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Ultranationalismorextreme nationalismis anextreme formofnationalismin which a country asserts or maintains detrimentalhegemony,supremacy,or other forms of control over other nations (usually through violentcoercion) to pursue itsspecific interests.[1][2][3]Ultranationalist entities have been associated with the engagement ofpolitical violenceeven during peacetime.[4]The belief system has also been cited as the inspiration for acts oforganized mass murderin the context of international conflicts, with theCambodian genocidebeing cited as an example.[5]

Inideologicalterms, scholars such as the Britishpolitical theoristRoger Griffinhave found that ultranationalism arises from seeingmodernnation-statesas livingorganismswhich are directly akin tophysical peoplebecause they can decay, grow, and die, and additionally, they can experiencerebirth.In starkmythologicalways,politicalcampaigners have divided societies into those societies which are perceived as being degenerately inferior and those societies which are perceived as having greatculturaldestinies. Ultranationalism has been an aspect offascism,with historic governments such as the regimes ofFascist ItalyandNazi Germanybuilding on ultranationalist foundations by using specific plans for supposed widespread national renewal.[3]

Ultranationalistcharactershave served asvillainsin multiple works of fictional media with popular acclaim as well. Examples include thedramatic productionsAir Force OneandIncitement,both beingaction films.[6][7]

Background concepts and broader context

Monarchist ultranationalists within theBlack Hundredsmovement marched inOdesa,then inside of Russia, after theOctober Manifestocame out in 1905.
Italianfar-rightfigureBenito Mussolini(left) greatly influencedOswald Mosley(right) and contributed to the evolution of his ultranationalist faction called theBritish Union of Fascists,with them appearing together on this occasion inItalyitself.

Britishpolitical theoristRoger Griffinhas stated that ultranationalism is essentially founded onxenophobiain a way that finds supposed legitimacy "through deeply mythicized narratives of past cultural or political periods of historical greatness or of old scores to settle against alleged enemies". It can also draw on "vulgarized forms" of different aspects ofthe natural sciencessuch asanthropologyandgenetics,eugenicsspecifically playing a role, in order "to rationalize ideas of national superiority and destiny, of degeneracy andsubhumanness"in Griffin's opinion. Ultranationalists view themodernnation-stateas, according to Griffin, a livingorganismdirectly akin to aphysical personsuch that it can decay, grow, die, and additionally experiencerebirth.He has highlightedNazi Germanyas a regime which was founded on ultranationalism.[3]

Ultranationalistactivismcan adopt varying attitudes towardshistorical traditionswithin the populace. For instance, theBritish Union of Fascistsinside theUnited Kingdomadopted asecularist-mindedplatform centered on perceivedtechnological progress.In contrast, theIron GuardinsideRomaniautilized a hardline form ofmysticism-driven religionto encouragedeterminationamong the nation's ultranationalists. Nonetheless, obsessive views onethnicityand other divisions as well as connectingpoliticsto motifs ofsacrificegenerally constitute thepsychologicalframework behind these movements.[3]

According toAmericanscholarJanusz Bugajski,summing up the doctrine in practical terms, "in its most extreme or developed forms, ultra-nationalism resemblesfascism,marked by a xenophobic disdain of other nations, support forauthoritarianpolitical arrangements verging ontotalitarianism,and a mythical emphasis on the 'organic unity' between a charismatic leader, an organizationally amorphous movement-type party, and the nation ". Bugajski believes thatcivic nationalismand the related concept ofpatriotismboth can contain significantly positive elements, contributing to thecommon social goodat times such as during national calamities. These doctrines stand in contrast, in his opinion, to the extreme approach of certain ideologies with moreirrational actions.[8]

Historical movements and analysis

In1930s and 1940s era ultranationalist Japan,the state routinely distributedpolitical propaganda preaching the virtues of domination and expansion,with this photograph showing efforts inManchukuo.

