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Wikipedia:Wikipedia is free content

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia isfree contentthat anyone can edit, use, modify, and distribute. This is a motto applied to all Wikimedia foundation project: use them for any purpose as you wish. The Wikimedia Foundation is part of thefree culture movement,a social movement that advocates the freedom to freely use and modify creative works without prior permission of the author. You can add anything you want as long as it stays true to what the article is about, and is not breaking the Wikipedia guidelines.

Respectcopyrightlaws, and do notplagiarisesources.Non-free contentis allowed underfair use,but strive to find free alternatives to any media or content that you wish to add to Wikipedia. Since all your contributions arefreely licensed to the public,no editorowns any article;all of your contributions can and will be mercilessly edited and redistributed. SeeCopyright frequently asked questions.
