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The1260sis the decade starting January 1, 1260 and ending December 31, 1269.



By place


By topic

Arts and culture


By place

Byzantine Empire
  • March 13Treaty of Nymphaeum:EmperorMichael VIII(Palaiologos) signs a trade and defense agreement with theRepublic of Genoa,to counterweight the Venetian presence in the region. Genoa agrees to ally with theEmpire of Nicaea,by providing a fleet of up to 50 galleys during the projected Nicaean siege ofConstantinople,while 16 galleys are to be immediately sent against theLatin Empire.[29]
  • July– Michael VIII (Palaiologos) sends his generalAlexios Strategopouloswith a small advance force of 800 soldiers, most of them Cumans, to keep watch on the Bulgarians and scout the defending positions of the Latin forces in the surroundings of Constantinople. When they reach the village ofSelymbria,Strategopoulos is informed by local farmers that the entire Latin garrison and the Venetian fleet, are absent conducting a raid against the Nicaean island ofDaphnousia.He decides not to lose such a golden opportunity and makes plans (without the consent of Michael) to retake the capital.[30]
  • July 25Reconquest of Constantinople:Alexios Strategopoulos and his men hide at a monastery near the city gates, before entering through a secret passage. After a short struggle, the guards who are completely taken by surprise are killed and the Venetian quarter is set ablaze. Panic spreads through the capital and EmperorBaldwin IIrushes out to save his life, evacuating along with many other Latins with the help of the Venetian fleet. Baldwin manages to escape to the still Latin-held parts ofGreece,but Constantinople is lost for good.[31]
  • August 15– Michael VIII (Palaiologos) enters Constantinople in triumph and is crowned as emperor of theByzantine Empireat theHagia Sophia.To solidify his claim, the legitimate ruler,John IV(Laskaris), is blinded on Michael's orders on his 11th birthday. He banishes him to a monastery and marries his two sisters to lesser Latin and Bulgarian nobles in an attempt to wipe out theLaskaridDynasty.[32]
Mongol Empire
  • Kublai Khanreleases 75 Chinese merchants, who were captured along the border of theMongol Empire.By doing this, Kublai hopes to bolster his popularity and depend on the cooperation of his Chinese subjects to ensure that his army receives more resources.[33]
  • February – The JapaneseBun'ōera ends and theKōchōera begins during the reign of the 11-year-old EmperorKameyama(until1264).

By topic

  • The earliest extant Chinese illustration of "Pascal's Triangle"is fromYang Hui's (orQianguang) bookXiangjie Jiuzhang Suanfa,published this year.


By place

Mongol Empire

By topic

Arts and Culture
  • TheVenetianSenate starts consolidating all of the city's outstanding debt into a single fund, later known as theMonte Vecchio.The holders of the newly createdprestitiare promised a 5% annual coupon. These claims can be sold, and quickly (before1320) give rise to the first recorded secondary market for financial assets, inMedieval Europe.[38]
Science and Technology


By place

Byzantine Empire
  • Summer – EmperorMichael VIII(Palaiologos) sends a Byzantine expeditionary force (some 3,500 men) led by his half-brother,Constantine Palaiologos,to thePeloponnesein southernGreece.The army is transported toMonemvasiaon Genoese ships, while a small Byzantine fleet is sent to harass the Latin island holdings inEuboeaand theCyclades.After arriving at Monemvasia, Constantine lays siege toLacedaemon(orSparta), while the Byzantine fleet seizes the southern coast ofLaconia.[40]
  • Battle of Prinitza:Constantine Palaiologos marches the Byzantine army up the riversEurotasandAlfeiostowards the Achaean capital,Andravida.At a narrow pass at Prinitza (nearAncient Olympia) inElis,the Byzantines are attacked by Achaean forces (some 300 horsemen) underJohn of Katavas,who inflict a resounding defeat upon them; many Byzantine soldiers are killed. Constantine himself barely escapes with his life, and flees with the remainder of his army to the safety ofMystras.[41][42]
  • Battle of Settepozzi:A Byzantine-Genoese fleet (some 50 galleys) is routed by the Venetians nearSpetsesin theArgolic Gulf,who capture four ships and inflict considerable casualties. Later, the Genoese that survive the battle managed to captureChaniaonCrete.They receive orders to avoid direct confrontations with the Venetian fleet, but instead are engaged in raiding against the Venetian merchant convoys in theEuripus Strait.[43]
  • April 4– Egyptian forces led by SultanBaibars(orAbu al-Futuh) attackAcre,there is severe fighting outside the walls, in which the seneschal,Geoffrey of Sergines,is badly wounded. Baibars is not yet ready to besiege the city and begins a major campaign to eliminate the Crusader kingdom ofJerusalem,the county ofTripoliand the principality ofAntioch.[48][49]

