military camp,[157]as well as an arms cache in the North-East Tripoli neighbourhood of Tajura.[158]Explosions were reported at GNA-heldMitiga International Airport.Conflicting reports emerged as to whether they were from an LNA airstrike[159]on the airport or as a result of GNA anti-aircraft guns firing.[160]The LNA claimed that residential houses and civilian buildings in LNA-held suburbs of Tripoli were subjected to bombardment by the GNA.[161]LNA spokesman, Brig. Gen. Al-Mismari, accused former President ofSudan,Omar al-Bashir,of sending two planes loaded with 28 fighters, as well as a large amount of weapons and ammunition, fromKhartoumto GNA-heldMitiga International Airporton 28 March.[162]Fathi Bashagha, Interior Minister of the Presidential Council, stated on 12 April that theUnited Arab Emiratessent military equipment to the LNA atBenina International Airportin Benghazi.[163]TheUNHCRcalled for the release and evacuation of detained refugees held in wartorn areas. The UNHCR confirmed that 728 people were still trapped in the contested Qasir Bin Gashir detention center, stating that it attempted to evacuate them to the Zintan detention center the previous day. The detainees refused to go, insisting that they be evacuated out ofLibya.[164]

13 April

Speaker of theTobruk-basedHouse of Representatives,Aguila Saleh Issa,called for a partial lifting of the international arms embargo imposed onLibya,to allow countries to legally arm theLibyan National Army.[165]He stated that the Tobruk-based government intends to holdelectionsafter capturingTripoli.[166]The LNA conducted several airstrikes on GNA targets in the southern party of the city, amid intense street battles between the two sides.[167]TheWorld Health Organizationdelivered medical kits to local hospitals, but cautioned that Tripoli only has enough medical supplies for two weeks.[168]GNA forces once again took control of Al-Yarmouk camp.[169]

14 April

The LNA issued a statement, reporting that internationally designated terrorist groups were fighting alongside the GNA in Tripoli. The GNAPresidential Councildenied the claims.[170]A GNA plane targeted an LNA military post in Southern Tripoli.[171]President ofEgypt,Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,met with LNA Field MarshalKhalifa HaftarinCairo.[13][14]An intensification of LNA air force activity was reported, with LNAMi-35helicopters andSu-22bombers targeting numerous GNA positions in Azizya, Wadi Al Rabie, the 4th Brigade HQ, Al Sawani, Ayn Zara and Tajura.[172]The LNA reportedly made advances toward the center ofTripoli,as well as Salah Al-Din.[173]The LNA recaptured Yarmouk camp, as well as several other military camps in the area and is positioning itself toward capturing the Green Plateau of Tripoli.[174]The LNA was reported to have taken control of Spring Valley Bridge in the south of the capital.[175]The LNA sent military reinforcements toRa's Lanufand Es Sider oil ports, in anticipation of a counter-attack by the GNA.[176]A LNAMiG-21MF was shot down by GNA forces in Zara, Tripoli, with a Chinese-made FN-6 MANPADS.[177][178]LNA Brig. Gen. Al-Mismari confirmed that the aircraft was shot down by a missile, fired by GNA forces from a suburb of Tripoli. He added that the pilot was alive and in good health.[179]He also accused a GNA militia commander of planning to bring over 350mercenariesto the capital to fight the LNA.[180]Detainees at the contested Qasir bin Gashir detention center toldAl Jazeerathat they have been abandoned by their GNA guards since the previous day and were left to fend for themselves in the crossfire. They stated that there were still 728 detained refugees residing in the camp. They accused the GNA of subjecting them to "years of muchtortureand suffering ", reiterating their desire to leave the country entirely.[181]

15 April

Heavy clashes were reported between LNA and GNA forces in Tripoli's Ayn Zara suburb.[182]The LNA military information division stated that "large reinforcements" had arrived in LNA-controlledGharyanand were preparing to join the assault on the capital.[183]A GNA official claimed that more than 3 million books were destroyed as a result of shelling on a building belonging to the Libyan ministry of education. Both sides accused each other of the attack.[184]A new spokesperson for the GNAPresidential Council(the previous spokesman, who was born in Eastern Libya, was replaced without explanation) accused foreign governments and "statelets" of plotting to cause instability in Libya. He claimed that GNA forces were "constantly advancing on all axes", managing to "defeat the aggressor force" and that they were able to "inflict on the [LNA] aggressor militias huge casualty." He also accused the LNA of various war crimes.[185]GNA head,Fayez al-Sarraj,vowed to have all LNA leaders and commanders involved in the offensive prosecuted.[186]

Bombardments of Tripoli with Grad dockets and missiles[187]continued with late-night shelling on April 15.[188]Four people were reported dead.[188]The Tripoli-based internationally recognized government reported that a 5-year-old boy was killed, and his three siblings seriously injured, in shelling of the Tariq al-Soor neighborhood; separately, a 66-year-old women was killed, and two children were wounded, in the Abu Salim neighborhood[187]in southern Tripoli.[188]The Tripoli government accused Haftar's LNA of targeting residential areas, which the LNA denied.[188]

A UN spokesperson on April 17 condemned the attacks that had begun two days earlier, saying: "Tripoli witnessed the heaviest fighting since the outbreak of the clashes with indiscriminate rocket fire on a high density neighborhood in the Libyan capital....In the past 24 hours, we have also seen the highest single day increase in displacement with more than 4,500 displaced."[189]

