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Apache XML

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Apache XMLis a category of projects at theApache Software Foundationthat focus onXML-related projects.[1]

Active projects

  • Xerces:An XML parser forJava,C++andPerl
  • Xalan:AnXSLTstylesheet processor for Java and C++ which implements theXPathquery language.
  • Forrest:A standards-based documentation framework
  • XML-Security:A project providing security functionality for XML data
  • Xindice:A nativeXML database
  • XML Commons:A project focusing on common code and guidelines for XML projects
  • XMLBeans:An XML-Java binding tool
  • SOAP:Is an old implementation of theSOAP.This project based onIBM's SOAP4J implementation. It should no longer be used for new projects. Instead you should favour the Axis implementation.
  • XML-RPC:Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation ofXML-RPC,a protocol that uses XML overHTTPto implement remote procedure calls.
  • Axis:Apache Axis is the current implementation of theSOAPfor Java and C++. It is the successor for the SOAP project.
  • WSIF:Web Services Invocation Frameworkis a simple JavaAPIfor invokingWeb services.

Deprecated projects

  • AxKit:An XML-based web publishing framework inmod_perl
  • Crimson:A Java XML parser derived from theSunProject X Parser
  • Xang:Framework for rapid development of dynamic server pages inECMAScript(JavaScript)


  1. ^"Projects by category".Apache Software Foundation Projects Directory.August 2023.RetrievedFebruary 3,2024.