By topic

Arts and Culture
  • Edward(the Lord Edward), son and heir of KingHenry III,seizes £10,000, which had been deposited to the trust of theKnights Templarin London, by foreign merchants and English magnates.[50]
  • TheBonsignorifirm gains the full market of the transfer of fiscal revenue, from the papal estates toRome.[51]


By place

Byzantine Empire
  • Spring –Battle of Makryplagi:Constantine Palaiologos (half-brother of Michael VIII)resumes operations against thePrincipality of Achaea.He advances up in northernElis,and sets up his camp at a location called "St. Nicholas of Mesiskli". PrinceWilliam of Villehardouinwith his own troops marches to meet him and arrays his men ready for battle. The Byzantine vanguard underMichael Kantakouzenos,ride forth from the Byzantine lines, but the force is ambushed and Michael is killed by the Achaeans. Constantine retreats and goes on to lay siege to the fortress ofNikli.There, Turkish mercenaries (some 1,000 horsemen), confront him and demand that he pay them their arrears of 6 months. Constantine refuses, whereupon the Turkish troops desert to William. He decides to raise the siege and departs forConstantinople.He leavesAlexios Phileswith a force and marches towardsMessenia,where he occupies the passes, situated nearGardiki Castle.William, reinforced by the Turkish contingent, marches to Messenia to attack the Byzantines, despite their holding strong positions on the high ground. The first two attacks are beaten off, but during the third attack, the Byzantines flee in panic. Alexios, along with many Greek nobles, is captured.[52]
British Isles
  • January 23– KingLouis IX of France( "the Saint" ) issues theMise of Amiens,a settlement between KingHenry III of Englandand his rebellious barons underSimon de Montfort,heavily favouring the former – which leads to theSecond Barons' War.[60]AtAmiens,Henry accuses the barons of destroying his castles and laying waste to royal lands. For this he demands a compensation of some £300,000 and 200,000 marks, which is defended by Louis.[61]
  • April 5Battle of Northampton:English forces underRoger Mortimer,advance over the water meadows south ofNorthamptonto attack its main gate with engines. Meanwhile, another party rides clockwise along the built-up area's western perimeter, looking for an easier entrance. While the townsmen entrust to hold up the initial attack, the outflanking detachment founds a breach in the garden wall ofSt. Andrew's Priory,at the north of the town.Simon de Montfort the Younger(son of Simon de Montfort) reacts to the break-in – riding upon his horse with his squire, and some followers to contest the breach. But Simon is captured and throws the defenders into disarray. Simon de Montfort mounts a rearguard to relieve his son, but onApril 6the castle falls.[62]
  • April 1719– English rebels under Simon de Montfort besetRochesterfrom two directions in a pincer movement from north and south. The garrison sortie burns the suburbs to deprive the rebels of cover. Initial assaults on the bridge the next morning are repulsed byRoger de Leybourne.In the evening, however, supported by archers shooting across the river, Simon launches an amphibious assault, wind and current carrying hisfireshipacross to set fire to the bridge defenses. The rebels capture the castle's outer bailey and the garrison retires inside the keep onApril 19.Meanwhile, rebels underGilbert de Clare( "the Red Earl" ) occupy the cathedral. The siege then boggs down, Simon receives reports of a relief force and orders to withdraw onApril 26.[63]
  • April – Gilbert de Clare leads a massacre of the Jews atCanterbury,during the outbreak of theSecond Barons' War.[64]In the meantime, another of de Montfort's followers,John FitzJohn,leads a massacre against the Jews inLondon.[65]The Jewish communities of Northampton,Winchester,Cambridge,andLincolnare looted. Thearchæ(official chest of records) is destroyed or deposited at the headquarters of de Montfort's supporters atEly.[66]
  • May 14Battle of Lewes:English rebels led by Simon de Montfort defeat Henry III and PrinceEdward( "the Lord Edward" ), atLewes.Henry leaves the safety ofLewes CastleandSt. Pancras Priory,to engage the rebels. Edward routes part of the rebel army (some 5,000 men) with a cavalry charge, but during the battle de Montfort's forces capture both Henry and Edward, making Simon the "uncrowned king ofEngland"for 15 months.[67]
  • May – Simon de Montfort marches on London but the drawbridge onLondon Bridgehas been raised by theLord Mayor.Simon has the support of the Londoners, who manage to lower the bridge allowing him into the city. Henry III is forced to pardon the rebel nobles and reinstates theProvisions of Oxford.With Henry's power diminished, Simon announces that all debts owed to the Jews would be canceled.[68]
  • June – Simon de Montfort summonsParliamentin London to confirm new constitutional arrangements. Two knights are summoned for each county, and are allowed to comment on general matters of state – the first time this has occurred. InFrance,QueenEleanor of Provence,wife of Henry III, makes plans for an invasion of England with the support of Louis IX OF France.[69]
  • June – The Lord Edward is held captive atWallingford Castle,but after an escape attempt he is moved toKenilworth Castle.
  • June 18– TheParliament of Irelandmeets atCastledermotinCounty Kildare,the first definitely known meeting of thisIrishlegislature.
  • December 24– The titleBaron de Ros,the oldest held peerage title, is created bywrit of summonsduring the reign of Henry III.
Mongol Empire
  • February – The Japanese eraKōchōends and theBun'eiera begins during the reign of the 14-year-old EmperorKameyama(until1275).

