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Art release

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Anart releaseis thepremiereof an artistic production and its presentation and marketing to the public.


Film premieres can be elaborate media events, such as this 2012 exhibition ofCelebration Daywith promotional artwork on theHammersmith Apollo.

Afilm releaseis the authorization by the owner of a completedfilmto a public exhibition of the film. The exhibition may be in theatres or for home viewing. A film'srelease dateand the method of release is part of themarketingof the film. It may be awideorlimited release.Aroadshow theatrical releaseis the practice of opening a film in a limited number of theaters in major cities for a specific period of time before the wide release of the film.

The process may involve finding afilm distributor.A film's marketing may involve the film being shown at afilm festivalortrade showto attract distributor attention and, if successful, may then be released through a chosen distributor.

Delayed release


Adelayed releaseorlate releasein thefilm industryrefers to the relatively latereleaseof a film to thepublic.A release can be postponed due to the sometimes difficult transition of the production or post-production to the sales and distribution phase of the film production cycle. Due to several factors a film release can be delayed:

  1. Problems during post-production of an artistic nature.
  2. Political problems regarding the film.
  3. Economic problems relating to limitations in thefilm budget.

These problems can be resolved by overcoming artistic problems, making politically correct or commercially successful changes to the film/or relieving budgetary problems.



In themusic industry,areleaseusually is a creative output from an artist, available for sale or distribution; a broad term covering the many different formats music can be released in, and different forms of pieces (singles, albums, extended plays, etc.).

The word can also refer to the event at which analbumorsingleis first offered for sale in record stores. Also analbum launch,orsingle launch.[citation needed]

Musical performers oftenself-release(self-publish) their recordings without the involvement of an establishedrecord label.While some acts who enjoy local or small scale popularity have started their own labels in order to release their music through stores, others simply sell the music directly to customers, for example, making it available to those at their live concerts. With the growth of the Internet as a medium for publicizing and distributing music, many musical acts have sold their recordings over the Internet without a label. Unlike self-publishing a novel, which is usually done only when no other options exist, even well-established musicians will choose to self-release recordings. Music managers are increasingly getting involved in such releases and with the advent of artist management labels which have stepped in to save the situation.[clarification needed]In Kenya, for example, most record labels only handle production, thus leading to a situation where records are marketed less. This has prompted music companies likeGrosspool Musicto sign independent artists and manage their branding, releases, and marketing.[citation needed]

See also