AmericanhistorianWalter Skya has written inJapan's Holy War: The Ideology of Radical Shinto Ultranationalismthat ultranationalism inJapandrew upon traditionalShintospiritual beliefs andmilitaristicattitudes regarding the nation'sracial identity.By the early twentieth century,fanaticismarising from this combination ofethnic nationalismandreligious nationalismcaused opposition todemocratic governanceand support for Japanese territorial expansion. Skya particularly noted in his work the connection between ultranationalism andpolitical violenceby citing how, between 1921 and 1936, three serving and two formerPrime Ministers of Japanwereassassinated.Thetotalitarian Japanese government of the 1930s and 1940sdid not just rely on encouragement by thecountry's military.It additionally received widespread popular support.[4]

TheCambodianhistorian Sambo Manara has found that the belief system sets forth a vision ofsupremacismin terms ofinternational relationswherebyxenophobiaorhatredof foreigners to the point ofextremismleads to policies of social separation and segregation. He has argued that theCambodian genocideis a specific example of this ideology when it is applied in practice. "Obviously, it was ultranationalism, combined with the notion ofclass strugglein communism and a group of politicians, which lead to the establishment ofDemocratic Kampuchea,a ruthless regime which claimed approximately three million lives ", he has remarked, with militant leaders finally deciding to" cut all diplomatic and economic ties with almost all countries "due to a" narrow-minded doctrine without taking into account all the losses they would face ". In Manara's opinion," this effectively destroyed the nation. "[5]

The absolute dictatorship of theRomanianleaderNicolae Ceausescuhas also been described as an example ofcommunismtaking an ultranationalist approach byHaaretz.TheIsraelipublication cited theantisemitismof the dictator in terms of actions such as hishistorical denialismofthe Holocaust.Ceausescu also made efforts topurgeRomanians who hadJewishbackgrounds from positions of political authority.[9]

Haaretzhas also labeled theHungarianPrime MinisterViktor Orbanan ultranationalist, due to his views on autocratic rule and racial identity, particularly, Orban's public condemnation of "race-mixing".[9]He has also been called an ultranationalist byNPR,an American news agency, citing his opposition to democratic liberalism.[10]

In late 2015, the Israeli political journalistGideon Levywrote that theIsraeli–Palestinian conflicthas led to the decay of thecivil societywithinIsrael,with an ultranationalist movement that "bases its power on incitement to hatred" using "folkloric religion" gaining ground over decades so that:

"They were the only ones willing to fight for a collective goal. They did not rule out any means. They extorted and exploited the weaknesses of government, the guilt feelings and confusion of the secular camp, and they won. They did so systematically and smartly: First they established the foundation of their existence, the settlement enterprise. After they achieved their goal– the killing off of any diplomatic agreement and destruction of the two-state solution– they were free to turn to their next target: taking control of the public debate in Israel on the road to changing its power structure, character and substance."[11]

TheIron Guard,aRomanianultranationalist movement, centered its mass appeal on communalreligious mysticism,with its militant leaderCorneliu Zelea Codreanubeing photographed amidst his followers inBucharestduring a 1937 event.

Russian irredentism,in which a militantimperial statethat stretches across bothAsiaandEuropewithout regard for current internationalbordersis proposed, has been described as ultranationalism by the U.S. publication theLos Angeles Times,with the aggressive actions ofRussian PresidentVladimir Putinbeing credited as an evolution of political arguments which were made by multiple figures in the past. Examples includeNikolai Berdyaev,Aleksandr Dugin(the author of 1997'sThe Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia),Lev Gumilyov,andIvan Ilyin.The newspaper highlighted the justifications which were given in support of the2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine,quoting Putin's declaration that he must militarily combat an "empire of lies" which was created by the U.S. in order to justify its desire to suffocate Russia.[12]

In a 2021 story, the business-centered publicationBloomberg Newsstated that the rise of ultranationalist viewpoints inChina,particularly in terms of those who advocate extremism onsocial media,presents a direct challenge to the current government of the nation, withGeneral SecretaryXi Jinpingfacing opposition to his attempts to set forthclimate changebasedeconomicreforms in relation togreenhouse gases.Chinese political activists have asserted, according to the publication, aconspiracy theorythat said that the reforms represent some kind of capitulation to foreign interests at the expense of individualChinese people.Environmentalist policieshave come into being in a complex fashion inside China, facing complicated opinions among many.[13]

Under the rule ofMohammed bin Salman,who formally serves as aCrown Prince,Saudi Arabiahas been described by multiple analysts as embracing ultranationalism in a shift away from the government's previous reliance onIslamist political arguments.[14][15][16]For instance, the news agencyFrance 24stated in a 2019 report that while "promoting ultra-nationalism" the Crown Prince "has introduced glitzy concerts, magic shows and sporting extravaganzas with thumping after parties."[16]A 2019 article by theFinancial Timeslikewise described the ideological shift as "a wave" that the leader had "swept across the kingdom".[15]

Ultranationalist political parties


Currently represented in national governments or legislatures


The followingpolitical partieshave been characterised as ultranationalist.