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War and politics

By place

Africa and Asia


By place

  • January 2Siege of Murcia:KingJames I of Aragon(the Conqueror) marches with his army fromOrihuelaand lays siege atMurciaon theSegura River.Skirmishes break out between the defenders and the Aragonese forces. The Muslim garrison, realizing that they are outnumbered and cut off from reinforcements, asks for terms. James offers to ask KingAlfonso X of Castile(the Wise) to restore the Murcians' legal rights (see1244) from before the rebellion: self-government under Castilian suzerainty, freedom of worship, and preservation of lands and properties. They agree to this offer but request Alfonso's explicit agreement rather than just James' promise to ask him. James refuses to get Alfonso's agreement before the city surrenders. Finally, the Moors yield Murcia to James onJanuary 31.Seeing his standard on the walls, James enters the city onFebruary 3,accepting its surrender.[88]
  • February 26Battle of Benevento:Guelph forces (some 12,000 men), led byCharles of Anjou,brother of KingLouis IX(the Saint), defeat a combined German and Sicilian army under KingManfred of Sicily,during a long-running power struggle inItaly.Manfred takes up a strong position nearBenevento.As the French infantry advances, he unleashes his Saracen archers and light cavalry, which scatters the French. But the Saracens leave themselves exposed to the French heavy cavalry, and are overwhelmed. Manfred orders his heavy cavalry (some 1,200 German mercenary knights) into the attack, but they are defeated by the Guelph forces, and take heavy losses. Manfred is killed, and PopeClement IVinvests Charles as ruler ofSicilyandNaples.Meanwhile,Michael II,despot ofEpirus,invadesAlbania,and recovers the lands that Manfred has taken from him.[89]
  • June– TheMudéjar Revoltends. The rebels make their formal submission to Alfonso X (the Wise). They recognize the error that the Moors of Murcia have committed against their overlord Alfonso. Representatives of thealjama,or municipal council, renew their allegiance and humbly beg for pardon, mercy and favour. With this, the Mudéjar uprising in theKingdom of Murciais formally ended.[90]
  • June 23Battle of Trapani:The Venetian fleet (24 galleys) led by AdmiralJacopo Dondulomoves toMarsalaand attacks the larger Genoese fleet anchored atTrapani,capturing all its ships. Some 1,200 Genoese drown and many are killed. Dondulo is acclaimed a hero on his return toVenicein July. He is elected asCaptain General of the Sea,Venice's highest naval command position.[91]
  • July 2Treaty of Perth:KingAlexander IIIagrees to a peace settlement with KingMagnus VI(the Law-mender) in which theOuter HebridesandIsle of Manare ceded toScotlandin exchange for 4,000 marks. In return, Alexander confirms Norwegian sovereignty over the islands ofShetlandandOrkney.[92]