16 April
17 April

Two GNA soldiers were killed by an LNA airstrike on Tripoli's Ayn Zara suburb.[190]The GNA air force bombed a medical post in Qasir bin Gashir.[191][192]The LNA was reported to have taken up positions 50 kilometres (50,000 m) to the east ofSirte.[193]The GNA conducted an airstrike on Wadi Al Rabea, a suburb south of Tripoli. No casualties or damage is reported.[194]The LNA's 201st battalion received reinforcements in the south of the city.[195]

18 April

Heavy clashes occurred between GNA and LNA forces, after GNA units attempted to advance towards the Saadiya area. The LNA air force conducted multiple airstrikes on GNA targets in the area.[196]LNA jets also conducted several air raids against GNA targets in Libya's Wadi al Rabie suburb.[197]

20 April

LNA drone aircraft, allegedly supplied byUnited Arab Emirates,have struck the GNA military camp in Sabaa district, south of Tripoli city center.[198]

23 April

A GNAMirage F1is reported lost in Western Libya. LNA media published photos of the wreck.[199]

30 April

Recep Tayyip Erdoğanvoiced his support for the GNA, saying that Turkey would "spare no effort in confronting the conspiracy against the Libyan people."[200]GNA forces captured the settlement of El-Sbeaa (Espiaa), south of Tripoli.[201]


7 May

On 7 May, a GNA Mirage F1 aircraft was shot down nearal-Hiraand the pilot was detained by the LNA. In a video interview with the pilot, he said he was fromPortugaland that was hired as a civilian pilot by the GNA.[202][203]He was requested by his employers to "attack roads and bridges".[204]ThePortuguese Ministry of Defencestated that the pilot was not a Portuguese soldier.[205]The GNA stated that the downed aircraft was not one of its own.[206]

8 May

A clearly marked ambulance carrying the Director of the Tripoli Ambulance and Medical Emergency Services and two medical personnel was destroyed in Twaisha in Qasr bin Ghashir in Tripoli on 8 May by the LNA. The Director lost his legs and as of 8 May 2019remained in critical conditions. The two medical staff were injured. The representative in Libya of theWorld Health Organization,Syed Jaffar Hussain, said that the attack against the ambulance was a "shocking and intolerable violation of international humanitarian law."[207]

10 May

A number of extremist armed groups announced that would not bound by any cease-fire agreement that may be signed between GNA Prime MinisterFayez al-Sarrajand LNA commanderKhalifa Haftar.Al-Samoud Brigade fromMisurata,led bySalah Badiwho is under U.S. andU.N.sanctions,[208]said: "the true rebels will not accept any agreements with the war criminal Haftar," asserting that their fight against the LNA forces is "Jihadfor God that will not stop until complete victory ".[209]

11 May

Haftar advanced in Tripoli's southern districts, most notably the al-Aziziya area.[210]The LNA also carried out air strikes on several militia positions in the Wadi al-Rabih and Ain Zara areas.[210]Photos also were released showing the LNA advancing towardsSirte.[210]

13 May

By 13 May, the GNA announced that Haftar's forces occupied both the Tripoli Airport and Gharyan, which were struck by the GNA air force.[211]Haftar's forces also occupied the areas in Tripoli Airport Road, Qasir Benghashir and near Gharyan as well as in Sooq Al-Khamis, which were also targeted by the GNA.[211]Meanwhile, Haftar's LNA forces bombed Al-Zawiya city to the west of Tripoli, causing massive material damage.[211]

14 May

By 14 May, the LNA announced that their ground defenses shot down a military aircraft of the GNA in theJufra District,in central Libya.[citation needed]


6 June

LNA air attacks on Mitiga Airport left 2 GNABayraktar TB2drones destroyed along an operation room.[212][213]

13 June

The LNA spokesman announced that LNA forces successfully shot down a GNA warplane which was firing at their forces in Al-Dafiniya, west of Tripoli.[214]The warplane took off from Misrata Airbase, and later crashed approximately 20 km from Misrata as the pilot was returning to the airbase following the incident.[214]The pilot was also killed after the plane crashed.[214]The GNA also acknowledged that a plane crashed, but alleged that it was due to a mechanical failure.[214]A GNA Air force helicopter is reported shot down by the LNA near the city of Misrata. GNA acknowledged the loss of the helicopter but ruled out it was shot down and attributed the loss to an accident.[215]

26 June
Situation in western Libya after the GNA retook control of Gharyan (June 2019)

The GNA announced that it had captured the town of Gharyan from the LNA.[216]Dozens of LNA soldiers were killed in fighting in the town, and at least 18 others were reportedly captured by the GNA.[217]The GNA's airforce attacked convoys of LNA troops as they withdrew from the area.[216]

30 June

A GNABayraktar Tactical UASdrone is destroyed by LNA defenses.[218][219]


2 July
GNA forces at Tripoli, July 2019

An airstrike by the LNA hit the Tajoura Detention Center outsideTripoli, Libya,while hundreds of people were inside the facility. It killed at least 53 of them and injured 130 others.[220]The detention center was being used as a holding facility for migrants and refugees trying to reach Europe when a storagehangarthat it used as a residential facility was hit by the airstrike.[220]

4 July

A GNA Air ForceL-39is shot down by General Haftar forces near Tarhuna, 80 km southeast of Tripoli. GNA forces acknowledged the loss.[221][222]

6 July

It was reported that thePopular Front for the Liberation of Libyahad joined the LNA in its offensive.[7]

