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Brinjevec(orBrinovec) is a strong alcoholic drink, produced in theKarstandBrkiniregions inSlovenia.It is re-distilled from ground and fermentedjuniper berriesonly and it differs from similar drinks that have different alcohol bases with added juniper flavor (compoundGin,SlovakBorovička,DutchJenever,Serbian Klekovača, etc.). It has a clear transparent color and it is meant for folk medicinal use and not for regular drinking. It contains between 40% and 50% alcohol and has a very distinctive tart taste[1][2]

Kraški brinjevecmeans 'Karst gin' or 'Karst juniper brandy'.



The wordbrinovecderives from the wordbrin'juniper' and it is made from juniper berries.

Kraški brinjevechas been made by local farmers in theKarstandBrkiniregions for centuries. It was first mentioned 200 years ago. It has always been appreciated by locals for its curative effects as a cure for many problems. Because it is fermented only fromjuniper berries(from 100 to 150 kilos of berries for 10 liters of spirit) and distilled and re-distilled in a specialcopperstill,it costs €30 or more per liter (2010) if buying from local farmers.[1]

Kraški brinjevecis mentioned in several books such asNational Geographic'sTaste SloveniabyJanez BogatajandLonely Planet'sSlovenia - History, Culture & Outdoorsas an exquisite traditional drink. It has also found its way into the brochure of Slovene souvenirs published by "Slovenia's Official Travel Guide".[3]

Brinjevecis sold in some bars and inns for drinking as well. However most cases suchbrinjevecis merely a cheap surrogate of traditional Karstbrinjevec.Usually made from plum brandy,tropinovec(pomace brandy), or even alcohol made of fermented potatoes with added juniper flavor. Some prefer it this way as taste is milder and it is more drinkable.[citation needed]

Geographical indication ofKraški brinjevec


The Slovenian parliament passed the Act on Rules Concerning the Designation of Geographical Origin ofKraški brinjevec(Karst Gin) on 30 June 2003.[4][5]On 15 January 2008 the European Parliament passed a regulation on the definition, description, presentation, labeling, and protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 1576/89. Under this regulation,brinjevecbecame a protected drink with geographical origin.[6]

The experts of theEuropean Commissionwere primarily interested in the natural process ofbrinjevecproduction which is produced without any additives. Because of the original production and the characteristics of thekraški brinjevec,the drink is a candidate for the classification as a specialty on the list of world-famous drinks.[1]

Kraški brinjevecis made ofjuniper berriesfrom the speciesJuniperus communis.Juniperus communisis a barbed evergreen shrub or low tree that grows in a drykarstterrain. It is a monosex plant and only female plants grow berries. Juniper berries ripen only every two or even three years, so the same bush often carries both mature and immature berries. Mature berries are fleshy, dark blue, have a refreshing fruity smell and a slightly sweet and bitter taste.

Berries are gathered in October and November with the help of a wooden stick and a specially shaped riddle. The work is difficult and time consuming. After that, the berries are cleaned, ground with a special grinder, dipped in water (3 to 4 times the quantity of berries) in a hermetically sealed container for 4 weeks at a temperature between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius.[1]

After the alcoholic fermentation of the mash ends, distillation happens in two steps in special copper stills. Copper is commonly used in the construction of high-quality stills due to its ability to absorb sulfur compounds in the distilled vapor. During the first distillation, an essential oil (brinjevo olje'juniper oil') is separated from the spirit. Half a liter of the oil is obtained from 100 kg of juniper berries. The second distillation is long and slow. The brandy gets its harmonious flavor only after six months of ripening.[4]

The shape and volume of bottles (200, 500, and 700 ml) is also prescribed.[1]

Medicinal use


Brinjevecis used as atraditional folk medicinefor many problems. It stimulates blood flow in the abdominal cavity and helps cure stomach ache, indigestion, gastritis and intestinal problems. It is also used as a digestive. In the past, women used it to soothe menstrual pain. They often anointed the lower abdomen with ethereal juniper oil (a side product after first distillation) followed by a sip ofbrinjevec.Some older people still callbrinjeveca women's drink because in the past the domestic pharmacy was under women's domain. Inhaling the steam from boiling water mixed with few drops ofbrinjevecrelieves the respiratory passages and alleviates respiratory problems of asthmatics.[1]

Essential oil is a side product of distillingbrinjevec.As mentioned, it was used to ease menstrual pain, stomach ache or cure digestion problems of children by anointing it around navel and lower abdomen. This oil was sold in the past to local pharmacies mostly inTrieste(Italy) and it is still very expensive (€160 or more per liter in 2010).[1]

Juniper oil is also used to add flavors to some gins.[2]

This oil is calledbrinjevo oljeinSlovene

Major brands


Most of the commercially producedbrinjevecis made from imported juniper berries from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and other Balkan countries. Somebrinjevecis only a flavored aged natural distillate even if sold asbrinjevec.These brandies do not bear the geographical indicationkraški brinjevec.[citation needed]

There are several registered distilleries around Slovenia distilling and sellingbrinjevecbut it can be bought in small quantities from local farmers as well who distill it for personal use.

Kraški Brinjevec



  1. ^abcdefghttp:// krasevka.si/ponudba/zganja/Archived2010-08-17 at theWayback MachineKrasevka (in Slovene).
  2. ^abhttp:// vecer.si/clanek2007122705279644[permanent dead link]Večer daily - Z geografsko oznako - iz uvoza 27. 12. 2007 (in Slovene)
  3. ^http:// slovenia.info/pictures%5Cpublication_language%5C2009%5CSouvenirs_205_pub.pdfArchived2015-09-10 at theWayback MachineSouvenirs of Slovenia at Slovenia.info - PDF
  4. ^abhttp:// uradni-list.si/1/objava.jsp?urlurid=20033321Uradni list RS - Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia
  5. ^"Pravilnik o označbi geografskega porekla Kraški brinjevec".Retrieved2016-12-15.
  6. ^http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2008:039:0016:0054:EN:PDFRegulation (EC) No 110/2008