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Bardas Skleros

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Bardas Skleros
Proclamation of Skleros as Emperor, miniature from theMadrid Skylitzes
Native name
Βάρδας Σκληρός
Other name(s)Sclerus
Died2 April 991
Battles/warsBattle of Arcadiopolis,Battle of Pankalia

Bardas Skleros(Greek:Βάρδας Σκληρός) orScleruswas aByzantinegeneral who led a wide-scale Asianrebellionagainst EmperorBasil IIduring the years 976 to 979.



Bardas belonged to the great family of theSkleroi,which owned enormous estates at the eastern outskirts ofAsia Minor.His mother Gregoria descended fromBasil I's brother Bardas. The greatest coup of his early career was a brilliant defense ofConstantinopleagainst the army ofSvyatoslav I of Kievin 970. During theBattle of Arcadiopolis,he reportedly managed to inflict as many as 20,000 casualties on the Rus, while the campaign claimed the lives of merely 25 Byzantine soldiers.

After he had shown himself equal to dealing with the fiercest enemies of Byzantium, Bardas became a trusted advisor toJohn I Tzimiskes,who was his brother-in-law and a fellowArmenian.Upon John's death, Skleros aspired to replace him as an acting emperor. The eunuchBasil Lekapenos,who actually led the imperial government, entertained other plans, however, deposing Bardas from his key post ofgeneral in the Eastin 976.

According toMichael Psellos,Skleros was "a man who was not only a competent planner, but extremely clever in carrying out his schemes, possessed of vast wealth (no mean asset in one who aimed at a throne), with the prestige of royal blood and of success in great wars, with all the military caste at his side to help on his enterprise."[1]


Clash between the armies of Skleros and Phokas, miniature from the Madrid Skylitzes

Upon hearing the news of his deposition, Skleros came to an agreement with localArmenian,Georgianand even Muslim rulers who all vowed to support his claims to the imperial crown. He successfully stirred up rebellion among his relatives and adherents in the Asian provinces, rapidly making himself master ofCaesarea,Antioch,and most of Asia Minor.

After severalnavycommanders defected to Skleros's side, he dashed toConstantinople,threatening to blockade theDardanelles.The rebel navy underMichael Kourtikiosraided the Aegean and attempted to blockade theHellespont,but were defeated by the Imperial Fleet under the command of Theodoros Karantenos.

Having lost supremacy at sea, Skleros at once laid siege to the town ofNicaea,which was considered a key to the capital. The town was fortified by a certainManuel Erotikos Komnenos,father of the future emperorIsaac Komnenosand progenitor of theKomnenoidynasty.

Meanwhile, Basil recalled from exileBardas Phokas the Younger,a general who had revolted in the previous reign and been interned in a monastery for seven years. Phokas proceeded toSebasteain the East, where his family demesnes were situated. He came to an understanding withDavid III KuropalatesofTao,who pledged 12,000 Georgian horsemen under the command ofTornikiosto Phokas' aid.

Skleros instantly left Nicaea for the East anddefeated Phokas in two battles, but the latter was victorious in a third.On March 24, 979, the two leaders clashed in single combat, with Skleros cutting the right ear of Phocas' horse with his lance before sustaining a grave wound to the head. The rumour of his death put his army to flight, but Skleros himself found shelter with his Muslim allies. Thereupon the rebellion was subdued without difficulty.

Later years


After the Asian potentates refused to support his further operations against Constantinople, Skleros and his family retreated toBaghdadin 980. They resided in honourable captivity at theAbbasid Caliph's court for six years, dreaming about the invasion ofByzantium.

In 987 Skleros was finally recalled to his homeland by Phokas, who took advantage of the Bulgarian wars to aim at the crown. Skleros promptly mustered an army to support Phokas's cause, but his plans of profiting from the attendant disorders were frustrated when Phokas had him committed to prison. Upon Phokas' death at the Battle of Abydos in 989, Skleros succeeded him as the leader of the rebellion: "The truth was, the men who had enrolled in Skleros's army were no longer divided in their loyalties: every one of them was a declared rebel. Their leader inspired them with his own resolute determination and bound them into one coherent body. By favours he won their loyalty, by his kindliness he earned their devotion. He reconciled their differences, ate at the same table as his men, drank from the same cup, called them by name, and by his flattery bound them to his allegiance" (Michael Psellos).

ProtovestiariosLeo trying to win over the army of Skleros.

The date of his surrender to the authorities is disputed, as are the circumstances. In 991 Skleros, a blinded and broken man, then residing in semi-captivity inThrace,was visited by EmperorBasil IIon his way toBulgaria.The famous rebel accepted the title ofcuropalatesand died several days later, presumably on April 2.



The bloodline of Bardas Skleros continued, however. A grandson, Basil Skleros, was married to a sister of EmperorRomanos III.One of Basil's nieces marriedConstantine Monomachos,who would become Emperor, while Basil's grandniece became mistress of Constantine. One of these women was the grandmother ofVladimir Monomakh.

See also



  1. ^Psellus, Michael (1966).Fourteen Byzantine Rulers: The Chronographia of Michael Psellus.New York: Penguin Classics. pp.400.ISBN978-0-14-044169-7.


  • Catherine Holmes:Basil II and the Governance of Empire, 976–1025.Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005,ISBN0-19-927968-3.