17 July

Aparliamentary memberforBenghazi,Seham Sergiwa,was detained by the LNA106th Brigadein a raid at her home in which the 106th Brigade also wounded her husband and son and prevented them from having visitors in hospital.[223]As of 23 July 2019,Sergewa's location remained unknown.[224]

25 July

The first 1000 of 4000 planned arrivals of SudaneseRapid Support Forces(RSF), veterans of theDarfur genocideand 3 June 2019Khartoum massacre,[225]arrived by 25 July in Libya, to relieve LNA troops guarding oil installations and free them for attacking Tripoli.[226]The same day two LNAIlyushin Il-76TDcargo planes are destroyed in the ground in al-Jufra Air base by an attack made by Bayraktar TB2 drones.[227]

29 July

On 29 July 2019,Ghassan Salamé,head of theUnited Nations Support Mission in Libya(UNSMIL), proposed a three-pointLibyan peace planto theUnited Nations Security Council(UNSC), which would "require consensus in [the UNSC] and amongst the Member States who exert influence on the ground" and require Libyans "to listen to their better angels" rather than "[fight] the wars of others and in so doing [destroy] their country."[228]Salamé's plan includes a truce between theGovernment of National Accord(GNA) andLibyan National Army(LNA) and their associated militias onEid al-Adha,along withconfidence-building measuressuch as prisoner exchanges, releasingarbitrarily detainedprisoners and exchanging the remains of victims of the conflict;[228]an international meeting of countries implicated in the conflict, to stop the fighting, implement the legally existing arms embargo, and promote the following of internationalhuman rightslaw;[228]and a Libyan meeting similar to the originally plannedLibyan National Conference.[228]


6 August

A GNAIlyushin Il-76TDcargo plane is destroyed in the ground on Misrata Airport by a LNA Wing Long drone.[229]

11 August

A truce took place on Eid al-Adha that UNSMIL head Salamé described as a "substantial reduction in violence along the main fronts in southern Tripoli and elsewhere" with "some violations" and that "broadly speaking, the truce held for the duration of the Eid festivities." The truce constituted the first stage of the3-phase Salamé peace plan.[230]

20–29 August

The LNA launched several failed attempts to capture Gharyan.[231][232][233]


13 September

GNA claimed they killed six United Arab Emirates soldiers during airstrikes on Al-Jufra airbase. However, the UAE announced that six of its soldiers were killed in a car collision in Yemen.[68][69][70]

21 September

The GNA announced that a residential area inTripolibecame a target to drones from theUnited Arab Emirates(UAE). The attack in al-Hadaba area caused severe injuries to several members of a family.[234]


1 October

Khalifa Haftar's forces, backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), launched artillery shells on Mitiga Airport in Tripoli, according to sources from Burkan Al-Ghadab Operation (Volcano of Rage Operation) of the Libyan Army under the GNA command.[235]

6 October

Airstrikes on Misrata Airport by the foreign warplanes, backed by the LNA, injured one member of staff and damaged two airplanes, said media office ofVolcano of Rage Operation.[236]

Air raids by LNA aircraft targeted the Equestrian School in Janzour, west of Tripoli. The attack wounded at least three children and one old man, along with killing a couple of horses.[237]

15 October

UNICEF issued a statement expressing "sadness and shock" at the killing of children and their mother during the airstrike by the LNA on the al-Furnaj area in Tripoli.[238]

18 October

A LNAWing Loong IIcombat drone is shot down in Misrata by a surface-air missile.[239]

19 October

Mohammed Gununu, spokesperson for the Libyan Army under the command of GNA, claimed that a Wing Loong drone, supplied by the UAE to the LNA, was shot down in Misurata.[240]


14 November

The LNA raided Sirte and repelled an attack south of Tripoli.[241]

18 November

Ten people, including two Libyans and several migrants, were killed and 35 people were injured in an airstrike against a biscuit factory in Wadi Rabi'a in Tripoli.[242]

19 November

The LNA carried out air strikes on the port city of Misrata, targeting armored vehicles delivered from Turkey and a munitions depot.[243]


12 December

Haftar announced the beginning of a new offensive in what he said would be the "final battle" for the capital.[244]

14 December

A GNA Bayraktar TB2 drone is shot down in Ain Zara, Tripoli.[245]

21 December

The LNA seized a vessel flying aGrenadaflag with several Turkish crew members.[246]The LNA released the ship and the crew two days later.[247]

27 December

Turkish-backed Syrian rebels,Sultan Murad DivisionandSham Legion,werefighting for the GNAin "Al-Takbali" camp in Salah al-Din area in southern Tripoli, being transported throughMitigaandMisrataInternational Airports.[248]




4 January

An airstrike on a military academy in Tripoli killed 28 cadets and wounded 24, according to the GNA.BBC Newsattributed the attack to the LNA.[249]TheTurkish Ministry of National Defensestated: "We strongly condemn the attack by Haftar's forces, the enemies of peace, on the Military Academy in Tripoli aiming to realize their unlawful intentions."[250]UNSMILcondemned the attack.[251]

5 January

The first Syrian fighter, part of theSultan Murad Division,was reported killed fighting in behalf of the GNA.[252]

6 January

The LNA capturedSirte[253]after the defection of Brigade 604 — aMadkhalimilitia present in the city — forced the GNA-affiliated Sirte Protection and Security Force to retreat after brief clashes.[254]

A meeting of 19 Libyan economic and financial experts representing diverse Libyan interests was held inTunisas part of the intra-Libyan component of theSalamé three-point peace plan.[255]

