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wall (Unix)

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Developer(s)AT&T Bell Laboratories
Initial releaseMay 1975;49 years ago(1975-05)
Operating systemUnixandUnix-like

wall(an abbreviation of write to all) is aUnixcommand-lineutility that displays the contents of acomputer fileorstandard inputto all logged-in users. It is typically used by root to send out shutting down message to all users just beforepoweroff.



wallreads the message fromstandard inputby default when the filename is omitted. This is done bypipingthe output of theechocommand:

alice@sleipnir:~$ #`tty`toshowthecurrentterminalname

The message may also be typed in much the same waycatis used: invokingwallby typingwalland pressing↵ Enterfollowed by a message, pressing↵ EnterandCtrl+D:

Remember to brush your teeth!

Using ahere-string:

alice@sleipnir:~$wall<<<'Remember to brush your teeth!'

Reading from a file is also supported:

Remember to brush your teeth!
alice@sleipnir:~$wall.important_announcement# same as `wall!$`

All the commands above should display the following output on terminals that users allow write access to (seemesg(1)):

Broadcast Message from alice@sleipnir
(/dev/pts/7) at 16:15...

Remember to brush your teeth!

See also