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By topic

War and politics
  • Roger Baconcompletes his workOpus Majusand sends it toPope Clement IV,who had requested it be written; the work contains wide-ranging discussion ofmathematics,optics,alchemy,astronomy,astrology,and other topics, and includes what some believe to be the first description of amagnifying glass.Bacon also completesOpus Minus,a summary ofOpus Majus,later in the same year. The only source for his date of birth is his statement in theOpus Tertium,written in 1267, that"forty years have passed since I first learned the Alpha bet".The1214birth date assumes he was not being literal, and meant 40 years had passed since he matriculated atOxfordat the age of 13. If he had been literal, his birth date was more likely to have been around1220.[100][101]
  • The leadership ofViennaforcesJewsto wearPileum cornutum,a cone-shaped head dress, in addition to theyellow badgesJews are already forced to wear.[102]
  • In England, theStatute of Marlboroughis passed, the oldest English law still (partially) in force.[103][104]

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Asia and Africa


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War and politics

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  • PrinceEdward(the Lord Edward) obtains the right to levy a twentieth of the value of the Church's wealth to finance theNinth Crusade.That sum turns out to be insufficient, and Edward has to borrow to reach his target.[128]
  • John Comynbegins the construction ofBlair Castle,inScotland.

By topic

  • Pierre de Maricourt,French mathematician and writer, performs a series of experiments withmagnetic polesand proposes that a machine can be run forever in perpetual motion using the properties of magnets.