12 January
Situation in western Libya after the LNA took control of Sirte (Jan 2020)

A Russian–Turkish proposed ceasefire, supported by German and Italian leaders, was expected to be implemented as a component of thepeace process.[256][257][258]GeneralKhalifa Haftarrefused to sign theceasefireagreement after talks inMoscowbrokered byRussiaandTurkeywithGovernment of National AccordleaderFayez al-Sarraj,with Haftar stating that the deal "ignores many of the Libyan army's demands".[259]

19 January
Anti-Haftar protest at the19 January 2020 Berlin conference

After five international preparation meetings over several months,[260]theBerlin conferencefor the political leaders of states alleged to have violated the arms embargo on Libya and of other major international powers took place in Berlin on 19 January 2020, with the aim of stopping international involvement in the Libyan conflict. The conference launched the second component of the three-point peace plan.[261]Serraj and Haftar were both present in Berlin, but didn't participate directly in the main talks, as they refused to be in the same room as one another. They were kept informed of the discussions.[260]An anti-Haftar protest of 150 people was held in Berlin near the conference venue with posters including "Haftar kills Libyan children".[262]

22 January

A GNA Bayraktar TB2 drone with GNA markings is shot down by LNA forces after taking off from Mitiga International Airport.[263]

25 January

UNSMIL reported violations of thearms embargo,stating that during the previous ten days, "numerous cargo and other flights [had] been observed landing at Libyan airports in the western and eastern parts of the country providing the parties with advanced weapons, armoured vehicles, advisers and fighters."[264]

28 January

A LNAWing Loong IIcombat drone is shot down near Misrata.[265]


3 February

The5+5 Libyan Joint Military Commissionof 5 senior GNA-selected military officers and 5 senior LNA officers started meeting in Geneva on 3 February in the military track of the intra-Libyan component of the Salamé 3-point peace process, aiming to agree on practical details of monitoring and strengthening the existing ceasefire.[266]

18 February

The5+5 Libyan Joint Military Commissionstarted its second negotiation round in Geneva.[267]

20 February

After a short break in relation to an LNA attack on Tripoli harbour,[268]the5+5military track of negotiations continued in Geneva.[269]

24 February

TheUnited Arab Emiratesis suspected to have provided arms to support theKhalifa Haftar-ledLibyan National Army;from mid-January 2020 to early March 2020, the UAE is believed to have shipped more than 100 deliveries, totaling about 5,000 metric tons, to Haftar's forces, via aircraft flights some from military bases in the UAE and others from the UAE'sairbase in Assab,Eritrea.[270]The contents of the shipments were not known, but are believed to include arms and ammunition, including possible heavier artillery, as well as othermateriel,such as communications equipment and other gear.[270]The UN arms embargo on Libya was viewed as ineffective: Moncef Kartas, the retired UN weapons inspector for Libya, said there had been "no respect for the UN arms embargo, absolutely none," which was echoed by UN deputy special envoy for Libya Stephanie Williams.[270]

25 February

The LNA shoot down a GNA Turkish made Bayraktar TB2 drone, and provide a video of the wreck.[271][272]

26 February

The political track of the Libyan peace process started in Geneva among 20 Libyans, from both the Tobruk-based and Tripoli-based parts of theHoR,and from the independent persons' group selected by UNSMIL, includingInterior MinisterFathi Bashagha,former Education MinisterOthman Abdul Jaliland former head of the HCSAbdulrahman Sewehli.[273]The aimed composition was 13 HoR representatives from both the Tobruk and Tripoli branches, 13 HCS[clarification needed]representatives and 14 UNSMIL-selected independent Libyans, for a total of 40.[274]The same day LNA shoot down another GNA Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drone, providing video of the wreck.[271][275]


9 March

Nearly 40 Syrian mercenaries recruited by theTurkish Armyhave fled toItaly,raising the number of Syrian fighters who fled from Libya toEuropeto nearly 200.[276]

26 March

The LNA captured Zelten, al-Assah, Al-Jamil and Riqdalin on the northwestern coast,[277]further attempting to push on the Ras Jdir area on theTunisian border.[278]

Sarraj announces that pro-GNA forces will launch Operation Peace Storm and counter-attack against LNA troops.[279]

31 March

LNA shot down two GNA Bayraktar TB2 combat drones near Tripoli;[280][281]


14 April

A GNADassault Mirage F1fighter is shot down by LNA forces operating Pantsir-S.[282][283]

16 April

GNA forces besieged al-Watiya airbase.[284]A GNA Bayraktar TB2 drone was shot down nearTarhuna.[285]

17 April

Two GNA Bayraktar TB2 drones are shot down; one nearBani Walid[286]and another in the South near Wadi dinar.[287]

18 April

The GNA launched an offensive on the town ofTarhunaon five axes.[288]The GNA claimed to have captured 102 pro-Haftar fighters during the offensive.[289]The same day a GNA Bayraktar TB2 drone is shot down by LNA forces south of Tripoli.[290][291]

19 April

A combat drone is shot down in Alwhaska, near Misrata, GNA sources claimed the downed drone was a LNAWing Loong II[292]in turn LNA claimed they shot down aTAI Ankacombat drone,[293]however a UN Security Council report asserted the downed drone was a TAI Anka drone operated by GNA.[294]

21 April

The LNA launched a counter-attack from al-Watiya air base, capturing the town of Al-Aqrabiya north of the air base.[295]

29 April

Ahmed Mismari, the spokesman for Libya's eastern-based forces announced that they will cease fire for Ramadan, after suffering setbacks during weeks of intense fighting against the internationally recognized government. Mismari said in a television broadcast that the ceasefire came at the request of the international community and "friendly countries".[296]

