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Zartosht No-Diso

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Zartosht no-diso,orZarthost no deeso,is an important day of remembrance in theZoroastrianreligion. It is a commemoration of the death anniversary of theprophetZoroaster.It is observed on the 11th day (Khorshed) of the 10th month (Dae). In the seasonal calendar, Zarthost No-Diso falls on December 26.

It is an occasion of remembrance with lectures and discussions held on the life and works of theprophet.Attendance at thefire templeis very high during this occasion. A much higher number ofmobedsare brought to pray at theAtash BehramsandAtash Adarans.There is no mourning in the Zoroastrian religion, only remembrance and worship of theFaroharsof the departed.

However, Zoroaster's death is not mentioned in theAvesta.Nonetheless, in theShahnama5.92,[1]he is said to have been murdered at the altar by theTuraniansin the storming ofBalkh.


  1. ^Williams Jackson, A. V. (1899).Zoroaster, the prophet of ancient Iran.New York: Columbia UP. pp. 130–131..