Significant people









Emperor Fushimi
Emperor Go-Uda

















  1. ^abCobb, Paul M. (2014).The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades.Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. p. 225.ISBN978-0-19-061446-1.
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  5. ^abAllsen, Thomas T. (2004) [2001].Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia.Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town: Cambridge University Press. p. 22.ISBN978-0-521-60270-9.
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  7. ^Amitai-Preiss, Reuven (2004) [1995].Mongols and Mamluks: The Mamluk-Ilkhanid War, 1260–1281.Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 26–30.ISBN978-0-521-52290-8.
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  9. ^Mass, Jeffrey P. (1989).Lordship and Inheritance in Early Medieval Japan: A Study of the Kamakura Soryo System.Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. pp. 215–216.ISBN978-0-8047-1540-9.
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  19. ^Ryan, William Granger (1995) [1993]. Vorágine, Jacobo de (ed.).The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. xiii.ISBN978-0-691-00153-1.
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  21. ^Buckley, Jonathan; Jepson, Tim (2009).The Rough Guide to Florence & the best of Tuscany.New York, London, Delhi: Rough Guides UK. p. 160.ISBN978-1-84836-197-3.
  22. ^Lord, Suzanne (2008).Music in the Middle Ages: A Reference Guide: A Reference Guide.Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press. p. 59.ISBN978-0-313-08368-6.
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  29. ^Steven Runciman (1952).A History of The Crusades. Vol III: The Kingdom of Acre,p. 240.ISBN978-0-241-29877-0.
  30. ^Bartusis, Mark C. (1997).The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society, 1204–1453,pp. 40–41. University of Pennsylvania Press.ISBN0-8122-1620-2.
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  32. ^Hackel, Sergei (2001).The Byzantine Saint,p. 71 (2001 ed.). St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.ISBN0-88141-202-3.
  33. ^Rossabi, Morris (1988).Khubilai Khan: His Life and Times,p. 51. Los Angeles: University of California Press.ISBN978-0-520-06740-0.
  34. ^Lock, Peter (2013).The Routledge Companion to the Crusades.Routledge. p. 112.ISBN9781135131371.
  35. ^Williams, Hywel (2005).Cassell's Chronology of World History.London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. pp.144–146.ISBN0-304-35730-8.
  36. ^BBC History,July 2011, p. 12.
  37. ^O'Callaghan, Joseph F. (2011).The Gibraltar Crusade: Castile and the Battle for the Strait,p. 32. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.ISBN978-0-8122-4302-4.
  38. ^Munro, John H. (2003). "The Medieval Origins of the Financial Revolution".The International History Review.15(3): 506–562.
  39. ^Williams, Hywel (2005).Cassell's Chronology of World History,p. 145.ISBN0-304-35730-8.
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  42. ^Longnon, Jean (1969).The Frankish States in Greece, 1204–1311,pp. 253–254. In Wolff, Robert Lee; Hazard, Harry W. (eds.).A History of the Crusades, Volume II: The Later Crusades, 1189–1311,pp. 234–275. University of Wisconsin Press.ISBN0-299-06670-3.
  43. ^Lane, Frederic Chapin (1973).Venice, A Maritime Republic,p. 77. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.ISBN0-8018-1445-6.
  44. ^Helle, Knut (1995).Under kirke og kongemakt: 1130-1350,p. 196. Aschehougs Norgeshistorie. Vol. 3. Aschehoug.ISBN8203220312.
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  48. ^Steven Runciman (1952).A History of The Crusades. Vol III: The Kingdom of Acre,p. 265.ISBN978-0241-29877-0.
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  50. ^Ferris, Eleanor (1902). "The Financial Relations of the Knights Templars to the English Crown".American Historical Review.8(1).doi:10.2307/1832571.JSTOR1832571.
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  52. ^Bartusis, Mark C. (1997).The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society, 1204–1453,p. 50. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press.ISBN0-8122-1620-2.
  53. ^Doubleday, Simon R. (2015).The Wise King: A Christian Prince, Muslim Spain, and the Birth of the Renaissance,p. 110. Basic Books.ISBN978-0-465-07391-7.
  54. ^O'Callaghan, Joseph F. (2011).The Gibraltar Crusade: Castile and the Battle for the Strait,p. 36. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.ISBN978-0-8122-4302-4.
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  68. ^Jobson, Adrian (2012).The First English Revolution: Simon de Montfort, Henry III and the Barons' War,p. 132. London, UK: Bloomsbury.ISBN978-1-84725-226-5.
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  71. ^Zsoldos, Attila (2007).Családi ügy: IV. Béla és István ifjabb király viszálya az 1260-as években[A family affair: The Conflict between Béla IV and Junior King Stephen in the 1260s](in Hungarian). História, MTA Történettudományi Intézete. p. 141.ISBN978-963-9627-15-4.
  72. ^Grossman, Mark (2007).World Military Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary.Facts on File Library of World History. New York: Infobase Publishing. pp. 97–98.ISBN9780816074778.
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