30 April

The GNA responded to Haftar's unilateral declaration of a ceasefire by rejecting it and saying it will keep fighting.[297]


5 May

The GNA launched an offensive to capture al-Watiya airbase.[298]The GNA claimed to have successfully encircled the base[299]and claimed two enemy Grad Rocket launch vehicles destroyed and various ammunition vehicles.[300]

The GNA also claimed to have captured points south of Tripoli on the same day.[301]

9 May

The LNA launched a mortar attack on theMitiga International Airportdestroying a fuel depot and leaving 4 aircraft destroyed, 3 of civilian use and 1 GNA LAAFIl-78.[302]

18 May

The GNA capturedAl-Watiya Air Baseand in the process seized aPantsir missile system,[303][304][305]an armedMi-35helicopter and the remains of 2 non-operationalMirage F1sand aSu-22.[67][306]

19 May

GNA forces extend their control over the towns ofBadrand Tiji.[307]

20 May
Situation in western Libya after the GNA took control of Al-Watya airbase and Mizdah (May 2020)

Mohammed Gununu, a GNA spokesman claimed their forces have destroyed 7 Pantsir batteries in Al-Watiya airbase, Tarhouna and Al-Wishka.[308]

23 May

The GNA forces retook two military camps, Hamza and Yarmuk, from the LNA south of the capital Tripoli.[309]

25 May

The mayor ofBani Walid,said that RussianWagner Groupmercenaries allied to the LNA retreated from Western Libya to an unconfirmed destination along with their heavy equipment. AfterAntonov An-32cargo planes landed at Bani Walid airport.[310][311]

27 May

The US military accused Russia of deploying fighters jets in support of Russian mercenaries working for the LNA forces. According to US officials RussianMig-29swere deployed from Syria to protect 1,200 Russian mercenaries retreating from Libya. The commander of Africa Command accused Russia of using pilot mercenaries for an air campaign on behalf of Haftar forces (LNA).[312]Meanwhile, Libyan National Army officials, announced that an air operation against the GNA forces will begin soon.[313]

29 May

Pro-GNA forces seized control of the Al-Kayikh neighborhood in Tripoli, near the town of Qaser Bin Ghashir.[314]


1 June

The LNA recaptured the town of al-Asaba, south of Gharyan.[315]

4 June

GNA forces launched an attack onTripoli Airport,[316]which they captured.[317]LNA forces withdrew from their remaining positions in the southern outskirts of Tripoli, allowing the GNA to regain control of the whole city. This marked the end of the LNA's 14-month siege of the GNA capital.[318][319]

5 June
Situation in western Libya after the LNA withdrawal from Tripoli, Tarhuna, and Bani Walid (June 2020)

GNA forces continued their advance toTarhouna,an LNA stronghold south-east of Tripoli, which was retaken. Bani Walid was also captured.[320]Western analysts ascribed the rapid change in the strategic situation to Turkey's increasing military aid to the GNA.[321][318]



With the retreat of the LNA from Tripoli, GNA forces launched an offensive to recapture LNA–heldSirteon June 6.[322]

On June 11, the United Nations expressed concern regarding reports of the discovery of eight mass graves in the town ofTarhuna;according to GNA officials, 160 bodies were discovered and retrieved by the Libyan Red Crescent.[323][324]

Strategic analysis


According to theMiddle East Institute,the LNA's offensive against Tripoli has resulted in an increased destabilization of Libya, allowing thelocal forcesof theIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIL) to regain some strength in southern Libya. As a result of the fighting between the LNA and GNA-backed militias, both did less to suppress ISIL while creating new power vacuums which radical Jihadists were likely to exploit.[325]



The UN's World Health Organization reported over 2,280 dead by mid-January 2020, of which over 2,000 were confirmed as combatants and 280 as civilians. The civilian death toll was reported to have reached 458 by the end of June 2020.[66]

Acoording to theSyrian Observatory for Human Rights,403 Turkish-backed Syrian mercenaries, of whom 27 were children, were killed during the military operation in Tripoli, Misrata, Cyrene, Tarhuna and other areas in Libya.[326]At least 50 fighters were identified as former ISIS members. The mercenaries were trained in Turkey and send to Libya.[327]

Human rights abuses


UnderUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 1970,theInternational Criminal Court(ICC) can carry out investigations and prosecutions into claims ofwar crimes,crimes against humanityorgenocideif the crimes are claimed to occurin Libya on or later than 15 February 2011.[75]As of 6 April 2019,the ICC had two outstanding warrants for the arrest of LNA commanderMahmoud al-Werfalli,for involvement in the alleged killings in and near Benghazi of 33 people during June 2016 to July 2017[75]and for allegedly executing ten people "in front of a cheering crowd" in Benghazi between 23 and 25 January 2018.[328]In reference to the 2019 Western Libya offensive, ICC Chief ProsecutorFatou Bensoudastated on 11 April that the ICC "[wouldn't] hesitate" to issue arrest warrants for people suspected of war crimes and crimes against humanity.[329]On 16 April, Bensouda gave more details, stating that both those directly committing war crimes in Libya and their commanders would be liable to prosecution by the ICC, including anyone "ordering, requesting, encouraging or contributing in any other manner to the commission of crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court".[76]According toHuman Rights Watch,both the GNA and LNA military forces had prior records of human rights abuses, with "a well-documented record of indiscriminate attacks on civilians,summary executionsof captured fighters, and arbitrary detention "by LNA forces and evidence of abuses of civilians by GNA forces, prior to 4 April 2019 attack on Tripoli.[330]