The following political parties have been described as having ultranationalist factions.

Represented parties with former ultranationalist tendencies or factions


The following political parties historically had ultranationalist tendencies.

The following political parties have historically been described as having ultranationalist factions.

Formerly represented in national governments or legislatures


Ultranationalist organizations


Ultranationalist terrorism

A group ofbicycle infantrymilitants that fought in theLiberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE) travel just north ofKilinochchiinside ofSri Lankain June 2004.

Arising out of stridentSri Lankan Tamil nationalism,with differing ethnic and religious groups placed at odds, the militant faction known as theLiberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE) orchestrated a decades long campaign of terrorism in the country ofSri Lanka,which is inside of theIndian Oceanand has been influenced by broader socio-political trends. Both ultranationalism as well asrevolutionary ideologiesaligned againstcapitalist policiesinfluencing Sri Lankan life motivated the organization as it undertooka series of violent actionsagainst both the national government and the supporters of the state. These attacks have collectively caused a large number of civilian deaths. For example, theAnuradhapura massacrecommitted by the LTTE on May 14, 1985 resulted in the killing of over one-hundred individuals inside of aholy cityassociated with localBuddhist worshippers.The militants deliberately targeted civilians socializing outdoors, such as by executing anelderlyfloristserving religious travelers.[251][252][253]

In the context of the LTTE's militant campaign, the academic publicationJournal of Hate Studiesfound in a 2006 analysis that "ultranationalism subordinates all other claims for loyalty and allegiance" given that "[l]oyalty to the nation transcends loyalty to the family." Thus, "this notion explains the commitment of Tamil Tiger nationalists to [even] engage in suicide missions", since the journal stated that "[u]ltranationalist loyalty demands the willingness to sacrifice the self." In conclusion, the publication reported that an "extremist nationalist claim not only is understood as supreme, but [it] also is presented as urgent" and then demands political activists "must engage in preventive measures, such as ethnic cleansing or deportation".[253]

Golden Dawnactivists rally inAthensduring a March 2015 event.

The assassination ofPavlos Fyssasin September 2013, ahip-hop musicianwith left-wing views, from stabbing wounds to the heart and ribs that occurred after his surrounding by multiple dozenGolden Dawnmilitants triggered widespread outrage at theGreek political organization.The ultranationalist attack occurred in anAthenssuburb and resulted in apolicecrackdown with several arrests. The thenMinistry of Public Order and Citizen Protection,Nikos Dendias,remarked that the "abominable murder" done "by an attacker sympathizing with Golden Dawn" publicly "illustrates, in the clearest way, the intentions of neo-Nazism".[254][255][256]

The organization held, at the time, 18 of the 300 seats in theHellenic Parliament.Characterized as an extremist political party directly adapting the beliefs ofAdolf Hitler,support for its ultranationalism increased in the context of the debate over spikingimmigration to Greece.However, theGreek legal systemultimately investigated the assassination and other acts of violence with the outcome of an October 2020 verdict by the Athens Court of Appeals wiping out the party's leadership through prison sentences. Looking back, the British publicationThe Guardianreported in 2021, "Golden Dawn hit squads sowed terror on the streets, targeting immigrants, left[-]wing trade unionists[,] and other perceived opponents before a party operative ultimately confessed to the killing of Fyssas."[254][255][256]

Portrayals of ultranationalism in fiction


Theaction filmAir Force Onefeatures aterrorist mastermindnamed Egor Korshunov, played by actorGary Oldman,whokidnaps a set of hostagesincluding theU.S. Presidentbyhijacking the leader's plane.Korshunov seeksrevengedue to the arrest ofKazakhdictatorIvan Radek, played by actorJürgen Prochnow,and the militant became an ultranationalist radical after having formerly served as aSoviet soldier.In February 2022, the U.S. armed forces related websiteMilitary.compublished a story labeling the character as one of the best "Russian Movie Villains" inAmerican cinematic history.[6]As well, writerTodd McCarthyofVarietylauded the nature of Oldman's "fanatical" character, McCarthy stating that "in his second malevolent lead of the summer, afterThe Fifth Element,[he] registers strongly as a veteran of the Afghan campaign pushed to desperate lengths to newly ennoble his country. "[257]

