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List of messiah claimants

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This is a list of notable people who have been said to be amessiah,either by themselves or by their followers. The list is divided into categories, which are sorted according to date of birth (where known).

Jewish messiah claimants[edit]

InJudaism,"messiah" originally meant "a divinely appointed king" or "anointed one", such as Aaron the brother of Moses,[citation needed]David,Cyrus the Great[1]orAlexander the Great.[2]Later, especially after the failure of theHasmonean Kingdom(37 BC) and theJewish–Roman wars(AD 66–135), the figure of theJewish messiahwas one who would deliver theJewsfromoppressionand usher in anOlam Haba( "world to come") orMessianic Age. However the term "false messiah" was largely absent fromrabbinic literature.The first mention is in theSefer Zerubbabel,from the mid-seventh century, which uses the term,mashiah sheker,( "false messiah" ).[3]

See also Combination messiah claimants below.

Christian messiah claimants[edit]

Sun Myung Moon
Simon Magus

The Christian Bible states thatJesuswill come again in some fashion; various people have claimed to, in fact, be the Second Coming of Jesus. Others have styled themselves new messiahs under the umbrella of Christianity. TheSynoptic gospels(Matthew 24:4, 6, 24; Mark 13:5, 21-22; and Luke 21:3) all use the termpseudochristosfor messianic pretenders.[27]