Al-Sarraj stated on 17 April that the GNA would provide documentation to the ICC regarding 16 AprilGradshelling of residential areas[188]that killed at least seven people and wounded 17,[331]for which he claimed Haftar was responsible.[332]On 2 May, a spokesperson for the GNA, Muhanad Younis, stated that administrative responsibility had been allocated for documenting war crimes during the Western Libya offensive and providing the documentation to the ICC.[333]

UNSMIL stated on 30 January 2020 thatextrajudicial executionshad been reported "in Haftar-controlled areas in Tarhouna and Tripoli".[334]

Claims of war crimes


The family of militiaman Firas al-Kikli claimed on 11 April 2019 that LNA forces took himprisonerand later killed him. Images of al-Kikli's mutilated body circulated onsocial media.[335]

During 15–17 April 2019, rocket attacks using inaccurate technology occurred against three densely populated residential areas in and near the Abu Salim area of Tripoli, and were interpreted byAmnesty International(AI) as "unlawful attacks that could amount to war crimes".[336]Based on information from witnesses and satellite imaging, AI stated that those launching the rockets "failed to take necessary precautions to protect civilian lives and civilian objects". AI identified the areas hit as Hay al-Intissar, in which five rockets hit five homes killing five adults and wounding a girl; Hay Salahaddin; and the "Kikla buildings", where three rockets hit a construction company, a residential building and the ground, wounding two people.[336]Thomson Reutersjournalists stated that 16 AprilGradshelling of residential areas killed at least seven people and wounded 17.[188][331][332]AI found no evidence for any military targets in any of the attacks and could not "conclusively determine" which armed group was responsible for the attacks. Abu Salim residents attributed the attack to the LNA.[336]Magdalena Mughrabi of AI recommended on the basis of the attacks that the ICC investigate possible war crimes by all parties involved in the 2019 Western Libya offensive. She stated, "The use of artillery and other imprecise weapons such as GRAD-style rockets in civilian areas is prohibited under international humanitarian law and such indiscriminate attacks can amount to war crimes."[336]

On 2 May,BBC Arabicpublished its enquiry into apparent war crimes carried out during the attack on Tripoli that had been widely circulated onFacebook.BBC Arabicreported on the murder of three prisoners of war and on a special forces group of the LNA that distributed videos and photos of mutilated bodies.[337]

On 18 May, a station of theGreat Man-Made Riverproject was attacked by an armed group, putting at risk water supplies to Tripoli and Gharyan.Maria do Valle Ribeiro,the United NationsHumanitarian Coordinatorfor Libya, said that as an attack against critical civilian infrastructure, the incident could qualify as a war crime.[338]The attackers claimed to be Haftar supporters[339]and their commander was claimed to be Khalifa Ehnaish, loyal to Haftar.[338]The LNA denied command responsibility for the attack.[339][338]

On 2 July 2019, anairstrike hit the Tajoura Detention Centeroutside Tripoli, while hundreds of people were inside the facility. It killed at least 53 of them and injured 130 others.UNSMILsuspected that the mass killing of civilians was a war crime.[220]

On 27 July 2019, an airstrike on a field hospital near the capital Tripoli killed five doctors, and wounded seven other people. The attack is believed to have been carried out by LNA aircraft.[340]

On 4 August, an airstrike by the LNA against a wedding inMurzukkilled 43 people and injured 60.[341]TheEuropean External Action Servicecommented on the civilian deaths at Murzuk and referred to the legal principle that "indiscriminate attacks on densely populated residential areas" may constitute war crimes.[342]

UNSMILdescribed 18 November aerial attack on a biscuit factory at Wadi Rabi'a in Tripoli, which killed ten people, as a possible war crime.[242]


On 26 June 2019, four Libyan families filed a lawsuit in theUnited States(US) federal court against Haftar for war crimes that took place during the 2019 Western Libya offensive, seekingUS$125 million in damages and compensation. The lawsuit alleged that Haftar was responsible for "torture, mass murder, indiscriminate destruction of civilian property and genocide".[343]





Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj, also the chairman of the GNA's Presidential Council, accused Haftar of betraying them and launching a coup d'état.[81]He believed that his previous meetings with Haftar in earlier months had been bringing genuine progress to a political solution. He stated that "When we hosted the UN Secretary General in Tripoli, we were surprised to hear about Haftar's military mobilization after the progress of the political solution in the country." Sarraj also stated that the government will defend the capital.[344]On 17 April, the GNAPresidential Councilstated their categorical refusal of any dialogue that involves the participation of LNA Field MarshalKhalifa Haftar.[345]

Colonel Mohamed Gnounou, spokesman of the GNA army since 6 April, announced that the Libyan Army under the Presidential Council was advancing on Haftar's forces to defeat the coup. He also said that "This attack is a surprising one that destroyed the Libyans' hopes for democracy as all of them were preparing for the upcoming national conference in Ghadames."[121]

On 7 April, the deputy chief of the LibyanPresidential Council,Ali Faraj Qatrani,defected to the LNA, resigned from his position within the GNA, and stated that GNA headFayez al-Sarrajwas "controlled by militias". He expressed support for the LNA offensive on Tripoli, stating that it would rid the city of "terrorists and criminal gangs".[346][347]

TheLibyan Popular National Movement,which is considered an illegal group by the GNA, declared in a press statement that they support the army's move to end the "militia rule in Tripoli" and salute the sacrifices of the sons of the Libyan Armed Forces.[348]

