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Brioni Meeting

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Brioni Meeting
Three leaders arriving at Brijuni.
Host countryYugoslavia
CitiesBrijuni Islands(PR Croatia)
ParticipantsGamal Abdel Nasser
(President of Egypt)
Jawaharlal Nehru
(Prime Minister of India)
Josip Broz Tito
(President of Yugoslavia)
Memorial stone plaque dedicated to Brijuni Declaration in the Brijuni Museums,Brijuni Islands.

TheBrioni Meeting(Serbo-Croatian:Brionski sastanak) betweenPresident of EgyptGamal Abdel Nasser,Prime Minister of IndiaJawaharlal Nehruand their hostPresident of YugoslaviaJosip Broz Titotook place on theBrijuni Islands,PR Croatia,FPR Yugoslaviaon 19 July 1956.[1]The conference was one of the major initiatives among countries unaffiliated to neitherEasternorWestern Blocon their road to the establishment of theNon-Aligned Movementat the1961 Belgrade Summit.[2][3]120 Yugoslav and foreign journalists followed the meeting.[4]

The three leaders signed a document known as theBrioni Declarationexpressing that:"Peace cannot be achieved via division, but via striving for collective security on the global scale. Achieved by the expansion of the area of freedom, as well as through the ending of domination of one country over another."[1][5]French mediacriticized Yugoslav hosts for giving prominent role to the issue ofliberation struggleinFrench Algeriayet British analysts noticed Nasser's insistence on the issue, Nehru's moderation efforts and Tito's decision not to meet with representatives of theAlgerian delegatesduring the conference.[6]


  1. ^abKrajcar, Dražem."Tito, Nehru i Naser na Brijunima dogovorili osnivanje Pokreta nesvrstanih – 1956".Povijest.hr.
  2. ^Predrag Aleksendrić (19 July 2020)."19. jula 1956. je održan istorijski sastanak na Brionima – Tito, Naser, Nehru"(in Serbian). Na Drugi Pogled.Retrieved18 May2023.
  3. ^Jovana Georgievski (1 September 2020).""Sve je počelo u Beogradu". Šta je danas sa Pokretom nesvrstanih "(in Serbian).BBC.Retrieved18 May2023.
  4. ^Radina Vučetić; Pol Bets; Radovan Cukić; Ana Sladojević (2017).Tito u Africi: slike solidarnosti(PDF).Museum of Yugoslavia.ISBN978-86-84811-45-7.
  5. ^Milan Pavlović (19 July 2020)."NA DANAŠNJI DAN Prije 64 godine na Brijunima su Tito, Nehru i Naser osnovali pokret nesvrstanih"(in Croatian).Glas Istre.Retrieved18 May2023.
  6. ^"British Documents on Brioni Meeting"(PDF).Bibliotheca Alexandrina.Retrieved18 May2023.

See also