  • Ann Lee(1736–1784), a central figure to theShakers,[28]who thought she "embodied all the perfections of God" in female form and considered herself in 1772 to be Christ's female counterpart.[29]
  • John Nichols Thom(1799–1838), who had achieved fame and followers as Sir William Courtenay and adopted the claim of Messiah after a period in a mental institute.[30]
  • Hong Xiuquan(1 January 1814- 1 June 1864), the leader of the Taiping Rebellion, who believed he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ.
  • Abd-ru-shin(Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, 18 April 1875 – 6 December 1941), founder of theGrail Movement.[31]
  • Lou de Palingboer(Louwrens Voorthuijzen)[32](1898-1968), aDutchcharismaticleader who claimed to be God as well as the Messiah from 1950 until his death in 1968.
  • Father Divine(George Baker) (c. 1880 –1965), anAfrican Americanspiritual leader from about 1907 until his death, who claimed to be God.
  • André Matsoua(1899–1942),Congolesefounder ofAmicale,proponents of which subsequently adopted him as Messiah in the late 1920s.
  • Ahn Sahng-hong(1918–1985), founder of theWorld Mission Society Church of Godand worshiped by the members as the Messiah.[33]
  • Sun Myung Moon(1920–2012), founder and leader of theUnification Churchestablished inSeoul,South Korea,who considered himself the Second Coming of Christ, but not Jesus himself.[34]It is generally believed by Unification Church members ("Moonies") that he was theMessiahand the Second Coming of Christ and was anointed to fulfill Jesus's unfinished mission.[34]
  • Anne Hamilton-Byrne(born Evelyn Grace Victoria Edwards; 30 December 1921 – 13 June 2019), founder ofThe Family,claimed to have been the reincarnation ofJesus.[35]
  • Cho Hee-seung[ko](1931–2004), founder of theVictory AltarNew Religious Movement, which refers to him as “the Victor Christ” and “God incarnated”. Died in the midst of a series of legal battles in which he was alternately convicted and acquitted on charges of fraud and instigation of the murders of multiple opponents.[36][37]
  • Yahweh ben Yahweh(1935–2007), born as Hulon Mitchell, Jr., ablack nationalistandseparatistwho created theNation of Yahwehand allegedly orchestrated the murder of dozens of people.
  • Laszlo Toth(born 1938) claimed he was Jesus Christ as he batteredMichelangelo'sPietawith a geologist hammer.
  • Wayne Bent(born 1941), also known as Michael Travesser of theLord Our Righteousness Church,also known as the "Strong City Cult", convicted December 15, 2008, of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008.[38]He was paroled in February 2016.
  • Iesu Matayoshi(1944–2018); in 1997 he established the World Economic Community Party based on his conviction that he was God and the Christ.
  • Jung Myung-seok(born 1945), aSouth Koreanwho was a member of theUnification Churchin the 1970s, before breaking off to found the dissenting group[39]now known asProvidence Churchin 1980.[40][41]He also considers himself the Second Coming of Christ, but not Jesus himself.[42]He believes he has come to finish the incomplete message and mission of Jesus Christ, asserting that he is the Messiah and has the responsibility to save all mankind.[43]He claims that the Christian doctrine ofresurrectionis false but that people can be saved through him. Jung Myung-seok was convicted of rape by the Supreme Court of Korea and spent 10 years in prison (2008-2018). He was again indicted in South Korea on October 28, 2022, for sexually assaulting two female followers between 2018 and 2022.[44]
  • Claude Vorilhon,now known asRaël"messenger of the Elohim" (born 1946), aFrenchprofessional test driver and former car journalist who became founder and leader ofUFO religiontheRaël Movementin 1972. Raëlism teaches thatlife on Earthwas scientifically created by a species ofextraterrestrials,which they callElohim.He claimed he met an extraterrestrial humanoid in 1973 and became the Messiah.[45]He then devoted himself to the task he said he was given by his "biological father", an extraterrestrial namedYahweh.[46]
  • José Luis de JesúsMiranda (1946–2013), founder and leader ofCreciendo en Graciasect (Growing In Grace International Ministry, Inc.), based inMiami,Florida.He was aPuerto Ricanpreacher who had claimed to be both "the Man Jesus Christ" and the Antichrist at the same time, and exhibited a "666"tattoo on his forearm, a behavior his followers also adopted. He has referred to himself asJesucristo Hombre,which translates to "Jesus Christ made Man". He claimed he was indwelled with the same spirit that dwelled in Jesus. Miranda died on August 14, 2013, due to liver cancer.
  • Inri Cristo(born 1948) ofIndaial,Brazil,a claimant to be the second Jesus.[47]
  • Apollo Quiboloy(born 1950), Filipino founder and leader of theKingdom of Jesus Christreligious group, who claims that Jesus Christ is the "Almighty Father," that Quiboloy is "His Appointed Son," and that salvation is now completed. He proclaims himself to be the "Appointed Son of God". On November 11, 2021, Quiboloy was indicted by the United States Department of Justice for allegedly coercing girls and young women to have sex with him. These victims were threatened with eternal damnation and physical punishment if they didn’t comply. The indictment also included allegations that Quiboloy ran a sex-trafficking operation. Girls as young as 12 were allegedly trafficked through the fraudulent California charity “Children’s Joy.”[48]
  • Brian David Mitchell(born 1953) was convicted May 25, 2011, for the 2002 kidnapping and rape of Elizabeth Smart. He believed himself thefore-ordainedangel born on earth to be theDavidic"servant" prepared by God as a type ofMessiahwho would restore the divinely ledkingdomofIsraelto the world in preparation for Christ's Second Coming. Mitchell's belief in such anend-timesfigure – also known among manyfundamentalist Latter Day Saintsas "theOne Mighty and Strong"– appeared to be based in part on a reading of the biblicalBook of Isaiahby the independentLDSHebraist,Avraham Gileadi,with whom Mitchell became familiar as a result of his previous participation in Stirling Allan's American Study Group.[49][50]
  • Ante Pavlović(1957–2020), a Croatian self-proclaimed chiropractor who claimed to be a reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and would soon become president of Croatia.[51]
    Ante Pavlović on his horse.
  • David Koresh,also known as Vernon Wayne Howell (1959–1993), leader of theBranch Davidians,renaming himself in honor ofKing DavidandCyrus the Great.He and his followers were killed after anATFraid andsiegewhich ended with their compound catching fire.
  • Maria Devi Christos(born 1960), leader of theGreat White Brotherhoodpopular in theformer Soviet Union.
  • Sergey Torop(born 1961), who started to call himself "Vissarion", founder of theChurch of the Last Testamentand the spiritual communityEcopolis TiberkulinSouthern Siberia.
  • Alan John Miller(born 1962), founder ofDivine Truth,a new religious movement based inAustralia.Also known as A.J. Miller, he claims to be Jesus of Nazareth through reincarnation. Miller was formerly aJehovah's Witness.[52]
  • Yang Xiangbin(born 1973) is believed to be the identity of a woman referred to as "Lightning Deng" and "the female Christ" in the literature ofEastern Lightning,a Chinese Christian new religious movement. Zhao Weishan, founder and administrative leader of Eastern Lightning, claimed that Yang revealed herself to be the Second Coming of Christ in 1992.[53]

See also Combination messiah claimants below.