On 16 April, The advisory council of the Al-Barghata tribe announced its support of the LNA offensive and rejected any foreign interference in Libyan affairs.[349]

Street protests


On Friday 12 April, two thousand people protested on the streets of Tripoli and Misrata opposing the LNA military attack on Tripoli. Protestors objected against what they claimed was backing for the attack byFrance,the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, with Misrata protestors burning a French flag.[350][94]The following Friday on 19 April 2019 people protested inMartyrs' Square, Tripoli,protesting both against Haftar and against foreign power support for Haftar, in particular against that of France.[351][352]Some of 19 April protestors wore reflective vests thatAgence France Presseassociated with theyellow vests movement.One of these carried a poster stating, "Surprised by the French response to the attack on Tripoli" ( "Surpris par la conduite française face à l'attaque de Tripoli").[352]Protests in Martyrs' Square continued on 26 April, the third Friday in a row.[353]

Street protests against Haftar and the LNA continued in Tripoli and Misrata on 3 May.[354]Tripoli protestors directly criticised what they claimed was French support for Haftar and the LNA, with some carrying posters showing French presidentEmmanuel Macroncrossed out in red. Several protestors wore yellow vests to symbolise their opposition to French authorities.[355]

Protests in Martyrs' Square were again held on 27 September, protesting against the attack on Tripoli and against foreign intervention by France, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt,[356]and again on 18 October.[357]Participants in 18 October protest condemned the LNA bombing of the al-Furnaj area that killed three children, called for Haftar to be held accountable internationally, and called for the GNA to boycott theBerlin conference,planned as the second step of theSalamé three-point peace plan,until the LNA stopped its attack.[357]

Municipal elections


The head of UNSMIL,Ghassan Salamé,complimented Libyan citizens and the LibyanCentral Commission of Municipal Council Electionsfor holdinglocal electionson 20 April in Brak al-Shati, Edri al-Shati, al-Rahibat,Ubari,al-Garda al-Shati, al-Shwairif andZaltandespite the intense military conflict taking place.[358]Elections continued inSabhaon 27 April but were blocked by the LNA inSabrathaandSorman.[359]



United Nations Secretary GeneralAntónio Guterresstated on Twitter that he hoped for confrontation around Tripoli to be avoided and that the UN was committed to facilitating a political solution. On 5 April, theUN Security Councilcalled on Haftar to stop all movements of his forces.[360]

On 4 April, theUnited States,United Kingdom,United Arab Emirates,France,andItalyin a joint statement condemned the offensive.[361]On 6 April theG7 countriesstated there was no military solution to Libya's power struggle and urged Haftar to halt the advance on Tripoli.[362]

On 5 April,Egyptexpressed its deep concern over the conflict in Tripoli and urged all sides to avoid escalation. Egypt also announced its commitment to UN efforts to find a political solution to the Libyan Crisis adding that a political solution is the only option.[363]On 9 April,Egyptexpressed support for theLibyan National Armyand its push to dismantle all remaining militias, and also cautioned against foreign intervention in the conflict.[364]On 14 April, President ofEgypt,Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,met with LNA Field MarshalKhalifa HaftarinCairo[13][14]and announced his support for the LNA's counterterrorism efforts, stating that "the fight toward terrorism"... "allows the establishment of a stable and sovereign civil state, and will start the reconstruction of Libya in various fields."[365]

On the same day,Russiacalled on all sides to come to an agreement.[366]The UN stated that the planned Libyan national conference to organise elections would go ahead regardless of the offensive, inGhadamison 14–16 April 2019.[367]

On 7 April, theUnited Stateswithdrew an unspecified contingent ofUnited States Africa Commandforces from Libya.[368][369]Indiaevacuated 15Central Reserve Police Forcepeacekeepers toTunisia.[370][369]The UN called for a two-hour ceasefire to evacuate wounded soldiers and civilians.[125][2]Meanwhile,Russiavetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have called on the LNA to end their advance on Tripoli, stating that any such resolution should apply to all parties and not just the LNA in particular.[371][372]

On 9 April, UNSMIL stated that theLibyan National Conference,an upcoming peace conference inGhadames,which would have attempted to create a roadmap to new elections, was postponed due to the fighting.[373]The conference was previously scheduled for 14–16 April.[374]

Tunisiaincreased security on its border with Libya since the start of the offensive.[375]On 10 April,Tunisiafully closed theRas Ajdirborder crossing withLibya.[376]

On 19 April, the White House announced that the U.S. president had spoken with Khalifa Haftar on Monday, 15 April, stating that Donald Trump "recognized Field Marshal Haftar's significant role in fighting terrorism and securing Libya's oil resources."[377]

In a joint statement released on July 16, 2019, France, Britain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, United States and Italy on 16 July called for an immediate end of hostilities around Tripoli and warned of attempts by "terrorist groups" to take advantage of the political void in Libya.[378]

On 2 January 2020, theTurkish Grand National Assemblyvoted 325–184 to send troops to help the GNA in Libya.[379]

