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Yun Mountain

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Yun Mountain National Forest Park(Chinese:Vân sơn quốc gia sâm lâm công viên) is located 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) fromWugang,[1]a city in the southwest ofHunan Province,China.Its peak elevation is 1,372.5 meters (4,460 feet), and the annually average temperature there is 15 °C (59 °F). In September 1992, it was approved as a national forest park.


The area has a long history, beginning in theSuiandTangdynasties (around AC 500–800) whenBuddhistssettled there. From theSongtoMingdynasties, it had developed to be a center ofBuddhismin Hunan, with a series of amazing temples housing more than 500 monks.

Natural resources[edit]

The park possesses rich animal and plant resources. Within the 3,118 hectares (7,700 acres) vegetation area, there is an original secondarybroadleaf forestof more than 200 hectares. In 1921 an Austrian botanist discovered more than 80 new plant species in Yun Mountain, including 20 species named by Yunshan. So far, it is known that there are 1,518 species of plants and 211 species of animals found in Yun Mountain, including 10 rare species of animals and plants under special protection.


  1. ^about the population of Wugang City, according to the comprehensive analysis on the 2010 Population Census of Wugang City (10-Feb-12):Thiệu dương thị 2010 niên đệ lục thứ toàn quốc nhân khẩu phổ tra chủ yếu sổ cư công báo,ordoc88.com

External links[edit]