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B recognition element

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TheB recognition element(BRE) is aDNA sequencefound in thepromoter regionof most[clarification needed]genes ineukaryotesandArchaea.[1][2]The BRE is acis-regulatory elementthat is found immediately nearTATA box,and consists of 7nucleotides.There are two sets of BREs: one (BREu) found immediately upstream of the TATA box, with the consensus SSRCGCC; the other (BREd) found around 7 nucleotides downstream, with the consensus RTDKKKK.[a][3][4]

The BREu was discovered in 1998 byRichard Ebrightand co-workers.[1]The BREd was named in 2005 by Deng and Roberts;[5]such a downstream recognition was reported earlier in 2000 in Tsai and Sigler's crystal structure.[6]



Thetranscription factor II B(TFIIB) recognizes either BRE and binds to it. Both BREs work in conjunction with the TATA box (andTATA box binding protein), and have various effects on levels of transcription.[4]

TFIIB uses thecyclin-like repeats to recognize DNA. The C-terminalAlpha helicesof TFIIB intercalate with themajor grooveof the DNA at the BREu. The N-terminal helices bind to the minor groove at BREd. TFIIB is one part of thepreinitiation complexthat helpsRNA polymerase IIbind to the DNA.[6]

In addition to the human TFIIB-BRE structure, structures from many other organisms have been solved. Among those aretranscription factor B(TFB) from thearchaeonPyrococcus woeseiwhich presents an inverted orientation[7]and a TFIIB from the parasiteTrypanosoma bruceiwhich despite some specific insertions show a similar fold.[8]

See also



  1. ^Innucleic acid notationfor DNA, R (puRine) stands for A/G (adenineorguanine,which are bothpurines); S (Strong) stands for C/G (cytosineor guanine, which base-pair to form three hydrogen bonds); K (Keto) stands for G/T; D (not C) stands for A/T/G.


  1. ^abLagrange T, Kapanidis AN, Tang H, Reinberg D, Ebright RH (1998)."New core promoter element in RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription: sequence-specific DNA binding by transcription factor IIB".Genes & Development.12(1): 34–44.doi:10.1101/gad.12.1.34.PMC316406.PMID9420329.
  2. ^Littlefield O, Korkhin Y, Sigler PB (1999)."The structural basis for the oriented assembly of a TBP/TFB/promoter complex".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.96(24): 13668–13673.Bibcode:1999PNAS...9613668L.doi:10.1073/pnas.96.24.13668.PMC24122.PMID10570130.
  3. ^Wilson, David B."Drosophila Core Promoter Motifs".gander.wustl.edu.Retrieved2 April2019.
  4. ^abJuven-Gershon, T; Kadonaga, JT (15 March 2010)."Regulation of gene expression via the core promoter and the basal transcriptional machinery".Developmental Biology.339(2): 225–9.doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2009.08.009.PMC2830304.PMID19682982.
  5. ^Deng, W; Roberts, SG (15 October 2005)."A core promoter element downstream of the TATA box that is recognized by TFIIB".Genes & Development.19(20): 2418–23.doi:10.1101/gad.342405.PMC1257396.PMID16230532.
  6. ^abTsai, FT; Sigler, PB (4 January 2000)."Structural basis of preinitiation complex assembly on human pol II promoters".The EMBO Journal.19(1): 25–36.doi:10.1093/emboj/19.1.25.PMC1171774.PMID10619841.
  7. ^Kosa, PF; Ghosh, G; DeDecker, BS; Sigler, PB (10 June 1997)."The 2.1-A crystal structure of an archaeal preinitiation complex: TATA-box-binding protein/transcription factor (II)B core/TATA-box".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.94(12): 6042–7.doi:10.1073/pnas.94.12.6042.PMC20997.PMID9177165.
  8. ^Ibrahim, BS; Kanneganti, N; Rieckhof, GE; Das, A; Laurents, DV; Palenchar, JB; Bellofatto, V; Wah, DA (11 August 2009)."Structure of the C-terminal domain of transcription factor IIB from Trypanosoma brucei".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.106(32): 13242–7.Bibcode:2009PNAS..10613242I.doi:10.1073/pnas.0904309106.PMC2726365.PMID19666603.