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Wolf 1061b

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Wolf 1061 b
Discovered byUniversity of New South Wales,Australia
Discovery siteEuropean Southern Observatory
Discovery dateDecember 18, 2015
Radial Velocity
Orbital characteristics
0.035509 (± 7e-06)[1]AU
4.8876 (± 0.0014)d
StarWolf 1061
Physical characteristics

Wolf 1061bis anexoplanetorbiting thered dwarfstarWolf 1061in theOphiuchusconstellation,about 13.8light yearsfromEarth.It is the first planet in order from its host star in atriple planetary system,and has anorbital periodof nearly 5 days. The planet orbits too close to itsstarfor it to be in the habitable zone.[3]

See also



  1. ^"Wolf 1061 b".Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia.1995.Retrieved2015-12-20.
  2. ^ab"Three planets orbiting Wolf 1061"(PDF).Retrieved2015-12-20.
  3. ^Kane, Stephen R; Kaspar von Braun; Henry, Gregory W; Waters, Miranda A; Boyajian, Tabetha S; Mann, Andrew W (2016)."Characterization of the Wolf 1061 Planetary System".The Astrophysical Journal.835(2): 200.arXiv:1612.09324.Bibcode:2017ApJ...835..200K.doi:10.3847/1538-4357/835/2/200.S2CID30738573.