See also





  1. ^abc"Libya Lurches Toward Battle for Capital as Sarraj Vows to Fight".Bloomberg News.6 April 2019.
  2. ^abc"Haftar's forces claim air strike on Tripoli suburb as Libya crisis escalates".France 24.7 April 2019.Retrieved7 April2019.
  3. ^abKirkpatrick, David D. (5 November 2019)."Russian Snipers, Missiles and Warplanes Try to Tilt Libyan War".The New York Times.
  4. ^ab"Number of Russian mercenaries fighting for Haftar in Libya rises to 1400, report says".Libyan Express.16 November 2019.
  5. ^"'Wherever Wagner goes destruction happens': Libya's GNA slams Russian role in conflict ".Middle East Eye.
  6. ^de Waal, Alex (20 July 2019)."Sudan crisis: The ruthless mercenaries who run the country for gold".BBC News.Archivedfrom the original on 21 July 2019.Retrieved21 July2019.
  7. ^abc"Tobruk MP claims terrorists from Turkey support Tripoli government against Haftar".Uprising Today.6 July 2019. Archived fromthe originalon 6 July 2019.Retrieved6 July2019.There are also reports that the Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya, a pro-Jamahiriya resistance organisation led by Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, the son of Brotherly Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi who was overthrown and murdered in 2011, is supporting the Tobruk-based forces.
  8. ^"UN team: UAE is developing its air base in eastern Libya".Middle East Monitor.2 March 2018.
  9. ^Ganguly, Manisha (6 November 2019)."Foreign jet suspected in Libya migrant attack".BBC News.
  10. ^ab"Haftar attacking Tripoli with Egyptian, UAE and Saudi arms, Libya General claims".Middle East Monitor.6 April 2019.Retrieved15 April2019.
  11. ^abElumami, Ahmed (15 April 2019)."U.N. Libya envoy says Haftar made coup attempt with advance on Tripoli".Reuters.Retrieved15 April2019.
  12. ^abcMalsin, Jared; Said, Summer (12 April 2019)."Saudi Arabia Promised Support to Libyan Warlord in Push to Seize Tripoli".The Wall Street Journal.Retrieved15 April2019.
  13. ^abcWintour, Patrick (14 April 2019)."Libya crisis: Egypt's Sisi backs Haftar assault on Tripoli".The Guardian.Retrieved14 April2019.
  14. ^abc"Egypt's Sisi meets Libyan commander Haftar in Cairo: presidency..."Reuters.14 April 2019.Retrieved14 April2019.
  15. ^Silverstein, Richard."Haftar: Israeli secret aid to Libya's strongman reveals a new friend in Africa".Middle East Eye.Retrieved26 February2020.
  16. ^"Libya's Haftar 'provided with Israeli military aid following UAE-mediated meetings with Mossad agents'".The New Arab.24 July 2017.Retrieved26 February2020.
  17. ^"Libya's Haftar had lengthy meeting with Israeli intelligence officer".Middle East Monitor.3 July 2018.Retrieved26 February2020.
  18. ^"Libya: Flight data places mysterious planes in Haftar territory".Al Jazeera.Retrieved26 February2020.
  19. ^Bar'el, Zvi (13 April 2019)."Analysis From Bouteflika to Bashir, Powers Shift. But the Second Arab Spring Is Far From Breaking Out".Haaretz.Retrieved15 April2019.
  20. ^Taylor, Paul (17 April 2019)."France's double game in Libya".Politico.
  21. ^"Jordan arming Libya's Haftar with armored vehicles and weapons".Libyan Express.23 May 2019.
  22. ^"Benghazi-based Libyan gov't sends first official delegation to Syria".Al Masdar News.1 March 2020. Archived fromthe originalon 2 March 2020.Retrieved1 March2020.
  23. ^"The Iran-Haftar links in Libya".Warsaw Institute. 17 July 2020.
  24. ^abc"Libya's western Air Force strikes Haftar's forces positioned in Mizda, Sooq al-Khamis".Libyan Express.6 April 2019.Retrieved6 April2019.
  25. ^ab"Fighting flares on outskirts of Tripoli".BBC.6 April 2019.
  26. ^ab"Haftar forces capture old Tripoli airport after clashes near Libyan capital".Middle East Eye and agencies.5 April 2019.
  27. ^abcde"Battle rages for Libya's capital, airport bombed".Reuters.9 April 2019.
  28. ^"300 pro-Turkey Syrian rebels sent to Libya to support UN-backed gov't: watchdog".xinhuanet.com.Archived fromthe originalon 29 December 2019.
  29. ^"Turkey is set to send troops to Libya, Turkey is set to send troops to Libya".The Economist.
  30. ^"Bloomberg Libya Government Gets Arms Shipment as Tripoli Offensive Stalls".bloomberg.com.18 May 2019.Retrieved19 May2019.
  31. ^"Haftar must win over militias to take Tripoli: analysts".France24.15 April 2019.Retrieved15 April2019.
  32. ^According to Sarraj's spokesperson, General Mohammed Qnounou, Italy providedsatellite imageryof LNA movements to the GNA
  33. ^Sarraj: satelliti italiani ci aiutano contro Haftar (in Italian)
  34. ^"Arms Trade Bulletin January – February 2020".IPIS Research.6 March 2020.
  35. ^"Libya conflict: GNA regains full control of Tripoli from Gen Haftar".BBC News.4 June 2020.The recapture of the international airport in Tripoli - long out of use - is the strongest symbolic victory for the Libyan government so far, reports the BBC's Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher.
  36. ^"UN-backed Libyan forces oust renegade general from Tripoli".The Guardian.4 June 2020.Retrieved4 June2020.
  37. ^"Libya's GNA says it regained full control of the capital, Tripoli".Al Jazeera.Retrieved8 April2024.
  38. ^"GNA vows to retake Libya's east after Sirte offensive".Al Jazeera.Retrieved7 June2020.
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