Muslim Mahdi-messiah claimant[edit]

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Islamic traditionhas a prophecy of theMahdi,who will come alongside the return ofIsa(Jesus).

  • Mirza Ghulam AhmadofQadian,India (1835–1908), proclaimed himself to be both the expected Mahdi andMessiah,[54][55]being the only person inIslamic historywho claimed to be both. Crucially, however, he claimed that Jesus had died a natural death after surviving crucifixion,[54]and that prophecies concerning his future advent referred to the Mahdi himself bearing the qualities and character of Jesus rather than to his physical return alongside the Mahdi. He founded theAhmadiyya Movementin 1889 envisioning it to be the rejuvenation of Islam. Adherents of the Ahmadiyya movement claim to be strictly Muslim, but are widely viewed by other Muslim groups as either disbelievers or heretics.[56][57]

See alsoList of Mahdi claimantsfor a list of over 30 people who claimed to be the Madhi but not the return ofIsa(Jesus).

Zoroastrian messiah claimants[edit]

  • Bahram Chobin,after he usurped the throne of theSassanian Empire,declared himself to be the Messiah in the midst of the eschatological times of the late 6th century AD[58]

Combination of messiah claimants[edit]

This list features people who are said, either by themselves or their followers, to be the messianic fulfillment of two or more religious traditions.

  • Baháʼu'lláh,Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, (1817–1892), bornShiite,adoptingBábismin 1844 (seeBábor "Ali Muhammad Shirazi" inList of Mahdi claimants). In 1863, Baháʼu'lláh claimed to be the promised one of all religions, and founded theBaháʼí Faith.[59]He claimed to be the fulfillment of the prophecies of the coming of a promised figure found in all 6 of the major prophetic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Buddhism) as noted in the authoritative history of theBaha'i Faith.[60]He also claimed to be the prophet predicted by theBábas "He Whom God shall make manifest"[61]His followers have also claimed that his coming fulfilled prophecies of various smaller (often native) religions.
  • Jiddu Krishnamurti(1895-1986) in 1909 renounced the status of Messiah andMaitreyaincarnation given him by theTheosophical Society.
  • Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi(born 25 November 1941) is a spiritual leader and the founder of the spiritual movementsMessiah Foundation International(MFI) andAnjuman Serfaroshan-e-Islam.[62][63]He is controversial for being declared theMehdi,Messiah,andKalki Avatarby the MFI.[64][65][66]
  • Ryuho Okawa(1956–2023), was the founder ofHappy Sciencein Japan. Okawa claimed to channel the spirits of Muhammad, Christ, Buddha and Confucius and to be the incarnation of the supreme spiritual being called El Cantare.

Other messiah claimants[edit]

This list features people who have been said, either by themselves or their followers, to be some form of a messiah that do not easily fit into Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.

  • Cyrus Teed(1839–1908), proponent of theHollow Earththeory who created a distinct model in which the world is an inverted sphere that the rest of universe can be seen from by looking inward and claimed to be the incarnation of Jesus Christ after being electrocuted when attempting to practicealchemywith doses of magnetism during 1869.[67]
Haile Selassie

See also[edit]


  1. ^Jewish Encyclopedia: Messiah:"In Isa. xlv. 1 Cyrus is called" God's anointed one, "...:
  2. ^"Messiah: Alexander as Messiah".Jewish Encyclopedia.Retrieved2018-04-05.
  3. ^William Horbury, Markus Bockmuehl, James Carleton Paget:Redemption and resistance: the messianic hopes of Jews and Christians in antiquityPage 294: (2007)ISBN978-0567030443
  4. ^Professor Bart D. Ehrman,The Historical Jesus,Part I, p. 2, The Teaching Company, 2000.
  5. ^Freedman, David Noel; Myers, Allen C., eds. (31 December 2000).Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible.Amsterdam University Press. p. 709.ISBN978-90-5356-503-2.
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  13. ^See "Contra Celsum," i. 57, vi. 11; in Matth. Comm. ser. xxxiii.; "Homil." xxv. in Lucam;De Principiis,iv. 17.
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Other sources[edit]

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