TheIsraeli movieIncitementportrayals afictionalized accountof ultranationalist activist and murdererYigal Amir.The production details his personal life prior to his assassination ofIsraeli Prime MinisterYitzhak Rabin.Film criticNell Minowstated that the killer, played by actor Yehuda Nahari, projects asuperficial charmand skill atpersuasionwhile at the same time failing to generate audiencesympathydue to his true nature still coming out. Amir seeing himself in a callous, "instrumentalist" way as a living weapon up to and includingRabin's assassinationfeeds into, in Minow's opinion, the movie's "chillingly"thriller-type quality.[7]Writer Carla Hay ofCultureMixOnline.comalso found Nahari's performance to be a compellingportrayal of a sociopath in film,with much left to audience interpretations.[258]

Thevideo gameCall of Duty 4: Modern Warfarehas gained notice for its depiction of acivil warinside Russia between the country's government and an ultranationalist faction, with the entertainment production being released in 2007. Its sequels,Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2(2009) andCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3(2011), were set in the aftermath of an ultranationalistcoup d'étatin Russia and a subsequent war involving theAmerican military.Militant leader Vladimir Makarov, a character in multiple games, notably declares at one point, "Russia will take all of Europe, even if it must stand upon a pile of ashes."[259][260]

See also



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  94. ^"Vox felicita a Milei por el resultado en las elecciones de Argentina y le traslada su" apoyo "para la segunda vuelta".Europa Press.23 October 2023.El ultranacionalista Milei, candidato de La Libertad Avanza
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  96. ^Cupples, Julie (2022).Development and Decolonization in Latin America.Taylor & Francis.election of right-wing ultranationalist populist, Jair Bolsonaro
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  99. ^Robert Weatherley; Qiang Zhang (30 August 2017).History and Nationalist Legitimacy in Contemporary China: A Double-Edged Sword.Palgrave Macmillan UK.p. 2.ISBN978-1-137-47947-1.... ultranationalism of the Chinese public is exclusively attributable to the farreaching propaganda campaigns implemented by the CCP since the early 1990s which serve as constant reminders of the Century of Humiliation.
  100. ^Minkenberg, Michael (2015).Transforming the Transformation?.Taylor & Francis. p. 126.the rightward shift of Fidesz is noticeable by their growing co-optation of ultranationalist narratives
  101. ^Rosenfeld, Alvin (2021).Contending with Antisemitism in a Rapidly Changing Political Climate.Indiana University Press. p. 255.With its ultranationalist policy, Orban's Fidesz party managed to take over the positions of the far-right Jobbik party
  102. ^deSouza, Peter Ronald (2006).India's Political Parties.SAGE. p. 19.The other major national party of today, the Bharatiya Janata Party, does not quite fit the religious fundamentalist, the ethnicity-based or the fascist/ultra nationalist categories although it shares, to a large degree, elements of all three
  103. ^"Reformasi Reloaded? Implications of Indonesia's 2014 Elections".Center for Security Studies.9 September 2014.Prabowo's coalition consisted of his own ultra nationalist Gerindra
  104. ^Krieg, Andreas (2023).Subversion: The Strategic Weaponization of Narratives.Georgetown University Press.it has maintained connections with anti-EU, ultranationalist radical elements of... Lega Nord
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  108. ^Maki Kimura, ed. (2016).Unfolding the 'Comfort Women' Debates: Modernity, Violence, Women's Voices.Springer.ISBN9781137392510.... a gradual drift towards more nationalistic attitudes to education and politics in general in contemporary Japanese society may party be explained by the effect of ultranationalist politicians in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
  109. ^Masanori Nakamura, ed. (2016).The Japanese Monarchy: Ambassador Joseph Grew and the Making of the "Symbol Emperor System," 1931-1991.M.E. Sharpe. p. 1992.ISBN9781563241093.On July 31, a group of ultranationalist LDP Diet men, alarmed by Nakasone's diplomacy of "submission to foreign pressure" on issues like textbook revision and the Yasukuni Shrine problem, formed the "Association of Those Concerned...
  110. ^Minkenberg, Michael (2023).Depleting Democracies.Manchester University Press.PiS adopted LPR's identity politics both regarding minorities and the ultranationalist interpretation of Polish history and continued its ideological trajectory
  111. ^Baybars Hawks, Banu (2018).Non-state actors in conflicts.p. 43.In Poland, the ultranationalist Law and Justice Party (PiS) has significantly increased its vote share
  112. ^abSabri Kiçmari, ed. (2022).History Continues: Three Models of the Continuation of History.Springer Nature. p. 59.ISBN9789811984020.Putinism is not consistent as an ideology and political system. Public political attitudes have changed according to the circumstances. From a kind of cautious system to an open society, Putinism has moved significantly in the direction of the authoritarian system. His political party United Russia started as the conservative party of the former communists has moved towards ultranationalist and neo-imperialist ideology (Van Herpen 2013: 7). Van Harpen even qualifies Putinism as an unstable system of a slight variant of fascism-fascism lite. According to him, this system combines elements of proto-fascism, fascism and post-fascism, with a nucleus of ultra-nationalism, militarism and neo-imperialism (Van Herpen 2013: 8).
  113. ^Chuck Stewart, ed. (2010).The Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide.Greenwood Press. p. 360.ISBN9780313342356.In particular, Putin's efforts are attributed to the burgeoning growth of Russian ultranationalist sociopolitical organizations, such as United Russia (Yedinaya Rossiya) and Ours (Nashi, or Youth Movement - Ours!).
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  155. ^Moses, A. Dirk (2021).The Problems of Genocide.Cambridge University Press. p. 367.the ultranationalist Hindu Mahasabha revivalist movement
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  162. ^Vossen, Koen (2016).The Power of Populism.Taylor & Francis. p. 81.the ultranationalist Aryeh Eldad's Hatikva party
  163. ^abKhalfa, David (2009).Civil Organizations and Protest Movements in Israel.Palgrave Macmillan. p. 50.The ultranationalist Right is represented by little political parties that compose the "orange camp," dedicated to retaining all parts of the "remained Land of Israel" at any cost: Benny Elon's HaIchud Haleumi, Baruch Marzel's Jewish National Front, and Mikael Kleiner's Herut party.
  164. ^Todd, Allan (2015).European States in the Interwar Years (1918-1939).Cambridge University Press. p. 19.Mussolini later formed the far-right ultra-nationalist Fascist Party
  165. ^Moss, Bernhard (2004).Monetary Union in Crisis.Palgrave Macmillan UK.the ultranationalist traditions of the old MSI
  166. ^Brandon, James R., ed. (2009).Kabuki's Forgotten War: 1931-1945.University of Hawaii Press.p. 113.ISBN9780824832001..2 All existing political parties "voluntarily" dissolved themselves, replaced by a single authorized political body, the ultranationalist Imperial Rule Assistance Association.
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  168. ^Djassi Amado, Abel."The União Nacional in Cabo Verde, 1937-1945: Local Politics in an Imperial Political Party".Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies:132.The União Nacional was initially founded as a "patriotic league," tasked with buttressing support for the military regime. Upon assuming power in 1932, Salazar reengineered the party to his ideological and political image to stand on the twin pillars of ultranationalism and corporativism
  169. ^Villegas, Bernardo M.(1 February 1958)."The Philippines in 1986: Democratic Reconstruction in the Post-Marcos Era".Asian Survey.27(2): 194–205.doi:10.2307/2644614.ISSN0004-4687.JSTOR2644614.Finally, at the extreme right is the reorganized Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL) under Nicanor Yniguez, which remains loyal to Marcos.
  170. ^Zelinska, Elisabeta (2013).Racism Postcolonialism Europe.Liverpool University Press. p. 42.The Iron Guard was the ultra-nationalist, anti-Semitic, fascist movement and political party in Romania
  171. ^Cercel, Cosmin (2015).Fascism and Criminal Law.Bloomsbury. p. 112.King Carol II appointed a government from one of the wings of the ultranationalist movement, namely the National Christian Party led by Octavian Goga
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